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On my few years on this forum I have noticed certain favouritisms that go on with regard to moderation.


It seems easy to be offensive towards certain posters. I myself have been very rude and got away scott free yet other comments towards certain other forum users have had me slapped down with an instant infraction.


So who are the top 10 whipping boys that forum members are free to insult?


1. Dune

2. Dalek

3. Hypo

4. Alpine

5. Delldays

6. ?

7. ?

8. ?

9. ?

10. ?


I think the fact I don't go running to the mods might be the reason you all get away with it. That said I don't get offended as I think of myself as a voice of sanity in the midst of a sea of Socialist Supremacists.



robsk (before he disappeared)


Dune and a few others seem to often insult BTF, Verbal, Supermikey, buctootim (whatever happened to him?). I don't see the problem, really, people should be able to absorb an internet insult.

I think the fact I don't go running to the mods might be the reason you all get away with it. That said I don't get offended as I think of myself as a voice of sanity in the midst of a sea of Socialist Supremacists.


Tory Tosser!!!

Boj seems to get a bit of abuse (and whingey posts from Deppo crying about infractions) which I don't understand.


He can look after himself

Posted (edited)

I got a two week ban after recieving numerous infraction points for pointless comments, if that is the case 90% of the posts on this forum should incur infraction points. However, this also coincided with a forum pussy, who will remain nameless, crying to admin about upseting him when he dished out abuse but couldn't take it. At the time when Baj wanted to flex his cyber muscles and show who is boss, i think we all know Baj runs this site and is the godfather of it, cross him you'll get a cyber bullet between the eyes. I wouldn't say i was one of the top 10 whipping boys though.


Dune gets it more than most, he is often tag teamed by the forum superstars on here because he has an opinion which differs to theirs. The abuse he gets ranges from the quite brilliantly hilarious and ingenious play on user name insults such as "June" and "Dunce" to other more sinister things. His forum nemisis preach tolerance and freedom of speech as long as it's what they believe in. He is the main whipping boy on this forum sadly, as i like a lot of his posts and if we had a more opened minded forum they would provide some interesting debate rather than the usual Dune bashing which they lower themselves to.

Edited by Turkish
I got a two week ban after recieving numerous infraction points for pointless comments, if that is the case 90% of the posts on this forum should incur infraction points. However, this also coincided with a forum pussy, who will remain nameless, crying to admin about upseting him when he dished out abuse but couldn't take it. At the time when Baj wanted to flex his cyber muscles and show who is boss, i think we all know Baj runs this site and is the godfather of it, cross him you'll get a cyber bullet between the eyes. I wouldn't say i was one of the top 10 whipping boys though.


Dune gets it more than most, he is often tag teamed by the forum superstars on here because he has an opinion which differs to theirs. The abuse he gets ranges from the quite brilliantly hilarious and ingenious play on user name insults such as "June" and "Dunce" to other more sinister things. His forum nemisis preach tolerance and freedom of speech as long as it's what they believe in. He is the main whipping boy on this forum, sadly as i like a lot of his posts and if we had a more opened minded forum they would provide some interesting debate rather than the usual Dune bashing which they lower themselves to.


Dune gets it more than most because he tends to be on here more than most, and also nails his right-wing colours firmly to the mast with almost everything he posts. Alpine seemed to get most of the flak until he faded out post-wise.


Liquid shocker had a bit of a rough ride as I recall it, and as for deppo......well, he's just deppo. (and kadeem hardison, and pink scarf, etc etc ad inf...)

Dune gets it more than most because he tends to be on here more than most, and also nails his right-wing colours firmly to the mast with almost everything he posts. Alpine seemed to get most of the flak until he faded out post-wise.


Liquid shocker had a bit of a rough ride as I recall it, and as for deppo......well, he's just deppo. (and kadeem hardison, and pink scarf, etc etc ad inf...)


To be fair, anyone that posts a "Is life really all that" thread On New Years eve is asking for it.

To be fair, anyone that posts a "Is life really all that" thread On New Years eve is asking for it.


I didnt say he wasnt asking for it.


I like a nice spanking every now and again. I've even been infracted and banned once.


For me, freedom of expression is paramount.


So screw off all ye olde mongrels and sodomites!


I wear my infractions like medals. I am proud to be an infractor.



Posted (edited)
The lefties join together to cyber bully Dune. I often find it mildly amusing that the 'conscience' of the forum can get together to attempt to bully somebody in this way like children in a playground.


They think they're bullying me, but the reality is that I get right under their chicken soup complexion leftie skin. The Socialist Supremacists and the Liberal Elite would have us believe they are the guardians of free speech and democracy, but I have time and again shown that if you scratch beneath the surface they are nothing but control freak Marxists.

Edited by dune

It's a good job that Dune has a thick skin and doesn't have low self-esteem, a lesser man could have attempted suicide at the levels of abuse aimed at them, at times it's from the admin/management team too. If this was real life, then Dune would be taking da management to an industrial tribunal by now, of which the Saintweb lawyers would be looking to settle out of court.


I might not agree with all his views but I think he'd make a better ally than some of the abusive 'holier than thou' lefties on here, some of the abuse dished out by the self-righteous lefties is quite laughable. I suppose these are the ones hiding behind the forum rulebook when it comes to reporting Dune, or others who offer a different point of view.


It reminds me of when the school bully used to kick my backside in the dinner queue at school, until one day I snapped, grabbed his hair with my left hand and introduced my right fist to his jaw. Of course, he then cried off to the teachers and I got suspended.


