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Yes. Essentially they created an enclosed section outside the front of the Kingsland stand which was the only way to enter. You gave your ticket stub at the North or South side of this enclosure and were then able to walk around that paddock (which is where the funfair, band and burger vans were) and in/out of the stadium as you pleased.





How many away fans were there?


I'd hazard a guess here. Approx. 50 Athletico Bilbao and 30 Werder Bremen (being a little generous here).


We all mixed well and there was plenty of banter with the Germans who occupied the Kingsland/Northam corner.


When they were 2-0 down against Bilbao our lot regaled them with 'You're not singing anymore' which made them chuckle.

To be honest and I know Im not alone here, there's just something not right at the club, I don't feel valued as a customer. All the prices are up, tickets up 40%, Dell cafe membership up by £13, free parking down to 15 mins, hardly reaching out and attracting me! No explanation for costs, no communication regarding anything, just a post on the os saying 'this is the cost and it's on sale now!' no early bird no nothing! I understand the people on here that say 'you know it's coming @ some point so be prepared' and 'the club does not need the money now day's' but it's hardly good business, look after your customers and your customers will look after you, after all it wasn't that long ago the club was disperate for us to re-new our tickets just to stay in business!!


Also I really, really don't like the constant back slapping and self gratifying posts on the os, Nicola has done this, Nicola has done that, Nicola has been great!! I'm not saying Nicola hasn't done some good, but do we really need Barnard etc peddling club propaganda?


It will be interesting to see the crowds and season ticket sales!


Spot on


I don't think you can criticise people for staying away for what was essentially a pre season friendly, albeit against some well respected opposition. I've been to some of these pre season friendly games before and however they label it (Markus' Memorial or Ted Bates Trophy) the games are essentially meaningless.


It would make more sense to honour Markus' contribution to our club's history by having a memorial day on a home match instead.


Let us also not forget that since NC has become chairman, the club has become far more aloof and businesslike in its treatment of the fans. Without Sky TV money from the Premier League, the fans are a large source of revenue for the club that seems to be exploited at every turn. That will turn people away

Spot on


Agreed, also the assumption that everyone is computer literate, especially for ST renewals (although it seems to work) and not working closely with the local paper to communicate.

There seems to be genuine affection and gratitude for ML, but that was a pretty poor showing from us today in terms of attendance. Considering the opposition and what the day represented, I can't help think we let the big man down.


Don't be ridiculous. A lot of people are truly hard up these days with energy and food prices rocketing. For many including me it was a complete waste of time and money could be ill afforded. Who has enough money to spare these days to see reserve teams poncing about?


Try to be a bit more sensitive and understanding. What really matters is that we get more than 20k at home matches when the action really starts.

was the fun-fair included in the price or were the rides on top of the ticket price?


All included in the ticket price. A good day all round actually, although I agree with the kids going free idea.


I don't think any incentive would've actually packed out the stadium though. The promotion celebration match after the last game of the season was free for all and didn't fill half of the ground. All in all the attendance was fair and roughly as expected.

Perhaps you can elaborate and tell us all exactly what it is that you expect from the club?


Not a lot really Block 5, nothing more than I would expect from any other service provider really, just expect a little respect as a customer, to be spoken to honestly and like an adult and feel wanted!


To be honest over the last 12-15 months I don't feel the club has respected me, communicated with me or wanted me! All we have had is pretty much, this is it, like it or lump it! If any fan on here ever dared to comment against nc or even question any of his decisions, said fan is met with "no pleasing some people" or the exact "if you don't like, lump it" response! With that in mind it seems a little hypocritical to lable yesterday's attendance as "poor showing" maybe some fans just lumped it??


Now, in return can you please elaborate on the "no pleasing some people"


Kind regards,




I'd have liked to go but had a prior commitment. I'd have loved to go though, if I were to attend any of the pre-season friendlies then an event like this would have been my choice.


I hope the people that went had a good time, and that the club isn't against doing a similar thing next season.

but that was a pretty poor showing from us today in terms of attendance.


I'm not so sure Stu, after all I just think many viewed it as a glorified training exercise (despite the poor pitching and marketing).


I also think it might be a shot across the bows in not taking supporters for granted. Others have mentioned it above, but maybe a few don't like it and have indeed lumped it!


If season ticket sales aren't overly impressive will "we" have let the Club down or should we instead look at how the Club went about pushing them???

Not a lot really Block 5, nothing more than I would expect from any other service provider really, just expect a little respect as a customer, to be spoken to honestly and like an adult and feel wanted!


To be honest over the last 12-15 months I don't feel the club has respected me, communicated with me or wanted me! All we have had is pretty much, this is it, like it or lump it! If any fan on here ever dared to comment against nc or even question any of his decisions, said fan is met with "no pleasing some people" or the exact "if you don't like, lump it" response! With that in mind it seems a little hypocritical to lable yesterday's attendance as "poor showing" maybe some fans just lumped it??


