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Chaplow, de Ridder, Hooiveld and Cork have been tweeting about this and posted pictures on their twitter profiles over the last few days. Also (as usual) some nice banter between the guys. Twitter is a hotbed for rumours, but it is also a unique opportunity to get a glimpse of the everyday lives of footballers. And by the looks of it, they really do seem to enjoy each other's company...

Chaplow, de Ridder, Hooiveld and Cork have been tweeting about this and posted pictures on their twitter profiles over the last few days. Also (as usual) some nice banter between the guys. Twitter is a hotbed for rumours, but it is also a unique opportunity to get a glimpse of the everyday lives of footballers. And by the looks of it, they really do seem to enjoy each other's company...


I get that impression as well, also good to see that they are just a normal bunch of lads (shock horror!) - found Jos' comments/pictures about the PS3 controller De Ridder gave him to use against him on Fifa/CoD well funny! My mate did that to me recently


Good to read, bet Cotterill has had a look and trying to learn from it, if he can make out what its all about. I reckon we are well in front of some our competitors.




The best bit from the article was where it said the players returned from holiday having stuck to their required regimes...player responsibility that meant no wasted weeks on catchup- getting fit etc. Well done the players! Of course well done to the medical/conditioning team/ coaches etc too!!

I can't be certain, this is just my own speculation, but I'd guess the beginnings of this came from Clive Woodward.


I think the beginnings came from sports science, which CW was a big believer of. To credit him for inventing sports science is going a bit far.


However I agree with your sentiment, CW had a lot of great ideas that would have made a difference, if his ego and arrogant approach didn't get in the way.


That's a good read. I have trained in the distant past with Jo Tessem, Dan Petrescu and a few others and given them more than a run for their money.


I now see a lot of the younger lads at David Lloyd and the condition they are in is incredible, far better than the above when they were at their peak. Shows how times have changed.


You've only got to look at the condition of Nick Harvey to see that our players are in capable hands/

Funny how we all love this stuff now yet a lot of us thought it was ******** under Lowe..................


Shows how much your average poster on a football forum knows :)

Funny how we all love this stuff now yet a lot of us thought it was ******** under Lowe..................


It's not that funny. When Lowe was bringing this stuff in we were utterly **** and it didn't help at all. Now it is clearly making a difference.

It's not that funny. When Lowe was bringing this stuff in we were utterly **** and it didn't help at all. Now it is clearly making a difference.


But isn't that because it was introduced by a rugby man and most fans, and dirty harry, couldn't see how rugby ideas could translate to football?

Funny how we all love this stuff now yet a lot of us thought it was ******** under Lowe..................

But many of us thought it was good stuff then and still do, only the dinos like Arry & Jim & Bertie Bassett thought it was a bad idea. Lowe didn't do much right in my view, but some of his ideas made sense, shame he didn't have a clue how to implement them successfully.

Funny how we all love this stuff now yet a lot of us thought it was ******** under Lowe..................


I remember a lot of people being happy about the sports science stuff going on under the **** Lowe, people were creaming themselves about how it made Bale the skillful free kick taker. What people didn't like was the snake oily Clifford getting involved and a rugby man being line up for management on a hugh salary.


Also people shouldn't under estimate Redknapp, his team looked great at the weekend and I would hazard a guess that you don't get into the CL with out embracing modern techniques, if he hasn't then he really is a brilliant manager.

can imagine saints fitness, computers, techniques etc is just about on par with Soviet boxing training regimes from the mid 80s.


You're thinking of Rocky IV aren't you?

Wonder if the plan from the nutritionist includes a few pints of lager on a Saturday night.......


Yes I think that is an accepted part of the game (AFTER the game rather than before!!). And why shouldn't they enjoy themselves on a night off. In fact no food or drink is bad for you providing it is not in excess. You'll pay for it in training the next day though!


What we will hopefully never see again is an incident that happened (allegedly) under WGS when one young player returned for pre season training and fitness tests after a summer of partying and was immediately sent to hospital as they suspected liver damage.



OK ..we're not Premiership ..YET ! but this type of fitness development really is state-of-the-art as far as English clubs are concerned although it's not uncommon for top European clubs.


Gone are the days of a night before the match binge-up, or late night party and a pie and a pint before the game.


They can analyse players' body chemistry and create special individual diets for each and every player.

.. talk about the " 6 million Dollar Man " - ( relax we aren't going to sign anyone yet,)... but older fans will remember that TV series.


What a great investment - no wasted spending here. We'll have a team of bionic men who are still going strong at 95 minutes !

Yes I think that is an accepted part of the game (AFTER the game rather than before!!). And why shouldn't they enjoy themselves on a night off. In fact no food or drink is bad for you providing it is not in excess. You'll pay for it in training the next day though! QUOTE :




Well not quite true. A surprisingly large number of people are being diagnosed for Gluten and Lactose Intolerance these days. This is the body's inability to absorb nutrition from Wheat-based products and Dairy produce...for those who may not have heard about it.


Although - not an illness / allergy as such - it does mean that an individuals physical and mental capacities can be weakened and because symtoms are variable it's hard to pin down as easily as a dose of the flu'...


(I know personally that abstaining from certain produce has made a lot of difference to improving my personal condition)


Everything in moderation, but unfortunately ..not everything is good for you . " One man's meat ..is another man's poison "


Fair point. Allergies are a big part of our diet nowadays. Not just the obvious ones but as you say, those that do impact on capacity to perform.

I can't be certain, this is just my own speculation, but I'd guess the beginnings of this came from Clive Woodward.


Yes. and you're probably wrong, given that the likes of Bolton were already doing a lot of this stuff before Woodward even left the England Rugby set-up.

Yes. and you're probably wrong, given that the likes of Bolton were already doing a lot of this stuff before Woodward even left the England Rugby set-up.


Mmmm.....judging by some of their results they haven't quite got it right yet ....

Yes. and you're probably wrong, given that the likes of Bolton were already doing a lot of this stuff before Woodward even left the England Rugby set-up.


I always got the impression that part of his success with Rugby was that he was already using the "formula", and it was a few " un-informed " types who criticised him when he tried to start using it with Saints.


Five years on Nigel & Co. are making a success of it.

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