If you can't take it, don't dish it out. Dune can take it, others though can't step up to the plate when the push comes to the shove.


The world has gone mad, sanity is not the norm.


How does anybody 'know' whether what is posted on an effectively anonymous Internet forum truly represents the persona and politics of any poster ? Most posters on here probably wouldn't know it when they were sat next to a fellow poster in the stands at SMS. In the case of 'brave little Dune battling against the Marxist hordes' - he doesn't have to post his more extreme opinions, he does so in the certain knowledge of the response, and in all probability with the intention of provoking the ire of those to the left of his political position, ( which means anybody from the left wing of the Tory party through to arch-communists ). He also gives as good as he gets, I am certain that he enjoys the 'debate', and it truth he very rarely stands alone in defending the indefensible.

How does anybody 'know' whether what is posted on an effectively anonymous Internet forum truly represents the persona and politics of any poster ? Most posters on here probably wouldn't know it when they were sat next to a fellow poster in the stands at SMS. In the case of 'brave little Dune battling against the Marxist hordes' - he doesn't have to post his more extreme opinions, he does so in the certain knowledge of the response, and in all probability with the intention of provoking the ire of those to the left of his political position, ( which means anybody from the left wing of the Tory party through to arch-communists ). He also gives as good as he gets, I am certain that he enjoys the 'debate', and it truth he very rarely stands alone in defending the indefensible.


Dune thrives on much of it and gives plenty back. It is just interesting how the 'caring' left group together to try to bully him. There is some pretty unsavoury name calling, suggestions about his personal life and even somebody who quite literally said they hoped he would die. This is all acceptable because his politics are different.

Boj seems to get a bit of abuse (and whingey posts from Deppo crying about infractions) which I don't understand.


I've reported this post.

The lefties join together to cyber bully Dune. I often find it mildly amusing that the 'conscience' of the forum can get together to attempt to bully somebody in this way like children in a playground.


Oh, poor dune. I've never realised it was this bad. I'm sorry, dune.

So who are the top 10 whipping boys that forum members are free to insult?


1. Dune

2. Dalek

3. Hypo

4. Alpine

5. Delldays

6. ?

7. ?

8. ?

9. ?

10. ?



8,995. hypochondriac

They think they're bullying me, but the reality is that I get right under their chicken soup complexion leftie skin. The Socialist Supremacists and the Liberal Elite would have us believe they are the guardians of free speech and democracy, but I have time and again shown that if you scratch beneath the surface they are nothing but control freak Marxists.


All good points, now make sure you don't lower yourself to their level of petty, juvenile insults and you have the higher moral ground.


The only thing more pathetic than anyone taking insults on an internet forum to heart is the idea of mods infracting people for "pointless remarks". it's surely just a catch-all title for the rather insecure managers of this site to infract anyone they don't like. It's all pointless, especially most of the stuff that's on-topic.


Dune posts extremist opinions in an antagonistic way because he enjoys the reaction, inviting the insults almost, but he doesn't complain because it's all part of the game for him. It's always those slinging insults that come out looking like the losers. Odd that people are posting generalising, condescending comments about "the lefties" and their petty insults completely unaware that they are indulging in exactly the same thing. SWF isn't exactly the home of the self-aware is it?


I have decided to stand up for what is right in this world. I will no longer just stand by and watch dune be bullied by the Liberal Elite/Socialist Supremacists/Forum Superstars/Reptillian Humanoids. I hereby vow to step in and protect dune whenever I see him being unfairly attacked and bullied and set upon by these people.

All good points, now make sure you don't lower yourself to their level of petty, juvenile insults and you have the higher moral ground.


The only thing more pathetic than anyone taking insults on an internet forum to heart is the idea of mods infracting people for "pointless remarks". it's surely just a catch-all title for the rather insecure managers of this site to infract anyone they don't like. It's all pointless, especially most of the stuff that's on-topic.


Dune posts extremist opinions in an antagonistic way because he enjoys the reaction, inviting the insults almost, but he doesn't complain because it's all part of the game for him. It's always those slinging insults that come out looking like the losers. Odd that people are posting generalising, condescending comments about "the lefties" and their petty insults completely unaware that they are indulging in exactly the same thing. SWF isn't exactly the home of the self-aware is it?


This is clearly bullying and I won't stand for it. Please leave poor dune alone, or I will be forced to take further action. That's your one and only warning.


And another thing, norwaysaint, do not disparage dune. How many times have you been able to proudly boast that you have "time and again shown" people on an internet forum that, by "scratch[ing] beneath the surface" of other people on an internet forum, that those other people are "nothing but control freak Marxists"? Probably never. Well dune can. He can stand with his head held high and his chest puffed out and say exactly that. So toddle off back to Norway.


In my experience, people with left-leaning opinions tend to be much more convinced of their rectitude than those on the right. This is enforced by a left-leaning media and the constant bombarbment of leftist ideals. Becuase Western European societies have spent decades attempted to portray left-of-centre ideals as 'the norm' it has become easier for right-of-centre thinkers to stray outside of the accepted social territory.


Having said this, I am myself fairly 'left' on certain issues (healthcare, environmental responsibility) so I do see the nastiness from both sides.


All of the above is simply my opinion, based on my personal experience and the experience of friends and colleagues.

Meh. It's normally cretins like gingeletiss, buctootim or unfunny f*ckwits full of hypocrisy like deppo who try to get a reaction from me. Im not in the least bit bothered.


Yes you are.

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