beatlesaint Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 So does this mean any signings won't be unvailed until 20th as they normally stand on the pitch holding the shirt? No, in the meantime they will hold up a white bit of card shaped like a shirt with a bloody great big question mark on it !!
Dog Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 I've just pre-ordered 7 shirts, personally I love the new kit, it's even better than the slash. Not too keen on the stars above the badge though.
The9 Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 When it says, "will it have stars?", I do hope that it doesn't mean those stupid little ones that are or have been on the shoulders of the latest England kits. Whatever it is, I certainly won't be buying one till I have seen it and think they are taking the pi** out of us all by expecting us to pay out forty two quid plus p&p (during hard times) without even the courtesy to show us what we will be purchasing. Fortunately they're not stars, they're small crosses of St George in various different colours, "to illustrate the multiculturalism of England". It was a daft design concept, by Peter Saville, though you can actually get limited editions of that England shirt entirely covered in them if you want ! The only "stars" ever on Umbro shirts are the one symbolising title wins. The "does it have stars" thing is such a desperate bit to be viral and is so patently untrue I'm not going to even mention it beyond this sentence. It's just stupid. Forty two quid, however... is pushing it. I usually buy long-sleeved just because I prefer them and they're a little more limited, but that's FORTY-SEVEN quid. Stick a name and number on the back and it's a frankly ridiculous £54 for something which has a shelf life of approximately 12 months and ceases being "aspirational" the second you see someone else with one (which is always the morning of the release).
The9 Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 I've just pre-ordered 7 shirts, personally I love the new kit, it's even better than the slash. Not too keen on the stars above the badge though. Yeah yeah... nice try !
The Kraken Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 In a perverse way I'm really hoping that pre-release sales absolutely bomb so that the club are made to realise that it's a completely dopey decision to remain so secretive over such a trivial issue of a kit release. Sadly I think there will still be plenty of people who will buy the kit before seeing it; in much the same way as Apple get all sorts of sad acts camping out for their latest gadget, I think there will be a fair few Saints fans who simply have to have the kit on pre-order. Quite why anyone would shell out over £40 on some clothing they've neither tried on, much less seen, is beyond me.
The9 Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 In a perverse way I'm really hoping that pre-release sales absolutely bomb so that the club are made to realise that it's a completely dopey decision to remain so secretive over such a trivial issue of a kit release. Sadly I think there will still be plenty of people who will buy the kit before seeing it; in much the same way as Apple get all sorts of sad acts camping out for their latest gadget, I think there will be a fair few Saints fans who simply have to have the kit on pre-order. Quite why anyone would shell out over £40 on some clothing they've neither tried on, much less seen, is beyond me. It's interesting to note that this thread, where you'd expect to find anyone remotely interested in the kit and DEFINITELY the target audience, appears to be completely lacking in genuine "I pre-ordered" posts so far. Of course the other thing is that Saints have previous years' pre-order figures as well, so they can see how poorly this one does relative to all the seasons where the kit has been known prior to the first day of sales. It does seem to be generally in line with the season ticket policy of delaying news for ages, acting like nothing's going to happen, then announcing something will happen on a date that's even later than expected, not really bothering to spend much time promoting it, and assuming people will somehow find their way to buying anyway. It all seems very misguided. As other people have said, it's almost as if they don't want the income.
SaintRichmond Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 Tad worrying for me that they're not showing the fans what they're is it a poor product and people won't want to buy it when they've seen it ? How many people would BUY something without having a clue what it looks like Last time I did that I ended up with a Le Mon type Lada
Saint Garrett Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 Well as others have suggested, the club are taking advantage of fan loyalty.
SO16_Saint Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 In a perverse way I'm really hoping that pre-release sales absolutely bomb so that the club are made to realise that it's a completely dopey decision to remain so secretive over such a trivial issue of a kit release. Sadly I think there will still be plenty of people who will buy the kit before seeing it; in much the same way as Apple get all sorts of sad acts camping out for their latest gadget, I think there will be a fair few Saints fans who simply have to have the kit on pre-order. Quite why anyone would shell out over £40 on some clothing they've neither tried on, much less seen, is beyond me. I thnk it's quite funny how this thread is 1075+ posts long and x pages - over a trivial matter....
HurleyBurley Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 The "does it have stars" thing is such a desperate bit to be viral and is so patently untrue I'm not going to even mention it beyond this sentence. It's just stupid. Comedy gold!
Saint_clark Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 I'm actually quite worried they might have put stars on it now.
