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Killing Bin Laden will not end the violence, letting him live will not end the violence - in the short term there will probably be revenge attacks but in the long term the world will be a safer place with Bin Laden not in it.


What it does do is give the US and family and friends of the 9/11 victims some sort of closure, a feeling that justice has been done. For that reason alone it is worth raising a glass to the US Navy Seals. Surely even a brain dead c*nt like you can understand that?


As I've pointed out before, I don't think this gives the US families any real sense of closure.


Out of all the posts here, I'm actually inclined to agree with Atticus.


You admit that there are probably going to be revenge attacks. Why?


That's the big question that no-one's answered. Why?


I'm sorry, but I don't subscribe to the theory that people are inherently evil and just decide to kill 3,000 people for nothing. Make no mistake, I am NOT condoning ANY terrorist attack.


I'm simply asking "Why?"


Unfortunately, with Bin Laden's death, we're never going to know.


lol @ Atticus Finch of Maycomb.


Today is a joyous day for all of us who wanted to see that bastid dead. We have got our wish. A great day indeed - and well done to the Yanks.


If he had a grave instead of being tossed into the sea - I would have danced & pizzed on it.


None of us expect anything other than increased attacks in the wake of today. So be it. But at least we have removed the head of the slimy, slithering snake that is Al Queda. Without Bin Laden - the world

is a better place - and many, many people across the globe will be very happy tonight - me included.




I know how you feel but im sure the polical correct will lock you up for a public disorder offence or charging you with inciting religious or racial hatred

with your comment I would have danced & pizzed on it.

Let me try and explain this simple concept to you brain-dead c*nts one final time.


Violence + Violence = Violence. Or, in this case, Violence + Violence + Violence + Violence = Violence


When does this war on terror end, exactly? Once one side has killed literally everyone on the other side? Is that it?


Bin Laden is dead. I will not mourn for him. But he will be replaced, and things will carry on as normal.


Dancing on someone's grave like you sick f*cks will not end violence. When the bodies start piling up on our side you guys will all scream hysterics and call them animals, vultures, inhuman when they dance on our graves.


More retribution, more violence, more death. That is what will come from today. But not peace. And not victory.




It's a bit like Saints vs Plymouth really. I'm not going to elaborate because you do not deserve it. Moron.



I know how you feel but im sure the polical correct will lock you up for a public disorder offence or charging you with inciting religious or racial hatred

with your comment I would have danced & pizzed on it.


Nothing to do with race tbh Viking. It's all to do with an evil, murdering bastid.

As I've pointed out before, I don't think this gives the US families any real sense of closure.


Out of all the posts here, I'm actually inclined to agree with Atticus.


You admit that there are probably going to be revenge attacks. Why?


That's the big question that no-one's answered. Why?


I'm sorry, but I don't subscribe to the theory that people are inherently evil and just decide to kill 3,000 people for nothing. Make no mistake, I am NOT condoning ANY terrorist attack.


I'm simply asking "Why?"


Unfortunately, with Bin Laden's death, we're never going to know.


Dear Pap, you are one lucky soul. May your naivety last long.


Because, trust me that there are many people in this world who do not share your intellect (or freedom) to simply question. But I don't think for one minute you actually understand how lucky you are to be able to do that.


There are people out there who want only one thing. Either to kill you or do subjugate you.


It is not about rejoicing or about dancing on a grave, simply that for every imbecilic US Koran burning intolerant fool preacher there are an equal number who wish only to make the world live in mud huts and pray all day.


Wise Muslims, Christians and others understand this. Being PC is not it.


But, MOST important of all, that false OBL world of Islam now knows he died trying to hide behind a Woman. When (OK if) the video comes out, that, more than anything else will damn OBL in the eyes of the True Believers.


And as for muppet finger poster. feck off back to the world of Neville Chamberlain you uneducated moron. The world of Islam rejoices that the evil that has so tainted their religion has gone to meet his Virgins.

