warsash saint Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Posting from twitter; I don't remember Gary Speed wearing a snood, refusing to play or rolling around on the ground shrieking and feigning injury.I do, however, remember an ever-reliable, dynamic box-to-box midfielder who gave his all and who led his teams week in, week out by example.Humble about his own considerable talent and gracious in both defeat and victory. If only there were more footballers like him. RIP.
saintscottofthenortham Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 I told my brother and he said "Did he commit suicide?" I said "Don't be silly, must have been an accident." Cannot believe it. Shocking, shocking news.
Turkish Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Shocking. A great player and a decent bloke by all accounts. I remember him Scoring two crackers against us when Leeds won 4-0 in a game at the Dell, early 90s and he was one of my favourite players from that era. RIP.
the saint in winchester Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Just popped to get petrol and heard them talking about "Shay Given wiping tears from his eyes after the news about Gary Speed." Just dashed home and gone online. Suicide? Why? Oh boy, he had so much to live for - family, success .... I guess I'm not a mental health counsellor and we await an explanation ... if there can be one.
bridge too far Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 A very insightful (and prescient, as it turns out) article in the Guardian last Friday http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/blog/2011/nov/25/the-secret-footballer
Nexstar Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Terrible news and shocking to see people calling him a coward. It's not as though he or his family seemed to have anything to escape from. RIP Gary Speed
half time pie Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Just got in and heard the news.. Such a tragic end for a genuine gentleman of football.. Condolences to the family
solentstars Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 r.i.p tragic news condolences to his family and friends and everyone who knew him.
Barry the Badger Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Is it just me, or is it a little odd for the BBC to put this on their website? http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/15911088.stm RIP Gary Speed, such a quality player.
sotonjoe Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Is it just me, or is it a little odd for the BBC to put this on their website? http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/15911088.stm RIP Gary Speed, such a quality player. yep, bloody odd! Odd that the interviewer kept going and going. The BBC is into rubbernecking now almost as much as Sky News etc
jam Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Is it just me, or is it a little odd for the BBC to put this on their website? http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/15911088.stm RIP Gary Speed, such a quality player. Not just you. I don't think they should have put Savage in that position. He's an emotional guy and whoever set it up surely should have known that he would have been in bits. RIP Gary Speed and condolences to his friends and family.
bridge too far Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 yep, bloody odd! Odd that the interviewer kept going and going. The BBC is into rubbernecking now almost as much as Sky News etc I think that's a little unfair. Sure, Savage got stuck for words briefly and then recovered. Then, when the interviewer asked him another question, Savage just couldn't answer because he was so obviously upset. At that point the interviewer ended the interview and I thought did so quite sensitively. Quite something to see a hard guy like Savage so upset - it moved me to tears.
Crazy Diamond Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 The closest I can come to a description of this is that it's absolutely tragic, and that's an understatement. It really is awful. The Telegraph's cartoonist has drawn this up for the rag next week: RIP Gary Speed
Special K Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Really shocking news. I know you only see the media portrayal, but he seemed such a down to earth, likeable, talented guy, with everything going for him. Excellent player and a really good pro. RIP
buctootim Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Is it just me, or is it a little odd for the BBC to put this on their website? http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/15911088.stm Pretty insensitive imo. 10 years ago the BBC would have cut the clip at the point Savage got upset. Now they think its just a ratings winner.
SuperMikey Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Completely shocked by this, he seemed like a great bloke and his death has obviously affected a large number of people judging by the outpour from footballers and people involved in the sport. Grew up watching him play for Newcastle, always thought he was one of the best midfielders playing in the Prem at that time. Also remember him from his Bolton days, and even though he was getting on a bit he still bossed it every week for them. RIP Gary
Micky Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Absolutely awful news. He was on Football Focus this week with his mate Gary Mac - looked and seemed in great form. Had the pleasure of meeting both of them a couple of times during their Leeds playing days - both great guys. Stunned and shocked by this, condolences to Garys family. RIP.
scotty Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Agree with everything said here. He always came across as a thoroughly decent and well balanced bloke. I hope the media dont start digging into the reasons behind it: leave his family and friends to grieve without a media circus.
