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It's so refreshing to have a guy like NC running our football club. What an amazing deal for us.


I fail to see any difference in the good deal we've got selling this player who we didn't want to sell as opposed to all of the others.


Some of the revisionism amongst some of our fans is just staggering.


Good Luck to him

hope he has a nice soft cushion because he will be sitting on the bench a lot

lets use the money well and when we visit the Emirates next season and he is still only a bit part player he will envy Lallana who will be a legend and playing every game


He's not gonna get splinters off a Recarro seat boys...


Pretty inevitable really...still pretty gutting though. We'll do well to replace that kind of quality...


Good luck to the kid. Gonna be very tough for him at Arsenal, fans not happy with Wenger with so much being spent on another "one for the future" when they desperately need a decent centre back. Could end up being the fans stick to beat Wenger with if he does'nt do the business quickly. Great piece of business and already bought his repacement in De Ridder?


Goes with my thanks and good wishes for his future. Would love for him to have stayed but once his greedy skate father had it put out that he wanted to go it was best that he did. Nice that he thanked all at Southampton for his development in the Arsenal website statement.


Thanks also for the money...it will help a bit in getting up to where we need to be.


Good business tactics from NC too if the deal was as it sounds!


God, what a bunch of bitter bastards on here! I'm annoyed that he went, as I wanted him to grow with the club and become a lynchpin of our side for years to come, but you can't really begrudge him a move to f*cking Arsenal! Pleased that we got a lot for him though, if Lescott is worth £26m then Chambo is easily worth £12m + add-ons. We shouldn't be saying that we don't need him though, we did miss his directness a bit last year when he was injured. Another thing that i'm pleased about is that his Skate dad is away from the club now!


Good luck to the guy, and I hope he proves himself, because he's got fantastic potential.


After seeing De Ridder play the second half against West Brom I quickly came to the opinion that the lad had NOT joined Saints just to be AOC's back-up boy.


Signing of DR and selling of AOC are pure good business in my view

He's not gonna get splinters off a Recarro seat boys...


Pretty inevitable really...still pretty gutting though. We'll do well to replace that kind of quality...


we said that after Chivers, Channon, Wallace,Le Tiss, Bridge, Bale, Walcott another one will soon come along, just be patient

I fail to see any difference in the good deal we've got selling this player who we didn't want to sell as opposed to all of the others.


Some of the revisionism amongst some of our fans is just staggering.


The fee? Based on the number of appearances and the level played at, it is ridiculous money

Bill, I think you should have used the word possibly a tremendous talent. There is no doubt he is brilliant for a 17 year old but in real terms he is very raw and doesn't seem to have a sharp football brain. his positional play is poor at times and will need a lot of work. Like Walcott in his hurry to get away I think he has gone to the wrong club. I really rate De Ridder who may not be as good as Chamberlain might become but is a far superior footballer at this point in time.


Dave, I think he's a tremendous talent right now but admittedly only at the League 1 level. At 17 he was giving quite a run-around to some grown men, some of whom tried unsuccessfully to do little more than just clatter him.


Whether he can take that to the next level (actually two levels up), and whether "he can learn the lessons he needs to learn" (I agree with you), remain to be seen but he certainly has a potential unlike any other English youngster I've seen recently.


If he can make the transition he's potentially worth a lot more than fifteen million, and I think he can do it because he has that extra physique to help him. However, I worry that he's stepping into (or being pushed into, by his father) a cauldron at the Emirates.


I just don't agree with the "we fleeced Arsenal" (we won't know for some time) and "Good riddance" (childish) comments.


****Breaking News****


Looting continues in North London as Saints lift £15m from Arsenal for benchwarmer....





Seriously, good luck to the nipper. We're getting a shed lot of money for a player that has never played above the third tier. It's a gamble for Arsenal AND AOC, but then I don't feel too bad as we have a pocket full of cash. Spend wisely NA and NC!!

