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We dont know how communism would have fared given a free run at trying it properly. Russia certainly wasnt. Some good reading on this is James Cameron's points of departure, and most of John Pilgers stuff. I'm happy enough with our capitalist system, but before we start slagging other systems its worth bearing in mind they were stifled by others without ever having a chance to see what they could do.


That's a bit much scotty. How dare you suggest our royal cap-doffers read something.


Great to see such huge crowds for William and Katherine. The royal family went through a rocky patch, but now they are on course once again. God save the queen.

Great to see such huge crowds for William and Katherine. The royal family went through a rocky patch, but now they are on course once again. God save the queen.

And God save us from Chuck.

As I said re-read the post I was replying too.


So your sarcastic comment was designed to warn against getting rid of the monarchy in case we went through a period of seventy years of murder, imprisonment and oppression; because that's what happened a century ago when the Russians overthrew their aristocracy.


Like I said, why is that a good justification for keeping the monarchy?


Shall we ask each other how your day has been?


Me I watched the wedding with all the family and a few others, we drank champagne, cheered and the wife cried. Sadly I have to work this afternoon to keep my company afloat but they have all gone off to a big village celebrations with cake, booze, games and singing. A great coming together of the the community. Tonight its up the boozer for a special to make merry, toast the happy couple. A wonderful British occasion.


So what did the chippy Republican's do? Life is about enjoying yourselves I reccomend it.


A few points about the 'British' Royal Family :


1) William 3rd was Dutch, and selected as the best protestant option to oppose the catholic favouring James 2nd, ( he wasn't in the line of succession ), and to support him William brought over a combined Dutch/German army - which is what he won the Battle of the Boyne with. It was effectively the last successful foreign invasion of Great Britain.

2) George 1st was German, and couldn't speak English.

3) The current lot's family name is 'Saxe-Coburg Weimar Gotha', they are a branch of the German Battenberg dynasty, and they only became the House of Windsor during WW1 to appease anti-german sentiment which was in danger of turning into an anti-monarchy movement, ( they anglicised Battenberg to Mountbatten ).


So what did the chippy Republican's do? Life is about enjoying yourselves I reccomend it.

I did enjoy it, I went on a 65 mile long bicycle ride to Kirkby Lonsdale, ate an ice cream at the Devil's Bridge, and am now off to the chip shop for tea.



A few points about the 'British' Royal Family :


1) William 3rd was Dutch, and selected as the best protestant option to oppose the catholic favouring James 2nd, ( he wasn't in the line of succession ), and to support him William brought over a combined Dutch/German army - which is what he won the Battle of the Boyne with. It was effectively the last successful foreign invasion of Great Britain.

2) George 1st was German, and couldn't speak English.

3) The current lot's family name is 'Saxe-Coburg Weimar Gotha', they are a branch of the German Battenberg dynasty, and they only became the House of Windsor during WW1 to appease anti-german sentiment which was in danger of turning into an anti-monarchy movement, ( they anglicised Battenberg to Mountbatten ).


Are you being racist?


As a chippy Republican, I ate a breakfast of dirt and toilet paper. Then I sat in my pants in a shop doorway and was urinated on and kicked by passers-by for 3 hours. After that, I was picked up by the police, taken to a cell and raped. I then got out, came home and watched Loose Women.


My gosh, Sergei Gotsmanov is right. If I'd have supported the Monarchy I bet I wouldn't have had such a rotten day. It's impossible to have a good time without watching the Royal Wedding.

Not at all, I've nothing against the Germans or the Dutch, I just don't see what right they have to Lord it over MY country.


So it directly impacts on your day to day life? I suspect your resentment is borne out of being chippy - its just a bit of fun enjoy it with everyone else.

Pretty lonely day then

Not at all, I started the day in the company of my wife and youngest son, 4 dogs, 2 cats, 4 guinea pigs, 4 tanks of fish, and 6 chickens. On my ride I made 'nodding acquaintance' with many others who had decided to take to their cycles to avoid the hype, and at Devil's Bridge, as usual, there was a friendly horde of motorbikers. I am now happily back with my family and menagerie.

As a chippy Republican, I ate a breakfast of dirt and toilet paper. Then I sat in my pants in a shop doorway and was urinated on and kicked by passers-by for 3 hours. After that, I was picked up by the police, taken to a cell and raped. I then got out, came home and watched Loose Women.


My gosh, Sergei Gotsmanov is right. If I'd have supported the Monarchy I bet I wouldn't have had such a rotten day. It's impossible to have a good time without watching the Royal Wedding.


Did you visit the Victory when you were there?

Shall we ask each other how your day has been?


Me I watched the wedding with all the family and a few others, we drank champagne, cheered and the wife cried. Sadly I have to work this afternoon to keep my company afloat but they have all gone off to a big village celebrations with cake, booze, games and singing. A great coming together of the the community. Tonight its up the boozer for a special to make merry, toast the happy couple. A wonderful British occasion.


