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Sat watching "Breakfast" and they go over to "click"....... arghhhhhh. I'm not ****ing interested in hearing about apps and androids and tabs. FFS.:x


I did switch over and the little deaf man was doing sign language and pulling spaggy faces and that ****ed me off even more.


A slow start to the thread... But I'm willing to have a go at motorists - Anyone care to add to the list? There are many more I'm sure...


1. People who don't use the left lane on the motorway.

2. People who can't judge the width of their car, wait for you to drive through a 'narrow' area and then expect a thank you.

3. People who rag it on the motorway/dual carriageway and then more or less stop on country roads (happens a lot in Devon).

4. People who drive down the middle of country lanes and prevent (what would be) safe overtaking.

5. People who can't anticipate other road users, particularly when overtaking on the motorway.

6. HGV drivers who decide to overtake on a hill.

7. People who can't park.

8. People who tailgate when you're in a queue of cars.

9. People who give way to you when they shouldn't, even though there is a clear road behind their car (perhaps being a little bit fussy with this one, I accept)


Feel free to critique me, but I've not had an accident yet and have been driving for years, nor have I caused any. I'm a pretty safe driver who doesn't break the speed limit more than the average either.


When I am down the local in my replica shirt (Yes, yes, I know... but that's not what this is about...) only for randoms to come up and say something along the lines of:


"Ha'way mate! Sh*te result for you boys today!!!!"

"Excuse me?"

"Sunderland fan, right?"

A slow start to the thread... But I'm willing to have a go at motorists - Anyone care to add to the list? There are many more I'm sure...


1. People who don't use the left lane on the motorway.

2. People who can't judge the width of their car, wait for you to drive through a 'narrow' area and then expect a thank you.

3. People who rag it on the motorway/dual carriageway and then more or less stop on country roads (happens a lot in Devon).

4. People who drive down the middle of country lanes and prevent (what would be) safe overtaking.

5. People who can't anticipate other road users, particularly when overtaking on the motorway.

6. HGV drivers who decide to overtake on a hill.

7. People who can't park.

8. People who tailgate when you're in a queue of cars.

9. People who give way to you when they shouldn't, even though there is a clear road behind their car (perhaps being a little bit fussy with this one, I accept)


Feel free to critique me, but I've not had an accident yet and have been driving for years, nor have I caused any. I'm a pretty safe driver who doesn't break the speed limit more than the average either.


All of these plus people who drive with fogs on when it's not foggy.


I, too, have never had an accident or caused one - go me :)


*****s that keep tapping their brakes as they are crawling along in the middle lane with feck all in front of them

*****s at woodmill that are the 4th or 5th car that jam it up. 3 cars at a time and it runs smoothly FFS

*****s that don't indicate left, as you're waiting to go straight on up Bullar Road, by the station pub


Now I think of it, loads:


Knives not being put back in the knife block in the correct order

Milk bottles being used up and not being washed through and put out for the milkman

The milkman delivering me a 2 pint plastic thing of milk because 'unexpected lack of stock' didn't realise cows were part of the 'public sector'

National Lampoons not being shown this xmas


Plenty more!!!

I did switch over and the little deaf man was doing sign language and pulling spaggy faces and that ****ed me off even more.

I once watched music vids on ITV about 4am at work and the sign language woman was doing her thing whilst dancing and pulling faces with the music


was quite funny


I called in at a rip-off antiques shop to see if they'd got any nice candle sticks (which they hadn't) so the bloke then started telling me where I should go. Despite me saying I was local so knew where his suggestions were he carried on talking. Basically talking sh/t. I couldn't be rude and tell him to shut the f/ck up and let me go.


Franks Cousin's post have the same effect on me.

I called in at a rip-off antiques shop to see if they'd got any nice candle sticks (which they hadn't) so the bloke then started telling me where I should go. Despite me saying I was local so knew where his suggestions were he carried on talking. Basically talking sh/t. I couldn't be rude and tell him to shut the f/ck up and let me go.


Franks Cousin's post have the same effect on me.



We wall know where you should go - yours posts dont irritate me, they provide good value comedy entertainment - for anyone suffering maybe from a lack of self esteem, they just need to read one of your 'comedy putdowns' , see what an utter complete cock you are and they will feel much better about themselves - seriously your lack of self awareness has such great comedy value ;-)


A TV programme that assumes I have any interest in the following:


Dancing of any kind.

So called Celebrity's I've either never heard of, or have forgotten entirely

Celebrity's I have heard of, but relocated to a jungle for some obscure reason

The opinions of Jamie Oliver

The appearance of Jamie Oliver

The existence of Jamie Oliver


That is all.

We wall know where you should go - yours posts dont irritate me' date=' they provide good value comedy entertainment - for anyone suffering maybe from a lack of self esteem, they just need to read one of your 'comedy putdowns' , see what an utter complete cock you are and they will feel much better about themselves - seriously your lack of self awareness has such great comedy value ;-)[/quote']



*****s at woodmill that are the 4th or 5th car that jam it up. 3 cars at a time and it runs smoothly FFS




*****s that don't indicate left, as you're waiting to go straight on up Bullar Road, by the station pub


Not so much this, you can normally tell which way they are going.


I expect that I annoy people at supermarket checkouts.


I always arrange my purchases so that the heaviest items are first of the the belt and stuff like bread is last. However they always fire the items past the scanner (far too quickly) and this jumbles things up and i'm not a quick packer anyway. I don't give a f/ck and just plod along with my organised packing anyway whilst the till operator twiddles her thumb and everyone else in the queue looks annoyed.

Guest Dark Sotonic Mills

People using the self-scan aisles at supermarkets. If you can't work it out then bugger off to a till with a human being with an IQ greater than 50.


Idiots that walk out of shops onto the pavement without looking thus expecting the flow of pedestrians to swerve out of their way.


I simply clatter into them as hard as I can.


when you are in a hurry in the supermarket and you are stuck behind the world slowest person who is pushing their trolley and what makes it worse is if they stop in the middle of the isle..


I feel the rage and the urge to punch them in the bak of the head


Computer generated cold calls...pick up the phone...silence for 20 seconds...then some knob at the other end gets miffed when I then take 20 seconds to answer their first question.


People joining motorways that don't realise that they don't have right of way if the inside lane can't move out safely to let them in.


You have to give way to the traffic on the motorway not the other way around FFS.


Being asked by the guard on the train to check my ticket 5 minutes after I've just put it through a machine to gain access to said train in the first place. You don't need to check it again FFS.

I expect that I annoy people at supermarket checkouts.


I always arrange my purchases so that the heaviest items are first of the the belt and stuff like bread is last. However they always fire the items past the scanner (far too quickly) and this jumbles things up and i'm not a quick packer anyway. I don't give a f/ck and just plod along with my organised packing anyway whilst the till operator twiddles her thumb and everyone else in the queue looks annoyed.


im beggining to like you


People that wear shorts when it's snowing.


People that pull out in front of you. Dont have a problem with that as itself, its when they then proceed along the road at 10mph. Pull out in front of me, fine. But put ya feckin foot down!


Some of the things you lot have mentioned could be explained quite easily, so you know why they happen.


Some I agree with entirely... but then again if you let stuff get to you too much, you'll just end up a bitter and miserable sod, and then you would start appearing on this list yourself. ;)


Wives givingyou a christmas card really early, knowing full well that you are not organised enough to have bought her one yet and then getting huffy that you cannot magic one out of thin air.

Posted (edited)

Santa Claus nicking my table at Kutis on Friday so I got shoved up with the parties upstairs - B4stard


He had a really cute elf with him - dirty git

Edited by CB Saint

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