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Posted (edited)

Got the Courtney Barnett vinyl through yesterday. Have listened to it twice today, love it.

Edited by The Cat
the youtube album link I posted is played at the wrong speed for some unknown reason
Got the Courtney Barnett vinyl through yesterday. Have listened to it twice today, love it.


Yeah I'm really enjoying it too. Looking forward to seeing her next month.


BTW that trick of messing with tempo is usually to get around copyright. V dumb.

Craig Charles played this very tasteful extended remix of "I Heard It Through The Grapevine" on BBC 6 Music this afternoon. I like it a lot...starts slowly and develops...



fúcking fantastic.



Diplo is a complete knobber though. :wave: He can knock out a tune though.


She seems pretty good but she needs to learn some new dance moves - looks like she's trying to shift half a gallon of Mr Whippy from her lower colon in this video!

Craig Charles played this very tasteful extended remix of "I Heard It Through The Grapevine" on BBC 6 Music this afternoon. I like it a lot...starts slowly and develops...



Yeah - that really is ****ing good.

Posted (edited)

Sometimes I like music to be a bit of a laugh. Art Brut fit into this category.


So do Me First and the Gimme Gimmes.


Try listening to this:-



Or indeed their album, "Are we not men? We are diva!" without raising a grin. Go on, I dare you.

Edited by pap
Jesus, Art Brut. Not thought about them in ages. Eddie Argos was always decent value.


Ah, they're so much fun when they're at their best.


Quite a bit of filler on their albums though. I really like DC Comics & Chocolate Milkshakes though. Art Brut with a wee bit more technique, but still recognisably them.



Stay off the crack.

Craig Charles played this very tasteful extended remix of "I Heard It Through The Grapevine" on BBC 6 Music this afternoon. I like it a lot...starts slowly and develops...


CCR did an extended version (about 11 minutes) of the song on one of their early albums.



Craig Charles played this very tasteful extended remix of "I Heard It Through The Grapevine" on BBC 6 Music this afternoon. I like it a lot...starts slowly and develops...



Omg amazing


Playing the Brook, 6th August. Get your tickets in sharpish, probably the last european tour. Fantastic live band if a bit pricey for the brook (£22.) Also playing the next night at the grand in clapham.




They normally wouldnt play that type of smallish venue, but the Brook did them a favour a few years back at short notice when they were doing a warm-up tour for the Wild West live album to be recorded in London. Some bournemouth venue let them down, and the brook agreed to get them in at short notice. Still gutted that I missed that show after finding out the day after they played there.


South - From Here On In. Mixed bag of an album, never really listened to it properly after the initial spin after I bought it 10 years ago or so. It's not too bad on further investigation, although they really do wear their influences on their sleeves.

South - From Here On In. Mixed bag of an album, never really listened to it properly after the initial spin after I bought it 10 years ago or so. It's not too bad on further investigation, although they really do wear their influences on their sleeves.


I have that album. Just checked and it came out in 2000.


They had quite a bit of heat behind them at one point, probably because they were on Mo Wax which was very much a trendy label at the time. Last released an album in 2008 which completely passed me by.


Saw them at the Joiners not long after that first album came out. Their tour bus had broken down and only 2 of them made the gig after thumbing a lift while the drummer stayed with the bus.


Thanks Cat...yes I liked them both...need to go back a listen properly without interruptions.


I find it difficult nowadays to find a real quiet time to myself where I can sit and listen for 45 minutes or so. I do need it for certain reflective music...been trying to find that time to listen to "Carrie & Lowell" in just one hit but still have only listened to individual tracks after nearly a week of trying. :?

New Gallows album, Desolation Sounds is very nice, very nice indeed. Much prefer their Wade era stuff to the Frank era.


Haha saw them years ago, with Frank. Was pretty crazy, but good fun. Think I read that Frank is back under a new guise.

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