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I agree he is the greatest...other will not (not many, but they do)


He is the greatest player we've had in recent times. And in my personal experience a very humble man....... but that's the key word, man, as failable as any of us. No-one involved in this obsurd charade will be blameless and that it has elevated to this level should reflect shame on all of them.


This is really ****ing me off. I, like most people , think of MLT as being an absolute legend for this club and generally will not hear a thing against him. On the other hand, I feel that NC is doing a good job of rebuilding Saints after what we went through 2 or 3 years ago. I feel that the truth of the situation (as usual) is somewhere in the middle. We have people (over)reacting to an article that appeared in The Sun (yes - The Sun!!) and splitting the the fan-base into pro/anti Cortese/Le Tiss camps. We are top of the Championship, have an excellent squad, a superb manager and the prospects for the future are more positive than we could realistically have hoped for but still we end up with petty arguments, stoked up by the media. FFS get real and enjoy the ride!!

their reputations were treated on a par with every other fan and i for one am glad.


Are you really glad that the legends, stalwarts and giants of our Club are treated on a par with my mate Rob from Sholing?


Surely the history, legacy and memories of the past are an integral part of a football club and the role it plays in many people's lives.


So far this evening my Club has been compared to Tescos, the most famous player in recent times has been deemed to be irrelevant the minute he stopped playing and now our legends are relegated to the levels of us mere fans. It used to be a bit more than that the last time I pondered what impact my CLub had on me, others and its wider community.


Maybe football really has changed over recent years!!!!!!!

so if lallana walks out in january to go to a club paying him more you won't feel aggrieved? He does a job, he's paid to do it so why should he show any loyalty? It's not just a ajob though is it, these people give their lives to something that we love. It's not just a paid job


wtf are you on about? Lawrie mac worked for sfc thirty years ago. That doesnt automatically entitle him to perpetual free entry to games, does it? What has Adam Lallana got to do with that?

I had a great weekend out on the lash followed by watching a football game. Some of you should try it some time and stop taking it all so seriously.


^ This

Matt got his 10 tickets. Which he bought and paid for. The game didnt sell out so it wasnt an issue for anyone.


You tried to make something up, when it didnt exist.



A* for being a mong

C- for your understanding of SFC


Thanks for calling me a mong. Vile. The fact that you used that term says more about you than me.


I didn't make anything up.


The fact that the game didn't sell out has nothing to do with it. That wasn't clear at the time.


MLT asked for preferential treatment (i.e. different to a the man in the street). FACT.


I'd have sympathy if it was for MLT alone, he played (more than played) for the club. As far as I know his 10 mates didn't so I don't see why being a mate of MLT should qualify you any more than any other fan.


That is why I said I had sympathy for both sides. But if you wan't to turn my opinion into something that it is not, feel free.

Little point me replyin


lol at you lot havin' a go at each other. MLT is a legend. Does not really deserve too much criticism. Cortese is runnig the club well and does not deserve criticism. A cheap tabloid tries to wind things up by putting two quotes close together in an article that were probably totally unconnected in the actual interview. You lot all ought to be ashamed of yourselves. The one decent article about Saints in years and you fight like yobs in a school playground (due respect to those who have tried to add sanity).

Let's just hope that Cortese will "clarify" things on the OS tomorrow. He really does need to diffuse the situation.


What situation?


A load of hot air on an internet forum?

Love MLT for what he did for us back in the day but that wont help us now. The now is NA and his team, backed by NC and the Liebherr trust. The new ways ****ed off many old school because their reputations were treated on a par with every other fan and i for one am glad.


If I was you I'd be worried about the flag that you got people to chip in for yet cortese has mugged you off for it and its now sat in a club storeroom to come out when the club decide.

Posted (edited)
It didn't even sell out.


More reflective of the number of people on our database then the club.


At least with the 'no freebies or concessions' rule it prevents abuse of the club. Even given that though Matt did get a concession to be permitted 3 tickets for the game.


There will be no winners as long as this pathetic squable continues though.... it's a damned shame.

Edited by Colinjb

I have supported Saints since 1976 and been a Season ticket holder for about 20 seasons on and off. I love Matty. But ! The last few months he has started to annoy me. I think he`s becoming "one of them" you know, The Press.

Have a think for a while and give a honest answer, Who would you rather have taken over, A Billionare with a super Banker Friend. Or A Ex player and his ??


Matty is just jealous of Cortese because his Pinnacle bid failed. I love Matty, and he's done so much for this club and city, but is getting this whole thing out in the press the best thing to do? All he's trying to do is damage the reputation of Nicola and the whole club under him, and all he's succeeding to do is damage his own reputation by getting involved with this petty squabble. This is the kind of thing you contest in private, not in the red-tops.


It feels like Cortese is spot on, why should the club pander to 'historical' individuals given that none of them came out of the woodwork to rescue the club? Matt's autobiography made it sound like (and this is backed up by previous managers) that his status at the club made him untouchable, and that he was a proper positional headache for anyone post Alan Ball. I love the guy, but he's only an individual player, whereas Cortese's job is to look after Marcus's investment and the club as a whole going into the (please) long-term, not continue to perpetuate the 'le god' mythology/bad 'old-skool/chummy' practice. We're on the up, and long may it continue - we're run by a business man now, for better or worse.

Matty is just jealous of Cortese because his Pinnacle bid failed. I love Matty, and he's done so much for this club and city, but is getting this whole thing out in the press the best thing to do? All he's trying to do is damage the reputation of Nicola and the whole club under him, and all he's succeeding to do is damage his own reputation by getting involved with this petty squabble. This is the kind of thing you contest in private, not in the red-tops.


Complete rubbish, if you seriously think this is Matts aim your'e stupid, Matt loves saints isn't that clear???


Both sides should shut the **** up and not air their dirty laundry in the media.

Matts boy is obviously going to stick up for his dad and we all know that benali has a gripe with nc which has nothing to do with the football.

Matt and lawrie are legends but in these times of recession when some loyal lifelong fans can no longer afford to go,it's probably a good idea not to be giving out free tickets.

If this drags on it could have a damaging effect on the whole positive vibe around the club at the moment.

Both sides need to show a bit of restraint for the sake of the greater cause and if I'm honest the whole thing is a bit cringy.

Are you really glad that the legends, stalwarts and giants of our Club are treated on a par with my mate Rob from Sholing?


Surely the history, legacy and memories of the past are an integral part of a football club and the role it plays in many people's lives.


So far this evening my Club has been compared to Tescos, the most famous player in recent times has been deemed to be irrelevant the minute he stopped playing and now our legends are relegated to the levels of us mere fans. It used to be a bit more than that the last time I pondered what impact my CLub had on me, others and its wider community.


Maybe football really has changed over recent years!!!!!!!

good post totally agree

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