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This is what my mate just put on facebook..he's just got back.



What can I say an experience I will never forget! Cortese took my phone from me too look at the pictures of us lads at the training ground that day at Plymouth and when i asked my first question he said he recognised me thats y i showed him and he said thats it!


Pure legend, who has amazing ambition and determination for the club! Doesn't like forecast (thankgod) Has handed plans to the council to exstend the ground too 44k has a player in mind for when the transfer window opens. Tells people to just 'not get caught if you use someone else's ST' his words!


Told us poyet was just bitter and jelous of Adkins because he got the job and poyet didn't. Sorting out the Internet page next year hopefully when contract ends. Is going to sign hooverfield permanent in jan.


Rumours of Owen are rubbish.


Never put in a bid of 6.5 for roddreguiz cos he's not worth that.


Sad chamberlain left but was family persuasion. Got in contact to Plymouth chairman to try buy every saints fan at plymouth a beer last season but Plymouth said no and he argued it and they wouldn't allow it. Great guy!


i think your mate is plssed.


buy every one a beer at Plymouth? he could have offered us all a away ticket with no booking fee, that would have been better.


if he has handed plans to the council they would almost certainly become public, either through leaking or consultation they would do with the local area looking at impact of higher ground, why drop that into discussion rather than officially declare clubs plan to increase stadium.


what is this training ground in Plymouth that cortese recognised him from? strange.


all in all the summary sums up how the hearsay reporting back from these dinners is more or less pointless.


how does cortese know Poyet was "bitter and jealous" ? he doesn't know anymore than we do about that and what Poyet thinks

What does handing some plans to the council prove?


That 44k is the capacity he feels Saints can achieve in terms of support. Also, "plans" don't come cheap, he would have paid an architect firm a great deal of money for them.

That 44k is the capacity he feels Saints can achieve in terms of support. Also, "plans" don't come cheap, he would have paid an architect firm a great deal of money for them.


Did anyone dispute that 44K is a capacity that saints could achieve IN THE FUTURE?


Has also added.....


The ground stuff he has put two plans in. He Said hed like to start from scratch and do a new stadium but has put plans to the council to exstend the ground too 44k which is amazing!

Has also added.....


The ground stuff he has put two plans in. He Said hed like to start from scratch and do a new stadium but has put plans to the council to exstend the ground too 44k which is amazing!


Really hope we don't build a new stadium since it would be at a terrible location.

Posted (edited)
Really hope we don't build a new stadium since it would be at a terrible location.


iirc the architect that did the youtube video of St Mary's expanded said that they considered moving to a new stadium in Shamrock Quay. If true then it really isn't that far in terms of distance from where it is now.

Edited by Matthew Le God
iirc the architect that did the youtube video of St Mary's expanded said that the club has considered moving to a new stadium in Shamrock Quay. If true then it really isn't that far in terms of distance from where it is now.


I wouldn't be too upset about that. Anywhere further afield or far away from the pubs would be terrible though.


and what does he mean do not get caught if you use someone elses season ticket? you are allowed to, that is why you can upgrade a childs season ticket to an adult, for that very reason, someone else is using it.


i struggle to see the purpose of him divulging bits of information to half wit fans who are too excited about cortese recognising him from a training ground in Plymouth to contructively summarise what he actually means,


No chance he just made it up...what would be the point ? He definitely went to the dinner. I guess it's just hard to remember exactly whats said when you're there for a good few hours enjoying himself. And as i said, im sure ill find out a lot more when I next see him. He is mates with a few other people on this board, SaintNeil90 being one of them.


the "wanting to buy every one a beer at plymouth reminds me of the other bullshlt story about him cleaning up the team coach when they got back from plymouth with the driver, load of nonsense.

And JRM....If you dont want to read it/believe it then don't. I'm just passing on info...I would have thought it was more welcomed than not.


ok - were you with him at plymouth? what is this training ground where cortese recognises him from?

ok - were you with him at plymouth? what is this training ground where cortese recognises him from?


iirc some supporters went to Staplewood with the squad after the Plymouth game. There were photos of them and Cortese posted on this forum.

the "wanting to buy every one a beer at plymouth reminds me of the other bullshlt story about him cleaning up the team coach when they got back from plymouth with the driver, load of nonsense.


It does seem like a bit of a PR exercise. I mean it's very easy to say these things when they didn't actually happen.

ok - were you with him at plymouth? what is this training ground where cortese recognises him from?


Did you READ that Cortesse interview in the Sun? The guy sounds like a nutter! (an awesome nutter, I might add). This is actually almost believable when you think about it.

Posted (edited)
It does seem like a bit of a PR exercise. I mean it's very easy to say these things when they didn't actually happen.


What didn't happen - you know, you were on the coach?


Free beer to wash down all that humble pie would have been a lovely touch, mind you.

Edited by shurlock
ok - were you with him at plymouth? what is this training ground where cortese recognises him from?


Someone stuck some photos up here of Cortese and some fans at Staplewood after getting back from Plymouth in the evening.

