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I don't understand why they just walked past. They are bastards. Are dying toddlers something normal to see in the road? (that's a rhetorical question)


Exactly. I don't really get emotional or angry about things but this make me feel sick to the stomach. Particularly the first incident where the driver stopped, obviously thought about getting out and seeing if the kid was alright before thinking "nah, f*ck it" and running over her with the rear wheels.

I really wish I hadn't looked at that. Inhumane behaviour by those involved / walking by. There's not much that reduces me to tears these days, but that did.


Shocking thing is that among the people that walked by was a women hand in hand with her daughter, by the looks of it a similar age. You'd think maternal instinct would kick in and she'd do something about it...


I've been reading around that a lot of people in China are scared to help in situations like this because of the police state and they fear they will be blamed. Not really an excuse, basic humanity should override that.

I don't see what the economic boom has to do with it, other countries manage a boom without walking over dead kids in streets.


The people are just c*nts.


Agreed. Surprised Sky tried rationalising it by saying it to be honest.

I've been reading around that a lot of people in China are scared to help in situations like this because of the police state and they fear they will be blamed. Not really an excuse, basic humanity should override that.


Indeed, that point is made in the text below the clip.

I've been reading around that a lot of people in China are scared to help in situations like this because of the police state and they fear they will be blamed. Not really an excuse, basic humanity should override that.


I have no idea about China but certainly over here you have to be incredibly careful as the law states that IF you give first aid and are NOT certified then YOU being the last person to "touch" them are guilty of Manslaughter. No excuse for what happened in that clip, but my son & his mates were surfing & pulled 3 guys out of the sea, saved two but one didn't make it (last year made the papers etc) Anyway as soon as they hit the beach, those not knackered by the rescue had to basically carry the others in a sprint to their car as the Police had arrived and with one Dead Guy the 3 of them were looking at 5-10 year Jail terms.


Stupid laws may be an excuse here and the driver had no idea he was being filmed.


Hit & Run accidents happen everywhere unfortunately


May I just point out that if it was a little boy then in all likelyhood someone would have stopped to help.


Girls are just not valued in Chinese society. It is not at all uncommon for a new-born girl to be terminated upon crowning (coming out at birth) so that the couple can try again for a boy. This is because there is a strict one child policy and boys are better earners etc.


Sad but true. Just because they have embraced capitalism blah blah does not mean they are democratic or have any inkling of human rights.

May I just point out that if it was a little boy then in all likelyhood someone would have stopped to help.


Girls are just not valued in Chinese society. It is not at all uncommon for a new-born girl to be terminated upon crowning (coming out at birth) so that the couple can try again for a boy. This is because there is a strict one child policy and boys are better earners etc.


Sad but true. Just because they have embraced capitalism blah blah does not mean they are democratic or have any inkling of human rights.


That's a billion people you're generalising there... family is actually very integral to chinese culture and if those people were not scared of the repurcussions of their actions, I am sure far more than 2 would have stopped to help her. As for the one-child policy, that only really applies to those in cities. Officials are quite lenient with families in rural areas because they need children to help them run their households. It is true that boys are more highly valued in chinese society, but your wording of the cases of infanticide makes it seem far more prominent in China than it actually is.


China is still a country on the way up, but unfortunately this video illustrates that there are still moral flaws in chinese society.

Are dying toddlers something normal to see in the road? (that's a rhetorical question)


Probably not a normal occurance, but sadly I think it is not unheard of. I remember seeing photos a few years ago of people walking past the bodies of babies. They were dumped in the street because of the one child per family rule & were considered surplus to requirements.

I've been reading around that a lot of people in China are scared to help in situations like this because of the police state and they fear they will be blamed. Not really an excuse, basic humanity should override that.




Coupled with that, apparently in the situation of the driver, if they hit accidentally someone and kill them the fine is less than they would have to pay out if the person they hit does not die (they would have to pay medical expenses etc). May go some way to understanding his actions (not that there is any excuse for stopping then continuing to drive over the toddler and then driving off - he's obviously a complete sick c*** with zero respect for human life)


Apparently, if you help someone out in China in such circumstances, you become liable for a part or all of the treatment costs. And most people in China are still poor.


Not trying to justify it, I find the story so appaling I cant look at the video of it. Only trying to offer an explanation.


Besides, there are bigger problems nearer home to solve :



Apparently, if you help someone out in China in such circumstances, you become liable for a part or all of the treatment costs. And most people in China are still poor.


Not trying to justify it, I find the story so appaling I cant look at the video of it. Only trying to offer an explanation.


Besides, there are bigger problems nearer home to solve :




Some lad in my office mentioned that about treatment costs. What an absolute joke. In what way could that possibly work or be of benefit to everyone?