Johnny Shearer Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 It does seem like a clanger of a decision to release the shirt this way by the club. As others have said I hope pre-orders are low or non-existent otherwise anyone ordering without the seeing the shirt have more money than sense! Maybe the club really does think they'd get plenty of sales from loyal fans who want the shirt on release?
theyin Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 Decision making relating to all levels of club / supporter relationships are quite the most strangest aspect of following the Saints since the takeover. I'm guessing the marketing department are to blame, sanctioned by NC. Whomever it is, they need a wake up call which I hope is born out by a complete lacking in pre-orders. I guess in the next few days we'll begin to hear of people that have done the unthinkable .... and question their sanity. An email campaign to the head of marketing to sort it out for next season wouldn't go amiss.
Scoobysaint Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 Have sent an email to the club enquiring why they expect us, in times of recession, to spend £42 on a shirt we haven't even seen and why they have marketed it in this manner. Not holding my breath for a reply though!
alehouseboys Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 and I'd love to hear the marketing strategy for this new pitch. OMG we're getting a new pitch as well...they kept that f**kin quiet. Where will it all end?
mikee Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 There is no sensible reason why they can't show us the design today. We could then see it on some new players tomorrow and be even more tempted to buy it. This reveal date strategy is bizarre. It is just as well that things on the filed are going well as the current marketing at Saints is the worst that I have ever known in my 36 years as a supporter. There is not one aspect theat they have got right: shirt sales; season tickets; fan communication - all appalling and makes fans feel used and abused. Whoever runs marketing at Saints should be very ashamed.
Hatch Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 maybe it's hasn't been revealed because it hasn't been decided on yet. Perhaps umbro came back with a whole load of ideas and Mr Cortese thinks they are shyte , so have sent them all back.
Wade Garrett Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 and I'd love to hear the marketing strategy for this new pitch. Red and white stripey grass?
Our Claus Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 Red and white stripey grass? It could happen...
Pilchards Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 In July the club reveal 6 new players that will not be average players but ones that are classed as star players. Stars in stripes now get your bloody shirts and support the saints. Out Oxy & In comes Riise, Rivas, Cork, Woodgate, Pilkington & Holt. That will get us premiership footy.
Viking Warrior Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 Well I have ordered mine what ever design it is
Saint Garrett Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 In July the club reveal 6 new players that will not be average players but ones that are classed as star players. Stars in stripes now get your bloody shirts and support the saints. Out Oxy & In comes Riise, Rivas, Cork, Woodgate, Pilkington & Holt. That will get us premiership footy. ITK or speculation ?
beatlesaint Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 Have sent an email to the club enquiring why they expect us, in times of recession, to spend £42 on a shirt we haven't even seen and why they have marketed it in this manner. Not holding my breath for a reply though! Well thats 2 they have got then cos I sent one to the marketing dept this morning. Hopeful of a reply cos I have asked about the new away shirt which mysteriously hasnt even been hinted at yet......unless the black one stays but with aap3 or whatever they are called stamped all over it.
The9 Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 I hate the england shirt, it's so cheap and tacky. Also, celebrating multiculturalism is all well and good in some contexts, but how far does it go before a 'national' football teams means absolutely bugger all? I think the multi-coloured flag thing on the England shirt is absolutely appallingly naff, and a spurious reason for a terrible design concept which basically allows them to say "THIS designer was involved" and keep all the egos happy. Because the plain (Saints sash style) polo shirt that preceded it is infinitely superior. Problem we're getting now is that all the major brands have done simplicity to death, and have to reintroduce superfluous gimmicks in order to shift fans away from the classic designs we've had recently which the vast majority like for the traditional look. You can already see Nike's "thick/thin stripe" motif resulting in abortions like the Celtic quartered away or the hideous new Barca home where there's really no need to overcomplicate, but we're stuck with the need to change everything on an ever more frequent basis, to meet the clubs' demand for cash.
The9 Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 and I'd love to hear the marketing strategy for this new pitch. I can't think of any reason they've gone about it this way. I'm sure they have a reason, but no idea why they'd expect pre-orders being it's seen. Unless it's just a white primark tshirt and they're selling them for £47. You can get Armani tshirts for that. We have been warned !
The9 Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 I thnk it's quite funny how this thread is 1075+ posts long and x pages - over a trivial matter.... To be fair it is quite trivial, and most of the discussion is about potential designs we'd like to see (and not to see), as well as what all the other Umbro clubs are wearing which will give us a decent idea of what to expect. There are also one or two nuggets from ITKers, and I'd like to think it's less prone to thread drift than any other thread on SaintsWeb as well, especially when there's sod all else to discuss. When it comes down to it, I don't really care what Saints wear as long as it doesn't make the players look or feel stupid and it's vaguely identifiable as Saints - whether I'd pay £42 (£47 in my case as I buy long sleeves) to buy it is another matter.