I disagree. I think Bin laden would have been a bigger headache for the US in custody than holed up somewhere in Pakistan. His trial would have just been a circus, the last thing we wanted is to give him is any publicity or platform to spread his poison.


'Buried at sea' is perfect, it means the US have done/can do what they please with him, wether he is dead or alive.


It worked with Saddam Hussien didn't it?

I thought Obama WAS Osama?




BTW, every single person that celebrates his death on this thread is a complete moron.


Like a bunch of little kids. This 'avenge death with death' mentality that all you little boys on here preach will keep the world on a never-ending cycle of violence and revenge.


So Al-Qaida retaliate. So the West retaliates. So they retaliate. Someone has to take the moral highground. It won't be Al-Qaida. So it has to be us. But we wont because of an electorate made up of you dumb f*cks.


You stupid f*cking morons. The world of violence we inhabit as human beings is the one we DESERVE to live in, due to our idiocy, hypocracy and masculinity, with absolutely no self-awareness, no objectivity and no attempt whatsoever to learn from history.


spot on.


although he did have it coming

Dear Pap, you are one lucky soul. May your naivety last long.


Because, trust me that there are many people in this world who do not share your intellect (or freedom) to simply question. But I don't think for one minute you actually understand how lucky you are to be able to do that.


There are people out there who want only one thing. Either to kill you or do subjugate you.


It is not about rejoicing or about dancing on a grave, simply that for every imbecilic US Koran burning intolerant fool preacher there are an equal number who wish only to make the world live in mud huts and pray all day.


Wise Muslims, Christians and others understand this. Being PC is not it.


But, MOST important of all, that false OBL world of Islam now knows he died trying to hide behind a Woman. When (OK if) the video comes out, that, more than anything else will damn OBL in the eyes of the True Believers.


And as for muppet finger poster. feck off back to the world of Neville Chamberlain you uneducated moron. The world of Islam rejoices that the evil that has so tainted their religion has gone to meet his Virgins.


You're right, I am lucky to be able to ask questions without fear of getting killed. All Brits won the lottery by being born here.


I also accept that there are people out there who want to kill or subjugate us, but that's not really an answer. People don't suddenly decide to kill or subjugate; there are reasons (mad ones, maybe) why they do things. With the freedom that we in Western democracies have, we're probably the only people who have the capacity to answer the big questions.

BTW, every single person that celebrates his death on this thread is a complete moron.


Like a bunch of little kids. This 'avenge death with death' mentality that all you little boys on here preach will keep the world on a never-ending cycle of violence and revenge.


So Al-Qaida retaliate. So the West retaliates. So they retaliate. Someone has to take the moral highground. It won't be Al-Qaida. So it has to be us. But we wont because of an electorate made up of you dumb f*cks.


You stupid f*cking morons. The world of violence we inhabit as human beings is the one we DESERVE to live in, due to our idiocy, hypocracy and masculinity, with absolutely no self-awareness, no objectivity and no attempt whatsoever to learn from history.


Atticus is spoiling for a fight, the violent bastard.



The world of Islam rejoices that the evil that has so tainted their religion has gone to meet his Virgins.

it always amazes me how unenthusiastic the leaders who tell their followers about the 40 virgins, are not so keen to get there to meet them themselves.......it must be the thought of 40 mother in laws

Had to get rid of him at some point. No doubt more people will die as a result of his death - but he had to go. Imprisoning him would have had even worst consequences as they could have just taken a couple of hostages and held us to ransom. I find it a bit strange that they've killed him and immediately chucked his body in the sea. I'm sure it was not done for any respectful reasons as Saddam Hussain didn't get that respect - neither did his sons who were killed and then had their photos put on the front pages of all the worlds newspapers. I think there is more to find out about what has gone on. Well done to the Yanks for finding him and killing him - don't think given the situation much more could have been done. This isn't really a positive or negative outcome IMO, more people will die - but it had to happen. I wonder if the soldier who killed him will get any of the ransom money? I doubt it!



I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.

--Martin Luther King, Jr



I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.