The boom has probably exacerbated things but Chinese society/culture is historically very self-absorbed and atomistic - Sun Yat-sen likened it to a sheet of loose sand. Basically, if you're not family where the bonds are rock-hard, the rest of the world can go to hell and its each to their own.

Apparently, if you help someone out in China in such circumstances, you become liable for a part or all of the treatment costs. And most people in China are still poor.


Not trying to justify it, I find the story so appaling I cant look at the video of it. Only trying to offer an explanation.


Besides, there are bigger problems nearer home to solve :




Some lad in my office mentioned that about treatment costs. What an absolute joke. In what way could that possibly work or be of benefit to everyone?


Alps is right; sambosa75 - agreed :(


RIP, little one...


There was a debate on here last week about respecting an Amazonian Indian custom of burying disabled babies alive due to a belief that disability is a sign of occupation by evil spirits. Those of us against this were accused of arrogance and imposing our value set on other cultures.


So what do we feel today about Chinese culture and the fact that the life of the individual means so f**king little, 20-odd people can walk by a knocked down toddler AND another truck can run over her ? Should be chanting "Vive la Difference" about this too ?

RIP, little one...


There was a debate on here last week about respecting an Amazonian Indian custom of burying disabled babies alive due to a belief that disability is a sign of occupation by evil spirits. Those of us against this were accused of arrogance and imposing our value set on other cultures.


So what do we feel today about Chinese culture and the fact that the life of the individual means so f**king little, 20-odd people can walk by a knocked down toddler AND another truck can run over her ? Should be chanting "Vive la Difference" about this too ?


Yeah, let''s all gang up and get China to change their approach to Human Rights....


Or better still everyone could just boycott all those made in China clothes & smartphones. But it isn't going to happen. At the end of the day, getting home to wife & family and telling them you lost the house because you got hit with medical bills because you were a Good Samaritan is gonna go down how well?


Matters like this are ammunition to the professionals who can find a way to argue for change in different cultures without breaking their laws and their cultures.


This is one for the likes of Amnesty who can show it is bad PR for China PLC.


But unfortunately because of the ingrained "Brit" Culture everyone misses one crucial point again, not everyone HAS an NHS, and not everyone has Insurance, so while the reaction is horrific - walk on by, who WOULD actually pay for Medical Care of anyone injured?


It's one of those side effects of "Emerging Markets" Insurance Systems and processes are not so developed, Health Care is not so develeoped and Ambulance Chasing Lawyers haven't got started everywhere.


Bad PR for business works wonders. Getting annoyed and protesting (even putting up tents in Wall Street) doesn't


Life is incredibly Cynical unfortunately

Yeah, let''s all gang up and get China to change their approach to Human Rights....


Or better still everyone could just boycott all those made in China clothes & smartphones. But it isn't going to happen. At the end of the day, getting home to wife & family and telling them you lost the house because you got hit with medical bills because you were a Good Samaritan is gonna go down how well?


Matters like this are ammunition to the professionals who can find a way to argue for change in different cultures without breaking their laws and their cultures.


This is one for the likes of Amnesty who can show it is bad PR for China PLC.


But unfortunately because of the ingrained "Brit" Culture everyone misses one crucial point again, not everyone HAS an NHS, and not everyone has Insurance, so while the reaction is horrific - walk on by, who WOULD actually pay for Medical Care of anyone injured?


It's one of those side effects of "Emerging Markets" Insurance Systems and processes are not so developed, Health Care is not so develeoped and Ambulance Chasing Lawyers haven't got started everywhere.


Bad PR for business works wonders. Getting annoyed and protesting (even putting up tents in Wall Street) doesn't


Life is incredibly Cynical unfortunately


Truly a moronic post of monumental proportions. So you cant expect passersby to pull a dying toddler out of the road and call an ambulance because there isnt a free health service? Think you have spent too long in similalr society where abuse of others is condoned / excused in exchange for some sunshine and tax free income.

I've seen this sort of thing first hand, in Thailand & Malaysia. Life is cheap and they're busy people.


Its actually worse than that in Thailand imo. Ive seen crowds gather to watch a motorcyclist writhe on the ground with his arm ripped off and another to take pictures of someone whose head was run over by a truck.

Truly a moronic post of monumental proportions. So you cant expect passersby to pull a dying toddler out of the road and call an ambulance because there isnt a free health service? Think you have spent too long in similalr society where abuse of others is condoned / excused in exchange for some sunshine and tax free income.


You clearly didn't read the trail of the thread.


IF the law states that if YOU are liable for the costs of Medical care then you can understand how that could make people act in a certain way.

It is not simply about applying Christian values, nor about National or Historical Cultural factors.


I gave an example earlier where my Son faced a potential manslaughter here charge when he & two mates pulled 3 Brits out of rough seas last year. Two Brits survived, the 3rd, which my son dragged out, died of a heart attack. In their case they simply got to the beach and then had to be carried themselves suffering exhaustion from the scene by other ex-pats BEFORE the Police arrived.


