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Help - Flash Player and IE9


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Today when I started my computer I have messages on both SKY and YOU TUBE saying "You need to upgrade your Adobe Flash Player to watch this video". I have updated to version 11, rebooted the PC - but the problem is still there, hence I can't play any video content anymore! YOU TUBE also says "Upgrade to Flash Player 10 for improved playback performance" - but the latest version is 11 as far as I can see, which is totally confusing to me. Anybody able to advise or assist please?


Also, when I use Chrome - the text box on this forum is not active - I can see it, I can tick the 'signature added' box within it - but I cannot type into it - again, and advise or help would be greatly appreciated.

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64 bit OS?


There is no working version of flash for 64 bit IE9. You should have an option to run Internet Explorer 32 bit in the start up menu. Use this when you want to use flash, and all should be fine.


Personally I find it quite useful, eliminating all the flash content to save bandwidth when connected via 3G, and switching over to 32 bit when connected via WiFi.

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Thanks hutch - although not quite sure what you meant there, it did prompt me to go through the menus. Found Active X Filtering ticked under the tools menu - clicked it off - all sorted. Damn kids playing on PC again...!


That said - the problem with Google Chrome specific to this forum has got me beat. Wonder if any Mods / Admin have experienced this before?

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