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Suppose the moment arrived that security experts have warned about and the Apple faithful have pooh-poohed: A piece of malware aimed at Macintosh users gains a successful foothold in the OS X computing ecosystem. What might that scenario look like?


The situation might look very much like what Ed Bott’s uncovered and outlined in a pair of blog posts published today.


First, some background.


Bott earlier this month wrote about a serious piece of Mac malware that uses social engineering to trick users into installing it on their computers. The software uses the same malware engine as a pernicious and widespread rogue antispyware program targeted at Windows.


As often happens, die-hard Apple fans mocked him, led by Daring Fireball blogger John Gruber, who included Bott’s piece in a roundup of similar warnings of Macpocalyptic doom through the years.


Then, over the weekend, Bott got an email from someone purporting to work as a tech support specialist at an AppleCare call center. The tech said Apple’s call centers are getting a steady stream of calls about this, and that the company’s official stance is to not help people get malware off their computers. Bott published an edited transcript of their subsequent phone conversation, and here are some excerpts:


Full article link :-






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