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Top of the league, won all 4 games so far...and not a single mention in the round-up chat...


Wait til we lose. Full coverage and analysis.


This programme was bad enugh last season with that dopey girl from BBC South but continues to nosedive even without her. It has to have even coverage but after loving up to ex England managers and extending sympathy to Mr Jewell (is Claridge after his job?) there is no room for anyone else. No matter Saints keep on winning and as the lead at the top extends they will have to give us a mention.

Which team did they mention instead?


Barnsley and Palace, as well as the other two teams quickest off the blocks - Derby and Brighton. Not a single mention for Saints.


Why do we bother? Even if Saints were top of the PL, BBC would still relegate us to the round-up slot and give us 35 secs maximum coverage. Some people there who clearly don't like us and never will. Just wait 'til we slip a bit, THEN we'll get coverage by the hour!!!!


That'll do me. Keep sneaking under the radar, no pressure, no expectations and other assorted cliches. Can't understand why commentators are so afraid of saying the word "Guly" on TV though. I'd jump at the chance.


Can't be much fan being a Tractor Boy at the moment. First Norwich d*cked them in their own back yard on their way to promotion. Then Saints go and do the same, then that complete calamity yesterday. Funny for the rest of us, I only wish it was the Skates.

27.30 for Saints so called coverage.



Claridge is a sad bluenose skate


Who talks postively about us all the time, especially on Five Live but also on the FLS.


Top of the league, won all 4 games so far...and not a single mention in the round-up chat...


So what? We had loads of coverage in the last two weeks.


Wait til we lose. Full coverage and analysis.




Was that it ? Barely 20 seconds for a team top of the league ?




Derby got much the same coverage, but of course we currently running away with the league being an entire goal better than they are and we now automatically deserve an hours full match coverage every week for the rest of the season.


Editorial policy at TFLS definitely seems to have a bias against the Saints.


Yeah. Course there is. Newsflash - Saints home to Millwall is a nothing game, when two ex England managers are squaring up for the first time in the NPC in a big local derby and another game ended seven freaking one. Why oh why oh why didn't they show every single kick of Saints v Millwall I ask myself.



Barnsley and Palace, as well as the other two teams quickest off the blocks - Derby and Brighton. Not a single mention for Saints.


Except at the beginning of the round up and at the end when the tables were talked about. Yeah, not a single mention.



Why do we bother? Even if Saints were top of the PL, BBC would still relegate us to the round-up slot and give us 35 secs maximum coverage. Some people there who clearly don't like us and never will. Just wait 'til we slip a bit, THEN we'll get coverage by the hour!!!!


****ing retarded.




I bet fans of every club say the same stuff.


Sure they do. Except Barnsley. There is a clear pro Barnsley agenda on the Football League show. Always has been. Or is it Ipswich? Or Peterborough. Yeah. That's it. Speak to any Peterborough fan and they'll tell you that the BBC definitely have a bias towards them. No. Hang on. I think I mean Derby. Derby fans love the BBC because of their blatant pro Derby agenda. Or is Burnley?


I'm sure the parade of utter spackers on this thread grizzling about how the BBC spends all their time thinking of ways to be biased against Southampton fu ck ing Football Club can tell you which clubs feel the benefit of the bias of the evil BBC.



See you all next week for the exact same drivel. The BBC hates Saints. Boo-fu cking - hoo.

Who talks postively about us all the time, especially on Five Live but also on the FLS.




So what? We had loads of coverage in the last two weeks.








Derby got much the same coverage, but of course we currently running away with the league being an entire goal better than they are and we now automatically deserve an hours full match coverage every week for the rest of the season.




Yeah. Course there is. Newsflash - Saints home to Millwall is a nothing game, when two ex England managers are squaring up for the first time in the NPC in a big local derby and another game ended seven freaking one. Why oh why oh why didn't they show every single kick of Saints v Millwall I ask myself.





Except at the beginning of the round up and at the end when the tables were talked about. Yeah, not a single mention.





****ing retarded.






Sure they do. Except Barnsley. There is a clear pro Barnsley agenda on the Football League show. Always has been. Or is it Ipswich? Or Peterborough. Yeah. That's it. Speak to any Peterborough fan and they'll tell you that the BBC definitely have a bias towards them. No. Hang on. I think I mean Derby. Derby fans love the BBC because of their blatant pro Derby agenda. Or is Burnley?


I'm sure the parade of utter spackers on this thread grizzling about how the BBC spends all their time thinking of ways to be biased against Southampton fu ck ing Football Club can tell you which clubs feel the benefit of the bias of the evil BBC.



