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What a bunch of sanctimonious tosspots you lot are. You're all so bloody self-righteous - reading through this thread you lot make me want to vomit.


First thing I have agreed with on this thread.


With the horiffic Bin Laden thread and this, in two news topics you have demonstrated yourself as snivilling judegmental, blood-thirsty morons.


The obsession with the McCann story is just as blood-thirsty. To you its all just entertainment, with a little bit of self-rightous scorn thrown in on top.


What right any one of you has to judge this woman I don't know. Though she has had to pay for her mistake time and time again and will do for the rest of her life, I doubt your pathetic little opinions would matter one iota, even if she did read this.

First thing I have agreed with on this thread.


With the horiffic Bin Laden thread and this, in two news topics you have demonstrated yourself as snivilling judegmental, blood-thirsty morons.


The obsession with the McCann story is just as blood-thirsty. To you its all just entertainment, with a little bit of self-rightous scorn thrown in on top.


What right any one of you has to judge this woman I don't know. Though she has had to pay for her mistake time and time again and will do for the rest of her life, I doubt your pathetic little opinions would matter one iota, even if she did read this.


Personally I feel that all of us that are parents have the right to judge another parent who abandoned her children - that's right it wasn't just one! - and went out for dinner.


Parents shouldn't abandon their children, it's not rocket science. Those that do leave themselves open for judgement.

She is only trying to make money to find her kid.


That is far too simple. That can't be the case. The woman is evil. She probably wants more money so that she can buy more children and then lose them again.

Oh I think you're absolutely right! But I suppose it could be argued that, by taking 6 months' unpaid leave, they were increasing the chance of finding her. And I imagine the Fund had Trustees (these things usually do) so it would be up to the Trustees to allow these two payments.


I think, if my child was missing, I'd find what ever financial support I could to continue the search by underwriting my family's living costs. After all, they had two other children to support too.


Of course, the difference is that most of us wouldn't be in that position.


This is the thing though isn't it. We would all want to go and search but where would you even start? We have professional agencies who do this stuff and are there day in day out when the trail has gone cold. These people aren't detectives and whilst they have a part to play in raising Maddy's profile (who will look nothing like those pictures now) they still have a family to raise and lives to lead. Think about it. God forbid it should happen to you but after the first few months where would you go to look?


The whole thing is awfully sad but made more so by their gross negligence in the first place.

First thing I have agreed with on this thread.


With the horiffic Bin Laden thread and this, in two news topics you have demonstrated yourself as snivilling judegmental, blood-thirsty morons.


The obsession with the McCann story is just as blood-thirsty. To you its all just entertainment, with a little bit of self-rightous scorn thrown in on top.


What right any one of you has to judge this woman I don't know. Though she has had to pay for her mistake time and time again and will do for the rest of her life, I doubt your pathetic little opinions would matter one iota, even if she did read this.


What an unbelievablely stupid post. I assume you do not have any children of your own? Young children are totally reliant on their parents/carers for protection. To go out and leave young children on their own is an act of gross child neglect. Where does this "bloody thirsty" rubbish come from? God knows what happened to this poor child but it happened because the two people she relied on the most in the world were too bloody selfish and put their own evenings entertainment before the safetly of their children. THis thread happened because the mother has now written a book and is dragging the whole sorry episode up again. hence comments.


You and Bath Saint should just think yourselves lucky that you had parents who looked after you. Something we all expect but that was denied to Maddy.

This is the thing though isn't it. We would all want to go and search but where would you even start? We have professional agencies who do this stuff and are there day in day out when the trail has gone cold. These people aren't detectives and whilst they have a part to play in raising Maddy's profile (who will look nothing like those pictures now) they still have a family to raise and lives to lead. Think about it. God forbid it should happen to you but after the first few months where would you go to look?


The whole thing is awfully sad but made more so by their gross negligence in the first place.


I don't disagree with anything you're saying here. When I said they needed money to search for the child, I didn't, of course, mean that the parents would physically carry out the search. I meant that professional detectives / searchers / whatever would need to be paid. Nonetheless, I imagine both parents still had a lot of stuff to deal with - hence the unpaid leave.


