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does the 2 week rule still apply, where they have to send you the notification within 2 weeks of being caught on camera? i went past a mobile one 2 weeks ago and there is no way i wasnt speeding, but haven't had anything through the post yet

I will not be clicking on your grubby little Socialist link.


However, if you DID click on that grubby little Socialist link, you'd see that the blogs etc. are actually bona fide articles lifted from, for example, the Daily Telegraph.


Or are you suggesting that the Telegraph is in fact a communist rag in disguise? :D


If looking for a cheaper fee Try Argus car hire. This is another brokerage service, so random as to who will be placed with, however will offer good savings.





They also offer a much cheaper excess excess waiver through Mondial. May have a local restriction.


Or you use http://www.insurance4carhire.com/ for single or annual Excess policies. Again has a restriction on using close to home, fine if you just pick up cars from Airports.


Have also had good car hire deals with Enterprise by phoning local branch. If possible avoid the Airport locations as they charge a premium for these sites.

Sorry, never had any so can't help :smug:


The cameras are clearly signed, as are the speed limits. Perhaps you should go to specsavers ?

If you think the speed limits are clearly signed maybe you should be going to specksavers? I proved they were not signed correctly.... and finally the courts agreed... after dropping a case because the camera partnership obtained a summons using a falsified document....

The worst stretch of cameras in the UK is surely the old A4 going through Slough and onto towards Farnham Common and Marlow. There must about 15-20 speed and traffic light cameras in under 2 miles of road! Mind you, Slough is an utter toilet.


Why would that be?

If looking for a cheaper fee Try Argus car hire. This is another brokerage service, so random as to who will be placed with, however will offer good savings.





They also offer a much cheaper excess excess waiver through Mondial. May have a local restriction.


Or you use http://www.insurance4carhire.com/ for single or annual Excess policies. Again has a restriction on using close to home, fine if you just pick up cars from Airports.


Have also had good car hire deals with Enterprise by phoning local branch. If possible avoid the Airport locations as they charge a premium for these sites.


Cheers. My plan is now to use insurance4carhire which will cost £23 for 11 days and book with AVIS and not take up their kind offer of £20/day excess insurance.

In this country the principle applies that driving a vehicle on the public highway is a privilege, not a right. Consequently, drivers have a duty to show a certain level of responsibility and care towards other road users. Speed cameras target those who choose to flout these principles, those who wilfully endanger the lives of other people through their selfish behaviour.


Breaking the speed limit is breaking the law. it doesn't make you clever or important. it makes you a criminal.


Spare us the Soviet speak. They are generally used to trap people to raise revenue not protect accident blackspots.

I like speed cameras. They make the roads safer. People that get caught speeding by them, despite the signs, are stupid.


Agrees/w this. The roads have definitely become more pleasant since the introduction of speed cameras as the "aggressive" drivers (as they usually term themselves, or as I prefer to call them, "c*nts",) are either having to drive within reasonable speed limits or lose their licences.


There was a phone in on 5 Live about this a couple of years ago, some woman called in moaning that she'd racked up 3 speeding offences within a year, and with her voice rising to hysterical levels yelled indignantly that if she got another one she would lose her licence. As if that was somebody else's fault. I was thinking "well thats what theyrs for, to get drivers like you off the roads..." I dont pretend to be an angel on the roads, but in 30 years of 25k+ annually Ive only managed to rack up two speeding convictions, one in 1983 and one 4 years ago. It really isnt hard to avoid them.


It certainly helps now my tom tom beeps when approaching one. A quick tap on the brakes and then back on the accelerator.

It certainly helps now my tom tom beeps when approaching one. A quick tap on the brakes and then back on the accelerator.


I thought you were making a concerted effort to reduce your petrol costs a while back?

Spare us the Soviet speak. They are generally used to trap people to raise revenue not protect accident blackspots.


You're supposed to be on dune's side. This'll confuse him even more.

Spare us the Soviet speak. They are generally used to trap people to raise revenue not protect accident blackspots.


Near me the fixed cameras do appear to be near the notorious accident blackspots, it's the evil mobile ones that are out just as a money making exercise!


Bastard tory county council allowing such rip off tactics.

Near me the fixed cameras do appear to be near the notorious accident blackspots, it's the evil mobile ones that are out just as a money making exercise!


Bastard tory county council allowing such rip off tactics.


I got done by the same camera at the bottom of a hill in Newbury and the next time I passed it I was concentrating so much on the camera I crashed into the car in front which was turning right. I hate them and they cause accidents!

I got done by the same camera at the bottom of a hill in Newbury and the next time I passed it I was concentrating so much on the camera I crashed into the car in front which was turning right. I hate them and they cause accidents!

