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There seems to be genuine affection and gratitude for ML, but that was a pretty poor showing from us today in terms of attendance. Considering the opposition and what the day represented, I can't help think we let the big man down.


I can think of many reasons why:


- It was a 4 hour event which involved alot of waiting around

- It was a friendly (they are always boring)

- It cost quite a bit (especially if you go as a family)

- People are still on holiday

There seems to be genuine affection and gratitude for ML, but that was a pretty poor showing from us today in terms of attendance. Considering the opposition and what the day represented, I can't help think we let the big man down.


it was too expensive sandwiched between ST renewals,shirt purchase and the West Brom game in the week.If the club (and by that I mean NC) wanted fans to turn out in droves to honour Herr Liebherr then it was £10 and free for U12s that was needed.

I can think of many reasons why:


- It was a 4 hour event which involved alot of waiting around

- It was a friendly (they are always boring)

- It cost quite a bit (especially if you go as a family)

- People are still on holiday


TBH it was an absolute bargain for what was on offer.


3 matches, a free fair for the family.....a real bargain, which is why I was also suprised at the low numbers.


I will have to say it on behalf of most Saints fans.

I was so grateful for what Marcus did for us, but I can't justify paying even more money when you fork out for season tickets, new saints shirts for me and my son etc.

Sorry but I'm glad you guys attended, well done.

Sorry but I'm glad you guys attended, well done.


It wasn't meant like that pilchards and yes there are many considerations, but still think we came up short.

TBH it was an absolute bargain for what was on offer.


3 matches, a free fair for the family.....a real bargain, which is why I was also suprised at the low numbers.


it was perhaps a bargain but it's like buying a new car when they're on promotion or special offer, if you haven't got the cash spare then it won't do you any good.Yer average fan has splashed well over £600 for Saint's these last 6 weeks, he'll probably go on Wednesday as well but £16 today wasn't on for many.


I was workin I'd rather pay my mortgage than go to a tournament that is not all that important. I've a season ticket and I paid my respects last season!




Have to say I thought the marketing by the club is in poor taste. Trying to make fans feel guilty for not turning up to a match in the midst of School holidays. Season Ticket renewal, double kit launch and global recession was ill-informed.


EVERY Saints fan is indebted to Markus, not only for his investment but his emotional input in to our club, but we don't have to turn up to an event that does not actually consist of a proper game of Association Football to prove this.


I didn't attend today, but did make a decent (greater than £16) contribution to the flag which will live on each game.


I can't dwell on the past. ML's contribution to the club will be there and we thank him for that. His legacy will live forever. Its the closed season and people have to balance their family life and their football commitments. For me i have a things going on that don't fit to pre-season friendly and thats all it is. Like most fans its about the league. I will be there for every game at home

There seems to be genuine affection and gratitude for ML, but that was a pretty poor showing from us today in terms of attendance. Considering the opposition and what the day represented, I can't help think we let the big man down.


format didn't appeal to me, first home game missed for years but hope those who went enjoyed it


I'm a season ticket holder. I didn't go because:


1 The gap between the 2 Saints games was too great. I'm past enjoying funfairs and my children are too old now to be attracted by one too.


2 I have to drive to games so while I might normally enjoy a pint on the way back making one last for two and a quarter hours would have been stretching it a bit!


3 I wasn't greatly interested in the Bremen v Bilbao game. I would have preferred it had we played one of them only with a 3pm KO


4 NA said beforehand that he'd be playing the 2 teams so implying that it would be regarded as another training/fitness exercise. I thought it might be a rather long training exercise to sit through!


I have no problem with any of the above or with the concept. Markus and Nicola have been great for the club. It was, I think, more of a suitable day out for the family-particularly those with young children. It just wasn't for me. I guess there were others in much the same boat who would have felt much the same. The matter of respect for Markus doesn't arise. We've all felt that very strongly since day 1 and I have no doubt that the club know it.


Would've gone, but unfortunately I had to work (in P*mpey today, no less!). It's a good concept though, and if it happens again next year then i'll certainly be there.