Having, in the past, had to deal with a fairly traumatic event with one of my own children, I do know that's it's really hard to function as a normal person in such circumstances. Some people might find it helpful to carry on as normal, others can do nothing but almost cease to function. Thankfully my personal outcome was fine.


However, if some of the scurrilous blogs are to be believed, some of the private detectives in this case are a bit dubious. But there will always be dubious characters sniffing around to take advantage of people at a low ebb.


I should imagine maddie would be nice and safe with her parents if they never left her alone while they went off on a social jolly down the road


i mean, who leave a toddler alone, in a foreign country, in a strange hotel whilst they go and have a few beers....ffs

there would be far less sympathy if a single mum from shirley warren had done the exact same thing

I don't disagree with anything you're saying here. When I said they needed money to search for the child, I didn't, of course, mean that the parents would physically carry out the search. I meant that professional detectives / searchers / whatever would need to be paid. Nonetheless, I imagine both parents still had a lot of stuff to deal with - hence the unpaid leave.


Having, in the past, had to deal with a fairly traumatic event with one of my own children, I do know that's it's really hard to function as a normal person in such circumstances. Some people might find it helpful to carry on as normal, others can do nothing but almost cease to function. Thankfully my personal outcome was fine.


However, if some of the scurrilous blogs are to be believed, some of the private detectives in this case are a bit dubious. But there will always be dubious characters sniffing around to take advantage of people at a low ebb.


I am sorry to hear of your experience but glad it was resolved. I have three young girls and losing one of them is my biggest nightmare. I am divorced and took tem abroad for the first time the year before last - Turkey. I didn't let them out of my sight for two weeks!


I should imagine a lot of people would be looking to get thier snots in the trough. Have the Portuggeuse police closed the file yet? I would image that Interpol would also be involved but don't know how long they would keep the case file open.


My ex wife is like Mrs McCann and puts her entertainment before her concern about the girls. That is why this case winds me up so much. There for the grace of God etc.


One thing I could never get my head around. These are not people who are strapped for cash. No one is blaming them for having a night out but why oh why didn't they arrange a baby sitter?


Oh and one more thing in answer to the sanctimonious charges. When I first heard about this I was morified for the parents. It was only when I saw the map and realised just how far they were away from the children that I became all "sanctimonious" about it. These people were not just sitting out front where Maddy could have wondered out and found them. They were a fair distance away. Can you imagine how terrified that poor child was when she woke and couldn't find her parents?

What an unbelievablely stupid post. I assume you do not have any children of your own? Young children are totally reliant on their parents/carers for protection. To go out and leave young children on their own is an act of gross child neglect. Where does this "bloody thirsty" rubbish come from? God knows what happened to this poor child but it happened because the two people she relied on the most in the world were too bloody selfish and put their own evenings entertainment before the safetly of their children. THis thread happened because the mother has now written a book and is dragging the whole sorry episode up again. hence comments.


You and Bath Saint should just think yourselves lucky that you had parents who looked after you. Something we all expect but that was denied to Maddy.


I think that you kidnapped Madeline.


Now, I have absolutely no proof that you did. None at all. I have never met you. I know nothing about you. I have not spoken to you in person. I am not a detective, and I have no inside information on the case.


However, there is something fishy about you that I can't put my finger on. It is for this reason, and this reason alone, that I am making this unfounded accusation that sadoldgit is a child kidnapper and child killer on a public forum for anyone to see.


The one thing I have never been able to get my head round is why they didn't take the children out with them. I have 4 children and have been abroad with them every year. There is nothing unusual about taking children out in the evening on holiday. We used to give them a sleep in the afternoon so they would be awake later. Either that or we had them asleep in their pushchair. There is 13 months between my youngest 2 and many time's they've slept in pushchairs by the table or in a bar, the Europeans are quite used to youngsters out and about late and we never ever had any comments or people looking at them.My take on it has always been the same, we go on holiday as a family and that incldes drinking and eating in the evening.


I am not saying that they deserved what happened, of course they didn't. And I've no doubt that they spend every waking hour regretting their actions.However, a part of me is uneasy about the fact they left 3 young children on their own.

I think that you kidnapped Madeline.


Now, I have absolutely no proof that you did. None at all. I have never met you. I know nothing about you. I have not spoken to you in person. I am not a detective, and I have no inside information on the case.


