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Just looking at the thread re West Ham away and wondering what the score is with the average working man and his missus these days at football? Personally my missus hates football, moans at me going to home games, kicks off at me going to away games, doesn’t understand why the FA Cup is special (let alone the JPT), and sulks when I’m watching England or a Champs league game on the tele… And I wouldn’t change that for the world!


For me going to football is about abandoning my day to day responsibilities and taking all my stress out on whatever is going on the pitch for 90 minutes and in the pub before and after. Taking her along would genuinely ruin it’s biggest “USP” my chance to just be a bloke. I’ve got a mate or 2 that go with their missus and fair play to them, I just can’t understand that though? I’m happy to put up with the moods, sulks etc (and she wouldn’t swap me for a pansy that buckles at every quiver of the lip before trying to force a sport she doesn’t want to understand on her) for that moment when Lambert equalizes against the skates and I can go berserk for a minute or 2 losing myself completely!


Footballs a family game these days, that’s great and I’ll take a son if I’m lucky enough to have one, whilst my daughter, if I’m lucky enough to have one, can go horse riding or shopping with her mum.


I've been to occasional matches with my gf, who came along to see what I made such a fuss about I think. Not the same as when I go with my Dad, Brother and Grandfather or with mates though. That said if I was with a girl who was heavily into her football, I wouldn't be displeased

  CWD said:
I've been to occasional matches with my gf, who came along to see what I made such a fuss about I think. Not the same as when I go with my Dad, Brother and Grandfather or with mates though. That said if I was with a girl who was heavily into her football, I wouldn't be displeased


I did take her to Sheff Weds at home 2 seasons ago but she got bored. Like you she pestered me to see what the fuss was about and I had the mostboring day out at football I've ever had! That's no reflection on her but (by her own admission) she knows nothing about football.....


I sympathise with your predicament Jackanory. On another thread on the main board this subject came up when a young lady professed her desire to go the Pompey away game. She was advised to buy a box of chocolates and the Dirty Dancing DVD and leave the football to the lads. Maybe this is how it should be, I personally don't want my missus counting my pints all day and getting me to join the hot chocolate queue at half time.

  JonnyLove said:
Year's ago I took mine up the Arse (nal).



oh come on If I didn't do it someone else would have.


I've heard that about her.

  CityRanger said:
I sympathise with your predicament Jackanory. On another thread on the main board this subject came up when a young lady professed her desire to go the Pompey away game. She was advised to buy a box of chocolates and the Dirty Dancing DVD and leave the football to the lads. Maybe this is how it should be, I personally don't want my missus counting my pints all day and getting me to join the hot chocolate queue at half time.


Completely unacceptable! Especially when your out with curruptibles ;-) Pompey away is like the Titanic as it's sinking - no place for Women or children....

  View From The Top said:
My missus hasn't been to a game for over a decade and my daughters show no interest. My nipper is totally hooked and goes home and away with me.


Happy days.


Utopia that....


My wife doesn't like football, and has never minded me going.


My girlfriend doesn't like football , and it doesn't bother her either.


My girlfriend is Irish, doesn't really "get" it, but she tries her best to be interested when i'm going on about it. She says she would never come and interfere with my "lad" time, so all good.

  JackanorySFC said:
Just looking at the thread re West Ham away and wondering what the score is with the average working man and his missus these days at football? Personally my missus hates football, moans at me going to home games, kicks off at me going to away games, doesn’t understand why the FA Cup is special (let alone the JPT), and sulks when I’m watching England or a Champs league game on the tele… And I wouldn’t change that for the world!


For me going to football is about abandoning my day to day responsibilities and taking all my stress out on whatever is going on the pitch for 90 minutes and in the pub before and after. Taking her along would genuinely ruin it’s biggest “USP” my chance to just be a bloke. I’ve got a mate or 2 that go with their missus and fair play to them, I just can’t understand that though? I’m happy to put up with the moods, sulks etc (and she wouldn’t swap me for a pansy that buckles at every quiver of the lip before trying to force a sport she doesn’t want to understand on her) for that moment when Lambert equalizes against the skates and I can go berserk for a minute or 2 losing myself completely!