Micky Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Absolutely awful news. He was on Football Focus this week with his mate Gary Mac - looked and seemed in great form. Had the pleasure of meeting both of them a couple of times during their Leeds playing days - both great guys. Stunned and shocked by this, condolences to Garys family. RIP.
solentstars Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 I think that's a little unfair. Sure, Savage got stuck for words briefly and then recovered. Then, when the interviewer asked him another question, Savage just couldn't answer because he was so obviously upset. At that point the interviewer ended the interview and I thought did so quite sensitively. Quite something to see a hard guy like Savage so upset - it moved me to tears.agree it gave me more repect for him has a person to see a human side to him unlike the stiff upper lip of the past guys put on when devastated.
Thorpe-le-Saint Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 After reading 'A life too short' (a book documenting the life of Robert Enke the German international goalkeeper who comitted suicide) it makes you wonder if football is doing enough (if anything at all) to help players/managers etc who suffer from this terrible illness.
Stepgar Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 What could be so bad that it would drive him to suicide?
Chin Strain Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 I think that's a little unfair. Sure, Savage got stuck for words briefly and then recovered. Then, when the interviewer asked him another question, Savage just couldn't answer because he was so obviously upset. At that point the interviewer ended the interview and I thought did so quite sensitively. Quite something to see a hard guy like Savage so upset - it moved me to tears. This. Not odd at all. The interviewer ended at an appropriate point.
Andy Durman Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 We'll find out in the weeks to come, but this is such a tragedy. I just don't understand:-(
Suhari Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Quality player, and seemed to have an everlasting playing career! Doing a decent job as manager too. RIP.
Turkish Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 I think that's a little unfair. Sure, Savage got stuck for words briefly and then recovered. Then, when the interviewer asked him another question, Savage just couldn't answer because he was so obviously upset. At that point the interviewer ended the interview and I thought did so quite sensitively. Quite something to see a hard guy like Savage so upset - it moved me to tears. For once i actually agree with you. Savage is his mate and like you say was quite moving to see a character like Robbie Savage so upset. Thought the presenter handled it very well.
Dalek2003 Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Yes, tragic news. Looked in great form on football focus. Appearances can be deceptive and could have been bottling up a lot of issues.
Capel Saint Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Can't believe it, truely shocked. RIP Gary.
scotty Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Already been in the Lounge for a while, similar sentiments expressed. http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/showthread.php?34063-Gary-Speed-had-died And general sports, for that matter. http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/showthread.php?34062-Gary-Speed-has-Died Maybe merge the threads, mods?
Jillyanne Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 RIP Gary, I appreciate losing someone is losing someone but as I have been personally affected by suicide in this exact way, I know it's absolutely heartbreaking and shocking, thoughts are with the family.
Foxstone Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Absolute Tragedy! RIP Gary - Great player !
St_Tel49 Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 What could be so bad that it would drive him to suicide? There is no logic in depression.
Hatch Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 It is very very sad, always came across as a top fella on TV and was also a top class player. And the fact he was found hanging doesn't mean he was depressed and suicidal. ref Michael Hutchence.
solentstars Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Who knows. No point trying to rationalise it though, his state of mind was clearly very different and something did drive him that far. Easy to say nothing is ever that bad from the outside, and while true, it clearly doesn't feel that way to the person involved. RIP. I agree depression is what most people think you just snap out of and Gary speeds death shows its not has easy as that.I think stan collymore wrote a interesting piece about his problems and battles with depression . Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
coxy Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Absolutely shocked by the news of the death of Gary Speed,cannot believe it after watching him on football focus yesterday.A great player and man who was rightfully respected by his fellow pros and by fans from all clubs.My condolences to his family,especially his two young sons and his friends.RIP GARY .
