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On a football website the main advert today is mascara from Boots !

Normally this would not fit the profile of your average supporter, perhaps we have a very high percentage of female fans but I doubt it, maybe transexual ?

In any case I find this strange from a marketing angle, it's difficult to imagine the reasoning between Boots and the club for including this advert on the SFC newspage, but obviously somebody thought it was a good idea !

  bridge too far said:
Strange - the advert is for Ford when I look!


Perhaps the ads are targetted at the viewer ;)


I think you're right there. I got an advert for joining mensa.... ;-)


Maybe it goes round and round, because it was definitely mascara when I looked this morning !

Perhaps I've been targeted as the club transexual then ??


Its smart advertising. I just booked a Thomson holiday and the advert is...Thomson holidays. Euro...you must have been buying your weekend mascara....

  Tom28 said:
Its smart advertising. I just booked a Thomson holiday and the advert is...Thomson holidays. Euro...you must have been buying your weekend mascara....


Sh#t, my secret is out of the bag :)

Better check with 'er indoors to see if she has been frittering the household budget on unnecessary luxuries !


Advertising on almost all sites is not placed there by the site owners. In short they use an internet advertising company to populate the ads on the site based on the cookies saved under your user name on your computer. If you and the wife/g/daughter use the same login then expect to get a pretty good clue as to what they've been looking at based on the ads that pop up on both SFC and most other sites with ads.

  trousers said:
I think you're right there. I got an advert for joining mensa.... ;-)


Makes sense - I'd heard they'd lowered the standard ;)


I've gone upmarket in the last hour as I'm now getting Mercedes Benz adverts!

  twopintsnilnil said:
Advertising on almost all sites is not placed there by the site owners. In short they use an internet advertising company to populate the ads on the site based on the cookies saved under your user name on your computer. If you and the wife/g/daughter use the same login then expect to get a pretty good clue as to what they've been looking at based on the ads that pop up on both SFC and most other sites with ads.


Thanks for the explanation, it does make sense now and at least it was not porn related so I didn't make a complete arse of myself !!


lol well that cookie tracking stuff clearly works - NOT


I'm getting an Ad for a Mazda MX-5 with all the prices in pounds.


The only things about cars I ever look at on-line is car hire

  hutch said:
But have you been thinking about taking a hairdressing course, Phil?




That's amazing. How the hell did the Innernet know that the better half asked me to brush her hair last night? Wow this technicalolergy stuff is freaky.


(Oh & LMFAO about having a nice TINY sports car here in Dubai with the way the locals drive. - SQUISH.)


Only think you ever want to drive down here is a fecking Tank. Now maybe if they advertised some of those APC's that the MOD are trying to sell off....


I have it too, but then I'm a girly (well, actually a slightly butch and sporty one). Perhaps lots of fans have different sorts of fun on a Saturday night: what an intrigueing thought....


Ad placement clearly does work and generates millions of pounds of business for both ad companies and advertisers. I suspect you have been advertised to about new cars because advertisers usually think a little more laterally than simply telling you about stuff you already have. They want to interest you in buying MORE stuff, not just DIFFERENT stuff, and as you obviously use cars, maybe you should think about buying one instead of renting..... Of course most ads don't result in a purchase and many are irrelevant, just like every other form of advertising, it's hardly an exact science after all. However targeted advertising really does up the hit rate considerably.

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