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I've owned a pair of these for a while and use them at every game but they are starting to look a little bit worn out and dirty. It's a real battle to drink my half time beer and eat my burger wearing them and as a result they have a few tomato ketchup and beer stains on them. I've also noticed that the A and the I in Saints have started to fade a little. Does anyone know of any tips for maintaining foam hands? I'd be grateful if anyone can pass on any tips as it really is starting to become a little bit embarrassing having dirty and worn out looking foam hands.


Clearly dirty foam hands are the sign of an uber fan......... wear them with pride turkish if only there were more fans like you at SMS every week it might improve the atmosphere. Do you apply your face paint before or after you put your foam hands on?

  Turkish said:
I've owned a pair of these for a while and use them at every game but they are starting to look a little bit worn out and dirty. It's a real battle to drink my half time beer and eat my burger wearing them and as a result they have a few tomato ketchup and beer stains on them. I've also noticed that the A and the I in Saints have started to fade a little. Does anyone know of any tips for maintaining foam hands? I'd be grateful if anyone can pass on any tips as it really is starting to become a little bit embarrassing having dirty and worn out looking foam hands.


As you turn up to every game already in colours, jesters hat and face paint, don't you think the foam hand is a tad too much?

  Turkish said:
I've owned a pair of these for a while and use them at every game but they are starting to look a little bit worn out and dirty. It's a real battle to drink my half time beer and eat my burger wearing them and as a result they have a few tomato ketchup and beer stains on them. I've also noticed that the A and the I in Saints have started to fade a little. Does anyone know of any tips for maintaining foam hands? I'd be grateful if anyone can pass on any tips as it really is starting to become a little bit embarrassing having dirty and worn out looking foam hands.


I washed mine and all the letters came off, so I took them back and got a refund. I bought a jester hat instead.


Anyone wearing facepaint,jesters hats,wigs etc is clearly a knobber but I am developing a hatred of anyone wearing a football shirt with a long-sleeved t-shirt or even a hoodie underneath.

  manji said:
Anyone wearing facepaint,jesters hats,wigs etc is clearly a knobber but I am developing a hatred of anyone wearing a football shirt with a long-sleeved t-shirt or even a hoodie underneath.


Completely agree with the hoodies thing. I was always under the impression your t shirt goes under your jumper. What next? Legions of saints fans wearing SFC boxers over the top of their jeans?


As for foam hands, I get slightly irritated with mine because I have to keep taking them off to bang on the backboards when we all sing that genius song about Cortese. Keeping the hands on muffles the sound too much and the song doesn't sound so good.

  Turkish said:
I've owned a pair of these for a while and use them at every game but they are starting to look a little bit worn out and dirty. It's a real battle to drink my half time beer and eat my burger wearing them and as a result they have a few tomato ketchup and beer stains on them. I've also noticed that the A and the I in Saints have started to fade a little. Does anyone know of any tips for maintaining foam hands? I'd be grateful if anyone can pass on any tips as it really is starting to become a little bit embarrassing having dirty and worn out looking foam hands.


Is this your main hobby?


What colour are your foam hands? Mine are brown on one side and pink on the other because I like to stand out in the crowd. I expect Turkish's are boring red.


You could try "pimping" them up with spray paint. Depending upon the quality of the foam it cam have a very "artistic" effect.


Are you "artistic" Mr Turkey?

  Faz said:
You could try "pimping" them up with spray paint. Depending upon the quality of the foam it cam have a very "artistic" effect.


Are you "artistic" Mr Turkey?


Autistic more likely.


I find they are a right c*nt for getting loose change out of your pocket and don't get me started on trying to hold my halftime pint.


Think I might just wear the one at future games.

  The Cat said:
Completely agree with the hoodies thing. I was always under the impression your t shirt goes under your jumper. What next? Legions of saints fans wearing SFC boxers over the top of their jeans?


As for foam hands, I get slightly irritated with mine because I have to keep taking them off to bang on the backboards when we all sing that genius song about Cortese. Keeping the hands on muffles the sound too much and the song doesn't sound so good.


On a slight tangent, I didn't notice any backboard-banging at the recent Birmingham game?


Please tell me this is a permanent improvement around the back of Blocks 38-37-36, or I did I just get lucky on that day???


I find they are a right c*nt for getting loose change out of your pocket and don't get me started on trying to hold my halftime pint.


Think I might just wear the one at future games.

  Wes Tender said:
Just as a matter of interest, do you take them off when you're pleasuring yourself? Or are there really only beer and tomato stains on them?


The only time he takes them off is when he's rucking with the away fans outside the ground.

  Saint_Jonny said:
Great thread, Stu.


Think it's Del not Boris tbf.


Great thread though as you say - can't believe they're still allowed in English grounds, one sudden movement and they could have someone's eye out.


BTF - Ban The Foam.

  The Cat said:
The only time he takes them off is when he's rucking with the away fans outside the ground.


Would be far funnier if he kept them on though......." Cummmm on then d'yaaa want summmmmm? of my gaint foam hands you c*ntttttttt"

  The Cat said:
The only time he takes them off is when he's rucking with the away fans outside the ground.


our fat Jim, beer gut cyber warrior, imaginary internet persona turdish??


rucking with away fans???



  Avenue Saint said:
our fat Jim, beer gut cyber warrior, imaginary internet persona turdish??


rucking with away fans???




LMFAO!! Turdish, LOL!!! That is genius Cul De Sac Saints. PMSL

  Viking Warrior said:
I thought there was a thread about using foam hands and that they are racist.I could be wrong . Get some airfix paint and referesh the writing turkish


I can confirm that i have never used my foam hands to give anyone the thumbs down and have dyed them white, black, yellow and brown and put a turban on one of the thumbs so they represent all ethnic groups and religions in our wonderful city.

  Turkish said:
I can confirm that i have never used my foam hands to give anyone the thumbs down and have dyed them white, black, yellow and brown and put a turban on one of the thumbs so they represent all ethnic groups and religions in our wonderful city.



  Jonnyboy said:
I think you'll find I came up with that one, although Turkey is one I also like.


Stop it Jonnygirl, please!!! OMG, there goes another rib!!!! This place is so funny. Turkey, LMFAO!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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