Yeh I was thinking along those lines...I'm sure they wouldn't just pick randomers out of a hat must be more to it...he wouldn't wana do a nice dinner with some nutjobs which could easily happen.


So we're saying there's no nutjobs from the leafier suburbs. What a crock of Sh1t.

Re the bottom feeders, wherever they may stand or sit, take them out of the group and put them in a civilised situation and I doubt you'd hear a peep anyway.

Thanks for the feedback Saint Garrett. Excuse my curiosity but any reason why your mate doesn't post directly on this forum?


Can you blame him?

He'll get told he's talking tom tit by the morons!!!!

Posted (edited)
Thanks for the feedback Saint Garrett. Excuse my curiosity but any reason why your mate doesn't post directly on this forum?


Would think that's pretty self-evident ;)


No reason to think the guy is lying - even if one or two of the details may not be perfectly or accurately recollected; I believe Cortese said most of this but time will tell what it means. Either the guy is full of sh*t or he's sincere enough but underestimates how complicated football is or his ambitions and ultimately his actions really do outstrip anything we imagine.

Edited by shurlock
I wouldn't be too upset about that. Anywhere further afield or far away from the pubs would be terrible though.


the pubs in town are hardly worth shouting about though lol

the "wanting to buy every one a beer at plymouth reminds me of the other bullshlt story about him cleaning up the team coach when they got back from plymouth with the driver, load of nonsense.


I'm starting to think you don't like NC at all.


Yes of course it is true, cortese called up Plymouth and said I want you to hand out free beers in the away end, if you believe that you'll believe anything.

Yes of course it is true, cortese called up Plymouth and said I want you to hand out free beers in the away end, if you believe that you'll believe anything.


Actually the same person Saint Garrett got this from is a very close friend of mine. The guy called me and spoke for an hour about the meal last night. He wouldn't make it up.


Love Cortese's ambition, we are definitely lucky to have someone like him running the club.


All these, "my mate said" is just second hand rumour though, as I said it would be much better if questions were asked at a fans forum and all replies were on the record from the horses mouth.


Also, bit of a coincidence that one of the people who got an invite was some happy clappy mong who hangs round the training ground to have pics ytaken with the Chief Exec!

i think your mate is plssed.


buy every one a beer at Plymouth? he could have offered us all a away ticket with no booking fee, that would have been better.


if he has handed plans to the council they would almost certainly become public, either through leaking or consultation they would do with the local area looking at impact of higher ground, why drop that into discussion rather than officially declare clubs plan to increase stadium.


what is this training ground in Plymouth that cortese recognised him from? strange.


all in all the summary sums up how the hearsay reporting back from these dinners is more or less pointless.


how does cortese know Poyet was "bitter and jealous" ? he doesn't know anymore than we do about that and what Poyet thinks

maybe it is not at the planning permission stage yet and they are in talks!? Cortese has spoken before about stadium expansion in interviews.


The training ground... Driving back from plymouth the lad and a few friends were driving down a326 and saw the team bus. The turned into staplewood with it and met the players off the bus. Lambert gave them a beer each and they spoke with cortese. There are pictures on a thread on this form. In fact it was me who told this forum about the fan match with ex players the night of the plymouth game, which everyone laughed off... Well that was because cortese had told them about it.


Cortese believes poyet is jealous because it was down to him and adkins for who got the saints job. Cortese went for Adkins and Cortese thinks Poyet is bitter about it.

Love Cortese's ambition, we are definitely lucky to have someone like him running the club.


All these, "my mate said" is just second hand rumour though, as I said it would be much better if questions were asked at a fans forum and all replies were on the record from the horses mouth.


Also, bit of a coincidence that one of the people who got an invite was some happy clappy mong who hangs round the training ground to have pics ytaken with the Chief Exec!


Happy Clappy Mong?! You clearly dont know him... Far from it.


Is the buying the beer story not a gesture from Cortese to try and help out PLymouth as well? Him paying for one beer per Saints supporter is a nice touch to say thanks to Saints fans and celebrate promotion, but also guarantees Plymouth that money.

Not much i know, but a nice gesture all the same, considering the financial problems they were having.

Thanks for the feedback Saint Garrett. Excuse my curiosity but any reason why your mate doesn't post directly on this forum?


You only have to look at peoples attitude and the way they react on this forum to see why people just dont bother.

You only have to look at peoples attitude and the way they react on this forum to see why people just dont bother.


Absolutely, people on here crave feedback but when it comes all they get in return are cries of 'bullsh*t.'

i think your mate is plssed.


buy every one a beer at Plymouth? he could have offered us all a away ticket with no booking fee, that would have been better.


if he has handed plans to the council they would almost certainly become public, either through leaking or consultation they would do with the local area looking at impact of higher ground, why drop that into discussion rather than officially declare clubs plan to increase stadium.


what is this training ground in Plymouth that cortese recognised him from? strange.


all in all the summary sums up how the hearsay reporting back from these dinners is more or less pointless.


how does cortese know Poyet was "bitter and jealous" ? he doesn't know anymore than we do about that and what Poyet thinks


Pointless posting with comments like yours in reply

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