bowers-sfc Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 Daily echo today, for 2 interviews saying he wants to leave
Pancake Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 Daily echo today, for 2 interviews saying he wants to leave Fair enough. If he really wants to leave, hand in a transfer request.
bowers-sfc Posted 21 July, 2011 Author Posted 21 July, 2011 Apologies for not going into detail. Just. Quick look at the echo in the shop
trousers Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 Oh well. He'll be company for Mr Puncheon for the remainder of pre-season (and beyond?) I suppose....
Window Cleaner Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 Fair enough. If he really wants to leave, hand in a transfer request. what difference would that make? the club are not bound to accept it. If Ox wants to leave there is one simple solution, find a club willing to pay the ridiculous asking price for him in one instalment with no add ons (but no doubt with a sell on clause) or spread payments.
Rebel Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 Any player who wants to leave can simply hand in a transfer request - it's that simple. Giving interviews saying you want to leave is unprofessional. If another club want him they should pay a premium - £10+ million in cash, 50% sell on clause and a couple oh good young players on loan. What is the point of having a youth system if the best players it produces leave after a year or two. We never really replaced Bridge, Bale or Walcott - and the money didn't do us any good either did it. The FA need to ban the transfer of players under 21 or something!
Greenridge Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 fine probably dwarfed by the interview fee Is that a pun reference his size? Same old story: young lad with a dozen games under his belt in league 1 decides that he is much better than the standard he has been playing or will be playing. So much for serving your apprenticeship. I'm sure NC is working on getting the best deal for the club and off-load a want-away player. He's been poorly advised with his interviews.
Saint Fan CaM Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 Oh dear - not good, but then what else can the club do to retain discipline within the ranks? The strategy of the club is to utilise the best youngsters in the 1st team to push the club forward. If these players are courted by the 'big' clubs, how can the strategy be fulfilled? Frankly I place the blame at the door of the FA for not having the balls to sort this problem out. If a club develops a young player then there should be a ruling that the player is tied to the club until their 21st birthday. If that is clearly understood from the start then the arguements, bitterness and wantaway attitude of these mercenaries will be significantly reduced.
Merley Saint Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 Doesn't look good, surely it's only a matter of time now. It's a shame because i felt next season was where he could really kick on, terrorising the defences of the Championship on one side with Lallana on the other. Nevermind, maybe its time to give Lee Holmes a chance.
Greenridge Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 Doesn't look good, surely it's only a matter of time now. It's a shame because i felt next season was where he could really kick on, terrorising the defences of the Championship on one side with Lallana on the other. Nevermind, maybe its time to give Lee Holmes a chance. At right-midfield?
austsaint Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 I agree with others - he has been poorly advised in making these statements and at best they show a lack of discipline and respect for the club and his team mates. It looks like goodbye time to me because it's hard to see him playing among the team now as part of a committed bunch for the season ahead.
Huntingdon Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 It just shows how Cortese won't take any shiite from anyone I think he had no choice really, what's he supposed to do? - just let our young players carry on courting PL clubs with no punishment?
trousers Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 Frankly I place the blame at the door of the FA for not having the balls to sort this problem out. If a club develops a young player then there should be a ruling that the player is tied to the club until their 21st birthday. If that is clearly understood from the start then the arguements, bitterness and wantaway attitude of these mercenaries will be significantly reduced. I would venture that the FA's hands are somewhat tied by a European 'freedom of movement' employment law or suchlike...
monosaint Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 Absolutely right that the club show some teeth here. There is no doubt that agents. parents etc. deliberately undermine the situation by talking to the press and media. His father has been quoted several times and I think that is equally un-professional. Going to Arsenal will not necessarily lead to instant fame. He'll probably end up like Walcott, hovering around the reserves and on the bench for at least 2 years.
Merley Saint Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 Ah, maybe not then. I forgot he was a left-sided, back to the drawing board.
