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Hmmm. So we are generalising an entire country of 300 million people because of this (sigh).


It is certainly an eye-opener though. Never thought this sort of thing would have existed in the 60s and 70s.


On a lighter note, why can't we have politicians named Mr Womble?

Saw this on the beeb. America land of the free, democracy and free speech and also it appears the land that enforced sterlization of unwanted parts of society :(




Wierd to think that a country so instrumental in ridding the world of the nazis would find this acceptable up until the late 20th century....


To be fair we need this kind of thing for Pikey's and the poor.

Hmmm. So we are generalising an entire country of 300 million people because of this (sigh).


It is certainly an eye-opener though. Never thought this sort of thing would have existed in the 60s and 70s.


On a lighter note, why can't we have politicians named Mr Womble?


You're right a slighty generalization only 32 out out of 50 us states thought this was acceptable. I wonder what the UK would make of this if it turnned out to be happening/happened here.


Miximetosis was developed by scientists to try to control rabbit populations.


AIDS was developed by the US millitary and delivered through the W.H.O vacination programme in Africa at the time when Marxism was spreading down the continent.


I'm not surprised by this story.

Miximetosis was developed by scientists to try to control rabbit populations.


AIDS was developed by the US millitary and delivered through the W.H.O vacination programme in Africa at the time when Marxism was spreading down the continent.


I'm not surprised by this story.




I love Dune :lol:



I love Dune :lol:


I'm right though.


Most of you were unaware of the Kenyan concentration camps before I told you. I see it as my calling to educate the ignorant.

Miximetosis was developed by scientists to try to control rabbit populations.


AIDS was developed by the US millitary and delivered through the W.H.O vacination programme in Africa at the time when Marxism was spreading down the continent.


I'm not surprised by this story.


You know there was an interesting piece on Radio 4 recently, reporting some research into the phenomenon of conspiracy theorists. I'm paraphrasing of course, but basically it found that once someone has decided on such a theory, however absolutely, blindingly, obviously, nonsensical it was, any attempt to prove them wrong by use of facts or common sense always lost; the nutter just assumed that the facts, and the person giving them, were also somehow part of the conspiracy, and became even more paranoid. The only hope was to prevent loonies from hearing or developing such theories in the first place.


I'm afraid you are lost cause, Dune. Euthansia is probably the kindest way forward now to be honest. I expect we could ask the people that really shot Kennedy to do it --they've not had much to do since Roswell and the faked moon landings.




Recent research shows that AIDs was around in Africa at least as early as the 1920's, probably caught from a particular group of chimpanzees in which the virus had mutated randomly and naturally into something that humans could catch from its usual state prevalent in many chimpanzee populations. This makes nonsense of this video's claim that the USA 'invented' it in the 1970's, but then as I've said there is really little point in trying to show you what nonsense this is by quoting facts; you'll just dismiss them.


If anyone else out there is tempted into half-believing Dune's nonsense, try listening to http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b011pldm/In_Our_Time_The_Origins_of_Infectious_Disease/

Miximetosis was developed by scientists to try to control rabbit populations.


AIDS was developed by the US millitary and delivered through the W.H.O vacination programme in Africa at the time when Marxism was spreading down the continent.


I'm not surprised by this story.


The worrying thing is you actually believe this stuff, so I can't delete it as trolling.

Unfortunately I can't hear what the guys saying as I've lost sound on my pc. I'm guessing he is taking the credit for creating AIDS (as per the title).

My question is Dune, Do you believe everything people say? David Icke once said he was the son of God, do you worship at the alter of the turquoise one?


I don't believe everything ploiticians say. The fact America sterilised it's own people WAS unbelieveable.

The worrying thing is you actually believe this stuff, so I can't delete it as trolling.


And of course it's an absolute that you are right and I am wrong.


You do know that the U.S. still has live smallpox virus when smallpox has beeen eradicated ? Why do they need it ?

Maybe because the Russians have some and who knows who else. The U.S. has been developing biological weapons for

a very long time. They were very evil testing stuff on their own people so releasing AIDS is not as far fetched as some think.

Anyone else remember Porton Down ?? The British were and probably still are developing a "defence" against these

weapons and to delelop a defence they will need to develop a weapon to test it against.

North Korea, well who on earth knows what they are trying to do

Miximetosis was developed by scientists to try to control rabbit populations.


AIDS was developed by the US millitary and delivered through the W.H.O vacination programme in Africa at the time when Marxism was spreading down the continent.


I'm not surprised by this story.


HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA **** off you absolute loon.

HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA **** off you absolute loon.


When I do leave the forum it'll be a duller place. Just like when all the other interesting posters left.

When I do leave the forum it'll be a duller place. Just like when all the other interesting posters left.


Please don't worry about us and the 'dullness' in planning to go.


May I help pack your bags, we have collected enough for the one way ticket, destination Germany 1938, you'll feel at home .

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