Footballs a family game these days, that’s great and I’ll take a son if I’m lucky enough to have one, whilst my daughter, if I’m lucky enough to have one, can go horse riding or shopping with her mum.


If I had written this it would look no different.


Can we be penfriends?


as posted on another thread...


one thing that grips my shyt is when we are at pompey away (which is always on telly) and you see women in the away end at fratton

that is wrong on so many levels...ffs


I will be getting two adult ST's and a junior. Added to that will be two kiddies which means the kit and caboodle will be going. Little make it important to make a big day of it but Mrs goes bananas if one of our players is tackled and given permission she would go and sort the offender. Her language is dire and she makes a complete ass of herself but we will have fun. We will certainly help to liven up the Chapel.


When living in London took the Mrs to 3 games (all the same season) at Chelsea, QPR and Wimbeldon (Selhurst Park). Goals for 1; goals against 9.


Never again.


She's cool with me going off, but prefers mid-week.


I first started going to watch saints as a way to spend a saturday away from my mrs (at that point in time). No real surprise that she is a thing of the past, whereas Saints are still in my life.


Looking about the crowd at any football game, I find it hard to beleive that many there actually have girlfriends!


My wife hates football. Always has, always will. She'll never ever go to a game, even to watch my lad play. However she never complains beyond a moderate moan, and accepts that footy is non-negotiable. And bar a funeral (not even a wedding) home games are sacrosanct. Fortunately my son is Saints through and through, so we can outvote her. To be fair she accepts it is a 'bloke' thing and gets on with her own life. Incidentally, after my father & I started going to the Dell in the early 70's, my mother wanted to know what she was missing and went once, becoming instantly hooked and barely missed a home game until her death 5 years ago. (I'm embarrassed to admit how many games - including Poopey away - I have been to with my Mum!)


My missus hates football but did come for the day out at the JPT final (Glory Hunter) however she just about puts up with me taking two of our children with me to St Marys. My oldest girl detests football more than her mother but my 15yr old daughter is fanatical, even more so than my twelve year old boy. She was devastated when I suggested the children share a ticket due to the rise in price and my father (84) who we also take has even offered to pay for her. Roll on the new season


my missus absolutely hates me going to football/drinking etc. i have just about been forgiven for coming home steaming after the JPT final (honestly!)

its getting harder and harder for me to justify buying season ticket, the source of many an argument. I'm still going tho....


any tips/suggestions on getting her onside?


My misses has been to a couple of games but clearly doesn't care about it. Which is strange as she has a massive footballing connection. Her great granddad is Bob Paisley. Therefore she 'supports' Liverpool.


She has had the odd moan. I live 150 miles away from her and only ever make it back every other weekend. Half of which is taken up by football. But like I said to her, I've been going religiously for 16 year longer than I've even known her. My love for Saints is unconditional. My love for her is not. Take it or leave it.


My fiancee and I met on the BBC 606 website, she's a Norwich fan, but she attended 4 Saints games with me last season and NO Norwich games! It's safe to say she's a football fan.


Though I secretly suspect she's a lesbian.

  davefoggy said:
my missus absolutely hates me going to football/drinking etc. i have just about been forgiven for coming home steaming after the JPT final (honestly!)

its getting harder and harder for me to justify buying season ticket, the source of many an argument. I'm still going tho....


any tips/suggestions on getting her onside?


Miss one or two games. Smash the house up in a completely unrealted stress and blame it on the fact you didn't get your stress out at the football


The bird is a part-time Bristol City fan. We're looking forward to renewing rivalries this season, though I'm fairly certain the only games she'll attend will be the ones against us.

  davefoggy said:
my missus absolutely hates me going to football/drinking etc. i have just about been forgiven for coming home steaming after the JPT final (honestly!)

its getting harder and harder for me to justify buying season ticket, the source of many an argument. I'm still going tho....


any tips/suggestions on getting her onside?