So what did the chippy Republican's do? Life is about enjoying yourselves I reccomend it.


I had a nice day doing things I wanted to do.

I didn't spend it watching other (over privileged)people doing things that they enjoy doing.(which seems to be mostly flaunting their wealth and "status").

Not at all, I started the day in the company of my wife and youngest son, 4 dogs, 2 cats, 4 guinea pigs, 4 tanks of fish, and 6 chickens. On my ride I made 'nodding acquaintance' with many others who had decided to take to their cycles to avoid the hype, and at Devil's Bridge, as usual, there was a friendly horde of motorbikers. I am now happily back with my family and menagerie.


Pop Larkin was a royalist

Shall we ask each other how your day has been?


Me I watched the wedding with all the family and a few others, we drank champagne, cheered and the wife cried. Sadly I have to work this afternoon to keep my company afloat but they have all gone off to a big village celebrations with cake, booze, games and singing. A great coming together of the the community. Tonight its up the boozer for a special to make merry, toast the happy couple. A wonderful British occasion.


So what did the chippy Republican's do? Life is about enjoying yourselves I reccomend it.


Well, I've been feeling a little under the weather the last few days so I would have liked to have spent the day kicking back on the sofa and watching the snooker. But unfortunately my girlfriend has been completely suckered in by the hysteria surrounding this wedding and had the BBC coverage on the telly for over 7 hours, which kind of put a crimp in my relaxation plans.


But you know what Sergei? You can keep your street parties and your bunting and your cheap, crap Wills & Kate memorabilia. I'm all for celebrating a good wedding, but usually I reserve it for marriages involving people I actually give a damn about, rather than some aristocrats who don't live in the same version of reality as the rest of us.

Shall we ask each other how your day has been?


Me I watched the wedding with all the family and a few others, we drank champagne, cheered and the wife cried. Sadly I have to work this afternoon to keep my company afloat but they have all gone off to a big village celebrations with cake, booze, games and singing. A great coming together of the the community. Tonight its up the boozer for a special to make merry, toast the happy couple. A wonderful British occasion.


So what did the chippy Republican's do? Life is about enjoying yourselves I reccomend it.


Listen to him poor people, stop f*cking moaning and enjoy yourself, guzzeling champagne with your fellow w@nker neighbours is what life is all about.


At the very same moment I decided to embrace the Monarchy, 200 revellers knocked on my door with booze, food and music and we are now having a party. I was so lonely before. This is great! God save the Queen.*


*Notice how I showed deference to the Queen by capitalising the first letter of her name, unlike that heretic dune who can't even show her enough respect to use shift or caps lock when typing her name out. He disgusts me. That should be considered treason.

Shall we ask each other how your day has been?


Me I watched the wedding with all the family and a few others, we drank champagne, cheered and the wife cried. Sadly I have to work this afternoon to keep my company afloat but they have all gone off to a big village celebrations with cake, booze, games and singing. A great coming together of the the community. Tonight its up the boozer for a special to make merry, toast the happy couple. A wonderful British occasion.


So what did the chippy Republican's do? Life is about enjoying yourselves I reccomend it.


Unlike sponging, work-shy royalists, lolling around in front of the telly making weirdly faux-expert comments about wedding dresses, I spent a very productive day getting some work done.


Apparently the gushing BBC commentators have been going on about this nonsense being watched on 'five continents'. There are actually six, on this planet at least. So which was the lucky continent that missed out on all this?

As a chippy Republican, I ate a breakfast of dirt and toilet paper. Then I sat in my pants in a shop doorway and was urinated on and kicked by passers-by for 3 hours. After that, I was picked up by the police, taken to a cell and raped. I then got out, came home and watched Loose Women.


My gosh, Sergei Gotsmanov is right. If I'd have supported the Monarchy I bet I wouldn't have had such a rotten day. It's impossible to have a good time without watching the Royal Wedding.




I love you Deppo.

If we got rid of our monarchy, aristocracy, and their heredity wealth and privilege, we could have a country where everyone could expect decent housing, healthcare and employment prospects.

At the moment, all the good stuff gets handed down to those on the privileged inside track.


The current prime minister epitomises this system.


Just like the good ole U S of A?

as a chippy republican, i ate a breakfast of dirt and toilet paper. Then i sat in my pants in a shop doorway and was urinated on and kicked by passers-by for 3 hours. After that, i was picked up by the police, taken to a cell and raped. I then got out, came home and watched loose women.


My gosh, sergei gotsmanov is right. If i'd have supported the monarchy i bet i wouldn't have had such a rotten day. It's impossible to have a good time without watching the royal wedding.



Unlike sponging, work-shy royalists, lolling around in front of the telly making weirdly faux-expert comments about wedding dresses, I spent a very productive day getting some work done.


Apparently the gushing BBC commentators have been going on about this nonsense being watched on 'five continents'. There are actually six, on this planet at least. So which was the lucky continent that missed out on all this?


