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It does all sound a bit odd doesn't it? Plus the indecent haste in which the body was allegedly dumped in the sea.


The days when the good guys wore white hats and the bad guys wore black hats were over years ago (if they ever actually existed). We were fed a pack of lies about the so called weapons of mass destruction, whose to say that this fella had anything to do with 9-11? And now he will never be found guilty in a court of law.


One thing is for certain, the world just became a more dangerous place, not a safer one.


Soggy, there will be forever a zillion conspiracy theories, but one thing is for sure, "this fella" was involved, you only had to do business with the "Family Businesses" that pervade every part of this region to know


There will be more to come on this, the Yanks will not have missed this chance with a quick Grassy Knoll Photoshop. For one thing, anyone looked at a map lately? "Body was taken to Afghanistan" "they asked the Saudi's" then look at how many beaches there are around Kabul.


It'll be wikileaked in full HD from start to finish at just the right moment Politically


Surely it won't be Anfield where grieving takes place? He was a gunners fan, after all...


And Alpine - your comments about Bradford etc were borderline racist. Certainly they were cheap. You imply that these places will be rioting because of their Muslim populations without qualifying it at all. There's no basis to suggest that any significant proportion of Muslims in the UK support Al Qaeda and Bin Laden - some do, but as usual with any extremism, including the BNP etc, these are simply an outspoken minority, in all likelihood. Naturally, with a higher percentage of Muslims in a population, a higher number will have extreme sympathies, if relative proportions remain - so perhaps it is more likely that some protest etc will occur in the places you mentioned that in, say, Winchester... Yet you know very well that you are tarring an entire group with the same negative judgemental brush. That's racism.

Surely it won't be Anfield where grieving takes place? He was a gunners fan, after all...


And Alpine - your comments about Bradford etc were borderline racist. Certainly they were cheap. You imply that these places will be rioting because of their Muslim populations without qualifying it at all. There's no basis to suggest that any significant proportion of Muslims in the UK support Al Qaeda and Bin Laden - some do, but as usual with any extremism, including the BNP etc, these are simply an outspoken minority, in all likelihood. Naturally, with a higher percentage of Muslims in a population, a higher number will have extreme sympathies, if relative proportions remain - so perhaps it is more likely that some protest etc will occur in the places you mentioned that in, say, Winchester... Yet you know very well that you are tarring an entire group with the same negative judgemental brush. That's racism.


Well said Ginge.


Good that he's dead, although I do fear for reprisals (especially with the Olympics coming up next year).

Bad due to the involvement of the Pakistan military, it'll be interesting to see how that particular part of this story unfolds in the next few weeks.

Surely it won't be Anfield where grieving takes place? He was a gunners fan, after all...


And Alpine - your comments about Bradford etc were borderline racist. Certainly they were cheap. You imply that these places will be rioting because of their Muslim populations without qualifying it at all. There's no basis to suggest that any significant proportion of Muslims in the UK support Al Qaeda and Bin Laden - some do, but as usual with any extremism, including the BNP etc, these are simply an outspoken minority, in all likelihood. Naturally, with a higher percentage of Muslims in a population, a higher number will have extreme sympathies, if relative proportions remain - so perhaps it is more likely that some protest etc will occur in the places you mentioned that in, say, Winchester... Yet you know very well that you are tarring an entire group with the same negative judgemental brush. That's racism.


Nope. I am not accepting the racism card being played just because, as you even admit yourself, there will be more extremists where the population of Muslims is higher.


I havent said ALL Muslims support terrorism anywhere. On the other hand, Luton for example hosted that disgusting protest during one of the Army's regiments coming home parade.


Its about time people like you playing the racist accusation card stopped trying to gag any discussion or observations about the activities of certain elements of British society.


EDIT: How amusing that unwarranted attacks on Scousers are permitted though. Of course, they are mainly white and Christian, arent they, so they deserve it.

Soggy, there will be forever a zillion conspiracy theories, but one thing is for sure, "this fella" was involved, you only had to do business with the "Family Businesses" that pervade every part of this region to know


There will be more to come on this, the Yanks will not have missed this chance with a quick Grassy Knoll Photoshop. For one thing, anyone looked at a map lately? "Body was taken to Afghanistan" "they asked the Saudi's" then look at how many beaches there are around Kabul.


It'll be wikileaked in full HD from start to finish at just the right moment Politically


It he was involved Phil he certainly did not act alone. He may well be gone but others will take his place.


Fabulous news. Good riddance to the dirty filthy scumbag. I hope he died in agony nice and slowly but I doubt it.


I would imagine George Galloway will be gutted today.

It he was involved Phil he certainly did not act alone. He may well be gone but others will take his place.


In the same way Obama did not act alone to make him retired. There will be many others in the cells and many in the Clerical ranks that CDAJFT. The difference with OBL was his background upbringing education and wealth that as much as anything gave him the stature amongst the young & impressionable.


