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What the Hell DO You Believe???


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Why would anyone read a newspaper like the Daily Mail to get science or health news? You should read Ben Goldacre's "Bad Science", he blames them for a large part of the misinformation that's out there. They take scientific articles, strip them of the most important facts and present small parts out of context so that they have no real or correct meaning, they take influence from businesses that push ideas on them for their own gain and they do absolutely no journalism at all.


Stuff like taking antioxidant supplements or fish oils and omega 3 are good examples of things that the media have put out there as beneficial that have no basis in science at all. All of it just comes from the companies who want you to buy the stuff. If there has been new and interesting research into the of salt intake, you can be sure none of the facts were printed in the Daily Mail or similar.

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I believe that we obsess far too much about individual strands of our lives. We all have individual characteristics that make different health problems more or less likely depending on the food we eat (or don't eat), exercise we do (or don't do), places we live (or don't live) etc, etc.


My advice is simply this: Don't worry about it. Excesses are generally bad, but if you have a balanced diet and do sufficient exercise to keep a healthy BMI then you just need to enjoy your life and when your time comes, your time comes.


Take 5 minutes to sit down and ask yourself: Am I happy? Do I feel healthy? Do I think I look healthy? It doesn't matter what anyone else tells you, you'll do what you feel is best. Reading articles like that all day just make people paranoid, especially when the media spin is put on it, usually taking the headline bits and twisting them out of context so they are different to the original findings! Science is always discovering new things and changing it's mind... that's science for you. If you worried about all these kind of articles you'd probably die far, far earlier because of stress than what they actually warn about.

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Why would anyone read a newspaper like the Daily Mail to get science or health news? You should read Ben Goldacre's "Bad Science", he blames them for a large part of the misinformation that's out there. They take scientific articles, strip them of the most important facts and present small parts out of context so that they have no real or correct meaning, they take influence from businesses that push ideas on them for their own gain and they do absolutely no journalism at all.


Stuff like taking antioxidant supplements or fish oils and omega 3 are good examples of things that the media have put out there as beneficial that have no basis in science at all. All of it just comes from the companies who want you to buy the stuff. If there has been new and interesting research into the of salt intake, you can be sure none of the facts were printed in the Daily Mail or similar.


Indeed. If you're interested in how the tabloids distort and misrepresent scientific studies, "Bad Science" is a good read. Even the more reputable papers sometimes get it wrong. He also demolishes the whole homeopathy business as a waste of time.


Had to see my GP the other day and he was saying that he despairs over some of the scare stories, especially in the Mail who seem to think that everything gives you cancer.

Edited by ecuk268
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Aside from the Daily Mail being the newspaper that says everything can give you cancer, that article is misleading.


They might have found that a diet high in salt has benefits for the heart now, but it's not the heart they're worried about when they tell you not to eat too much, it's your kidneys, which that article doesn't even mention.

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