God, what a bunch of bitter bastards on here! I'm annoyed that he went, as I wanted him to grow with the club and become a lynchpin of our side for years to come, but you can't really begrudge him a move to f*cking Arsenal! Pleased that we got a lot for him though, if Lescott is worth £26m then Chambo is easily worth £12m + add-ons. We shouldn't be saying that we don't need him though, we did miss his directness a bit last year when he was injured. Another thing that i'm pleased about is that his Skate dad is away from the club now!


Good luck to the guy, and I hope he proves himself, because he's got fantastic potential.


yep, it's highly debatable whether Lescott was worth £26 million but he, at least, was a proven Premiership standard player and full international when he went for stupid money......AOC is neither and £12 million for a benchwarmer is a risk for Arsenal and very shrewd business by us......


It is done.


Arsene the hypocrite gets his man after a long and protracted campaign.

We get a simply incredible amount of cash, good work NC and without any direct impact on the first team we now have in place.

Alex gets the move his family wanted for him at this stage of his 'development.'




While disappointed to lose a player of Oxo's obvious talent, we didn't miss him in the run in. Neither did we miss him Saturday. So good luck to AOC I think your going to need it, & we can use the money to strengthen the squad & club. And reading the statement on the OS it seems to me that the 12-mill + Add on's is the most realistic (reading between the lines) being that the 12 mill deal for Walcott is widely known & we've blown it out of the water. I think Arsenal will try to play those figures down by saying 12-mill with add on's to make it sound as though its not 12 up front.

It is done.


Arsene the hypocrite gets his man after a long and protracted campaign.

We get a simply incredible amount of cash, good work NC and without any direct impact on the first team we now have in place.

Alex gets the move his family wanted for him at this stage of his 'development.'






This :thumbup:

Cheerio Alex - don't forget those Teflon pants to stop the splinters getting stuck up your arse...


Another career Wenger can mismanage.


Oh he brings young players on, does he??


Hmmm - show me he does a better job than Ferguson. He doesn't. Love watching Arsenal play but name me a single young Englishman who is now a regular international thanks to Arsene? He doesn't believe in international football and I have more chance of winning a trophy this year or next year than the Gooners, sadly...



Walcott is effectively a regular


Everyone's happy


AOC gets his dad's dream


Saints get a truck load of cash


NA gets to sign two or three players that will add to the team and help our promotion push


My only further point is ...AOC £12m ...Adam Lallana ..worth a whole lot more ......and he isn't going anywhere (thank God) :)

Independent and Press Association reporting £12m in advance and a further £3m in add-ons. If that's the case, we've absolutely taken them to the cleaners.


Fantastic Business by Nicola Cortese ..... Superb


AOC was good, and MAY get better, but it's not a cast iron certainty

Dave, I think he's a tremendous talent right now but admittedly only at the League 1 level. At 17 he was giving quite a run-around to some grown men, some of whom tried unsuccessfully to do little more than just clatter him.


Whether he can take that to the next level (actually two levels up), and whether "he can learn the lessons he needs to learn" (I agree with you), remain to be seen but he certainly has a potential unlike any other English youngster I've seen recently.


If he can make the transition he's potentially worth a lot more than fifteen million, and I think he can do it because he has that extra physique to help him. However, I worry that he's stepping into (or being pushed into, by his father) a cauldron at the Emirates.


I just don't agree with the "we fleeced Arsenal" (we won't know for some time) and "Good riddance" (childish) comments.


Whilst I'd prefer us to keep the kids with great potential and bring them in as the bedrock of the first team, for some reason I just don't feel the same about this one. It's just that with his father up to his neck in the unsettleing process it would only be a matter of time before he became an unsettleing issue for the other players. I must say I'm relieved to draw a line under it. I've a feeling the management see it that way too and the only issue was the price/add ons/sell on percentage. Of course they would say they wanted to keep him for negotiating purposes.


you have to ask yourself, if you were a premiership manager right now, what would you pay for chambo (knowing him like we do as saints fans) ..in my opinion he's worth about 5 or 6 million TOPS as an investment .... we have had an absolute result selling him for that some of money. Yeah he was exciting at times, but he was no finished product by a long shot, and probably far too lightweight for the premiership at the moment ...by the time he isnt, he would of spent most of his time on a bench rather than getting good experience and improving. Absolute steal ....