There will be other nutters, there may even be others who are as intelligent as he was or have the education to work things out, but the throw away billions to live in a cave and fight against the infidels will have taken a heavy kicking today. Already many comments pages in the press etc have the nutters and apologists on there denying he would have lived in such luxury when he wanted everyone to live in mud huts (or words to that effect)

wasnt that long ago the bright and worldy on here slated call me dave cameron when he said pakistan was looking both ways on terrorism



yet, the worlds most wanted man was living in a villa, very near military barracks up the road from the capital...


£650m for the privilege to say "sorry" as well :o

It does all sound a bit odd doesn't it? Plus the indecent haste in which the body was allegedly dumped in the sea.


The days when the good guys wore white hats and the bad guys wore black hats were over years ago (if they ever actually existed). We were fed a pack of lies about the so called weapons of mass destruction, whose to say that this fella had anything to do with 9-11? And now he will never be found guilty in a court of law.


One thing is for certain, the world just became a more dangerous place, not a safer one.




No due process. No closure. Still no proof that he was ever involved. He may well have been, but it strikes me as awfully handy that after the end of the Cold War, we get a new enemy and a new, unwinnable war.

I am looking forward to seeing the movie about this in a few years.


It'd be interesting to see Sylvester Stallone fighting against the Taliban/Islamic militants, as opposed to with ie Rambo III


Just watching Fox News,i am shocked at how many American commentators/guests are stating 'the world is a safer place'.

I know i should not be surprised.


Bin Laden has been pretty impotent, in any direct links to terrorist attacks, for many years,however the Al queda networks are far and wide and have different guises.

This will escalate terrorist attacks,already Hamas are decreaing vengance on the USA and their allies.


And as for Pakistanis stance on this,they must've known,not about the US forces mission itself which shows a lack of trust in them by the US.

They must have known of his whereabouts.

Reprisals will be swift.



He was at the top of the US most wanted list, ostensibly responsible for a massive atrocity.


Buried at sea? The very least the US Govt should have done is provided their citizens with some closure.


They could not have buried him on land,the place would've become a shrine,however much of a secret location it would have been.


He did not get an Islamic burial,if the said person dies at sea and cannot reach land it is permitted that they can be buried at sea.

If not, they have to be buried on land and again within 24 hours.

Just watching Fox News,i am shocked at how many American commentators/guests are stating 'the world is a safer place'.

I know i should not be surprised.


Bin Laden has been pretty impotent, in any direct links to terrorist attacks, for many years,however the Al queda networks are far and wide and have different guises.

This will escalate terrorist attacks,already Hamas are decreaing vengance on the USA and their allies.


And as for Pakistanis stance on this,they must've known,not about the US forces mission itself which shows a lack of trust in them by the US.

They must have known of his whereabouts.

Reprisals will be swift.


It may make no difference at all. The Arab Spring has made Al Qaeda look irrelevant. Its cynical murder mostly of Muslims had already discredited it widely in the Middle East and had already undermined any popular appeal. I suspect the real danger is the rift between Pakistan and the US growing to the point where Pakistan is left to its own devices and becomes a pitched battleground between secularists and resurgent Islamists.

Thank you for offering yourself up as a prime example of a stupid f*cking moron I referred to in my post.


There is no point trying to debate world issues with people like you on here because you don't even understand basic sentences and you draw absolutely bizzare conclusions.


If I told you that I didn't watch the Royal wedding, you would probably conclude that I was Carlos the Jackal.


You can always rely on SWF to find some weirdo with a ****ed up point of view. Congratulations.


Buried at sea? The very least the US Govt should have done is provided their citizens with some closure.


I disagree, I think the yanks have handled this well.


No long, expensive court case, no bleeding heart liberals and Muslim smypathisers demanding lawyers and human rights. No attention seeking statements by Bin laden, no shrine where his followers can worship, no fuss at all. Just a bullet in the bank of his head and his quivering corpse dump over the side.


The great thing is there is always the chance he is still alive somewhere being worked over with a blow torch and pair of pliers.


Now that is done perhaps Obama can get on with the real business of the day and kill the UIGEA.

I thought Obama WAS Osama?




BTW, every single person that celebrates his death on this thread is a complete moron.


Like a bunch of little kids. This 'avenge death with death' mentality that all you little boys on here preach will keep the world on a never-ending cycle of violence and revenge.


So Al-Qaida retaliate. So the West retaliates. So they retaliate. Someone has to take the moral highground. It won't be Al-Qaida. So it has to be us. But we wont because of an electorate made up of you dumb f*cks.


You stupid f*cking morons. The world of violence we inhabit as human beings is the one we DESERVE to live in, due to our idiocy, hypocracy and masculinity, with absolutely no self-awareness, no objectivity and no attempt whatsoever to learn from history.


