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You dont believe any of this do you? We all know the Sun is one of the worst tabloids out there and just one of many that make up lies and bullsh*t usually to destabilse our club as part of the media wide anti Saints agenda. I cant wait until the mirror runs the article, then we will know for definite that it really is all bulls*it.


You are correct but as it doesn't say anything like "Lambert was carried away with blood streaming from his face" or "Lambert and his family ran riot and threatened elderly couples out for a quiet drink" you can safely say there is nothing to it if that is the best they can do !

WTF... Fantastic reasoning for a mass brawl. :-/



You are correct but as it doesn't say anything like "Lambert was carried away with blood streaming from his face" or "Lambert and his family ran riot and threatened elderly couples out for a quiet drink" you can safely say there is nothing to it if that is the best they can do !


Who knows? It's all lies isn't it??

Was it definitely the Baddesley? I'm sure you're right mate, just for some reason thought the Bedes Lea.


Didnt he used to drink in the bedes, but moved on to the BA?

The 1st time I've ever wanted to believe something in that rag is true!!


Scary...that's almost word for word what I was going to post!


No great faith that it will be so though...and that's a dig at the comic not at the footballer!

You dont believe any of this do you? We all know the Sun is one of the worst tabloids out there and just one of many that make up lies and bullsh*t usually to destabilse our club as part of the media wide anti Saints agenda. I cant wait until the mirror runs the article, then we will know for definite that it really is all bulls*it.



A stark contrast to our last star striker that everyone wanted back a few months ago (who can't even get into the Sheffield United team)
You obviously are not talking about James Beattie, who is one of the nicest and most generous footballers I have ever had the pleasure of sharing a bevvie with.
WTF... Fantastic reasoning for a mass brawl. :-/


I'm really not surprised by this. The attitudes some southerners have towards Liverpudlians (and to a certain extent, northerners in general) is bloody disgusting. My missus, who genuinely is one of the nicest people you would ever meet (she would have to be to put up with me), was routinely treated as a potential thief whenever she opened her mouth in shops.


I'm not tarring everyone with the same brush, but it happens a lot more than it should.

Good ol Sun: "One customer said"...("Someone in the office thought up")


Nope, going from previous experience following an incident like this you would get 2 or 3 locals calling the newsdesk trying to get £100 or thereabouts and either RLs agent or a PR at saints giving his version. Plenty of quotes to choose from that would ALL be double checked in person or over the phone with a solid source (landlady, RL or both).


Sorry, keep believing the suns evil etc, I don't work there any more and have no reason to give them praise when not needed but don't like seeing people making stuff up to imply (ironically) the amazing journos there make stuff up.


Oh, and personally, being a proud sotonian that lives in a town/ village just outside the city boundries I always want the locals to win any tear up in a pub fight, especially against Scousers!

People really go to that much effort for £100? Blimey, I thought I was poor.


You'd be suprised! They always start expecting a grand, get told we don't pay for non exclusive stories and beg for £100! Petty cash considering the ad guys are selling pages for £40k at this time of the year...

Nope, going from previous experience following an incident like this you would get 2 or 3 locals calling the newsdesk trying to get £100 or thereabouts and either RLs agent or a PR at saints giving his version. Plenty of quotes to choose from that would ALL be double checked in person or over the phone with a solid source (landlady, RL or both).


Sorry, keep believing the suns evil etc, I don't work there any more and have no reason to give them praise when not needed but don't like seeing people making stuff up to imply (ironically) the amazing journos there make stuff up.


Oh, and personally, being a proud sotonian that lives in a town/ village just outside the city boundries I always want the locals to win any tear up in a pub fight, especially against Scousers!

That's exactly what happened with this, a local was calling round the papers with the story also claiming he had pics on his phone, which I guess turned out to be worthless.
Sorry, keep believing the suns evil etc, I don't work there any more and have no reason to give them praise when not needed but don't like seeing people making stuff up to imply (ironically) the amazing journos there make stuff up.

Quite right, why would the Sun make things up when they can easily hack into people's phones and answering machines and get accurate information?

That's exactly what happened with this, a local was calling round the papers with the story also claiming he had pics on his phone, which I guess turned out to be worthless.


Phone pics are 9 times out of 10 useless, only worth it for a massive story, not a silly season filler! But then again I'm sure they ignored his calls and made it up completely as it's the sun, full of lies etc etc ffs innit...