Now, in return can you please elaborate on the "no pleasing some people"


Kind regards,



good post i lumped it yesterday and i,m getting close to chucking in my season ticket,the customer service has been crap the last few seasons and if it had been another business treated people like morons i would have walked ages ago.


It sounds like it was a good day. Depends what you want from the 'club'. Even if I had lived anywhere near Southampton in the past 15 years, I doubt if I could have gone, much as I would have liked to. I applaud the club for putting this on - facrissakes, we've got a club and a team - that's much better than 2 years ago!?!?!

good post i lumped it yesterday and i,m getting close to chucking in my season ticket,the customer service has been crap the last few seasons and if it had been another business treated people like morons i would have walked ages ago.


See ya then.


I would have gone but I was put off by the time between games not the cost. 45 mins was far too long. OK its normally a 15 half-time so even 20 mins for W Bremen to have a rest would have been fine but with the 45 mins plus other match of 45 mins it was far too long. It would appear that all three teams played 2 sets of players for the tournament - so no rest needed really anyway. Could have had our first "game" at 4 as planned and the last game at about 6 rather 7. Thanks ML - forever in your debt.


The recent departure of the marketing manager may see a change in attitude? After all, things were not good since he arrived and he did not stay long. Let's hope NC picks the right man to come in and do the job properly if so many feel disgruntled with the way things have been. NC may make most of the decisions but the management team implement them and it is down to the marketing team to do this positively. A change of face in this area may well help I feel.


I wasn't suggesting that it was uber super duppa fans that went and rubbish fans that didn't, so my apologies if thats how it came over to a few- it certaainly wasn't meant that way. I couldn't afford to do Saturday and Wednesday, so I chose Saturday, seems quite a few chose the other way around

The recent departure of the marketing manager may see a change in attitude? After all, things were not good since he arrived and he did not stay long. Let's hope NC picks the right man to come in and do the job properly if so many feel disgruntled with the way things have been. NC may make most of the decisions but the management team implement them and it is down to the marketing team to do this positively. A change of face in this area may well help I feel.
i really hope so the club needs to get professional rather than have the amateurs they have in charge at the moment and their dealings with fans .

All Saints Supporters who did not go to the game that includes me please go to the naughty corner where Mr Gemmell will tell you off.


To the football yesterday we have a thread about Bart or Kelvin but I find it quite interesting to see who will be in CM


Probably Hammond and Cork??


Although it might be romantic to see the club as being run for the people, it isn't. It is being run for a profit. Whilst there might have been some 'fun' in Markus' original investment, if the club bleeds without prospect of return I fully expect the Liebherrs to exit stage right.


We can't want more, better (and QED better paid) players and expect all that for free. Outside of Hacker Murdoch's millions, the most significant source of funds is the fanbase.


The days of the community club are long gone. There's no point *****ing about it.

The price wasn't a problem at all. £16?? There must be some seriously poor people on this forum...


nope just average incomes, mortgage, children

£1000 season tickets

£200 car park

£65 dell supporters club

sometime you have to say enough

The recent departure of the marketing manager may see a change in attitude? After all, things were not good since he arrived and he did not stay long. Let's hope NC picks the right man to come in and do the job properly if so many feel disgruntled with the way things have been. NC may make most of the decisions but the management team implement them and it is down to the marketing team to do this positively. A change of face in this area may well help I feel.


I don't think this will make a difference tbh. I suspect the reason he left was because he couldn't get on with NC.


As I understand things NC makes the decisions and they are implemented regardless of whether they are a good idea or not. This is what I was told by someone who has since left the club.


The club's attitude to the fans changed when the club was bought by Markus. In fact the club's attitude to many things changed at the same time. That's why everything had to be paid for and why so many ex players and officials became unwelcome at the club.


Whether it's a good thing or not, there are not many people left at the club who were there when the takeover happened and in some cases, staff turnover has been very swift.


NC wants things done his way and thus far, the club has seen vast changes for the better in terms of facilities, playing and coaching staff and I guess this is what will keep most fans happy, but I certainly liked it more when I felt it was my club, but I guess that is the price of progress these days


NC wants things done his way and thus far, the club has seen vast changes for the better in terms of facilities, playing and coaching staff and I guess this is what will keep most fans happy, but I certainly liked it more when I felt it was my club, but I guess that is the price of progress these days


Interesting comments, but in all seriousness when did it last feel like it was our club ? Probably whilst we were still at The Dell, and some time before Lowe and reverse takeovers were heard of, perhaps even before Askham foisted Branfoot on us. In which case we are going back to the days of Woodford, in the mid 1980's.


As we see on here, a large proportion of our fan-base is weirdos with strange, insular understandings of the world. No surprise that a new format put them off a bit.


Hopefully word will spread that it was a really good laugh and more people will go next year. The pricing was about right.


I think they could consider starting it earlier next year - first game at 14:00, last game at 17:00. I know quite a few people who already had evening plans and so didn't go but would've done if it had finished earlier.