However, there is something fishy about you that I can't put my finger on. It is for this reason, and this reason alone, that I am making this unfounded accusation that sadoldgit is a child kidnapper and child killer on a public forum for anyone to see.


There's definitely something in this. Like you, I have no actual proof, but I'm pretty certain that sadoldgit kidnapped and killed Maddie. And probably many other innocent children too. And I bet he didn't stop at killing them either. Of course, there is no evidence for this, but I think it is pretty obvious for everyone to see.

So Mrs McCann is now to publish a book in which we get to hear how traumatic this whole sad affair has been for her. Well how about poor Maddy? If you had done your job and been there for her rather than off enjoying yourself this would never have happened. You let her down. I wouldn't wish this on anyone but frankly I am sick off how you continue to drag your guilty pain through the public consciousness. The fault lies solely at the feet of you and your husband. If you had been a couple of chavs your lives would have been made a living hell by the media but because you are a nice, white, middle class couple they seem to bend over backwards to print every utterance and have given you an easy ride. You should be prosectued for child neglect. Having children is a ful time job. If you want time out for a while then you get someone in to care for them, you don't just leave them on their own. I understand your pain but you are the direct cause and you failed your child. Now please go away and grieve in private.


Absolutely spot on. I still think there is no smoke without fire. Never been comfortable believing their story.

There's definitely something in this. Like you, I have no actual proof, but I'm pretty certain that sadoldgit kidnapped and killed Maddie. And probably many other innocent children too. And I bet he didn't stop at killing them either. Of course, there is no evidence for this, but I think it is pretty obvious for everyone to see.


I want to add that I am not making an unfounded accusation with this unfounded accusation. Not at all.

Absolutely spot on. I still think there is no smoke without fire. Never been comfortable believing their story.


You seem quick to accuse them. Almost as if you are trying to cover something up.


Agree with Sadoldgit totally.


I could not help but compare the grief and torment suffered by this lady, mother of Keith Bennett - who was killed by Brady and Hindley in the 1960's - and the dignified way she has conducted things for over forty years with the forever publicity seeking McCanns.




Still no one does public grief and self pity as well as the scouses.

Agree with Sadoldgit totally.


I could not help but compare the grief and torment suffered by this lady, mother of Keith Bennett - who was killed by Brady and Hindley in the 1960's - and the dignified way she has conducted things for over forty years with the forever publicity seeking McCanns.




Still no one does public grief and self pity as well as the scouses.


Exactly. You didn't see that woman all over the internet and the countless television channels with rolling news 40 years ago. She was dignified.


It's a bit disingenuous to compare the plight of poor Keith Bennett's mother and Kate McCann.


For a start, Keith Bennett's mother knows her son was murdered. I'm not saying that makes it easier - of course it doesn't - but she does at least KNOW what happened to her son. The McCanns (unless they're guilty of some of the crimes the ghoulish bloggers suggest) still don't know and I should think not knowing is an even heavier burden to bear.


But, more importantly, at the time of the Moors murders, there weren't the world-wide publicity outlets to exploit like there are today. Had there been, no doubt Keith's mother would have used them - and who would have blamed her?


I for one am sick of bereaved parents going on and on and on. Get it into your head: You may grieve for exactly 9 months. Any more than that are you are as bad, if not worse, than the murderer themselves.


You may release a book but only between 9 and 12 months after the child goes missing. You may take part in televised appeals but make sure that you don't wear summer clothing or look directly into the camera or you are the murderer.


You are required to stop looking for the child after 18 months or, again, you are the murderer.


If you are middle class then you are the murderer.


If you lost the child because of a moment of stupidity then you are worse than Hitler.


Have to agree with almost all you've said SOG, it really is a sad situation. They have made an incredibly stupid & irresponsible decision to leave their children alone & will forever have to live with that. I can understand them wanting to keep the profile up, but when they do, then they must expect to have some criticism coming their way. They chose to not only go out for a few drinks, but lets not forget that the apartments had a baby sitting service that they chose not to use. I have 2 children (grown up now) and we were lucky enough to be able to go abroad on holiday every year through their childhood. Neither of us would have dreamed of going off to a bar leaving our kids alone, you give them a kip in the afternoon & take them out with you, then when they are tired you take them back to bed and STAY WITH THEM. Its called parental responsibility sadly lacking in the McCanns

Its called parental responsibility sadly lacking in the McCanns


Exactly. And because they are nice white middle-class professionals they get all the attention they want. If they had been pikey chavs then the tabloids would have been calling them irresponsible, not holding fund raisers for them.

