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just watched the defence sec speech saying MORE streamlining is going to happen and that we WILL remain with libya till the job is done....how very sad..more cuts, more job losses yet not a whisper from the masses....maybe we should strike..!!!


a sad decline in what was a very good armed forces..




also, another interesting read...(if you have the time)http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201012/cmselect/cmdfence/uc761-vi/uc76101.htm


Do we really have the effective military capabilities to be fighting on two fronts right now? I don't think we do and we can only blame successive governments for that - a cut here and a cut cut there.


I really don't get why we are getting involved in Libya - similar oppression is happening in Syria and we're doing sod all about that.


Our forces do a good job and more cuts are not going to help at all.

Do we really have the effective military capabilities to be fighting on two fronts right now? I don't think we do and we can only blame successive governments for that - a cut here and a cut cut there.


I really don't get why we are getting involved in Libya - similar oppression is happening in Syria and we're doing sod all about that.


Our forces do a good job and more cuts are not going to help at all.


in my world..the tasks/mission required to be completed are even more in number than what they were say 5 years ago...despite the number of units being down.....it makes no sense to keep putting that expectation on the number of hulls......it does not add up...

also, %GDP spent on the forces now (or very soon will be) will be lower than any time in the last 150 years...


The sooner they give me redundancy the better. Don't fancy fighting the Falklands again with what we've got left. Not many sailors will come home from the next Falklands war.

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