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Answer ( courtesy of Mrs B ) : because God is a Citeh fan.


Tell Mrs B what Prince Philip

Said about women. I hate bloody Royals we need to take our country Back people.

As per the title. Ask anything you want.




Why is the sky blue?


It's how the earth's atmosphere scatters the light from the sun. The gas in the atmosphere absorbs And then radiates blue light. Look up the Rayleigh process.


Say hi to Deppo.

It's how the earth's atmosphere scatters the light from the sun. The gas in the atmosphere absorbs And then radiates blue light. Look up the Rayleigh process.


Say hi to Deppo.


Is that Sir Walter Rayleigh? The guy who makes bicycles?

Because you ask sh*t questions.


That was my first question, ffs!


Anyway, what's with the questions on space - you're closer to it than me on the 17th floor. How come you don't know?

Itself - space is inverted.


Next q - why is raining on my patio this morning?

because a butterfly flapped its wings in china.

all to do with chaos theory apparently ?

(well, that's what jeff goldblum said in jurrasic park )

Bullsh*t baffles.


Can someone who knows what they are talking about answer me please....?


I believe Professor Pugwash is alluding to the Big Crunch - the idea that the universe expands to a point where the force of gravity overwhelms it and it collapses back to where it all began, in the Big Bang.


This idea, however, is thought by most cosmologists to be so over.



Whomwas 'stableford' who's golf scoring system is what just won me 2nd place in the inaugural work's golf tournament, my first ever competition?


Deppo's fine, home in his flat today.....sulking.

Why does water contract as it gets colder, except when it get to 4C when it expands and then starts to contract again as it gets colder still?


So that ice floats. If it didn't, ponds would freeze from the bottom up and all the fish would die.



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