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I haven't changed the bed linen now for over three months and, to be honest, they are starting to ming a tad. Think I might pop them in the wash tomorrow so they are nice and fresh for Christmas.


How often do you change them? And are you single or not? My hypothesis is that single blokes change the sheets less often than bints who prefer a nice clean nest.

But you still need to wash them before they are fitted.....


No they go straight on the bed. I think in the olden days they used to tell you to wash them, but I do not think they do anymore? They may advise it.

But you still need to wash them before they are fitted.....


exactly, otherwise they itch like fek!


But I must admit that back in 2005 my then house mate and I decided to have a deep-clean of the kitchen. So we got going and soon came to the microwave. It was utterly minging. Fek that, thought we. It ended up in the skip two doors down and we bought a new one. Every few months we did the same until the cheap-as-chips microwaves from Comet dramatically rose in price from £19.99 to over £40. Then we went back to cleaning it after each use.


I guess the rate at which the sheets approach the 'ming horizon' depends upon whether or not one wears PJs in bed or slumber in the buff. I used to sleep in the nude, but the onset of a very scratchy crack meant skid marks on the duvet cover. Even I thought that was a regression too far away from civility so the jim-jams came back.


I get my maid to do it every week.


Oh and I make sure she irons them first.


And none of that Polyester & cotton sh1t either, have to be pure Egyptian Cotton.


(But then Turkish knew that 8) )


Anyone else old enough to remember when your Mum came back & replaced your sheets with new ones from.....


Wait for it......



Brentford Nylons?


I vaguely remember Brentford Nylon sheets but I remember even more something my mother used to do when the sheets wore a bit thin in the middle. She'd cut down the middle and then sew the two outside edges together to form a 'new middle'.


Surely a factor in this has to be when you shower. I shower in the evenings, so I'd imagine my sheets are cleaner for not having BO from my day to day adventures wiped all over them. I try to cange them every week but can never be arsed, so it often ends up being every 2 or 3 weeks.

bi monthly


This is not a thread about your magazine subscriptions


Back to the topic - if it wasn't for the missus it would be a few months in between changes which is really minty now I think about it

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