It boiled down to taking my lad to either this or the Torquay game in the League Cup - therefore the competitive game won out as couldn't afford both.


Also, cost was too high for this and he doesn't have the attention span for the format on offer today.

There seems to be genuine affection and gratitude for ML, but that was a pretty poor showing from us today in terms of attendance. Considering the opposition and what the day represented, I can't help think we let the big man down.


And I can't help feeling you're being hopelessly judgemental.

Posted (edited)

I'm not sure it's right to chastise those who didn't go really. I thought that the attendance (7-8k by my estimation?) was fair and everybody that was there seemed up for the occasion. Support during the Bilbao game especially was surprisingly good and at times almost louder than some of our home crowds last season ;)


There were plenty of mitigating circumstances as listed above that meant that fans couldn't go or legitimately chose not to. I especially agree that it was poor timing for many, but I guess pre-season isn't exactly the longest period so what are the club to do if they want to hold such a cup?


Instead I'd rather congratulate those that made it happen. From my point of view the format worked well: we got to see Saints against higher-level opposition with some interesting results; the games were faster paced than I'd anticipated and therefore less dull on the whole; there was some added value with the extra entertainment put on which made it a touch closer to an event than merely another friendly.


Clearly it wasn't going to be for everyone, but most of the attendees I saw or talked to seemed to be having a good day. The club really ought to be labelling future annual events (should there be any, I assume there will) as a 'celebration' rather than memorial. That's exactly what it was - a day to fondly celebrate Markus. An optional extra-curricular to paying your respects on matchday if you will, rather than an emotional blackmail affair.


TL;DR version: It was a lot more worthwhile than any other friendly/warmup match I've ever been to and a decent afternoon's entertainment all-round. The tribute flag looked brilliant.


How many away fans were there?


There were a few! Somewhere between a dozen and twenty for each team that I spotted, unless there were more that weren't sat with the main groups. Most of the Bremen fans seemed to wearing stuff that said "Schottische Werder" (had a flag with the same thing on it), so presumably travelled down from Scotland. Was a few characters in their midst and a weird arm-wavey thing they did at set pieces that the Northam soon picked up on and copied.

Edited by ant

To be fair as well, the promotion was ****-poor. I've been on the official web-site several times in the last few days (seeing if we've signed anyone, mostly) and I was keeping an eye-out for this tournament, to see if it was something I could afford to take the kids to. I saw bugger-all about it, certainly nothing that explained what was going on and how much it would cost. I'm keen and I live locally. If I didn't know much about it, what hope for anyone out of town etc?


Great day, good format, enjoyed it immensely, realy interesting and i think anyone who went will see the same. I am actually getting thoroughly f**krd off with our negative fan base, i have bought a season ticket, shirt, Markus Cup ticket and contributed to the flag this month because I have ability to save appropriately for things you now are going to happen WELL in advance. I agree with the post above, the scottish bremen lads were quality. Great day,loved it. Met bilbao fans in town tonight, great banter.

it was too expensive sandwiched between ST renewals,shirt purchase and the West Brom game in the week.If the club (and by that I mean NC) wanted fans to turn out in droves to honour Herr Liebherr then it was £10 and free for U12s that was needed.


From what I have heard, at the WBA game, the players will outnumber the crowd

Great day, good format, enjoyed it immensely, realy interesting and i think anyone who went will see the same. I am actually getting thoroughly f**krd off with our negative fan base, i have bought a season ticket, shirt, Markus Cup ticket and contributed to the flag this month because I have ability to save appropriately for things you now are going to happen WELL in advance. I agree with the post above, the scottish bremen lads were quality. Great day,loved it. Met bilbao fans in town tonight, great banter.


You are obviously fortunate enough to have money left at the end of each month to be able to save. Arrogant pratt.


Not sure what all the fuss is on here. I took both my daughters to this, didn't go on the funfair but had a great time. So I've bought 3 season tickets, 3 shirts, 3 tickets for the Markus Memorial and contributed to the flag, well go me! That was my choice and I was lucky enough to be able to afford it. To those of you not in that position I would just say maybe plan to go next year, it was a great day out.




edited cos I can't spell.