In this incident in China - we still are not clear on the exact law. I did not say anything about calling an ambulance. I said that the appearance of the rule that someone who attempts to give First Aid becomes LIABLE for the Medical Bills would be a strong driver to NOT assist. I gave an analogy of one of US having to go home to our family and telling them that we had lost OUR house or savings because we TRIED to help someone else.


The lack of NHS IS important - it means that "in ambulance chaser lawyer speak" somebody has to be liable for the bills. As others said above - a burial cost is much less than a lifetime of medical attention.


Take your moronic retort with you when you go to SpecSavers. At NO point have I condoned it and at NO point have I said that anyone OTHER than professionals (or your new word Lobbyists) are the ones to do something about it.


And while you are at it go stick your self-righteous attitude up your ass, your drowned Cockle Pickers in Morecambe Bay and your Special Needs slaves in the Midlands.


Life is nasty. This was nasty. It MUST force change to the laws in that country


Horrific treatment of Children in China?


How many hundreds of thousands of unnecessary abortions are there a year simply because the Child is female?


or you lot - all switching from your old CRT Monitors and TV's to flat screens




It's the CHILDREN who are being harmed by the pollution from you lot demanding Smartpones for 29.99 a month


Or the abuses suffered by Chinese workers simply so you can all continue your love in with everythjing iMac




The ENTIRE world is harsh and cynical. The PR from this horrific event means that the Chinese Authorities will be kicked into action, arrests will be made and examples made and 7 bells of sh1t will be kicked out of the culprits for damaging China PLC's reputation.


But no amount of internet outrage on here will help, only supporting the likes of GreenPeace & Amnesty OR boycotting products made there will actually force real change

Yeah, let''s all gang up and get China to change their approach to Human Rights....


Or better still everyone could just boycott all those made in China clothes & smartphones. But it isn't going to happen. At the end of the day, getting home to wife & family and telling them you lost the house because you got hit with medical bills because you were a Good Samaritan is gonna go down how well?


Matters like this are ammunition to the professionals who can find a way to argue for change in different cultures without breaking their laws and their cultures.


This is one for the likes of Amnesty who can show it is bad PR for China PLC.


But unfortunately because of the ingrained "Brit" Culture everyone misses one crucial point again, not everyone HAS an NHS, and not everyone has Insurance, so while the reaction is horrific - walk on by, who WOULD actually pay for Medical Care of anyone injured?


It's one of those side effects of "Emerging Markets" Insurance Systems and processes are not so developed, Health Care is not so develeoped and Ambulance Chasing Lawyers haven't got started everywhere.


Bad PR for business works wonders. Getting annoyed and protesting (even putting up tents in Wall Street) doesn't


Life is incredibly Cynical unfortunately


Think you're airbrushing things. The human impulse is to help someone in danger, especially when its viscerally in your face and you don't need to be superman e.g. pulling a drowning kid out of a shallow pond as opposed to diving into choppy high-seas to save a life. People don't go through a cost/benefit analysis of whether they might be legally liable and even if they were, sense in the case of a hit-and-run would have told a passer-by that there was little or no risk.


Not saying people aren't aware of risks - in China, culture and history have taught you that putting your head above the parapet and standing out, even for small acts of heroism is folly. The Chinese have more sayings and stories to legitimise a walk-on-by attitude than perhaps any other country or culture. The lesson is simple: pragmatism is the order of the day -if not the world will generally find some way of f**cking you over. This is aggravated by a culture that puts such emphasis on the family that there is very little space or compassion for strangers or deeper forms of association or community -except that which is whipped up by the state. Throw in the dog-eat-dog nature of economic growth in a developing economy -and you have a powerkeg that has little to do with the technicalities or legalities of the health or insurance system.

Horrific treatment of Children in China?


How many hundreds of thousands of unnecessary abortions are there a year simply because the Child is female?


or you lot - all switching from your old CRT Monitors and TV's to flat screens




It's the CHILDREN who are being harmed by the pollution from you lot demanding Smartpones for 29.99 a month


Or the abuses suffered by Chinese workers simply so you can all continue your love in with everythjing iMac




The ENTIRE world is harsh and cynical. The PR from this horrific event means that the Chinese Authorities will be kicked into action, arrests will be made and examples made and 7 bells of sh1t will be kicked out of the culprits for damaging China PLC's reputation.


But no amount of internet outrage on here will help, only supporting the likes of GreenPeace & Amnesty OR boycotting products made there will actually force real change


Good point on the damage to China's reputation. Was discussing this with my Dad the other day and he said the sad thing is that China's leaders and police will probably care more about how the CCTV got on youtube than about the poor girl. Just makes me glad that I live in a thriving democracy where people don't live in fear.

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