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this type of post really drives me mad. :x


the sheer, lazy inaccuracy of it :x:x:x:x


it wasnt a lemon, you fool, it was a bit of satsuma wrapped in orange peel!!!!!!




but why did he use that??? Ffs

but why did he use that??? Ffs


ironically, to stop himself asphyxiating. ffs indeed.


I do actually have a letter from Stephen Milligan on house of commons notepaper. Keep it quiet.

I'm hearing that Mr Huhne, the Eastleigh M.P. with family values, is about to make a decision.


Possibly newspaper articles on Sunday to bury him?


Even the bookies are slashing odds on the next Lib Dem leader's actions.




Expenses? An affair?


There was a piece in last weekends rags by his ex wife saying he got someone else to take the 3 points from a speeding fine so he wouldn't lose his licence, but it was fruitless as he ended up getting banned a few months later for another driving offence. Hardly Oaten-esque as a scandal and tbh, the piece was an example of the bitter, twisted ex having a pop 'cos he'd run off with another bird. But she may have more black on him, who knows? ;)

There was a piece in last weekends rags by his ex wife saying he got someone else to take the 3 points from a speeding fine so he wouldn't lose his licence, but it was fruitless as he ended up getting banned a few months later for another driving offence. Hardly Oaten-esque as a scandal and tbh, the piece was an example of the bitter, twisted ex having a pop 'cos he'd run off with another bird. But she may have more black on him, who knows? ;)


I'm not so sure that he would have been an MP had these allegations been in the public domain at the time of the General Election, which would have rendered this recent speculation about his future career prospects futile.


Regardless of whether the source of these allegations was his bitter ex-wife or not, if true, the attempt to avoid a speeding fine by getting somebody else to take the fine and points on his behalf, is a criminal offence. The affair with another woman if hidden from his wife, thus entailing lies and deceit, is just symptomatic of a lack of moral fibre. Arguably, if one is capable of this sort of behaviour, then it might indicate the possibility that other matters involving ethical standards or personal integrity could also be compromised. Here, the Parliamentary expenses scandal springs to mind. Although not one of the major offenders, nevertheless, multi-millionaire Huhne still managed several column inches in the Telegraph.



Maybe because, years ago, both towns were Labour strongholds and distrust of the Tories runs deep?


Eastleigh as a constituency had been Conservative since 1955 and David Price held the seat until he retired and Stephen Milligan took over. Milligan was a high-flyer in the party and might well have continued the Conservative hold on Eastleigh, had he not killed himself under those scandalous circumstances. Indeed, even after the electorate caned the Conservatives in the by-election, in subsequent elections, once the protest vote had diminished, it was a very close run thing and arguably the Conservatives lost the vital votes that would have given them victory to firstly the Referendum Party and then UKIP. When Chidgey left and Huhne took over, the additional factor that gave the Lib Dems an advantage, was that Huhne was high profile in his Party. But, as I said, IMO, the mud that has been thrown at him recently, might well have succeeded in scuppering his campaign at the last election, where he portrayed himself as a family man.


I believe that the common factor that meant that the Lib Dems vote held up in Eastleigh and Portsmouth South in the Council elections, is that they both have very good local organisations. However, since Hancock's election as MP last May, there has been much media coverage about him that might well damage his chances of re-election the next time.


Thanks Wes - I didn't realise it was THAT long ago that Eastleigh went blue! I was very politically active in that constituency in the early 70s and it was at that point that the Liberals (as was) started to make inroads. But there was still a strong Labour faction at that time.

Thanks Wes - I didn't realise it was THAT long ago that Eastleigh went blue! I was very politically active in that constituency in the early 70s and it was at that point that the Liberals (as was) started to make inroads. But there was still a strong Labour faction at that time.


Actually I just checked something that was niggling at the back of my mind and found what I suspected, that Eastleigh had never been anything else but blue until Milligan lost it to the Lib Dems in that by-election. It had certainly never been Labour, as David Price was its first MP when Eastleigh was formed as a new constituency in 1955. I was also politically active in Eastleigh from about 1968 and remember going to heckle Harold Wilson when he visited Millbrook Estate during the election campaign. As you say, at that point, the Liberals started to gain some success on the Borough Council, gaining Chandlers Ford with Margaret Kyrle and her husband, the mad monk ;) the driving force.

Actually I just checked something that was niggling at the back of my mind and found what I suspected, that Eastleigh had never been anything else but blue until Milligan lost it to the Lib Dems in that by-election. It had certainly never been Labour, as David Price was its first MP when Eastleigh was formed as a new constituency in 1955. I was also politically active in Eastleigh from about 1968 and remember going to heckle Harold Wilson when he visited Millbrook Estate during the election campaign. As you say, at that point, the Liberals started to gain some success on the Borough Council, gaining Chandlers Ford with Margaret Kyrle and her husband, the mad monk ;) the driving force.


We must have crossed swords at some time then :D


Maybe I'm thinking more of the council rather than the constituency being more 'red'? My long-term memory is usually quite reliable (it's yesterday that's the problem)!

I'm hearing that Mr Huhne, the Eastleigh M.P. with family values, is about to make a decision.


Possibly newspaper articles on Sunday to bury him?


Even the bookies are slashing odds on the next Lib Dem leader's actions.




Expenses? An affair?


Love it! :lol: Had to keep my powder dry.


http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/ (Only by subscription though)



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