Exactly. And because they are nice white middle-class professionals they get all the attention they want. If they had been pikey chavs then the tabloids would have been calling them irresponsible, not holding fund raisers for them.


But that's okay because you are here to do it for them.

Exactly. And because they are nice white middle-class professionals they get all the attention they want. If they had been pikey chavs then the tabloids would have been calling them irresponsible, not holding fund raisers for them.


That's what puts people's back up over this, it's the double standards shown by the press more than the McCanns themselves. Except they seem like the sort of middleclass t@ssers who would be the first to have a go at a Chav single mother who neglected their kids to go out on the p!ss.


I just find the whole thing so boring, I can't believe the newspapers still write about it or people still want to read about it.

But that's okay because you are here to do it for them.


they were irresponsible. They left very young children by themselves and went off and partied. At least that is their story. That is the very definition of irresponsibility. If they had done that in this country they would rightly be investigated by child services. Instead they get feted by the world's media and meet the pope.

That's what puts people's back up over this, it's the double standards shown by the press more than the McCanns themselves. Except they seem like the sort of middleclass t@ssers who would be the first to have a go at a Chav single mother who neglected their kids to go out on the p!ss.


I just find the whole thing so boring, I can't believe the newspapers still write about it or people still want to read about it.


quite right.

they were irresponsible. They left very young children by themselves and went off and partied. At least that is their story. That is the very definition of irresponsibility. If they had done that in this country they would rightly be investigated by child services. Instead they get feted by the world's media and meet the pope.


It was more fun on this thread when everyone just ignored deppo and the other muppet.


I imagine they are getting more and more frustrated by people ignoring them, than by people replying to their obvious trolling.

Exactly. And because they are nice white middle-class professionals they get all the attention they want. If they had been pikey chavs then the tabloids would have been calling them irresponsible, not holding fund raisers for them.


Which is exactly your problem with them. They are white middle class professionals.


The McCanns made a mistake - and have been plunged into a horrendous scenario. I just feel terribly terribly sorry for them.

That's what puts people's back up over this, it's the double standards shown by the press more than the McCanns themselves. Except they seem like the sort of middleclass t@ssers who would be the first to have a go at a Chav single mother who neglected their kids to go out on the p!ss.


I just find the whole thing so boring, I can't believe the newspapers still write about it or people still want to read about it.


That's right, they do. Its obvious, just look at them.


They also look the sort that would go into an orphanage at christmas and steal all the presents.



Which is exactly your problem with them. They are white middle class professionals.


The McCanns made a mistake - and have been plunged into a horrendous scenario. I just feel terribly terribly sorry for them.


No, that is not why I have a problem with them. It is that they have used the media to their advantage in a way that pikey chavs never could. If some fat chain-smoking benefit-claiming single mother pikey with greasy hair had left their baby at home while they went down the pub the country's media would have turned on her. She would have been singled out by the Mail and Express and Sun as a 'not fit to be a mother'. Child services would be called in and politicians would be falling over themselves to get in front of the cameras to say that 'something should be done' about it and 'how shocking blah blah blah.

Which is exactly your problem with them. They are white middle class professionals.


The McCanns made a mistake - and have been plunged into a horrendous scenario. I just feel terribly terribly sorry for them.


Exactly. Whilst I wouldn't have left my children to go to a restaurant whilst in a foreign (or indeed British) holiday resort, I, along with many of you I'm sure, HAVE made mistakes when raising my family.


I've been lucky that there have been no awful consequences - the McCanns weren't. I remember finding my daughter, then aged 3, climbing onto her bedroom window sill when the window was open. Silly us - but lucky us she didn't fall out.


I bet there are NO parents on here who can honestly say they haven't made mistakes with their children.

I've been lucky that there have been no awful consequences - the McCanns weren't. I remember finding my daughter, then aged 3, climbing onto her bedroom window sill when the window was open. Silly us - but lucky us she didn't fall out.