To be fair as well, the promotion was ****-poor. I've been on the official web-site several times in the last few days (seeing if we've signed anyone, mostly) and I was keeping an eye-out for this tournament, to see if it was something I could afford to take the kids to. I saw bugger-all about it, certainly nothing that explained what was going on and how much it would cost. I'm keen and I live locally. If I didn't know much about it, what hope for anyone out of town etc?


yes website is so poor considering investment in club - on tickets page still have links detailing info on 2010 sales. Seriously cant understand why they dont revamp it. Just outsourced to the company that seems to have cleaned up. I too struggled to find much info about tournament


I don't see how it was a poor showing. It was a friendly, what did anyone expect? Friendlies are for players, part of the getting fit for the season. Until recent years we hardly ever played a home friendly, usually just one against a top club and that was it. I have been to pre-season friendlies in the past and they are usually a waste of time for supporters. Season starts in 2 weeks, thats when supporters should be and will be at games.


£10 for adults and free for kids and the place would have been full.


People prioritise their spending and after season tickets and new shirts for kids a friendly game comes way down the list.


In addition, emotional black mail tends not to work.

I don't see how it was a poor showing. It was a friendly, what did anyone expect? Friendlies are for players, part of the getting fit for the season. Until recent years we hardly ever played a home friendly, usually just one against a top club and that was it. I have been to pre-season friendlies in the past and they are usually a waste of time for supporters. Season starts in 2 weeks, thats when supporters should be and will be at games.


Since they outsourced the website its gone right down and the poor sales I would put down to the poor customer service by the club

Over the last couple of years coming home to roost.

Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk


Me and a mate took our daughters to the game.

It was a fantastic family day out, the girls had a brilliant time.

Hats off to NC for organising it.

I totally understand why many people didn't come; and I don't believe that the attendance reflects badly on us as fans.

I suspect that the club may have taken a big financial loss yesterday; but I don't think that a different pricing policy would have made much difference.

We still all love the club and we still all love Markus.

The real proof of that will be obvious on 6th August when we take on Leeds.

There seems to be genuine affection and gratitude for ML, but that was a pretty poor showing from us today in terms of attendance. Considering the opposition and what the day represented, I can't help think we let the big man down.


Stop pointing your finger.


You do realize that we are in one of the worst economic downturns in decades don't you? The UK is up to its eyeballs in debt, the Euro is seriously wobbling, the US may default (WTF???) and millions of people are having a really tough time out there.


Shelling out £16 for what are essentially meaningless friendlies was probably a step too far for many.


You can also throw in the school effect and people going off on their holidays with the kids.


Besides which, 8k was actually very good IMO.


To be honest and I know Im not alone here, there's just something not right at the club, I don't feel valued as a customer. All the prices are up, tickets up 40%, Dell cafe membership up by £13, free parking down to 15 mins, hardly reaching out and attracting me! No explanation for costs, no communication regarding anything, just a post on the os saying 'this is the cost and it's on sale now!' no early bird no nothing! I understand the people on here that say 'you know it's coming @ some point so be prepared' and 'the club does not need the money now day's' but it's hardly good business, look after your customers and your customers will look after you, after all it wasn't that long ago the club was disperate for us to re-new our tickets just to stay in business!!


Also I really, really don't like the constant back slapping and self gratifying posts on the os, Nicola has done this, Nicola has done that, Nicola has been great!! I'm not saying Nicola hasn't done some good, but do we really need Barnard etc peddling club propaganda?


It will be interesting to see the crowds and season ticket sales!


I was cynical about the format and worried about the games not being competitive but I was pleasantly surprised. Beacuse the games were only 45 minutes with effectively different teams it gave them the chance to play some competitive football without wearing themselves out/injury. I didnt go on the fair but the longer gaps in between enabled people to get a drink and something to eat without rushing and outside there was a band playing which wasn't a bad idea. The last game had an exciting conclusion whereas normally friendlies against continental opposition tend to peter out with unlimited subs and tiredness factors kicking in. Next year hopefully they will stick to the format and maybe see some more interesting teams.