Quite right, why would the Sun make things up when they can easily hack into people's phones and answering machines and get accurate information?


Eh, no Sun journalist has ever hacked a phone (feel free to point me in the direction of any of the Leveson enq findings that prove otherwise). What's your point? Oh yeah, it's the sun so lies, make believe etc etc....

Eh, no Sun journalist has ever hacked a phone (feel free to point me in the direction of any of the Leveson enq findings that prove otherwise). What's your point? Oh yeah, it's the sun so lies, make believe etc etc....


If you believe the evidence given to Leveson, phone-hacking STARTED at the Sun and was then transferred to the NOTW.

Nope, going from previous experience following an incident like this you would get 2 or 3 locals calling the newsdesk trying to get £100 or thereabouts and either RLs agent or a PR at saints giving his version. Plenty of quotes to choose from that would ALL be double checked in person or over the phone with a solid source (landlady, RL or both).


Sorry, keep believing the suns evil etc, I don't work there any more and have no reason to give them praise when not needed but don't like seeing people making stuff up to imply (ironically) the amazing journos there make stuff up.


Oh, and personally, being a proud sotonian that lives in a town/ village just outside the city boundries I always want the locals to win any tear up in a pub fight, especially against Scousers!


I assume that the person supplying The Sun has the right to remain annoymous? Unfortuantely, with regards to how trustworthy The Sun's stories are, they've made some shocking mistakes in the past and it is a reputation that they will never shake off.

I assume that the person supplying The Sun has the right to remain annoymous? Unfortuantely, with regards to how trustworthy The Sun's stories are, they've made some shocking mistakes in the past and it is a reputation that they will never shake off.


No, no source is anonymous, they have to give full name and address (and bank details too sometimes) details and be prepared to meet in person. They have the right for their details to be kept anonymous but we obviously need to know who they are as every story is double or triple checked.


Mistakes happen, if a journo is unprofessional enough to not go through and correctly fact check their story they get sacked. There's nothing more a newspaper can do. The Sun's fact checking is actually more stringent than the Sunday Times.


Anyway, seems that thanks to mouthy locals the Sun was right again, no need to digress. Good news is Ricky didn't get involved and the only casualties were the Scousers!

Nope, going from previous experience following an incident like this you would get 2 or 3 locals calling the newsdesk trying to get £100 or thereabouts and either RLs agent or a PR at saints giving his version. Plenty of quotes to choose from that would ALL be double checked in person or over the phone with a solid source (landlady, RL or both).


Sorry, keep believing the suns evil etc, I don't work there any more and have no reason to give them praise when not needed but don't like seeing people making stuff up to imply (ironically) the amazing journos there make stuff up.


Oh, and personally, being a proud sotonian that lives in a town/ village just outside the city boundries I always want the locals to win any tear up in a pub fight, especially against Scousers!


So if Ricky had been injured that would be alright then? :rolleyes:

I assume that the person supplying The Sun has the right to remain annoymous? Unfortuantely, with regards to how trustworthy The Sun's stories are, they've made some shocking mistakes in the past and it is a reputation that they will never shake off.


The Sun remains (much to your out of touch left wing displeasure) the most popular paper. Despite it's occasional support of Labour (they like to back a winner) the paper has always been right wing for the simple reason that british people are in the main right wing. When it comes to trust I would say the Sun is spot on when it comes to the big issues such as the Euro.


Move along: 3 pages! Nothing to see here........................................................ apart from the You Tube footage of the Landlady flailing in the Christmas Tree: come on there must have been at least one iPhone on the premises!!




I have finally been able to get the full transcipt of the report from the tussle.


THE brother-in-law of Saints star Rickie Lambert was punched to the floor at a Hampshire pub where the striker was enjoying drinks with his family.

Police dispatched six cars and a dog van to reports of 45 people involved in a mass fight at The Baddesley Arms in North Baddesley at about 11pm.

The pub landlady told how she was sent flying into a Christmas tree when she tried to split up the fight.

The footballer, the Championship’s leading scorer, was not involved in the brawl and was led to safety by family and friends.

He had been out at The Baddesley Arms in North Baddesley celebrating his team’s Boxing Day win over Crystal Palace when troubled flared late in the evening.

Landlady Dee Fleming, 55, who was at the bar at the time, said the brawl started when a punter lashed out at the player’s brother-in-law at the bar.

She said: “He got decked to the floor with an uppercut. I came out to try to separate it and flew into the Christmas tree.”