See you all next week for the exact same drivel. The BBC hates Saints. Boo-fu cking - hoo.


What is your veiw on supporters of football related violence?

Lots of coverage means our players are in the shop window? I don't want Lallana, Fonte or Cork interesting any prem teams!


All Prem teams obviously base their entire scouting network around The Football League Show.


They wouldn't know any of our players even existed if it wasn't for said coverage.


I think we should draw their attention to what else is available on television on Saturday nights in the hope that they will miss any potential targets.

BBC Bias Alert.

Just finished watching MOTD2. Not one bloody mention!! :x

Without detracting from the amusing irony of the post, MOTD2 did confirm some of the comments about the BBC and their football coverage. Seems the BBC go out of their way to promote the 'Celeb' clubs. On MOTD2, the commentator was wetting his pants over Man City, clearly expecting the overpaid carpetbaggers to thrash Bolton but in the end it was only a GK error that decided the game. Also interesting to see championship players, and a L1 player in the case of Elliott Bennett, performing just as well in the Prem as the so-called stars. Also interesting to see goal chances missed in the Prem that Lambert and Lallana would have put away with ease. Although the top 4 or 5 in the Prem tend to stay there because of strength in depth, the gap between the leagues doesn't look anything like as large as the ridiculous money difference would imply.

CB Fry







27.30 for Saints so called coverage.


Quote Originally Posted by grizzlygit View Post

Claridge is a sad bluenose skate

Who talks postively about us all the time, especially on Five Live but also on the FLS.


Quote Originally Posted by alehouseboys View Post

Top of the league, won all 4 games so far...and not a single mention in the round-up chat...

So what? We had loads of coverage in the last two weeks.


Quote Originally Posted by dune View Post

Wait til we lose. Full coverage and analysis.



Quote Originally Posted by beatlesaint View Post

Was that it ? Barely 20 seconds for a team top of the league ?



Derby got much the same coverage, but of course we currently running away with the league being an entire goal better than they are and we now automatically deserve an hours full match coverage every week for the rest of the season.


Quote Originally Posted by theyin View Post

Editorial policy at TFLS definitely seems to have a bias against the Saints.

Yeah. Course there is. Newsflash - Saints home to Millwall is a nothing game, when two ex England managers are squaring up for the first time in the NPC in a big local derby and another game ended seven freaking one. Why oh why oh why didn't they show every single kick of Saints v Millwall I ask myself.



Quote Originally Posted by Saint_clark View Post

Barnsley and Palace, as well as the other two teams quickest off the blocks - Derby and Brighton. Not a single mention for Saints.

Except at the beginning of the round up and at the end when the tables were talked about. Yeah, not a single mention.



Quote Originally Posted by Charlie Wayman View Post

Why do we bother? Even if Saints were top of the PL, BBC would still relegate us to the round-up slot and give us 35 secs maximum coverage. Some people there who clearly don't like us and never will. Just wait 'til we slip a bit, THEN we'll get coverage by the hour!!!!

****ing retarded.




Quote Originally Posted by Fan The Flames View Post

I bet fans of every club say the same stuff.

Sure they do. Except Barnsley. There is a clear pro Barnsley agenda on the Football League show. Always has been. Or is it Ipswich? Or Peterborough. Yeah. That's it. Speak to any Peterborough fan and they'll tell you that the BBC definitely have a bias towards them. No. Hang on. I think I mean Derby. Derby fans love the BBC because of their blatant pro Derby agenda. Or is Burnley?


I'm sure the parade of utter spackers on this thread grizzling about how the BBC spends all their time thinking of ways to be biased against Southampton fu ck ing Football Club can tell you which clubs feel the benefit of the bias of the evil BBC.



See you all next week for the exact same drivel. The BBC hates Saints. Boo-fu cking - hoo.


Maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's just because I think I hear SC's tone start to drone when we come on and I want to see more of Saints broadcast to the rest of the nation. But I'd fookin love, just love if I was proved right and this jumped up tw a t CB fookin Fry was proved wrong. Sorry for voicing an opinion

Who had a little bead of sweat, a tightening of the throat and a shuffle on the couch when the 'SISU out' stuff came on. There but for the grace of the footballers gods.


my thoughts exactly, that was bloody close


Clearly doesnt remember us being the last 10 seconds on MOTD when we were in the Pumped Up League either! Awful uneven presentation, despite the admittedly humouous vitriol above.......

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