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Nokia Windows phone 7


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The Nokia world event kicked off today, and Nokia unveiled their first 2 handsets running the increasingly impressive Windows Phone 7.


Below is the Nokia 800 - and I think its beautiful.




Lots of details here > http://allaboutwindowsphone.com/news/item/13469_Nokia_800-the_new_Nokia_starts.php


Will Nokia and Windows phone succeed in beating back the advances of Googles horrible Android operating system? Only time will tell, but whenever I've used windows phone 7 I've been hugely impressed, much more so than the unfinished feeling, buggy Android OS.

Edited by Saint_Jonny
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It is excellent: feels very solidly built, loverly smooth curves, the screen (which is slightly curved too) is superb (use the Clear Black Display technology) - icons almost look like they are floating.


WP7 is very good to use - just great to play with. You can make it so personal with the live tiles, and the ''hubs' approach is opening a whole new world to apps. X-Box integration is awesome.


Overall it is great; not bad for 8 months work. Good advertising campaign too. Hope the paying public think so too.....

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