Pancake Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 what difference would that make? the club are not bound to accept it. If Ox wants to leave there is one simple solution, find a club willing to pay the ridiculous asking price for him in one instalment with no add ons (but no doubt with a sell on clause) or spread payments. Of course they are not, but it is the correct way of going about it. At present he is ubiquitous "arsehole employee" who wants to leave, tells his mates he wants to leave, even courts other companies but doenst have the balls to let the boss know what he wants to do.
saintjay77 Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 Hope this is true. Stays or goes I am not bothered any more. But while a player is here there is a professional level that he should keep. Yapping to the press about wanting a move is not professional and should be dealt with. If his dad has anything to do with setting the interview up or advising him on what to say then AOC can look forward to a troubled career. Rubbish advice that makes him look like a pillock in search of a big pay day. He doesnt want to get a name for himself already as it will follow him right through his career.
lordswoodsaints Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 What is the point of having a youth system if the best players it produces leave after a year or two. You've got it wrong,this is exactly the point of our youth system. The club see it as an income stream,they are constantly looking for the next ,Walcott,bale or chambo to produce revenue for the club and to pay the costs of running the place. The club cannot come out and say that,otherwise the fans would be p!ssed off,although Lowe did come close a couple of times. £10m for a player that cost very little to nurture is very good business....after all liebher didn't pay much more for the whole club so in perspective getting a £10m player every 2 or 3 years is sound business.
saint.tom.clancy Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 IF true, good move by the club. Too much player power these days, if he wants out, hand in a transfer request. Simple. That doesn't mean we accept anything less than is acceptable, at least £10million IMO. This season is about the whole team gelling together, not revolving around a 17 year old who isn't even in the top 3 important players in our squad, if he wants out - let him go as long as we get the money. However if this is all ******** / twisted press then lets kick on and let him tear this league a new one.
ericofarabia Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 Ah, maybe not then. I forgot he was a left-sided, back to the drawing board. Phew - I thought you were George Burley for a moment!!
dubai_phil Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 Clever lesson by The Club. He gets a slap on the wrist, so he'll learn. If he stays it is a valuable lesson, if he goes, saved us a couple of weeks wages no doubt.
Saint Garrett Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 Clever lesson by The Club. He gets a slap on the wrist, so he'll learn. If he stays it is a valuable lesson, if he goes, saved us a couple of weeks wages no doubt. Doubt he's on much though to be fair.
Doctoroncall Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 You've got it wrong,this is exactly the point of our youth system. The club see it as an income stream,they are constantly looking for the next ,Walcott,bale or chambo to produce revenue for the club and to pay the costs of running the place. The club cannot come out and say that,otherwise the fans would be p!ssed off,although Lowe did come close a couple of times. £10m for a player that cost very little to nurture is very good business....after all liebher didn't pay much more for the whole club so in perspective getting a £10m player every 2 or 3 years is sound business. If you think that is the clubs aim then the potential sales would be worth considerably more if Saints get to the PL, so it makes better sense to try and hang on to them so their real worth is realised.
landford.saint Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 Haven't read the article, so I have no idea of timescale involved. Is this just Echo rehashing old news, or they have just heard of the Fine which was actually imposed some time ago, or has he been fined very recently. The interviews I know of occurred a number of weeks ago. I therefore assume that the fine was imposed just after them. This is a quiet period for the Echo so beware that they aren't just giving some of the facts and neglecting to write the whole story. IMO this occurred a while back and AOC has got his head round it and is staying. Just Echo in typical stirring up mode.
saintjay77 Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 You've got it wrong,this is exactly the point of our youth system. The club see it as an income stream,they are constantly looking for the next ,Walcott,bale or chambo to produce revenue for the club and to pay the costs of running the place. The club cannot come out and say that,otherwise the fans would be p!ssed off,although Lowe did come close a couple of times. £10m for a player that cost very little to nurture is very good business....after all liebher didn't pay much more for the whole club so in perspective getting a £10m player every 2 or 3 years is sound business. Although to ballence the books now we need to sell £10m worth fairly regularly I dont think that is the end game. When buying the club Markus would have set out a plan with NC which would of involved spending a fair bit of money on route to the prem riches. Isnt it a £60m difference between Championship and Prem or something? The low cost of nurturing a team of players that not only get us to the prem but also keep us there means there is greater proffit from the prem riches. Add to that the occasional sell on of some of the older players while the new youth come through and we could be making big bucks. Without the funding to make the development world class and the scouting of the best kids the house of cards falls down. Which is where Lowe failed. The idea was there but it was only ever good enough to help us stay afloat and when the 1st team failed the whole club failed. Difference now is that we have funding so stand a much better chance. It will only go to pot if we cant keep our best youth at the club to help us realise the plan. While AOC may never see the plan through to the end we need to treat him the same as we would treat the stars we produce of tomorrow. The kids we have now are there to get us into the prem, the next batch of kids need to be the players that keep us in the prem and the ones after that are the ones we will be looking at to help us succeed in the prem. At some point we will need to convince these kids that the success is with us and not with a top 4 club thats ready to splash the cash.
