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any minute now we'll have someone trying to get her the sack.


I hope not, but if this gets brought to the clubs attention by way of a complaint she's gone.

any minute now we'll have someone trying to get her the sack.


if i in my place of work did that not only would i be sacked i would charged with assault

no excuse whatsoever for that behaviour it makes no difference it being a women it was assault


Grown men being aggressive to one another. Ergo, let's blame the police for 'causing' the violence. And they say rocket science is complicated.


No wonder my missus thinks most football fans are mindless neanderthals.




Got this by email this week. Think it sums it up sorry if it formats wrong


A Police Officer in the UK


How do you tell the difference between a British Police Officer, an Australian Police Officer and an American Police Officer?



First - Lets pose the following question:


You're on duty by yourself walking on a deserted street late at night.

Suddenly, an armed man with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, raises the knife,



and lunges at you.You are carrying a Glock .40, and you are an expert shot, however you have only



a split second to react before he reaches you. What do you do?



Firstly the officer must consider the man's Human Rights.

1) Does the man look poor or oppressed?

2) Is he newly arrived in this country and does not yet understand the law?

3) Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack?

4) Am I dressed provocatively?

5) Could I run away?

6) Could I possibly swing my gun like a club and knock the knife out of his hand?

7) Should I try and negotiate with him to discuss his wrong doings?

8) Does the Glock have appropriate safety built into it?

9) Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind of message does this send to society?

10) Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me?

11) If I were to grab his knees and hold on, would he still want to stab and kill me?

12) If I raise my gun and he turns and runs away, do I get blamed if he falls over, knocks his head and kills himself? .

13) If I shoot and wound him, and lose the subsequent court case, does he have the opportunity to sue me, cost me my job,



my credibility and the loss of my family home?









(Sergeant arrives at scene later and remarks: 'Nice grouping!)


The police tactics were aggro waiting to happen. The fools should have put up the massive wall like at the leeds game and none of it would have happened.

The police tactics were aggro waiting to happen. The fools should have put up the massive wall like at the leeds game and none of it would have happened.

Well said Macey.

It seems that with the previous trouble at the last Pompey game and with what happened today,the police have lost any common sense.It does make you wonder what actually happens when they discuss the possibility of trouble at future games?

Well said Macey.

It seems that with the previous trouble at the last Pompey game and with what happened today,the police have lost any common sense.It does make you wonder what actually happens when they discuss the possibility of trouble at future games?


I guess what happens is that they discus overtime rates.

maybe they discussed millwall, had a look at the map,saw that its near the financial sector in docklands, and decided that a team supported mostly by finance sector workers shouldn't be too much of a threat !

Who knows?hard to imagine worse thought out(?) tactics. Strikes me police like a problem to solve, rather than preventing a problem.


Southampton head of police operations please take note, how many more times are you going to get it wrong, we all know that there are a number of clubs where there is a potential for problems today was no exception to that rule. With what happened after we scored someone should have thought, hello we might have a problem today and we did you/they had over an hour to make a decision and keep them in for 15 mins which should have happened. What is going to take for you to keep certain sets of fans in like most other clubs, someone to get injured and end up in hospital!


As said previously - its all about the video footage. Millwall kept in for 15 mins = no video footage of wrong doers = no arrests at 5 or 6 in the morning = no good pubicity for the OB.


If they were serious about avoiding trouble then the away fans would be kept back. God forbid anyone should get seriously hurt but if they do then the police tactics will have played a part.


I asked a policeman who's decision is it to let the away fans out. He said it was the clubs and they are there just to aid the stewards? So there you go the Police are not too blame!!! I do not condone violence but the Saints fan in the white hoody who sparked out a mouthy Millwall fan made my day.

As said previously - its all about the video footage. Millwall kept in for 15 mins = no video footage of wrong doers = no arrests at 5 or 6 in the morning = no good pubicity for the OB.


If they were serious about avoiding trouble then the away fans would be kept back. God forbid anyone should get seriously hurt but if they do then the police tactics will have played a part.


Bull****. It's all about a bunch of immature ****s.

I asked a policeman who's decision is it to let the away fans out. He said it was the clubs and they are there just to aid the stewards? So there you go the Police are not too blame!!! I do not condone violence but the Saints fan in the white hoody who sparked out a mouthy Millwall fan made my day.


This seems odd. I'd like to know whether this is true or not. If it is true it defies reason that the club are making such decisions.