I don't think the penguin population of Antarctica were too bothered about it.

Unlike sponging, work-shy royalists, lolling around in front of the telly making weirdly faux-expert comments about wedding dresses, I spent a very productive day getting some work done.


Apparently the gushing BBC commentators have been going on about this nonsense being watched on 'five continents'. There are actually six, on this planet at least. So which was the lucky continent that missed out on all this?


It's just a guessing game, which continent has Prince Phillip offended to the point where they've boycotted the wedding? ;)

Almost as quaint as people thinking divine right is a rational reason for selecting heads of state (see you can patronise from both sides of the argument)


Well you could eric, if you didn't make assumptions on what my views are. See, taking the polar opposite of one view is not necessarily a wise choice, but don't let that stop you jumping to conclusions.



So what did the chippy Republican's do? Life is about enjoying yourselves I reccomend it.



The kids watched the wedding and I answered all their questions as best I could regarding the pomp and circumstance and the history of the abbey etc.


We then went only a family bike ride along the river with a picnic and we're just going out again as a family.


Thankfully, not a single street party is being held in our town.


I've spent the day so far drinking Diet Coke, watching the coverage of the wedding with the rest of my family, and listening to Led Zeppelin's 'How The West Was Won' live album. I might even stick 'Physical Graffiti' on later before I go to the pub.

We dont know how communism would have fared given a free run at trying it properly. Russia certainly wasnt. Some good reading on this is James Cameron's points of departure, and most of John Pilgers stuff. I'm happy enough with our capitalist system, but before we start slagging other systems its worth bearing in mind they were stifled by others without ever having a chance to see what they could do.


From what i've read of Pilger, he doesn't really theorise on experiments of politcial structure. From what i've read, he concentrates on human suffering and the injustice of it all, and good reading it is too, btw.


Me I watched the wedding with all the family and a few others, we drank champagne, cheered and the wife cried.


Never understood why the hell anyone would cry over the wedding of celebrities, it's the same kind of brain dead hype that leads to massively over the top outpourings of idiocy like the diana funeral embarrassment, or on a lesser scale the jade goody ********.


Still each to their own and all that, me as a good republican i've spent the day nursing a beast of a hangover and playing fifa on the xbox. Probably head out into town later for some drinks so long as i'm allowed in.


Hang on. Now that I am a fully confirmed Royalist and having the time of my life today (unlike those stupid chippy Republicans), what am I going to do tomorrow? Do we all go back to being lonely and not being able to have fun with strangers in the streets anymore? Well, that was short-lived. :(

Your sort won't be allowed in the pub tonight. Filthy Republican.


Republicans and Publicans aren't so different. In fact, they're only separated by 2 letters.

Shall we ask each other how your day has been?


Me I watched the wedding with all the family and a few others, we drank champagne, cheered and the wife cried. Sadly I have to work this afternoon to keep my company afloat but they have all gone off to a big village celebrations with cake, booze, games and singing. A great coming together of the the community. Tonight its up the boozer for a special to make merry, toast the happy couple. A wonderful British occasion.


So what did the chippy Republican's do? Life is about enjoying yourselves I reccomend it.


As a chippy republican I spent the day enjoying an extra day off work with family. I'm glad that I'm not such a saddo that I can enjoy life and don't need to live vicariously through people I've never met.

Hang on. Now that I am a fully confirmed Royalist and having the time of my life today (unlike those stupid chippy Republicans), what am I going to do tomorrow? Do we all go back to being lonely and not being able to have fun with strangers in the streets anymore? Well, that was short-lived. :(


Don't be silly. There is bound to be a highlights show on tv somewhere. And the DVD / Bluray won't be far behind. So keep out the bunting, make some more cakes and most important, keep smiling.

As a chippy republican I spent the day enjoying an extra day off work with family. I'm glad that I'm not such a saddo that I can enjoy life and don't need to live vicariously through people I've never met.


Saddos are generally people who get very wound up by things that have absolutely no impact on their day to day lives.

As a chippy republican I spent the day enjoying an extra day off work with family. I'm glad that I'm not such a saddo that I can enjoy life and don't need to live vicariously through people I've never met.


Oooo vicious (poor old Sergei - don't think he deserves this sort of nastiness from so many eager-to-say-they-can-enjoy-life-without-a-royal-wedding types). So presumably you don't experience any form of emotion through film, tv, music or theatre then?

Saddos are generally people who get very wound up by things that have absolutely no impact on their day to day lives.


So you are a personal friend of Kate and Wills?

No but I hope to meet the sister one day.


I am not the one getting wound up about a fun event that many enjoy.

No, but you are the one sniping at anybody who disagrees with you, looking to get a rise.

No but I hope to meet the sister one day.


I am not the one getting wound up about a fun event that many enjoy.


Then what possible connection do you have to these people that you emote so much about?

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