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What deterrents do people suggest for a number of cats using my garden as a toilet? There are about six cats that roam and every night I have to clean up the front and back gardens because of the mess/smell/flies caused by the cats.


The binmen have complained to the council about the smell from my bin and I was visited by one of their clipboard warriors who advised that I need to dispose of the mess more carefully.


I'm not too happy about that but what can I do? They aren't my cats but I am seemingly responsible for clearing their mess.


My garden has gravel and wood-chip, which is ideal for the cats but I don't want to have to replace it all again over something that should be the owners of the cats worry.


I have tried the usual stuff, pepper, lemon, special plants that are supposed to ward off cats, get off my garden and other things but they have had no effect.


So, any solutions offered?


In an attempt to being some sensible suggestions to this thread, do you know where/how they get in to your garden in the first place?


I remember a friend of mine stopping cats getting into his garden by putting spikes on his walls with a warning sign to cover himself from liability. However I think this can only be done if it is a boundary between two private properties and not a boundary between a private property and a public highway.


I think the RSPCA even recommend a type to use to keep cats out, how effective their recommended methods are is another matter

In an attempt to being some sensible suggestions to this thread, do you know where/how they get in to your garden in the first place?


I remember a friend of mine stopping cats getting into his garden by putting spikes on his walls with a warning sign to cover himself from liability. However I think this can only be done if it is a boundary between two private properties and not a boundary between a private property and a public highway.


I think the RSPCA even recommend a type to use to keep cats out, how effective their recommended methods are is another matter


I have barbed wire that runs across the top half of one side of the fence but they come from across a party fence, which I can't stop them coming over. There were six seperate amounts of cat crap yesterday evening, all in various places across the garden. It's becoming a task in itself to find it all. Tere are about ten cats/kittens that are roaming free, some neighbours have dogs so they tend to use my garden. There are areas of the lawn that no longer grow back, due to their pee and are now just brown patches. It's not as if it's the odd one here and there, it's becoming overrun.


The council said they can't do anything to help unless the cats aren't being looked after, so it's just finding a strategy that works. I will check the RSPCA website for guidance.


I have now been told that there is a product called 'roar', which is the smell of Lion poo and this seems to have some effect with others having the same problem.


The smell is beyond words some days and the amount of flies is staggering, even after spend 20 mins cleaning it all up, the same mess is back the following day.

The binmen have complained to the council about the smell from my bin and I was visited by one of their clipboard warriors who advised that I need to dispose of the mess more carefully.


Hose your bin out, use a wheelie bin liner, use nappy bags for the cat mess, don't be such a dirty tramp.


If you are after sympathy you have none from me. Being a skanky is nothing to be proud about.


Lurk in the bushes with a bucket of water or a hose and give them a good soaking. One of those kid's water guns are useful as they have quite a good range.


Cats hate water. Do it few times and they should stay away.


There are battery operated devices on the market that emit a burst of ultrasonic sound that is inaudible to human but gives them a good scare. Can find them at B&Q for £20.

There are battery operated devices on the market that emit a burst of ultrasonic sound that is inaudible to human but gives them a good scare. Can find them at B&Q for £20.

Not only do they not work, you can hear the noise they put out, it's quite annoying.


They were dicsussing this on Richard Bacon's Help! section last week, a general bad experience was recommended - charge and scream at them basically so they associate your lawn with a nutter.


Rather than put the cat poo in the bin get one of those dog poo compost bins. It's basically a lidded bucket with the bottom cut off. Sink it in the garden and put the poo in there it just never fills up. It bio-degrades and disapears.

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