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I think five is too many. From what I can work out, people are split between these two. If we HAVE to have a vote, it should be between these two.


I'd say split between the first one with the original large font (the one you've posted has only just appeared and there's no reason at all for the red space at the bottom, which isn't on any of the other designs) and the second one.

I think five is too many. From what I can work out, people are split between these two. If we HAVE to have a vote, it should be between these two.




This one is best. Remove the little bit of red at the bottom and we've nailed it.

Still this one for me. Can somebody punch together a vector version of the picture, as I assume this would be necessary if this were to be made into a flag? (For the record, by vector version, I mean a subtle tidying up of the above image, nothing more. Nothing should be added, such as the side of his face that is not outlined. If we begin adding things, we begin creating a cartoon.)


If this effect was done in photoshop it should be as simple as creating a path from the selection used and copying the path into Illustrator to create the same image without any noticeable difference.


Prefer the first one, though it would be nicer if it was slightly grainier/blacker/detailed (outline of the crest on the scarf, perhaps?)- the matt white of the scarf, face and the jacket make it look a bit cartoony.


As I've said, the second one is my preference. I think people will be a bit more receptive to it if the image was tidied up (subtly) so as to remove the grainy areas. Can anyone help with this? Really appreciate the effort every designer's putting in!

In your opinion... calm down anyway, Mr Angry!


Anyway, what a horrible thread this has turned out to be... plenty of self-appointed graphic design "experts" on here all using the excuse that they don't want "another Ted Bates statue" as an excuse to be needlessly rude. For a start, it's unlikely to be another TB statue as a lot of ideas and dialogue have been exchanged on here. If there is any sense between us, then that will not happen again - especially as the general consensus on here appears to be shifting towards some of the latter and more improved recent designs. Before anything is decided, it appears that it will be approved on here - as I said, a TB statue situation simply will not happen.


Well done to everyone who has contributed, btw - people who took the time to have a go and come up with something befitting of ML... Some of the designs are superb.


As for the whingers, well... I don't see many of them coming through with too many valid ideas or designs.


Errr, well said that man.

Uhm... sorry' date=' not sure convinced by 'forever a saint' text... [b']more classy to just have his name[/b], we know what it means, and that's all that matters - and agree with the the NO HALO thing... but just one opinion so counts for nowt if there is agreement on teh text.


we also know his name!

we also know his name!


I happen to think it's wrong to have his picture. Markus was a private man and i'm sure he'd die (if he wasn't already dead) if he saw his mug plastered accross a flag.

I happen to think it's wrong to have his picture. Markus was a private man and i'm sure he'd die (if he wasn't already dead) if he saw his mug plastered accross a flag.


Just a red flag then?

I happen to think it's wrong to have his picture. Markus was a private man and i'm sure he'd die (if he wasn't already dead) if he saw his mug plastered accross a flag.


Respectfully I disagree. You wouldn't get as far as he did in industry unless he was slightly resilient. While he may have felt a little humbled, I'm sure he would be honoured to be held in such high esteem.


That image of him with the scarf is also utterly iconic for us. As far as I am concerned it is perfect for the purpose.



Still this one for me. Can somebody punch together a vector version of the picture, as I assume this would be necessary if this were to be made into a flag? (For the record, by vector version, I mean a subtle tidying up of the above image, nothing more. Nothing should be added, such as the side of his face that is not outlined. If we begin adding things, we begin creating a cartoon.)


I'm sorry, but when I see this flag, I think this:




I don't know why I just do. While the brilliant Sir HS would probably have a wry smile, for me it just doesn't work as well as Gekos image.

I happen to think it's wrong to have his picture. Markus was a private man and i'm sure he'd die (if he wasn't already dead) if he saw his mug plastered accross a flag.




what do you propose then!



what do you propose then!


Chill mate, you will not be able to please everyone but will be able to create something which will please and be loved by most.


Your efforts in getting this going have been remarkable, that we are quibbling over the design details rathe then panicking where the funds are coming from is testament to that. Keep the faith mate.

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