manji Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 Hang on The Echo are "reporting" it so how do we know it is true ?
stevegrant Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 You've got it wrong,this is exactly the point of our youth system. The club see it as an income stream,they are constantly looking for the next ,Walcott,bale or chambo to produce revenue for the club and to pay the costs of running the place. The club cannot come out and say that,otherwise the fans would be p!ssed off,although Lowe did come close a couple of times. £10m for a player that cost very little to nurture is very good business....after all liebher didn't pay much more for the whole club so in perspective getting a £10m player every 2 or 3 years is sound business. Spot on.
Gemmel Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 If you think that is the clubs aim then the potential sales would be worth considerably more if Saints get to the PL, so it makes better sense to try and hang on to them so their real worth is realised. I'm afraid that is cloud cuckoo land. Imagine if you were Walcotts, Bales, or Oxo's Dad, what would you be saying to him? Forget developement forget, where you'll get the most football... With one signature he can secure his financial security for the rest of his life. He's parents almost have a duty of care to force him down that route. We kept him through one transfer window and we did very well to do that, we have set the bar as to his transfer fee and now someone has to stump up. The only difference between now and previous regiemes, is that we don't have to flinch on the last day of the transfer window.... but the buying clubs do. Chambo will go and we'll get a good wedge. The next gem we unearth will probably go down the same route. Football is not everything it was.
Raging Bull Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 Really can't be bothered to look up guff on this kid anymore, where & when did he say he wants to leave & how do the echo know he got fined? Much appreciated
sfc1971 Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 Let the ungratefull little runt go and take your fish fiddling family with you !!!
johnnyboy Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 Have looked on echo website and can't find any mention of it , so can say what the article says exactly can't get it up here ! Thanks .
Saint J 77 Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 I blame his dad Mark. I think he has been unsettling him. I honestly believe he would be happy to spend another season here developing. But I with all his dads talk of Arsenal being the best place for his development now its turned his head. His dad is shamelessly pimping out his son for his pension. He must know he'll only be a reserve player there were as he'll be first on the team sheet here. All the rubbish scare tactics he has put in his head about getting an injury in the championship could well still happen in Arsenal reserves. Gareth Bale is a better player for staying a little longer than Walcott. One full season in the championship didn't do him any harm. I don't get why his Dad bothered getting him into our youth set up, why not just have got him into Arsenal's youth team to begin with? I'm not sure how keeping Ox will work now if he doesn't want to be here any more. Its a shame cause I think he could of had a fantastic season here but now he'll just be another young player for Wenger to groom while rotting in his reserves.
Born In The 80s Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 This was always an inevitable step for me. Anyone who genuinely believed Chamberlain wanted to stay and play for us next season is barking mad. As soon as there was interest from some of the big boys, his head was always going to have been turned - and who can blame him? Let's face it, the choice is either getting kicked up and down the park most weeks away on some ****e pitches, or training day in day out, learning from world class players, as well as (probably) quadrupling his income. Ask anyone in football and they would tell you Chamberlain would be an idiot to STAY. For himself and his career, the sooner he is at a big time club the better for him. But as far as we are concerned, if he has given interviews saying he wants out, without handing in a transfer request, then without doubt he has acted like a tosser. Although, how refreshing is it to see a club/chairman stand up to 'player power'. To fine Chamberlain is an extremely ballsy move. You don't see Arsenal fining Cesc, or Man Utd fining Ronaldo when he was there. I've often been critical of Cortese, but he has truly won me over with yet another example of his 'i won't take any **** from anyone' attitude. We've had far too many soft people involved in the upper branches of our club over the past 20 odd years, and to finally have a strong, confident leadership will only benefit the club in the long run. Sure, we might lose Chamberlain, but with Cortese, i am confident that if he does leave, it will be for the right place and will not hinder our prospects this season.
