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To all going today!


May the road rise up to meet you

May the wind be always at your back

May the sun shine warm upon your face

May the rain fall soft upon your field

And until we meet again

May Marcus hold you in the palm of his hand


May you all return safely. And don't forget to bring those 3 very special points with you please.

Posted (edited)
This reminds me of a famous exchange of signals between two RN warships during WWII:


Destroyer to MTB - "Good Luck"

MTB to Destroyer - "Thanks but we were relying on skill"

My dad tells me a story about the time towards the end of the war when some American naval ship passed the ship that he was on and the Yanks hailed across "Hiya Limeys. What`s it like to be part of the second biggest navy in the world?" to which my dad`s ship replied "Hello Yanks. What`s it like to be part of the second best navy in the world?" Don`t know if it`s true but I like the story! Anyhoo, back the thread. I wish the team all of the luck in the world today. To quote Obama "YES WE CAN!!"

Edited by miserableoldgit

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