This seems odd. I'd like to know whether this is true or not. If it is true it defies reason that the club are making such decisions.


the club act on the advice/say so of the police...fact


The solution is simple. Travel club only for away supporters for games like this and for when we play at Portsmouth. That would keep trouble away from the stadium.

the club act on the advice/say so of the police...fact


Well not according to The Policeman I spoke to? It does seem strange that the Police are told how they should Police by the club?

Total shambles whoevers fault it is?

Well not according to The Policeman I spoke to? It does seem strange that the Police are told how they should Police by the club?

Total shambles whoevers fault it is?


I think you were fobbed off, but would like to know for sure who is responsible for the daft crowd control decision.

Well not according to The Policeman I spoke to? It does seem strange that the Police are told how they should Police by the club?

Total shambles whoevers fault it is?


i think he was humouring you.......

Posted (edited)

The away end head steward was moved to another section this season so the new guy took his place vs Leeds.

He quit after that game as he became stressed with it all.

I expect a new steward took over the away fans yesterday as I know it was not the guy last season because I never saw him.

Anyway it's **** letting them out straight away as its obviously it was going to kick off with the insults walking down the steps between each other.


What I hate is the fact I'm with my two young children by the bridge getting pelted by coins from above, my children don't want to go anymore as they was scared!

I can see why it was a gate of 23k only as the sensible ones kept away from the animals day trip.

Edited by Pilchards
Well not according to The Policeman I spoke to? It does seem strange that the Police are told how they should Police by the club?

Total shambles whoevers fault it is?


As others have said, I think he was just fobbing you off. The club don't instruct the Police, it works the other way. We've seen it before when the club were told where to place away fans in the stadium and were again knocked back when they wanted to relocate them recently.


Wasn't there also a statement from the OB after the trouble at the local derby when they were criticised for letting out the skates at the same time about how they couldn't keep them back as it was an "infringement of their civil liberties"? This despite it happening in just about every other ground in this country, at Southampton home games previously and just down the road with the bluefew by the same police force!


And yesterday I've heard that Saints fans were held back on the train bridge while Millwall fans were taken down Northam Road back to the station. Was that not an infringment of their civil liberties?



Same again for the visit of West Ham and the local derbies?

Nothing happened apart from 1 or 2 coins thrown and grown men chanting behind a police line so what's the problem. There was no massive disorder. Did anyone rattle a fence?


More by luck than judgement. And you forgot the spitting. How grown men can stand on a footbridge and spit on people below, including women and children, just because the team they follow lost a football match is beyond me.


Millwall scum bags feeling the need to be aggressive to uphold their reputation. An obvious statement, but one confirmed by themselves here;


"without an edge to our fans we would simply be an Orient because it is our fans of our past that has stood us out from the others, not what we have achieved through trophies etc. Tell me the truth, if loosing the LLG element we were to be the same as Orient"


Read more: http://www.millwall.vitalfootball.co.uk/forum/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=86813&posts=39#ixzz1VexGzV7p

Millwall scum bags feeling the need to be aggressive to uphold their reputation. An obvious statement, but one confirmed by themselves here;


"without an edge to our fans we would simply be an Orient because it is our fans of our past that has stood us out from the others, not what we have achieved through trophies etc. Tell me the truth, if loosing the LLG element we were to be the same as Orient"


Read more: http://www.millwall.vitalfootball.co.uk/forum/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=86813&posts=39#ixzz1VexGzV7p


Read more? No thanks.

Millwall scum bags feeling the need to be aggressive to uphold their reputation. An obvious statement, but one confirmed by themselves here;


"without an edge to our fans we would simply be an Orient because it is our fans of our past that has stood us out from the others, not what we have achieved through trophies etc. Tell me the truth, if loosing the LLG element we were to be the same as Orient"


Read more: http://www.millwall.vitalfootball.co.uk/forum/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=86813&posts=39#ixzz1VexGzV7p

anyone else read those posts in the link back to yourself with a danny dyer accent....quite funny


Poor Police can't win. Admittedly a strange decision not to hold back the millwall fans, but at the same time, Saints fans did not help, obviously goading millwall fans as much as possible. BTW, it's not 'Part and parcel of real football, it's the pastime of ****s in the 70's. Of course, if Police go the other way with barriers and arrests, the reaction is always something more akin to this:


anyone else read those posts in the link back to yourself with a danny dyer accent....quite funny


Definately, some sad individuals on there!


check out this vid from yesterday. Proving what lovely, wholesome characters following millwall fc around the country



Policing was an absolute joke. Why such a massive downscaling of their operation from the Leeds game? Huge difference. And if there is one club you would put extra measures in for (apart from the Skates) is Millwall. Plenty of them steaming through the Northam carpark after the game as women and kids came out and the only thing that stopped them in their tracks was normal Saints fans refusing to be chased off, well before the police or stewards got their act together. If there is a game even with a relatively small chance of trouble they close the north car park, so you do have to wonder why they left it completey open for a game like this, did they want it to kick off?


just said this to myself with a danny dyer accent (from the millwall site)

Few Millwall badly bitten by the dogs, a right liberty.




also, this sounds like a pleasant chap


who loved the bit about my daughter being set on by police dogs?