A crowd stood round and watched the fight between the two, until a wayward punch hit a standee and all hell let lose.

A number of women, somewhere between ten and fifty were heard to say in unison, ‘Leave it out. He’s not worth it!!’ to no effect.

A man started playing a rag time tune on a stand up piano in the corner whilst the fight ensued.

A tall big-build scouse man was seen picking up men and banging them together. A chav came up and punched him, but the scouser just smiled and threw the chav across the bar, with drinks being knocked all over the place.

A short oriental gentleman in the white suit stood in the corner with his hand behind his back observing the events.

When men were fighting near the bar, barmaids were seen popping up from behind the bar and hitting the men over the head with bottles.

Mrs Fleming noticed that a tall chav was stood at the bar, holding back a short scouser with his hand on the short scousers forehead, whilst the Lilliputian Liverpudlian was swinging his fists wildly. The chav just stood drinking his pint and smiling.

Mrs Fleming, who had taken on the Scottish and Newcastle pub with her partner three months ago, added: “It was this other guy that landed that one punch and everybody came running down to see what was happening. There was one punch after another. It was frightening.

Then the fight spilled over onto a table where four Texan gentlemen were playing poker. When the table went over it was noticed that one of the Texans had aces up his sleeves and this involved them in the fracas.

A portly gentleman then swung from the chandelier and landed on the group of about twenty, flattening them to the floor.

Mrs Fleming then noticed that short oriental gentleman in the white suit was still stood in the corner with his hand behind his back observing the events.

Back at the bar, a Scouser was fighting off chavs by spraying them in the face with a soda siphon, until a chav picked up a bin and put it over his head and pushed him into the wall.

The short oriental gentleman in the white suit stood finally made his move. Mrs Fleming said he first performed the Tiger NeDan Kata, and then flew into full swing. He took out two with a flying roundhouse, then knocked three through the window with an aerial sideswipe and was then seen to remove another 11 with a mixture of capoeira kick, flying quad kick, Hong Kong twist punch before being thrown through the window himself by an old lady using a mixture of Sheringi Kempo and Tai Kwon Do.

It wasn’t until Lee Barnard turned up on his Harley Davidson, in his leather jacket, that the chav’s were heard to say, ‘Lamberts' got back up,’ and they went into the car park.

Mrs Fleming said, “I phoned 999 to get the police. I got them all out. It all ended up down the bottom of the car park.” The police finally arrived in seven vans, with 12 cops hanging from the doors and roof, with another 40 running after it after falling off at various stages. A police dog van also arrived, driven by an Alsatian in a uniform, with a Golden Retriever in the passenger seat holding a baton in his mouth with a Chihuahua on the roof going ‘whoo, whoo’. A man was apprehended at the scene, but unfortunately, when the 2 officers made the arrest, they had accidently handcuffed themselves together, and the key had accidently been swallowed, so the assailant got away.

When asked why the dogs couldn’t have detained the assailant, a police spokesman said, ‘The assailant was a crafty one. We sent the dogs after him, but because the assailant didn’t jump through the ring of fire, then scramble over the ramp, and didn’t go through the posts in a slalom manner and finally didn’t go through the hooped tunnel, the dogs were unable to catch him.’

Police are on the look out for an average height man, with a toothbrush moustache, dressed like a tramp in baggy pants, big shoes, and a derby hat and walking whilst twirling a cane.

Mack Sennett was unfortunately unable to comment last night, having died in 1960

I'm really not surprised by this. The attitudes some southerners have towards Liverpudlians (and to a certain extent, northerners in general) is bloody disgusting. My missus, who genuinely is one of the nicest people you would ever meet (she would have to be to put up with me), was routinely treated as a potential thief whenever she opened her mouth in shops.


I'm not tarring everyone with the same brush, but it happens a lot more than it should.


Yes but this is a problem with society in general, you have a group of kids in one shop and they are all going to be stealing. Also the attitude of people changes on the sight of. Black person in the street late at night.


There is also more tension which has been built up in the media between Southampton and Liverpool when it comes to the docks, and cruise ships. I have heard the stories on local and national news and local news, and well as in the papers. So Southampton again are very worries about losing trade to Liverpool and the effect this will have for Southampton, which will be massive.


Thank god I only love the football club and just come down for games then back to my safe Hertfordshire home!!!!


There is alot more to this story than meets the eye. I'm not going to jeapodise Rickie's integrity by saying anymore.