At the end of the day, who's better, lallana or chambo? i know who id have any day of the week ...that must make lallanas price tag roughly 20 million


He did want to leave, and one of the reasons we cashed in. We can streghten an alreaady great squad of players by adding 3 or 4 to the squad. I am looking forward to see who buy!


Good luck to him!

you have to ask yourself, if you were a premiership manager right now, what would you pay for chambo (knowing him like we do as saints fans) ..in my opinion he's worth about 5 or 6 million TOPS as an investment .... we have had an absolute result selling him for that some of money. Yeah he was exciting at times, but he was no finished product by a long shot, and probably far too lightweight for the premiership at the moment ...by the time he isnt, he would of spent most of his time on a bench rather than getting good experience and improving. Absolute steal ....


At the end of the day, who's better, lallana or chambo? i know who id have any day of the week ...that must make lallanas price tag roughly 20 million


If Chamberlain is worth £12m, Lalla is worth £24m.


Goodbye Alex, goodbye affection, goodbye media circus.


Hello Schteeve, hello loadsamoney.


On balance I'm happy with the way things are unfolding. Time will tell, but right now I think Arsenal have managed to mug themselves.


At least it's done now and we can get on with concentrating on the things we should be concentrating on.


Think he will need a loan out to champ level for at least half a season before he is ready for a chance at prem level but for his bank balance this is prob the best move for him now.


Good luck to him but I hope we can continue on to Prem and get there before he does

Whilst I'd prefer us to keep the kids with great potential and bring them in as the bedrock of the first team, for some reason I just don't feel the same about this one. It's just that with his father up to his neck in the unsettleing process it would only be a matter of time before he became an unsettleing issue for the other players. I must say I'm relieved to draw a line under it. I've a feeling the management see it that way too and the only issue was the price/add ons/sell on percentage. Of course they would say they wanted to keep him for negotiating purposes.


I agree completely with that, Dave.


My "rider" on this whole thing relates to what Cortese does with the money.


We don't need to blow it all - we need to keep some up our sleeves. However, we certainly DO need to spend some of it if we want to challenge this year (which Saturday should have convinced us we can do).


If we spend it wisely on the key areas (most agree on them) the AOC transfer would have been a brilliant piece of business.


If we sit on the cash, if we get fleeced ourselves, or if we strengthen the wrong places, not so good.


I'm looking at the squad rather than the finances.

Whilst I'd prefer us to keep the kids with great potential and bring them in as the bedrock of the first team, for some reason I just don't feel the same about this one. It's just that with his father up to his neck in the unsettleing process it would only be a matter of time before he became an unsettleing issue for the other players. I must say I'm relieved to draw a line under it. I've a feeling the management see it that way too and the only issue was the price/add ons/sell on percentage. Of course they would say they wanted to keep him for negotiating purposes.

Agree with all of that derry, since daddy went on sky in January its been almost inevitable. He's the one been trying to engineer the move & now has what he wants, we also seem to have come out of it pretty well. We've already replaced him so are no worse off & have the money to further strengthen the squad. Onwards & upwards!


Three thoughts on hearing this news.


Puts the £12m ML paid for SFC into perspective!


Good Luck to him, he was one helluva prospect and I feel Arsenal will not regret shelling out 15m in the long run.


I think our promotion chances have lengthened with his departure.


“Clubs spend money they do not have,” he said. “They spend next year’s income. They spend money that will not arrive for two years and say, ‘But we’ll have some success and bring in more cash to cover the shortfall.’ It cannot be sustained.


“In good times you need to be saving money for the bad times. If we reach the Premier League, I would like to be in a position where we did not need parachute payments. In good years you should put money away for the bad years.” - Nicola Cortese

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