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We've got Movember - how about a Hovember as well?

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Sod shelling out cash to men to grow facial hair - how about introducing a Hovember where the good looking girls dress up and act like total Ho's for the month (within reason) - I'm sure they'd raise plenty of money and raise a few smiles, blood pressures and get the blood circulating around the old man area as well!!:blush:


Go for it girls - feel free to Rule 1 on here as well or just PM with them, seeing as it was me that gave you the chamce to liberate yourselves for a good cause!!! :smug:


Dude, it really MUST be time that you repatriate Mrs EoA from her Plaster Cast.


Mind you, with Future Mrs D_P away for 10 days of work, & me being Home Alone until my Youngest hits town Wednesday Night I can see some positives in this concept - it may actually not be such a bad idea.

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