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If you could bring back one thing

Crouchie's Lawyer

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Im bored, its dead in here so Im spamming/setting up another thread in the vein hope than it will generate discussion and make my day go quicker.


So, if you could bring back one thing from the past, anything, be it a person, an animal which is extinct, a tv show which is no longer aired, a food or drink no longer sold or a law.


What would it be?


For me, it would be dinosaurs. Not because I like them or anything, but I would imagine it would bring an edge to life.


Humans are generally at the top of the food chain, and consequently, we dont have anything to fear (propperly fear in terms of being eaten). I think it would add a certain thrill to life having to constantly be on the look out for the odd t-rex while walking home!

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Humans are generally at the top of the food chain


You are the exception to the rule.


I would like to bring back hanging for people like Russell Brand. People like him who have upset old people should be eradicated. If he ever messed with my family and rang my Grandad I would kill him.


I would also bring back the old board, pre £5 days, when it was better and not populated by ****ends.


I would bring back cholera to get rid of all the poor people.

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You are the exception to the rule.


I would like to bring back hanging for people like Russell Brand. People like him who have upset old people should be eradicated. If he ever messed with my family and rang my Grandad I would kill him.


I would also bring back the old board, pre £5 days, when it was better and not populated by ****ends.


I would bring back cholera to get rid of all the poor people.


You obviously don't know your history. Cholera has nothing to do with how much money you have, it's all about location to foul water.

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the times when women were slaves to men. all they are good for is cooking and cleaning.


one day me lad, you will realise there is something missing from that list.


Unless, of course, that your new found love of guyliner etc has persuaded your to set sail on new oceans?

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one day me lad, you will realise there is something missing from that list.


Unless, of course, that your new found love of guyliner etc has persuaded your to set sail on new oceans?


No i just currently hate women.


Nothing is missing from that list either.


I hate the world

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