How does a fixed camera cause an accident ? Surely it's the driver who is not paying sufficient attention and is unsure as to his/her speed and braking distance ( relevant to the prevailing conditions ) that causes the collision ?


We've either got to have speed limits or we havent. Whats the option? Have them but not enforce them? Kind of an honesty-box approach, just say that if anybody thinks theyre ok to travel faster than 30 in a 30 zone, well thats ok, we should just tut disapprovingly? I really dont understand the issue here.


As to the argument that they are a revenue-raising idea, well that got knocked on the head ages ago. Several councils have removed their cameras in order to save money, and a government study showed that cameras are more expensive to run/maintain than the fines they generate cover.

I got done by the same camera at the bottom of a hill in Newbury and the next time I passed it I was concentrating so much on the camera I crashed into the car in front which was turning right.




That's the sort of thing I could imagine BTF doing in her 2CV.

How does a fixed camera cause an accident ? Surely it's the driver who is not paying sufficient attention and is unsure as to his/her speed and braking distance ( relevant to the prevailing conditions ) that causes the collision ?


Would the crash have happened if the camera had not been there? No.

Would the crash have happened if the camera had not been there? No.

Would the crash have happened if you were completely aware of your speed, the road conditions, and your safe braking distance ? The camera is immaterial. If you were sufficiently distracted by it to hit another vehicle, you were not driving 'with due care and attention'.

Would the crash have happened if you were completely aware of your speed, the road conditions, and your safe braking distance ? The camera is immaterial. If you were sufficiently distracted by it to hit another vehicle, you were not driving 'with due care and attention'.


Not sure you read my answer correctly. The crash was a direct result of having to concentrate on the speed camera and not the road. The speed camera was a distraction that caused the accident; it did not allow me to focus on driving.

So are you saying that you crashed your car as you were concentrating on not speeding as you'd been done for speeding previously in the same place?


Yes and as it happens that was in 1997 and I have not had a crash since so read into that what you will!

I like speed cameras. They make the roads safer. People that get caught speeding by them, despite the signs, are stupid. Dune, you are very stupid.


Ive never been caught by one that had a sign, what does that make me?

Not sure you read my answer correctly. The crash was a direct result of having to concentrate on the speed camera and not the road. The speed camera was a distraction that caused the accident; it did not allow me to focus on driving.


If you can't do basic multitasking then you shouldnt really have been allowed behind a wheel ever Im afraid.

Not sure you read my answer correctly. The crash was a direct result of having to concentrate on the speed camera and not the road. The speed camera was a distraction that caused the accident; it did not allow me to focus on driving.




I love the outbreak of moralising on forums when anyone asks any questions about speeding... almost as funny as the invariable righteous indignation at getting points...


To your original question... penalty points are valid for 3 years for totting up purposes (ie ban when you hit 12), they stay on your driving licence for 4 years, and you must declare them to your insurance company for 5 years.


So in this case, it's the 4 year expiration date that is relevant to you.

i suppose they arent bad at basic multitasking


I'll have you know I have a PhD in multitasking. I'm actually baking a cake, solving a biochemistry problem and scratching my nose as I type this.

I'll have you know I have a PhD in multitasking. I'm actually baking a cake, solving a biochemistry problem and scratching my nose as I type this.


Well Im drinking a beer, scratching my bum and thinking about boobs as I type, so there!

Well Im drinking a beer, scratching my bum and thinking about boobs as I type, so there!


Well I currently have six tabs open on firefox, but I'm keeping quiet about what they are.

I'll have you know I have a PhD in multitasking. I'm actually baking a cake, solving a biochemistry problem and scratching my nose as I type this.

I've just done the shopping whilst watching a program about the Isle of Man TT races. And it doesn't count as multitasking if one of the 'tasks' is simply waiting for the oven timer to stop ;)

I've just done the shopping whilst watching a program about the Isle of Man TT races. And it doesn't count as multitasking if one of the 'tasks' is simply waiting for the oven timer to stop ;)


Errrr Humph! I'm talking about whisking and mixing if you don't mind. However, the cake is now cooked, the biochemistry problem solved, my nose no longer itches and I've finished watching a programme about stately homes whilst arranging to take my granddaughter to visit my friend's farm.


And so to bed............

Errrr Humph! I'm talking about whisking and mixing if you don't mind. However, the cake is now cooked, the biochemistry problem solved, my nose no longer itches and I've finished watching a programme about stately homes whilst arranging to take my granddaughter to visit my friend's farm.


And so to bed............


lightweight ;-)

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