Jonnyboy Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 It is very very sad, always came across as a top fella on TV and was also a top class player. And the fact he was found hanging doesn't mean he was depressed and suicidal. ref Michael Hutchence. lets not speculate eh?
dune Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Awful for his family. I cannot imagine what he was thinking of.
aintforever Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Shocking news, thoughts go to his family and friends.
corsacar saint Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Gary Speed was one of the rarest breed of footballers, the ultimate proffessional on and off the pitch. Very,Very sad. R.I.P .
Dimond Geezer Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Shocked. A good player in his day. Must have had some serious problem to take his own life. My condolences to his family & friends. Rip
dinger Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 I think that's a little unfair. Sure, Savage got stuck for words briefly and then recovered. Then, when the interviewer asked him another question, Savage just couldn't answer because he was so obviously upset. At that point the interviewer ended the interview and I thought did so quite sensitively. And then put it up as a news story entitled, 'Robbie Savage sheds tears for Gary Speed'
Kaiser Soze Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Heard some terrible rumours why he did it but as they're not substantiated would be wrong to speculate on here. Sure everything will come out in the wash within a few weeks. R.I.P. Can't help but think suicide is a selfish and easy way out though, especially leaving a wife and two young kids behind.
shurlock Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 There aren't many cases, so I don't think football especially needs that focus, but in general not enough is done. Too often people feel they need to keep everything bottled up, or they even repress it from themselves. I doubt it helps in any industry where you need to be more macho, but adding the public eye etc into it and there must be huge pressure to keep it together. It doesn't help when people dismiss depression and other mental illness. I know there'll be some who try and take advantage by claiming depression to get time off work etc., but that's the same for every illness, it's just people who take advantage by nature. It makes people suspicious which sadly makes it more difficult to talk openly for the real sufferers. With a bit less cynicism maybe more would talk about it, and that's the only answer really. So many people seem to think depression can't really strike someone rich, famous or whatever. It's completely irrelevant, it can strike anyone. Well, I say anyone but it tends to be those with a certain amount of introspection and intelligence in the first place. It's all very well saying suicide isn't an option, it hurts families etc., isn't fair., but that's a rational onlooker describing someone going through something they don't comprehend, and rational thoughts go out the window. Suicide rates are very high, especially amongst young people and it needs more attention. Whatever the reason and turmoil that brought it about, he'll be remembered as one of the few footballers to be liked and respected by nearly all groups of supporters. A committed but fair player with a lot of talent. Shame there aren't more players like him about today. RIP again. Disagree- professional sport is one of the only pursuits where you hit your professional peak so early in your life and you will never find the same meaning or buzz again after things end. Lots of cases of players going off the rail following retirement.
Jillyanne Posted 27 November, 2011 Posted 27 November, 2011 Heard some terrible rumours why he did it but as they're not substantiated would be wrong to speculate on here. Sure everything will come out in the wash within a few weeks. R.I.P. Can't help but think suicide is a selfish and easy way out though, especially leaving a wife and two young kids behind. You clearly have never been personally affected then, not being horrible, I had exactly the same attitude as you until my best friend of over 20 years hung himself from a tree in Fleming Park. I now think it takes a sh*t load of courage to take your own life, especially in this way. Wrong I may be but I think GP's must take some element of blame - 'Happy Pills' don't always work!
Saint137 Posted 28 November, 2011 Posted 28 November, 2011 RIP, one of those players I wished was English.
hamster Posted 28 November, 2011 Posted 28 November, 2011 Anyone else wonder why depression is so stigmatised?
Deano6 Posted 28 November, 2011 Posted 28 November, 2011 Has anyone actually said it was depression though? I know it's obviously a likely candidate but I've only seen that on web forums like this one. Those saying not to speculate are being quick to draw this conclusion.
JustMike Posted 28 November, 2011 Posted 28 November, 2011 RIP Gary Speed, still shocked by the news. Moving moment of yesterday was Shay Given wiping tears out of his eyes in the Swansea v Villa game.
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