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As you get closer to the cold season, you need to know that Gatso's can allegedly give false readings

when the temperature is below 0c because the timing circuitry can be slowed down.


This means that as you pass the camera, the normal half second pause between the two flashes can be delayed.


So it gives the impression that your car or bike has travelled further over the guide lines painted on the road,

which are used to calculate the distance you travelled in the half second...


...thus giving a higher speed reading.


If you get caught on a Gatso over the winter and you are confident that the temperature was below 0c then

you can argue that the electrical components are only calibrated between 0c and 70c, and so can not be proven

to work below freezing.


Well Mr perfect driver who has never gone one mile over the speed limit I am sorry to

tell you that 99.999 percent of normal drivers will have exceeded the limit by a few miles

an hour at least once. Some will have been fined for only a minor speed excess by

equipment not working as it is supposed to because it is inaccurate, these people should

be aware of the fact that they might have had a ticket when they were perhaps not over

the limit. No-where is it inferred that I support speeders who are vastly in exccess of the

legal limits.

This excuse has been tried before and failed. It's basically a rumor much similar to sucking a 2p will get you out of a drink drive charge.


^^ This. Yet another bull**** myth about speed cameras.

Posted (edited)

( with thanks to PistonHeads )


7.2 Working temperature range

7.2.1 Equipment shall function within specification over a temperature range of at least

–10 °C to +50 °C, with 80% humidity above 20 °C. Hand-held devices shall be

tested over the range –10 °C to +35 °C. The temperature shall be varied in 5 °C steps,

and the equipment left for 30 minutes or longer to obtain thermal equilibrium; the

equipment shall function correctly at each temperature step. For radar devices the

frequency of the microwave oscillator shall be checked at each temperature step.

7.2.2 Unattended equipment shall have some form of sensor to prevent the equipment

operating beyond the working temperature range."


Link: The Speedmeter Handbook



Edited by badgerx16
Posted (edited)

7.2.1 Equipment shall function within specification over a temperature range of at least

–10 °C to +50 °C, with 80% humidity above 20 °C.

7.2.2 Unattended equipment shall have some form of sensor to prevent the equipment

operating beyond the working temperature range."


So basically you can speed at less than -10c.

Edited by buctootim

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