Get a new missus.

  davefoggy said:
my missus absolutely hates me going to football/drinking etc. i have just about been forgiven for coming home steaming after the JPT final (honestly!)

its getting harder and harder for me to justify buying season ticket, the source of many an argument. I'm still going tho....


any tips/suggestions on getting her onside?


You complete and utter lemon.

  JackanorySFC said:
Just looking at the thread re West Ham away and wondering what the score is with the average working man and his missus these days at football? Personally my missus hates football, moans at me going to home games, kicks off at me going to away games, doesn’t understand why the FA Cup is special (let alone the JPT), and sulks when I’m watching England or a Champs league game on the tele… And I wouldn’t change that for the world!


For me going to football is about abandoning my day to day responsibilities and taking all my stress out on whatever is going on the pitch for 90 minutes and in the pub before and after. Taking her along would genuinely ruin it’s biggest “USP” my chance to just be a bloke. I’ve got a mate or 2 that go with their missus and fair play to them, I just can’t understand that though? I’m happy to put up with the moods, sulks etc (and she wouldn’t swap me for a pansy that buckles at every quiver of the lip before trying to force a sport she doesn’t want to understand on her) for that moment when Lambert equalizes against the skates and I can go berserk for a minute or 2 losing myself completely!


Footballs a family game these days, that’s great and I’ll take a son if I’m lucky enough to have one, whilst my daughter, if I’m lucky enough to have one, can go horse riding or shopping with her mum.


Couldn't have written it better myself. Spot on lad but i expected nothing else from you.


Saints and my love of them began way before I married Mrs h and I will take it to my grave. Mrs h knows that she is their equal (almost) and therfore she shares me til the end, its her choice not mine.

  hamster said:
Saints and my love of them began way before I married Mrs h and I will take it to my grave. Mrs h knows that she is their equal (almost) and therfore she shares me til the end, its her choice not mine.


As she drops me off at Parkway for the train to Upton Park on valentines day i shall be sure i sing "because i love Southampton more than you" to the tune of "she'll be coming round the mountain" all the way

  shurlock said:
Turkish is the claire raynor of the forum, the agony aunt with the mostest.


No, just realistic, people need to get a grip of themselves, too many bulbs about for my liking. FFS


My misses has no interest in football she'll watch our son play but that's it. She doesn't mind me going becuase I take the kids and she gets alone time. My daughter likes going to the footie,my son lives for football. He is supposed to be going to his nans for a week on the 6th of August, his phoned her up and told she'll have to come and get him on sunday becuase dirty leeds are coming to town on the 6th and he ain't missing the match (made me a proud dad).


When they meet you they know what your modus operandi is...they didn't date/marry a pussy, so to complain about it is complete hypocricy and emotional manipulation. This ain't sexist as it could be the same if it's a broad whose stiff doesn't approve either...


QUOTE=JackanorySFC;1067771]Just looking at the thread re West Ham away and wondering what the score is with the average working man and his missus these days at football? Personally my missus hates football, moans at me going to home games, kicks off at me going to away games, doesn’t understand why the FA Cup is special (let alone the JPT), and sulks when I’m watching England or a Champs league game on the tele… And I wouldn’t change that for the world!


For me going to football is about abandoning my day to day responsibilities and taking all my stress out on whatever is going on the pitch for 90 minutes and in the pub before and after. Taking her along would genuinely ruin it’s biggest “USP” my chance to just be a bloke. I’ve got a mate or 2 that go with their missus and fair play to them, I just can’t understand that though? I’m happy to put up with the moods, sulks etc (and she wouldn’t swap me for a pansy that buckles at every quiver of the lip before trying to force a sport she doesn’t want to understand on her) for that moment when Lambert equalizes against the skates and I can go berserk for a minute or 2 losing myself completely!


Footballs a family game these days, that’s great and I’ll take a son if I’m lucky enough to have one, whilst my daughter, if I’m lucky enough to have one, can go horse riding or shopping with her mum.


then i thought it was only me that went though thatfootball day carry on.:lol:

  Toadhall Saint said:
I only let my missus go to friendly games.