You are a moron. I suppose if rats came into your home you would give them some chesse and milk.


I am happy he is dead, very happy. But if people think this will change anything they are wrong. It is the equivalent of killing the Queen and then saying you have brought down the UK. He hasn't had any power in the day to day running of al-Qaeda for a while. There will also probably be retaliation for this. I think the US did it right though in that they killed him and gave him a proper burial. I think to put him on trial would have made him even more of a martyr.

I am looking forward to seeing the movie about this in a few years.


Who do you think will play Osama? My money would be on Art Malik. I reckon he'd out-Osama anyone as he's a very fine actor.

You are a moron. I suppose if rats came into your home you would give them some chesse and milk.


Rats prefer grains and meat. You might be confusing rats with mice, but even mice like things like tuna (and chocolate apparently)

Who do you think will play Osama? My money would be on Art Malik. I reckon he'd out-Osama anyone as he's a very fine actor.


Will Ferrell for George W. Bush.


On a similar note, Eric Cantona kinda looks like post-capture Saddam.





I thought Obama WAS Osama?




BTW, every single person that celebrates his death on this thread is a complete moron.


Like a bunch of little kids. This 'avenge death with death' mentality that all you little boys on here preach will keep the world on a never-ending cycle of violence and revenge.


So Al-Qaida retaliate. So the West retaliates. So they retaliate. Someone has to take the moral highground. It won't be Al-Qaida. So it has to be us. But we wont because of an electorate made up of you dumb f*cks.


You stupid f*cking morons. The world of violence we inhabit as human beings is the one we DESERVE to live in, due to our idiocy, hypocracy and masculinity, with absolutely no self-awareness, no objectivity and no attempt whatsoever to learn from history.


What a violent post!

I thought Obama WAS Osama?




BTW, every single person that celebrates his death on this thread is a complete moron.


Like a bunch of little kids. This 'avenge death with death' mentality that all you little boys on here preach will keep the world on a never-ending cycle of violence and revenge.


So Al-Qaida retaliate. So the West retaliates. So they retaliate. Someone has to take the moral highground. It won't be Al-Qaida. So it has to be us. But we wont because of an electorate made up of you dumb f*cks.


You stupid f*cking morons. The world of violence we inhabit as human beings is the one we DESERVE to live in, due to our idiocy, hypocracy and masculinity, with absolutely no self-awareness, no objectivity and no attempt whatsoever to learn from history.


Oh dear :?

I thought Obama WAS Osama?




BTW, every single person that celebrates his death on this thread is a complete moron.


Like a bunch of little kids. This 'avenge death with death' mentality that all you little boys on here preach will keep the world on a never-ending cycle of violence and revenge.


So Al-Qaida retaliate. So the West retaliates. So they retaliate. Someone has to take the moral highground. It won't be Al-Qaida. So it has to be us. But we wont because of an electorate made up of you dumb f*cks.


You stupid f*cking morons. The world of violence we inhabit as human beings is the one we DESERVE to live in, due to our idiocy, hypocracy and masculinity, with absolutely no self-awareness, no objectivity and no attempt whatsoever to learn from history.


lolol. Gotta love the tree-hugging, Ban The Bomb, sandal-wearing, anti-war brigade! Bless.


Let me try and explain this simple concept to you brain-dead c*nts one final time.


Violence + Violence = Violence. Or, in this case, Violence + Violence + Violence + Violence = Violence


When does this war on terror end, exactly? Once one side has killed literally everyone on the other side? Is that it?


Bin Laden is dead. I will not mourn for him. But he will be replaced, and things will carry on as normal.


Dancing on someone's grave like you sick f*cks will not end violence. When the bodies start piling up on our side you guys will all scream hysterics and call them animals, vultures, inhuman when they dance on our graves.


More retribution, more violence, more death. That is what will come from today. But not peace. And not victory.

Let me try and explain this simple concept to you brain-dead c*nts one final time.


Violence + Violence = Violence. Or, in this case, Violence + Violence + Violence + Violence = Violence


When does this war on terror end, exactly? Once one side has killed literally everyone on the other side? Is that it?


Bin Laden is dead. I will not mourn for him. But he will be replaced, and things will carry on as normal.


Dancing on someone's grave like you sick f*cks will not end violence. When the bodies start piling up on our side you guys will all scream hysterics and call them animals, vultures, inhuman when they dance on our graves.


More retribution, more violence, more death. That is what will come from today. But not peace. And not victory.



Let me try and explain this simple concept to you brain-dead c*nts one final time.


Violence + Violence = Violence. Or, in this case, Violence + Violence + Violence + Violence = Violence


When does this war on terror end, exactly? Once one side has killed literally everyone on the other side? Is that it?