What I will say is Rickie's a legend. Never thought I'd say this, but up the scousers!

I have finally been able to get the full transcipt of the report from the tussle.


THE brother-in-law of Saints star Rickie Lambert was punched to the floor at a Hampshire pub where the striker was enjoying drinks with his family.

Police dispatched six cars and a dog van to reports of 45 people involved in a mass fight at The Baddesley Arms in North Baddesley at about 11pm.

The pub landlady told how she was sent flying into a Christmas tree when she tried to split up the fight.

The footballer, the Championship’s leading scorer, was not involved in the brawl and was led to safety by family and friends.

He had been out at The Baddesley Arms in North Baddesley celebrating his team’s Boxing Day win over Crystal Palace when troubled flared late in the evening.

Landlady Dee Fleming, 55, who was at the bar at the time, said the brawl started when a punter lashed out at the player’s brother-in-law at the bar.

She said: “He got decked to the floor with an uppercut. I came out to try to separate it and flew into the Christmas tree.”

A crowd stood round and watched the fight between the two, until a wayward punch hit a standee and all hell let lose.

A number of women, somewhere between ten and fifty were heard to say in unison, ‘Leave it out. He’s not worth it!!’ to no effect.

A man started playing a rag time tune on a stand up piano in the corner whilst the fight ensued.

A tall big-build scouse man was seen picking up men and banging them together. A chav came up and punched him, but the scouser just smiled and threw the chav across the bar, with drinks being knocked all over the place.

A short oriental gentleman in the white suit stood in the corner with his hand behind his back observing the events.

When men were fighting near the bar, barmaids were seen popping up from behind the bar and hitting the men over the head with bottles.

Mrs Fleming noticed that a tall chav was stood at the bar, holding back a short scouser with his hand on the short scousers forehead, whilst the Lilliputian Liverpudlian was swinging his fists wildly. The chav just stood drinking his pint and smiling.

Mrs Fleming, who had taken on the Scottish and Newcastle pub with her partner three months ago, added: “It was this other guy that landed that one punch and everybody came running down to see what was happening. There was one punch after another. It was frightening.

Then the fight spilled over onto a table where four Texan gentlemen were playing poker. When the table went over it was noticed that one of the Texans had aces up his sleeves and this involved them in the fracas.

A portly gentleman then swung from the chandelier and landed on the group of about twenty, flattening them to the floor.

Mrs Fleming then noticed that short oriental gentleman in the white suit was still stood in the corner with his hand behind his back observing the events.

Back at the bar, a Scouser was fighting off chavs by spraying them in the face with a soda siphon, until a chav picked up a bin and put it over his head and pushed him into the wall.

The short oriental gentleman in the white suit stood finally made his move. Mrs Fleming said he first performed the Tiger NeDan Kata, and then flew into full swing. He took out two with a flying roundhouse, then knocked three through the window with an aerial sideswipe and was then seen to remove another 11 with a mixture of capoeira kick, flying quad kick, Hong Kong twist punch before being thrown through the window himself by an old lady using a mixture of Sheringi Kempo and Tai Kwon Do.

It wasn’t until Lee Barnard turned up on his Harley Davidson, in his leather jacket, that the chav’s were heard to say, ‘Lamberts' got back up,’ and they went into the car park.

Mrs Fleming said, “I phoned 999 to get the police. I got them all out. It all ended up down the bottom of the car park.” The police finally arrived in seven vans, with 12 cops hanging from the doors and roof, with another 40 running after it after falling off at various stages. A police dog van also arrived, driven by an Alsatian in a uniform, with a Golden Retriever in the passenger seat holding a baton in his mouth with a Chihuahua on the roof going ‘whoo, whoo’. A man was apprehended at the scene, but unfortunately, when the 2 officers made the arrest, they had accidently handcuffed themselves together, and the key had accidently been swallowed, so the assailant got away.

When asked why the dogs couldn’t have detained the assailant, a police spokesman said, ‘The assailant was a crafty one. We sent the dogs after him, but because the assailant didn’t jump through the ring of fire, then scramble over the ramp, and didn’t go through the posts in a slalom manner and finally didn’t go through the hooped tunnel, the dogs were unable to catch him.’

Police are on the look out for an average height man, with a toothbrush moustache, dressed like a tramp in baggy pants, big shoes, and a derby hat and walking whilst twirling a cane.

Mack Sennett was unfortunately unable to comment last night, having died in 1960



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