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Here's a novel concept - how about the journos report the news without sensationalising it and trying to stitch up people and how about the politicians giving straight answers.


Who am I kidding...journos and politician deserve each other


This is why we need a complete overhaul of our democratic system. Right now we have three parties that all basically say and want the same thing, will make the same mistakes and continue to fu.ck over the same great majority of the population. Spivs.


Until we have a system whereby our MPs are truly accountable - ie. where individual votes count, and at a local and not just national level, this country won't change - too many vested interests with their hands near the levers of power - FFS, the three most powerful people in the country went to the same hyper-expensive private school that 99.999% of us would never be allowed near.


For a free, supposedly democratic country, that is embaressing.

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