Junction 9 Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 I am the only person who really doesn't think he's THAT good? I have seen nothing of him to warrant all the hype he's currently getting. I'm not saying he won't go on to be a star, but one full season in league 1? Cash in, it's Arsenal's gamble if you ask me.
BARCELONASAINT Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 I think everyone should calm down....THIS IS THE ECHO REPORTING!!!!....has none learnt anything over the last few years when it comes to the stories in the echo!
Glasgow_Saint Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 10 million for him is MENTAL anyway! Had a fairly decent half season and un-tested above L1. Over the years Wenger has signed Cesc Fabregas, Nicolas Anelka, Thierry Henry and Patrick Vieira for a combined fee of 13 million!!! 10 million is a BIG gamble and we risk a huge stalemate if we cant negotiate to conclusion.
wild-saint Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 I am the only person who really doesn't think he's THAT good? I have seen nothing of him to warrant all the hype he's currently getting. I'm not saying he won't go on to be a star, but one full season in league 1? Cash in, it's Arsenal's gamble if you ask me. Well all that shpws is your inability to spot a player with talent
TopGun Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 (edited) Same old story: young lad with a dozen games under his belt in league 1 decides that he is much better than the standard he has been playing or will be playing. So much for serving your apprenticeship. I'm sure NC is working on getting the best deal for the club and off-load a want-away player. He's been poorly advised with his interviews. I was going to post exactly the same. Incredible naivety displayed by Oxo and sheer greed rather than looking out for his interests by his agent. What Oxo needs to do is concentrate on his game so he starts the season with a couple of belters that satisfy clubs like Arsenal enough to stump up a fee before the transfer window closes that Cortese is happy to accept for a player with years on his contract. Not whine to the newspapers. Edited 21 July, 2011 by TopGun
Doctoroncall Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 I'm afraid that is cloud cuckoo land. Imagine if you were Walcotts, Bales, or Oxo's Dad, what would you be saying to him? Forget developement forget, where you'll get the most football... With one signature he can secure his financial security for the rest of his life. He's parents almost have a duty of care to force him down that route. We kept him through one transfer window and we did very well to do that, we have set the bar as to his transfer fee and now someone has to stump up. The only difference between now and previous regiemes, is that we don't have to flinch on the last day of the transfer window.... but the buying clubs do. Chambo will go and we'll get a good wedge. The next gem we unearth will probably go down the same route. Football is not everything it was. You're missed my point. If the club want a return on the younsters coming out of the academy, their worth is higher from a PL club than a Championship (and so are other rewards). Think about Henderson, £16m as a PL player, how much would Sunderland have got if they were in the Championship?
Viking Warrior Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 Unless the echo have hacked into the clubs computers or aox has blabbed to them how do they know he has been fined. The club are a stickler for confidentiality. Bloody reporters , probably one of the big four agents trying to destablise the club and the lad
SaintRichmond Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 Daily echo today, for 2 interviews saying he wants to leave That's OK then....... ( did anyone really doubt that he would leave ??? ) That will bring in some money for NC to spend on new recruits, thus saving any OUTLAY from the Leibherrs Sound Business sense I hope OXO enjoys life in a Prem Reserve side
Professor Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 (edited) True or not, and my guess is 'true', the remarks attributed to Alex in the press have definitely damaged his image with a good number of Saints' fans. It may be unrealistic, given that football is now about money and not much else, but fans still look for loyalty in the players that turn out for their club. If the disapointment in Alex turns into boos at the SMS, that might make things worse but its still the case that he has to perform, or be dropped. His advisors, or his father, need to give him some good advice, which is to remember you have signed a contract which requires that you play football for SFC to the best of your ability and that now you are in the public eye it is a good idea to be very careful about what you say. I hope he has been fined and that he takes the lesson on board. Even better would be an apology to the fans who pay his wages because it would be accepted that he is still young and may have been misled. Edited 21 July, 2011 by Professor
farawaysaint Posted 21 July, 2011 Posted 21 July, 2011 If true, and that's a big if I fuully respect the clubs decision. People were questioning what the club could do to limit player power well this is a step in the right direction that's for sure.
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