No one has to justify why they didn't go yesterday.


It is up to the individual to pay their respects to Markus in whatever way they see fit. I reject the notion that not attending yesterday was 'letting him down'.


Got a comment on other fans and what you deem to be acceptable support? Keep it to yourself.

i really hope so the club needs to get professional rather than have the amateurs they have in charge at the moment and their dealings with fans .


Seriously. Why would anyone give a Fuk about marketing managers in football.


All well and good saying lines like "it's not our club anymore" and then moan about the standard of marketing.




Just go to watch the football. You know who to get tickets, you know where the stadium is and you can find out who we are playing...


Not hard really is it... Oh and I bet you don't actually stop going at all. Just like the sound of it

I would have gone but I was put off by the time between games not the cost. 45 mins was far too long. OK its normally a 15 half-time so even 20 mins for W Bremen to have a rest would have been fine but with the 45 mins plus other match of 45 mins it was far too long. It would appear that all three teams played 2 sets of players for the tournament - so no rest needed really anyway. Could have had our first "game" at 4 as planned and the last game at about 6 rather 7. Thanks ML - forever in your debt.

They had to leave a gap between games to allow for penalty shoot-outs which would have happened if games had ended level. Frankly I was surprised this didn't happen at least once, for 45 minte games. We all know how long pens take with all the silly rules about players standing in the centre circle etc. Would probably have got away with 30-35 mins in reality.

Seriously. Why would anyone give a Fuk about marketing managers in football.


I don't think many clubs go in for your line of thinking, with many realising that in addition to the core, committed supporter who will come what may, there are many others who need to be enticed in to coming through various means.


Additionally, the corporate market is certainly one area where you need to be proactive in these tough times.

As we see on here, a large proportion of our fan-base is weirdos with strange, insular understandings of the world. No surprise that a new format put them off a bit.


Hopefully word will spread that it was a really good laugh and more people will go next year. The pricing was about right.


I think they could consider starting it earlier next year - first game at 14:00, last game at 17:00. I know quite a few people who already had evening plans and so didn't go but would've done if it had finished earlier.


You seem to be well out of step with the majority on this matter. The format has no appeal whatsoever especially as it was a nothing-at-stake training session. Words "easily pleased" and "soon parted" spring to mind.

Although it might be romantic to see the club as being run for the people, it isn't. It is being run for a profit. Whilst there might have been some 'fun' in Markus' original investment, if the club bleeds without prospect of return I fully expect the Liebherrs to exit stage right.


We can't want more, better (and QED better paid) players and expect all that for free. Outside of Hacker Murdoch's millions, the most significant source of funds is the fanbase.


The days of the community club are long gone. There's no point *****ing about it.


All very true - but I would have thought that a well run business shouldn't try as hard as it can to p1ss off a significant proportion of its customer base.


Notice I say customer and not fan, because as you rightly say that's what we are, or in my case was.


Football is about the only business I can think of where customer loyalty can be stretched so far, but somewhere along the line if they push it too far there will be a breaking point.


The club desperately needs to employ a good PR consultant.

All very true - but I would have thought that a well run business shouldn't try as hard as it can to p1ss off a significant proportion of its customer base.


Notice I say customer and not fan, because as you rightly say that's what we are, or in my case was.


Football is about the only business I can think of where customer loyalty can be stretched so far, but somewhere along the line if they push it too far there will be a breaking point.


The club desperately needs to employ a good PR consultant.




I'm not sure people are calling for a philanthropic gesture every single day, nor are they against the Club being run as a commercial business. Instead they are questioning whether we need to have another look at how we treat supporters and whether we are missing a trick somewhere.



I'm not sure people are calling for a philanthropic gesture every single day, nor are they against the Club being run as a commercial business. Instead they are questioning whether we need to have another look at how we treat supporters and whether we are missing a trick somewhere.

Agree being a fan since 1968 it seems some so called fans would put up with any crap.



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I think they could consider starting it earlier next year - first game at 14:00, last game at 17:00. I know quite a few people who already had evening plans and so didn't go but would've done if it had finished earlier.


Good point.

Posted (edited)

poor show Gemmel, letting Markus down how? Because more people didn't go to a fun fair?


He's dead, the attendance at this event means nothing

Edited by NickG
The recent departure of the marketing manager may see a change in attitude? After all, things were not good since he arrived and he did not stay long. Let's hope NC picks the right man to come in and do the job properly if so many feel disgruntled with the way things have been. NC may make most of the decisions but the management team implement them and it is down to the marketing team to do this positively. A change of face in this area may well help I feel.


From what I've heard the "problem with the marketing" is still there, and is likely to remain there until the club is sold.

From what I've heard the "problem with the marketing" is still there, and is likely to remain there until the club is sold.


that's a very cryptic statement for a Sunday evening 9, I shall reflect upon it's meaning.

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