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Oxlade Chamberlain having medical at Arsenal today

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simonpeach Simon Peach

Alex Chamberlain will cost Arsenal up to £15m, as I understand it. #SaintsFC will get £12m up front & potentially £3m more in add-ons.

5 seconds ago Favorite Retweet Reply





The very fact that the arsenal fans are livid with this deal should tell us that we have just picked their pocket.


I don't think we've picked their pocket CB. He's a great talent and he's going to be a very, very good player - as skilled as Theo or a BWP but with a bit more weight and muscle to back him up.


He's just not what their fans think they need right now, and I think they're right.


I really hope we get on the high ground here, wish him well, move on and cheer him when he comes back to SMS for a game - maybe next year.


AOC on Twitter, its done.





i'd just like to say thanks to all the fans at Southampton you've always been brilliant and i hope you understand my decision to leave

6 minutes ago



everyone was telling me to update my bio from Southampton to Arsenal. #BOOM it's done!

simonpeach Simon Peach

Alex Chamberlain will cost Arsenal up to £15m, as I understand it. #SaintsFC will get £12m up front & potentially £3m more in add-ons.

5 seconds ago Favorite Retweet Reply






If that is true then Cortese is a ****ing genius.

simonpeach Simon Peach

Alex Chamberlain will cost Arsenal up to £15m, as I understand it. #SaintsFC will get £12m up front & potentially £3m more in add-ons.

5 seconds ago Favorite Retweet Reply





get. the. fuk. out.


£12m up front with another £3m in add ons...


christ....amazing cash really


From the Press Association...


Alex Chamberlain will cost Arsenal up to £15m, as I understand it. #SaintsFC will get £12m up front & potentially £3m more in add-ons.

1 minute ago Favorite Retweet Reply


Great deal there! :D

simonpeach Simon Peach

Alex Chamberlain will cost Arsenal up to £15m, as I understand it. #SaintsFC will get £12m up front & potentially £3m more in add-ons.

5 seconds ago Favorite Retweet Reply








And that's not Chamberlain on Twitter.

simonpeach Simon Peach

Alex Chamberlain will cost Arsenal up to £15m, as I understand it. #SaintsFC will get £12m up front & potentially £3m more in add-ons.

5 seconds ago Favorite Retweet Reply






Feck if that is true we really have done well! I bet Cortese was trying hard to keep a straight face when he agreed to that one!


If we pump that back into the squad then i think we have a good chance of going up this year.

AOC on Twitter, its done.





i'd just like to say thanks to all the fans at Southampton you've always been brilliant and i hope you understand my decision to leave

6 minutes ago



everyone was telling me to update my bio from Southampton to Arsenal. #BOOM it's done!


Wouldnt read too much into that, his first tweet was 40 mins ago, all too convenient for me !

Are you sure that is actually him?


Account was only created today, so looks like its a fake. If you've just signed for Arsenal, why would you put up a profile pic of yourself in a Saints kit?

Are you sure that is actually him?


First tweet:



@AlexanderOxlade is a fake account. This is me.

40 minutes ago

simonpeach Simon Peach

Alex Chamberlain will cost Arsenal up to £15m, as I understand it. #SaintsFC will get £12m up front & potentially £3m more in add-ons.

5 seconds ago Favorite Retweet Reply




If true, that's an astronomical fee for someone who has only played one season in the third tier of English football.


Time to re-invest the money and sign a replacement winger, a defender and a new striker.

Whilst not unexpected, I was beginning to believe the fact that we were doing things a little differently from other clubs and selling AOC is a blow to this theory. I really hope we use the money to sign a cracking right winger for competition, a 20 goal a season striker and a solid cb. If we do then we will be in the playoffs no doubt.


He is just one player though. We have managed to keep other important players and if it were up to the club, I'm sure that they would have loved AOC to sign a new deal as well. If his advisors have turned his head then the club have to do what's best when looking at the bigger picture. If we had kept an unhappy player then that wouldn't be good for the team and next year he would only have a year left on his contract meaning we would get significantly less for him.


Despite the clubs philosophy, we're always going to be dealing with individuals who have their own interests at heart.

I'm guessing the improved money, is instead of a sell on clause ?


My thoughts exactly.


Would prefer a lower sum + sell on clause than a higher upfront fee. But who knows what's what. All mind-boggling speculation.


All i'm worried about now is clubs like Bristol City and Burnley will see us coming and double their price.....''you've got alot to spend after selling chambo, so you can pay double"

All i'm worried about now is clubs like Bristol City and Burnley will see us coming and double their price.....''you've got alot to spend after selling chambo, so you can pay double"


thing is...they will know we have money behind us.....so I dont think that matters much...

going to spurs never stopped bale being awesome...
I don't deny AOC has got talent - but why Arsenal a team on the decline within the Premiership - all I'm saying is AOC is currently not the answer Arsenal need at this moment in time -
All i'm worried about now is clubs like Bristol City and Burnley will see us coming and double their price.....''you've got alot to spend after selling chambo, so you can pay double"


Unless we have already had our bids accepted ;)

simonpeach Simon Peach

Alex Chamberlain will cost Arsenal up to £15m, as I understand it. #SaintsFC will get £12m up front & potentially £3m more in add-ons.