--Martin Luther King, Jr


Yeah, right. I bet that dumb f*ck would rather that we wouldn't have caught him through fear of retaliation.


Speaking to Martin Luther King is like speaking to David Icke.


You can always rely on someone on the SWF to quote that nutter Martin Luther King.


I bet that moron would invite rats into his house for cheese and milk.


Martin Luther King was a violent man.


Martin Luther King was a tree-hugging, Ban The Bomb, sandal-wearing member of the anti-war brigade!


What Martin Luther King never understood is that everyone in the world who is not white is evil and will stop at nothing to kill and rape every decent honest person who has ever lived. He has no brain.


What Martin Luther King failed to understand is that when someone has wronged you, the only way to get closure from the incident it to kill them and their family and dump their body in the sea. Then make innapropriate jokes about them and dance on their graves and shower in their blood. Martin Luther King was a brain-dead c*nt.


Martin Luther King is a bit like toothpaste but there is no point explaining why to the likes of you lot.




Yeah, right. I bet that dumb f*ck would rather that we wouldn't have caught him through fear of retaliation.


Speaking to Martin Luther King is like speaking to David Icke.


You can always rely on someone on the SWF to quote that nutter Martin Luther King.


I bet that moron would invite rats into his house for cheese and milk.


Martin Luther King was a violent man.


Martin Luther King was a tree-hugging, Ban The Bomb, sandal-wearing member of the anti-war brigade!


What Martin Luther King never understood is that everyone in the world who is not white is evil and will stop at nothing to kill and rape every decent honest person who has ever lived. He has no brain.


What Martin Luther King failed to understand is that when someone has wronged you, the only way to get closure from the incident it to kill them and their family and dump their body in the sea. Then make innapropriate jokes about them and dance on their graves and shower in their blood. Martin Luther King was a brain-dead c*nt.


Martin Luther King is a bit like toothpaste but there is no point explaining why to the likes of you lot.




thats one hell of a comeback *claps*

You're right, I am lucky to be able to ask questions without fear of getting killed. All Brits won the lottery by being born here.


Right. But look at what is happening here.


There have been people on this forum calling for extermist parties to tule this country.


They have called for tighter laws.


They want us to bring back the death penalty and brutalise criminals.


They demand quick and brutal attacks on their perceived enemies, celebrate their demise and dance on their graves.


Sounds suspiciously like Middle Eastern Extremism to me.


They say our country is great, which it is, then they demand changes to the things that made it great in the first place.


Unfortunately you cannot take the moral highground unless you are willing to make certain concessions. When your enemies try to kill you, you respond with bravery, not with cowardice, and you may defend yourself, though also you respond with opporunities for reconciliation, and an end to violence.


If we don't do that, we are no better than the Osamas of the world.

As I've pointed out before, I don't think this gives the US families any real sense of closure.


Out of all the posts here, I'm actually inclined to agree with Atticus.


You admit that there are probably going to be revenge attacks. Why?


That's the big question that no-one's answered. Why?


I'm sorry, but I don't subscribe to the theory that people are inherently evil and just decide to kill 3,000 people for nothing. Make no mistake, I am NOT condoning ANY terrorist attack.


I'm simply asking "Why?"


Unfortunately, with Bin Laden's death, we're never going to know.


From what I've read from Bin Laden's victims and their famillies they seem pretty happy with the outcome re:closure, maybe you know better?


As for why? Bin laden has already told us why, I don't know what answers you are seeking.


As for all this Martin Luther King b@ll@x, I don't disagree with the sentiments but this is not an average tit for tat killing we are talking about. It's the World's most wanted man who committed the single most evil act bar the holocaust, killed whilst resisting arrest - it was a special case. He had become such an icon, justice meant so much to so many people, and incarnation and trial would have been such a circus, I think what was dished out was very appropriate.

it always amazes me how unenthusiastic the leaders who tell their followers about the 40 virgins, are not so keen to get there to meet them themselves.......it must be the thought of 40 mother in laws




Ive often thought that 72 virgins isnt that many. Over the course of a lifetime it would seem like a hell of a lot, but we're talking about eternity here, youd get bored after the first few centuries, surely. I wonder if they have swingers parties or something?