The9 Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 I'm actually quite worried they might have put stars on it now. Don't be. Actually, I bought the last football kit I saw that had ****s on it. (I said I wouldn't discuss it remember)... but I was going to that country to watch the event it was being worn in. Pretty sure there are a few Puma kits for African nations with the motif subtly in the weave too, like Ghana's... but ANYWAY, not happening, not discussing !
The9 Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 Well thats 2 they have got then cos I sent one to the marketing dept this morning. Hopeful of a reply cos I have asked about the new away shirt which mysteriously hasnt even been hinted at yet......unless the black one stays but with aap3 or whatever they are called stamped all over it. Not going to happen, the black shirt is definitely a one-yearer, has the Anniversary badge on it, and "125th Anniversary Season 2010/11" embroidered on the reverse of the little Umbro triangle at the bottom of the side seam. Plus the kit contract is for all one-year kits for the entire term. The only rider to the statement above is that the first Umbro striped shirt was for two seasons, basically due to Saints being in admin and a combination of factors stemming from that (we probably couldn't afford to market it or to buy the stock up front, remember we resorted to red socks and shorts on the charcoal grey away kit because we ran out of the grey stuff in around March) - and even then we still launched a new away shirt once the takeover was completed. The lack of away shirt mentions is becoming typical of the club's lack of communications policy as well.
The9 Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 The club have tapped into the market of supporters who like to spend nearly £50 on clothes they can only guess what they look like. Very clever Well, that would depend on whether that market exists. If not, it's a fairly stupid way of finding out.
The9 Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 OMG we're getting a new pitch as well...they kept that f**kin quiet. Where will it all end? Actually they didn't, it's been on the Official Saints page on Facebook (along with the new ball). Seriously. And they haven't even bothered putting it on the OS proper.
The9 Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 maybe it's hasn't been revealed because it hasn't been decided on yet. Perhaps umbro came back with a whole load of ideas and Mr Cortese thinks they are shyte , so have sent them all back. In that case they've got three weeks to decide one and get the Thai sweatshoppers to fire thousands of them out and deliver them to the club ! I suspect this is not the case, and there are piles of the home and away already sitting in a warehouse - somewhere. When I used to work in a sports retail distribution centre we had them delivered for circulation to stores a good week before the launch date, and that would be after the manufacturer had them sitting in a warehouse first. Saints don't really have that kind of distribution as the 3 stores are the only place to get them except online, but Gecko mentioned earlier in this thread (much, much, earlier) that from his experience in the design process with Saints (and Umbro, though not at the same time), they can turn around a design in about a month. Equally, most brands have catalogues which go to retail buyers a good 9 months in advance with this season's styles in them, so a lot of them are predetermined long in advance. Actually when Man U announced they were dumping their grey kit in the aftermath of the Dell 3-1 (13 April '96) we not only shipped previously unseen quantities of the grey kit at £10 each in the following fortnight, we also had the replacement "plain white" shirt through the RDC and out to stores long before the end of the season for them to wear from then until the end of 96/97, and that clearly didn't even exist prior to the grey shirt Dell match, so Umbro can certainly shift a kit at short notice if need be.
deadpanmatt Posted 30 June, 2011 Posted 30 June, 2011 The kits were never going to be released before July because the new sponsorship deal only just kicked in. In three weeks we'll know what it looks like and the months of bickering will have been for nothing.
BigShadow Posted 1 July, 2011 Posted 1 July, 2011 I give it a week before they release one of those 'sneak peek' teasers showing a small photo of a piece of the kit - they'll have to do something otherwise can't see that many fans jumping in blind to pre-order.
The9 Posted 1 July, 2011 Posted 1 July, 2011 The kits were never going to be released before July because the new sponsorship deal only just kicked in. In three weeks we'll know what it looks like and the months of bickering will have been for nothing. Please point us to the "months of bickering"... incidentally, until the club announced yesterday that the sponsorship had just started, everyone had assumed it was already under way (as indicated by the links on the OS and aap3's website for the previous 3 months). Still, could be worse, we could know what it looks like, and it could be the new England goalkeeper's shirt :
Johnny Shearer Posted 1 July, 2011 Posted 1 July, 2011 Please point us to the "months of bickering"... incidentally, until the club announced yesterday that the sponsorship had just started, everyone had assumed it was already under way (as indicated by the links on the OS and aap3's website for the previous 3 months). Still, could be worse, we could know what it looks like, and it could be the new England goalkeeper's shirt : Saying that the new England blue away shirt looks quite smart. I may just have to purchase it as my second England top ever! I can see that being used as the desing model but with red and white stripes instead!