Bin Laden is dead. I will not mourn for him. But he will be replaced, and things will carry on as normal.


Dancing on someone's grave like you sick f*cks will not end violence. When the bodies start piling up on our side you guys will all scream hysterics and call them animals, vultures, inhuman when they dance on our graves.


More retribution, more violence, more death. That is what will come from today. But not peace. And not victory.


You mong, do you honestly believe, that if we stopped they would. Do you have a brain, do you know what their sworn oath is, that is to wipe the west from the face of the earth.

Let me try and explain this simple concept to you brain-dead c*nts one final time.


Violence + Violence = Violence. Or, in this case, Violence + Violence + Violence + Violence = Violence


When does this war on terror end, exactly? Once one side has killed literally everyone on the other side? Is that it?


Bin Laden is dead. I will not mourn for him. But he will be replaced, and things will carry on as normal.


Dancing on someone's grave like you sick f*cks will not end violence. When the bodies start piling up on our side you guys will all scream hysterics and call them animals, vultures, inhuman when they dance on our graves.


More retribution, more violence, more death. That is what will come from today. But not peace. And not victory.


A rather simplified argument that probably applied to Northern Ireland but not this case. You also fail to win over your audience with your delivery.

The Prince bags his princess, the bad guy gets shot, and Saints get promoted. Carlsburg don't do bank holidays, but if they did...





Let me try and explain this simple concept to you brain-dead c*nts one final time.


Violence + Violence = Violence. Or, in this case, Violence + Violence + Violence + Violence = Violence


When does this war on terror end, exactly? Once one side has killed literally everyone on the other side? Is that it?


Bin Laden is dead. I will not mourn for him. But he will be replaced, and things will carry on as normal.


Dancing on someone's grave like you sick f*cks will not end violence. When the bodies start piling up on our side you guys will all scream hysterics and call them animals, vultures, inhuman when they dance on our graves.


More retribution, more violence, more death. That is what will come from today. But not peace. And not victory.


Killing Bin Laden will not end the violence, letting him live will not end the violence - in the short term there will probably be revenge attacks but in the long term the world will be a safer place with Bin Laden not in it.


What it does do is give the US and family and friends of the 9/11 victims some sort of closure, a feeling that justice has been done. For that reason alone it is worth raising a glass to the US Navy Seals. Surely even a brain dead c*nt like you can understand that?


Let me try and explain this simple concept to you brain-dead c*nts one final time.


Oh to kill a mocking bird Atticus,


so based on your strategy , you allow the killers to go on killing and the good people and who become victims do nothing ( because asyou say more violence and retribution is not right) but they continue to be slain

A strange concept of justice you seem to have atticus.


aint forever


Its not only the americans that will have closure, Tjeres all them aussies etc who died in Bali and then the italy train bomb, all the work of bin laden

but I agree with all your sentiments

I disagree, I think the yanks have handled this well.


No long, expensive court case, no bleeding heart liberals and Muslim smypathisers demanding lawyers and human rights. No attention seeking statements by Bin laden, no shrine where his followers can worship, no fuss at all. Just a bullet in the bank of his head and his quivering corpse dump over the side.


The great thing is there is always the chance he is still alive somewhere being worked over with a blow torch and pair of pliers.


While I'm always a sucker for creative writing (and enjoyed your post), remember that this guy is cited by the US as being responsible for the biggest terrorist atrocity ever committed on US soil.


This was an opportunity to try, convict and sentence this man for these crimes. America is after all, supposed to be a nation of laws, not men.


Even if the US didn't want to go through the judicial process, over 3000 people lost their lives on 9/11, the facts are in dispute, and having nothing but a President's say-so that "all is ok" is short-changing the relatives of the victims, imo. We've had President say-so's before. I refer you to the cases of Nixon, and both Bush presidents.

While I'm always a sucker for creative writing (and enjoyed your post), remember that this guy is cited by the US as being responsible for the biggest terrorist atrocity ever committed on US soil.


This was an opportunity to try, convict and sentence this man for these crimes. America is after all, supposed to be a nation of laws, not men.


Even if the US didn't want to go through the judicial process, over 3000 people lost their lives on 9/11, the facts are in dispute, and having nothing but a President's say-so that "all is ok" is short-changing the relatives of the victims, imo. We've had President say-so's before. I refer you to the cases of Nixon, and both Bush presidents.


I disagree. I think Bin laden would have been a bigger headache for the US in custody than holed up somewhere in Pakistan. His trial would have just been a circus, the last thing we wanted is to give him is any publicity or platform to spread his poison.


'Buried at sea' is perfect, it means the US have done/can do what they please with him, wether he is dead or alive.



When does this war on terror end, exactly? Once one side has killed literally everyone on the other side? Is that it?.


maybe i've bitten, but yes it will, when there are none of the bastards left, and there is 1 less today.

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