A question to those that did go.


I wasn't in UK so was never going. But one thing that crossed my mind is that as a smoker I was not keen on the idea of locking myself away for 3 hours or so and had a similar vibe from a couple of my mates who could have possibly got down to the game.


getting through a normal match is not a great issue but that length of time with the gaps in between just said to me "hmm even IF I was in UK I may not have bothered".


So my question is - were there areas that people COULD smoke?


Simple as I have no idea when next years' summer vacation may happen and I'd like to remove a reason to not go. Cheers

There seems to be genuine affection and gratitude for ML, but that was a pretty poor showing from us today in terms of attendance. Considering the opposition and what the day represented, I can't help think we let the big man down.


I can't help but think the crassness of the 'showing support' pleas on the OS helped keep some people away. The format of the tournament smacked of nonentity pre-season, and a lot of people are away or enjoying a break from football.


Most people have done their mourning and gave their thanks nearly a year ago, I'm not sure why the club would expect that emotion to drive ticket sales.

To be honest and I know Im not alone here, there's just something not right at the club, I don't feel valued as a customer. All the prices are up, tickets up 40%, Dell cafe membership up by £13, free parking down to 15 mins, hardly reaching out and attracting me! No explanation for costs, no communication regarding anything, just a post on the os saying 'this is the cost and it's on sale now!' no early bird no nothing! I understand the people on here that say 'you know it's coming @ some point so be prepared' and 'the club does not need the money now day's' but it's hardly good business, look after your customers and your customers will look after you, after all it wasn't that long ago the club was disperate for us to re-new our tickets just to stay in business!!


Also I really, really don't like the constant back slapping and self gratifying posts on the os, Nicola has done this, Nicola has done that, Nicola has been great!! I'm not saying Nicola hasn't done some good, but do we really need Barnard etc peddling club propaganda?


It will be interesting to see the crowds and season ticket sales!


No pleasing some people is there!

A question to those that did go.


I wasn't in UK so was never going. But one thing that crossed my mind is that as a smoker I was not keen on the idea of locking myself away for 3 hours or so and had a similar vibe from a couple of my mates who could have possibly got down to the game.


getting through a normal match is not a great issue but that length of time with the gaps in between just said to me "hmm even IF I was in UK I may not have bothered".


So my question is - were there areas that people COULD smoke?


Simple as I have no idea when next years' summer vacation may happen and I'd like to remove a reason to not go. Cheers


Yes, outside.

The funfair, live band, fast food stand etc was outside the Kingsland.

You could move freely from the stadium to the area outside.


Fwiw I enjoyed it, and the 45 minute gaps were just about time to queue for a beer in the Dell bar!


What annoyed me was the really stupid decision to prevent people leaving the site between games. We came without cash on us and were going to get to a cashpoint but couldn't - result being, we didn't spend anything. We also couldn't get to the Megastore to buy anything had we wanted to, and it closed at 4pm, so there were 8000 bored Saints fans with a new kit to buy who couldn't get in there to do it! Hardly maximising income.


So my question is - were there areas that people COULD smoke?


Yes. Essentially they created an enclosed section outside the front of the Kingsland stand which was the only way to enter. You gave your ticket stub at the North or South side of this enclosure and were then able to walk around that paddock (which is where the funfair, band and burger vans were) and in/out of the stadium as you pleased.

why was there such a long gap between the matches?


To allow for the possibility of penaltys?


To allow the team who had to play again, immediately, a rest (Ok, I guess they all played two different teams).


To break it up and allow the fans to get refreshments?


Which brings me to refreshments, how do they manage to overcook hot dogs etc? My son's was rock hard and he didn't know

how to deal with returning it so I had to step in. How the staff couldn't sense it was like a block of wood is beyond me.


How are catering going to handle the larger crowds this coming season?

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