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How much do you spend on a hair cut, and how often?


My barber just put his price up (for a basic cut, no wash) from £10 to £12. I'm beginning to think I should look elsewhere. I can remember when one could get a hair cut for a fiver. How times change.

  Thorpe-le-Saint said:
£25 including tip...then again, I'm a tart.


do you have one of them parrot type haircuts like Beattie used to have?

  DG said:


did you give them a tenner? or did you collect the change? If they mess up the burns they don't get paid at all from me


A horrific amount, it's probably the most shocking price difference between Norway and Britain and yes, I include the beer in that. A 15 pound haircut IS possible here, but they are those dodgy back street places with faded, sun bleached pictures of men with 70s haircuts in the window. They will listen to what you want, then give you the same haircut they give everyone. If you go anywhere half decent you will pay between 30 and 40 quid in Norway.

  norwaysaint said:
A horrific amount, it's probably the most shocking price difference between Norway and Britain and yes, I include the beer in that. A 15 pound haircut IS possible here, but they are those dodgy back street places with faded, sun bleached pictures of men with 70s haircuts in the window. They will listen to what you want, then give you the same haircut they give everyone. If you go anywhere half decent you will pay between 30 and 40 quid in Norway.


Wow, that's a lot! I hope you get a decent haircut for that. Any particular reason for the price?

  Colinjb said:
£9, straight in, straight out, no awkward bullsh*t chit-chat.


I'm not surprised if your head is in Coventry, and the rest of you is in Hereford/St Mary's

  dubai_phil said:
40 Dirhams. (About 7 quid)

Could spend 30 if I drove 500 metres up the road.


Do you get a head slap with that?


My last professional hair cut was 2/6d...

  rpb said:
Do you get a head slap with that?


My last professional hair cut was 2/6d...


IF you ask they have these vibrator things that must have been built in the 50's that they strap on their hands and give you a scalp massage. It was fine until I hit late 40's and then all my fillings started to fall out when they did it.


Worse I have never been able to find one in a shop for the GF

  latter day saint said:
that surprises me after reading the Alan Hansen thread ! :lol:

i do it myself, grade 1 all over. only costs me a new set of clippers every few years.


Why does it surprise?! Na, I just think it is so awkward... but hey, each to their own!

  Saintandy666 said:
Why does it surprise?! Na, I just think it is so awkward... but hey, each to their own!

Captive audience ;)

i never liked the small talk either.also hated waiting around,usually with people rustling papers in your face & farting

  latter day saint said:
Captive audience ;)

i never liked the small talk either.also hated waiting around,usually with people rustling papers in your face & farting


Ahaha, here is where I spout my **** :p


Doesn't come around too often for me. I get it cut short every few years, and grow it the rest of the time, despite many non-legally binding commitments to my missus not to do so. She is a wily one, though - I believe she is beginning to see through my plans.


Eventually, she gets her best mate around to shear me, and it happens for free.

  dubai_phil said:
IF you ask they have these vibrator things that must have been built in the 50's that they strap on their hands and give you a scalp massage. It was fine until I hit late 40's and then all my fillings started to fall out when they did it.


Worse I have never been able to find one in a shop for the GF


Whilst in Dubai, I was asked if I wanted to go for an Indian head slap and haircut, I am now pleased that I refused the offer.

  Weston Super Saint said:
I replace my hair clippers roughly every two years.


So, on average about £12.50 a year, or roughly £1 per month for me :)


Nothing worse then cheap clippers. My hair is horribly thick so it can clog a cheaper set. Let me tell you when that happens it F**KING HURTS!!!!


6 quid for a sraight haircut, always give the guy a tenner - he always gives me a fiver change. Every other cut I tell him to keep the change. Real complicated over here in NI.


I am as bald as a badgers arse but it still needs cutting round the sides. I pay about £7 for a grade 1 every 4 weeks. My missus used to do it, but I sacked her after she f*cked it up and took a rather unfortunate divot out of it.


A kid that red and white stripe door barbers in ports wood like the plague. Owners a Pompey fan.


Flat top every time. I've twice modelled my flat tops for barbers websites, go me. Use b n w wax btw.

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