No such thing as an accident. No smoke without fire.

I think that you kidnapped Madeline.


Now, I have absolutely no proof that you did. None at all. I have never met you. I know nothing about you. I have not spoken to you in person. I am not a detective, and I have no inside information on the case.


However, there is something fishy about you that I can't put my finger on. It is for this reason, and this reason alone, that I am making this unfounded accusation that sadoldgit is a child kidnapper and child killer on a public forum for anyone to see.


I have to agree. There is absolutely no evidence to support my suspicions, despite Police from many countries actively searching for evidence, over many years, to prove it. However, there is just something not right about SOG, I have absolutely no idea what it is that isn't right about SOG, but I will happily gossip and tell as many people that I can that he is a child killer and hope he rots in hell the murdering barstud!


In all seriousness, why do we assume there must be an explanation to everything in life?


A lot of people/kids go missing all over the world, every day of the year, some are never found, despite huge amounts of resources being allocated to the Police....in the case of Maddie, it now seems a case of 'nobody has been caught, there is no evidence to charge anyone, including the parents, therefore, it must mean that the parents did it' - FACT!!!!!!


That makes perfect sense to me....that is sound logic isn't it?

It was more fun on this thread when everyone just ignored deppo and the other muppet.


I imagine they are getting more and more frustrated by people ignoring them, than by people replying to their obvious trolling.


I was getting more and more frustrated that people were ignoring me, then you posted this. Thanks, WSS! I love you!

Exactly. Whilst I wouldn't have left my children to go to a restaurant whilst in a foreign (or indeed British) holiday resort, I, along with many of you I'm sure, HAVE made mistakes when raising my family.


I bet there are NO parents on here who can honestly say they haven't made mistakes with their children.


I agree.


I've been very lucky in having a Mrs who hardly drinks and always keeps a sane head on her. Many times she's taken the Kids home whilst I've stayed at the bar socialising. Had she been a bit of a artist herself, we may well have done some stupid things.

Exactly. Whilst I wouldn't have left my children to go to a restaurant whilst in a foreign (or indeed British) holiday resort, I, along with many of you I'm sure, HAVE made mistakes when raising my family.


I've been lucky that there have been no awful consequences - the McCanns weren't. I remember finding my daughter, then aged 3, climbing onto her bedroom window sill when the window was open. Silly us - but lucky us she didn't fall out.


I bet there are NO parents on here who can honestly say they haven't made mistakes with their children.


Yes, we all make mistakes as parents. But I wouldn't call deliberately going out for dinner and leaving a 4-year old and 2-year old twins on their own in an unlocked apartment "a mistake".


As well as the possibility of abduction, children of this age are extremely inquisitive and have no sense of danger. Anything could have happened.

You cannot leave kids of this age alone. It's negligence of the highest order.

Exactly. Whilst I wouldn't have left my children to go to a restaurant whilst in a foreign (or indeed British) holiday resort, I, along with many of you I'm sure, HAVE made mistakes when raising my family.


I've been lucky that there have been no awful consequences - the McCanns weren't. I remember finding my daughter, then aged 3, climbing onto her bedroom window sill when the window was open. Silly us - but lucky us she didn't fall out.


I bet there are NO parents on here who can honestly say they haven't made mistakes with their children.


And therein lays the crux of the matter really. It's the level of irresponsibility coupled with the eventual outcome that is important. As you say, we as parents have all probably done irresponsible things towards our children (mostly unwittingly, I would suggest), but where the possible outcome can be very serious.


Dare I suggest it, but in your own personal instance, check out the beautiful but tragic song 'Tears in Heaven' - contrary to what one poster here believes, unfortunately accidents do happen.


What the McCanns did was irresponsible but I wouldn't like to offer any opinion either way as to whether they were complicit in any other way. Being a father of 4, I would much rather hold on to the hope (slim though it may be) that someday Maddie will be found.


The incident I mentioned happened over 30 years ago but I tell you what - I'm FAR more nervous about accidents and incidents befalling my beloved grandchildren. Maybe we get more scared about stuff as we get older, I don't know.


What happened to all those posts on that other thread that said 1976_Child is a rapist? It came from 3 completely different sources and now they are all deleted! Seems a bit fishy to me. There's no smoke without fire.

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