Saturday is a time for Mrs LS and I spend together. Both ST holders in the Northam. We go into Southampton early, maybe do a little shopping, have some lunch together then wander slowly down to St Mary's for match. Afterwards we go for a meal together. Saturdays are about spending time together including our joint love of SFC. We attend a few away games together each season,

Wouldn't have it any other way.


Wow there really are a lot of unfortunate people out there. My fiancee has very little interest in football, but has absolutely no problem when I go to games or watch in on the tv when its on. She'll fake a bit of interest at England but thats about it.


Have to agree with the OP I have 3 Daughters & a Wife none of them get Football always moaning about me going, dont understand why I leave at 12.30 for a game that starts at 3 & get home at 7 2 hours after it has finished & they really dont understand away days.


Football is a chance to escape have fun with your mates & let off steam long may it continue Up the Saints you are not alone Jackanory


On another note doesn't it annoy you when she moans about you watching games not involving Saints? She's tried to use the "but you dont support xxxxx" line in the past and generally the reply of "you dont live in Manchester/London but are still glued to Coronation Street/Eastenders every night" seems to work.

I spent 5 years trying to convince my ex to love saints, she eventually agreed to come to a game last season, and now absolutely loves it. We split up 3 months ago but she still goes!


Probably met someone else at a game. The only reason women go is to meet men or because they are so insecure they cant bear to let their bloke out of their sight and are bitterly jealous of him having a good time without her.


I’ve been quite lucky that neither my ex-wife or my current one has had a problem with football.


Coming from a family of Saints Fans my ex wife was a Season Ticket holder with me, used to go to away games, would have a few beers and enjoy the day. She knew her football, knew who the players were, knew her Saints History, and knew our season upon season results.


The new Mrs isn’t so much into it, but still enjoys it. She had a season ticket with me for a year but only didn’t renew due to expense so I could still go. She does however realise I love a beer with football so still drops me off and picks me up afterwards for home games.


At home she’s pretty good about it too, she knows I like to watch all football and often watches her programs in the spare room so I can sit in the lounge. On other occasions has also been the taxi for friends and I for England games in the pub.


About the only time she gets a bit narked is if I’ve been to football, come home and watch football and then spend hours on here too without spending at least sometime with her… which I kind of understand and relent a little. Afterall I wouldn’t want to take advantage!

  Turkish said:
Probably met someone else at a game. The only reason women go is to meet men or because they are so insecure they cant bear to let their bloke out of their sight and are bitterly jealous of him having a good time without her.




Probably a combination of all of those things you mentioned!

  CityRanger said:
I sympathise with your predicament Jackanory. On another thread on the main board this subject came up when a young lady professed her desire to go the Pompey away game. She was advised to buy a box of chocolates and the Dirty Dancing DVD and leave the football to the lads. Maybe this is how it should be, I personally don't want my missus counting my pints all day and getting me to join the hot chocolate queue at half time.


That was me. The difference is i absolutely love football and going to the pub before games. however some guys just cant accept that some girls do actually like football and dont go just to look at the players legs!

  CityRanger said:
I sympathise with your predicament Jackanory. On another thread on the main board this subject came up when a young lady professed her desire to go the Pompey away game. She was advised to buy a box of chocolates and the Dirty Dancing DVD and leave the football to the lads. Maybe this is how it should be, I personally don't want my missus counting my pints all day and getting me to join the hot chocolate queue at half time.


That was me. The difference is i absolutely love football and going to the pub before games. however some guys just cant accept that some girls do actually like football and dont go just to look at the players legs!

  Georgie said:
That was me. The difference is i absolutely love football and going to the pub before games. however some guys just cant accept that some girls do actually like football and dont go just to look at the players legs!


It was me that told you to do the DVD and chocolates.


So where did you meet your current boyfriend Georgie?


My girlfriends Dad wanted a son, and got 2 daughters, so of course he would take her to the football when she was young as no other option and she grew up loving it.

We go together to the Saints sometimes when I'm back in Britian. If she had her way she would come every time, but to be honest, I quite like going on my own as then I can be a bit more sweary.


Good thing is she never complains when I'm watching on TV or spending countless hours reading about the Saints online.

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