5 seconds ago Favorite Retweet Reply






Wow indeed if that is true totally mental money.

My thoughts exactly.


Would prefer a lower sum + sell on clause than a higher upfront fee. But who knows what's what. All mind-boggling speculation.


If true then we've gained an extra £5m upfront from the reported £7m. So a 20% sell-on clause would mean he'd have to be sold for £25m for that money to be returned. Let's face it, he probably fits Arsenal better than any other Prem side and won't be going anywhere for a while.

Whilst not unexpected, I was beginning to believe the fact that we were doing things a little differently from other clubs and selling AOC is a blow to this theory. I .


Pretty sure getting £15m for a 17 year old with one season in division three is quite different from other clubs wouldn't you say? To put that into context that is more then what Shearer moved to Newcastle for (at the time a world record). And he was a proven premier league and international player at that time. To pay that for a guy who has never played in the pl, never played in europe, never played for the national or under 21's team, never played in the championship etc is madness, pure madness.


Only you could use it to take a swipe at the club Hypo....


I still say the end fee will be 'undisclosed' , its how our current regime like to play things


It could be that all these tweets about us spending big are simply an extrapolation of us recieving a large chunk of cash and spending it straight away rather than any solid bids being placed

Posted (edited)

Take the money and run.

Thanks Oxo,but we will survive without you.

When you are sitting on the bench or not even in the squad you will have your dad to thank.


I'm not a fan of these fees on the never never,eg sell on clauses,get as much upfront and be done with it.

If it is £12m now that rises to £15m that would be a very very good deal,however.

Bite their hands off.



Also may i be the first to welcome Maynard to SFC.:rolleyes:



Edited by saint lard
Whilst not unexpected, I was beginning to believe the fact that we were doing things a little differently from other clubs and selling AOC is a blow to this theory. I really hope we use the money to sign a cracking right winger for competition, a 20 goal a season striker and a solid cb. If we do then we will be in the playoffs no doubt.


Manchester United sold Ronaldo. Arsenal will sell Fabregas. Barcelona sold Figo. Every player has his price, we certainly didn't buckle immediately, and if the reported fee is true, we're just keeping in line with our competitors (Manure, Arsenal, Barca...).


Fourth_Official Fourth Official

Seems the Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain transfer could be key to Samir Nasri's future #MCFC


Straight into the 1st team???


Seriously, Wenger needs to get himself some defenders first, but £12m + £3m? Thank you Alex, thank you Mr Wenger. Onwards and upwards!


1700: FOOTBALL - Press Association Sport understands that Arsenal have agreed to pay £15m for Southampton winger Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain.


From the Beeb

Pretty sure getting £15m for a 17 year old with one season in division three is quite different from other clubs wouldn't you say? To put that into context that is more then what Shearer moved to Newcastle for (at the time a world record). And he was a proven premier league and international player at that time. To pay that for a guy who has never played in the pl, never played in europe, never played for the national or under 21's team, never played in the championship etc is madness, pure madness.


Only you could use it to take a swipe at the club Hypo....


I don't normally throw insults around but you are a total idiot. You completely disregard most of what I said and then said I was having a swipe at the club. Cretin.

If true then we've gained an extra £5m upfront from the reported £7m. So a 20% sell-on clause would mean he'd have to be sold for £25m for that money to be returned. Let's face it, he probably fits Arsenal better than any other Prem side and won't be going anywhere for a while.


Good point. Not sure how sell-on clauses are typically structured but yes on 20% he would have to be sold for quite a bit to match the reported £12m (especially if you discount for time). Some reports say we were holding out for a 40% sell on clause and that was the main sticking point between the clubs but who knows.


Not sure Arsenal is the best place to go - loath to say it but Man U have got a much more sensible and sophisticated policy on developing young players.

I don't normally throw insults around but you are a total idiot. You completely disregard most of what I said and then said I was having a swipe at the club. Cretin.


Your post was a total swipe at the club, trying to hide it with a nice comment after it does not make it any less a swipe.....idiot


If the figures being thrown around are true then that is outstanding business by Cortese. Not bad for a kid not old enough to drink alcohol with a handful of games in a saints shirt. He is going to be a good player but think of what we can do with that cash...Cheers Arsenal !!!!

Your post was a total swipe at the club, trying to hide it with a nice comment after it does not make it any less a swipe.....idiot
While i dont agree with Hypos thinly veiled swipe at the the club, i understand his sentiments of us selling our talent. And not seeing them benefit us, rather than another club. ;)

12 million upfront? Cortese really is a genius if this is true. Shame we couldn't keep him, he'll obviously be a top player one day, but what's more obvious it that we don't need him in our team.


Cheers and goodbye Alex.


Let me put it this way: If we had over 12£m to spend, would we splash it all on one wonder kid who could break his leg tomorrow?


Take the money, stick some in your back pocket for a rainy day and buy two or three players of proven quality at this level. Then tell any prospective buyers of the club what a wonderful youth factory we have here at Southampton.

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