Posted (edited)


I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.

--Martin Luther King, Jr


Pssssst, Stainy... you realise the first line of that isnt MLK at all, just some random American teen that put this up as her FB status?



Edited by Pancake
Pssssst, Stainy... you realise the first line of that isnt MLK at all, just some random American teen that put this up as her FB status?




Yeah, just logged on to apologise for not checking that out before. I stand by the sentiment though, regardless of who said it.



Ive often thought that 72 virgins isnt that many. Over the course of a lifetime it would seem like a hell of a lot, but we're talking about eternity here, youd get bored after the first few centuries, surely. I wonder if they have swingers parties or something?


I wonder what happens if you get erectile disfunction before you die? I bet the novelty of boning a load of virgins is considerably reduced when you think of them asking why it isn't working.

I wonder what happens if you get erectile disfunction before you die? I bet the novelty of boning a load of virgins is considerably reduced when you think of them asking why it isn't working.


I think this may be why binnos pictures haven't been released. Sure they shot him, but once he was on the boat, they would of castrated him, jammed them down his throat, peed, and so on. I can imagine a bunch of elite US marines would have gone to town on americas number one prize!


Funny how so many British politicans seem to be praising the death of Bin Laden, yet had he murdered British Kids like Huntley or Brady they would not want the death penalty. I'm all for going in and murdering evil people without trial, but then I believe in the death penalty for all murder, not just certain types. The next time the Israelis go in and murder a terrorist enemy of that state I hope Ed Milliband echos his "the world is a better and safer place" quote from yesterday.However, I get the feeling that the policy will be USA kill terrorist-good, Isreal does it, bad.

From what I've read from Bin Laden's victims and their famillies they seem pretty happy with the outcome re:closure, maybe you know better?


As for why? Bin laden has already told us why, I don't know what answers you are seeking.


As for all this Martin Luther King b@ll@x, I don't disagree with the sentiments but this is not an average tit for tat killing we are talking about. It's the World's most wanted man who committed the single most evil act bar the holocaust, killed whilst resisting arrest - it was a special case. He had become such an icon, justice meant so much to so many people, and incarnation and trial would have been such a circus, I think what was dished out was very appropriate.





No, it's official. They had one of them Channel 4 countdowns.


Killing 3000 people in the World Trade Centre was worse than another other atrocity in history. FACT. (except the Holocaust).


320,000 people killed in Darfur? World Trade Centre was worse.


30,000 people expelled or killed in Bosnia? World Trade Centre was worse.


Rwanada? 750,000 people killed? World Trade Centre was worse.


Stalin killed 20 million people. Bin Laden was worse though.


Mao? 50 million. But Bin Laden was worse.

Killing 3000 people in the World Trade Centre was worse than another other atrocity in history. FACT. (except the Holocaust).


320,000 people killed in Darfur? World Trade Centre was worse.


30,000 people expelled or killed in Bosnia? World Trade Centre was worse.


Rwanada? 750,000 people killed? World Trade Centre was worse.


Stalin killed 20 million people. Bin Laden was worse though.


Mao? 50 million. But Bin Laden was worse.


The Stain? Surely he should be infracted for that?

Killing 3000 people in the World Trade Centre was worse than another other atrocity in history. FACT. (except the Holocaust).


320,000 people killed in Darfur? World Trade Centre was worse.


30,000 people expelled or killed in Bosnia? World Trade Centre was worse.


Rwanada? 750,000 people killed? World Trade Centre was worse.


Stalin killed 20 million people. Bin Laden was worse though.


Mao? 50 million. But Bin Laden was worse.


I didn't say worst, of course other people and wars over history have killed more people. 9/11, As a single act has to go down as one of the most evil when you take into account it's objectives, planning/thinking behind it and the fact it organised by an educated man in 2001.


I wouldn't expect you to understand what I meant though.

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