Many of you will dismiss this out of hand, as would have I a few years ago, but;


I have seen too many errors of judgement from the police at football, to believe it is just incompetance. I now beleive that for whatever reason, in certain circumstances, they actively encourage trouble and create situations to make it happen.


Whether that is to flush out trouble makers or get the arrest figures up, I have no idea.

Many of you will dismiss this out of hand, as would have I a few years ago, but;


I have seen too many errors of judgement from the police at football, to believe it is just incompetance. I now beleive that for whatever reason, in certain circumstances, they actively encourage trouble and create situations to make it happen.


Whether that is to flush out trouble makers or get the arrest figures up, I have no idea.


Spot on. Anyone who thinks otherwise is deluded.

Spot on. Anyone who thinks otherwise is deluded.


My thoughts exactly. Basically doing as little as possible to prevent trouble, so they can film all the guys who want to fight, whilst risking the safety of families and other fans who would like to be as far away from trouble as possible.




Trousers,.... I know you like your conspiracy theories, but this is one I really believe. There are far to many occassions that I have witnessed first hand, that just dont add up.

When you take a step back and think about it, it is not necessarily a bad policy. The police charge the clubs a lot of money for policing, if you let it kick off every now and then, it justifies their presence and costs (lots of overtime for oldbill) and at the same time they get their arrest figures up and take out a few scroates. The only real downside is what we had yesterday, when women and kids get to see it all played out.


If I am wrong, then we have the most stupid, uneducated, pea brain police force in the world.

Many of you will dismiss this out of hand, as would have I a few years ago, but;


I have seen too many errors of judgement from the police at football, to believe it is just incompetance. I now beleive that for whatever reason, in certain circumstances, they actively encourage trouble and create situations to make it happen.


Whether that is to flush out trouble makers or get the arrest figures up, I have no idea.


That's how it appears to me, this 'youtube' stye of policing is what helped turn London into a war-zone last week.


It might be an effective way of catching people but I would prefer it if my safety wasn't put at risk for the sake of their stats. If it kicks-off seriously on that footbridge over the railway its a disaster waiting to happen IMO.

Many of you will dismiss this out of hand, as would have I a few years ago, but;


I have seen too many errors of judgement from the police at football, to believe it is just incompetance. I now beleive that for whatever reason, in certain circumstances, they actively encourage trouble and create situations to make it happen.


Whether that is to flush out trouble makers or get the arrest figures up, I have no idea.


It isn't uncommon when a Superintendent or similar is being considered for promotion, to get certain statistics up at the right time

Trousers,.... I know you like your conspiracy theories, but this is one I really believe. There are far to many occassions that I have witnessed first hand, that just dont add up.

When you take a step back and think about it, it is not necessarily a bad policy. The police charge the clubs a lot of money for policing, if you let it kick off every now and then, it justifies their presence and costs (lots of overtime for oldbill) and at the same time they get their arrest figures up and take out a few scroates. The only real downside is what we had yesterday, when women and kids get to see it all played out.


If I am wrong, then we have the most stupid, uneducated, pea brain police force in the world.


need a journalist to make a freedom of information request on police planning for match

need a journalist to make a freedom of information request on police planning for match


Well I did find out that the game was changed from a cat C (The highest) in the week, to one of the lowest


hmmmmmmmmmmmmm I wonder


The answer as far as I can see is to build a permanent set of fences at the away end,in the car park. leave a gap at the boundary which would allow people to walk round but make it covered.

Park the away coaches inside the fenced area, if the fans have come by other than the official coaches then they are held in the ground or this compound until the coaches leave, now NC could charge parking for the coaches as well so its a double win. The Police and stewards would have time to assess the mood of the fans and then take a decision on when to open the gates, but the default is LOCK IN.


About time Southampton Police got crowd control sorted we've had home fans antagonised by filming them when nothing was happening, deployment of police dogs when the pitch invasion came from another stand and the dogs then withdrawn.


We had trouble at the FA Cup v skates we had trouble after the Yeovil game and yet we seem to have less policing and since they stopped closing the road dispersal of the home fans has been slower.

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