SaintBobby Posted 1 July, 2011 Posted 1 July, 2011 I'll probably pre-order sight unseen. I'm on holiday for three weeks, leaving at 2pm on afternoon of 21st, so hope Royal Mail can get it to me before then. If the kit is so awful I'd never wear it, then I've wasted £50. If it's okay or better, I can wear it with pride in the USA.
The9 Posted 1 July, 2011 Posted 1 July, 2011 I'll probably pre-order sight unseen. I'm on holiday for three weeks, leaving at 2pm on afternoon of 21st, so hope Royal Mail can get it to me before then. If the kit is so awful I'd never wear it, then I've wasted £50. If it's okay or better, I can wear it with pride in the USA. We have a winner ! Well, at least you have a semi-decent reason for it.
theyin Posted 1 July, 2011 Posted 1 July, 2011 I think the multi-coloured flag thing on the England shirt is absolutely appallingly naff, and a spurious reason for a terrible design concept which basically allows them to say "THIS designer was involved" and keep all the egos happy. Because the plain (Saints sash style) polo shirt that preceded it is infinitely superior. Problem we're getting now is that all the major brands have done simplicity to death, and have to reintroduce superfluous gimmicks in order to shift fans away from the classic designs we've had recently which the vast majority like for the traditional look. NAIL ON HEAD. Early 90's abominations and short shorts next
The9 Posted 1 July, 2011 Posted 1 July, 2011 Funny you should say that. Lincoln City, usually purveyors of fine red and white stripes...
Um Bongo Posted 1 July, 2011 Posted 1 July, 2011 (edited) New Huddersfield Away kit....Could ours be the same in Yellow and Blue? Sorry, just seen it was posted back on Page 3....forget this. Edited 1 July, 2011 by Um Bongo
THEVMAN Posted 1 July, 2011 Posted 1 July, 2011 The away kit is yellow and blue and looks like its based around the Brazil strip.
S-Clarke Posted 1 July, 2011 Posted 1 July, 2011 The away kit is yellow and blue and looks like its based around the Brazil strip. Sounds very nice, thanks for the info.
Crab Lungs Posted 1 July, 2011 Posted 1 July, 2011 Please point us to the "months of bickering"... incidentally, until the club announced yesterday that the sponsorship had just started, everyone had assumed it was already under way (as indicated by the links on the OS and aap3's website for the previous 3 months). Still, could be worse, we could know what it looks like, and it could be the new England goalkeeper's shirt : Lmao at the background!!!!! I hope that is your blog, The9! My heart skipped a beat when I saw it...
benjii Posted 1 July, 2011 Posted 1 July, 2011 The away kit is yellow and blue and looks like its based around the Brazil strip. So plainish shirt with some blue trim and blue shorts? Why am I asking this? I couldn't give a **** TBH.
capitalsaint Posted 1 July, 2011 Posted 1 July, 2011 The away kit is yellow and blue and looks like its based around the Brazil strip. And the home?
The9 Posted 1 July, 2011 Posted 1 July, 2011 Lmao at the background!!!!! I hope that is your blog, The9! My heart skipped a beat when I saw it... Best photo I ever took.
The9 Posted 1 July, 2011 Posted 1 July, 2011 New Huddersfield Away kit....Could ours be the same in Yellow and Blue? Sorry, just seen it was posted back on Page 3....forget this. Fair enough though, that's the first time that's been posted. The one thing it does show is that Huddersfield definitely have a low-rent Umbro deal, those socks are about 4 years old and completely generic, England had them in 2008 for their away kit in red, from the kit before the kit before the new navy one ! They even have the old-style Umbro logo on them.
doggface Posted 1 July, 2011 Posted 1 July, 2011 The top is exactly the Canadian national shirt with a different badge.
The9 Posted 1 July, 2011 Posted 1 July, 2011 The top is exactly the Canadian national shirt with a different badge. It is, but at least that's a new template, unlike most of their kit.
Saint-Armstrong Posted 1 July, 2011 Posted 1 July, 2011 To those saying maybe last minute Cortese has seen the design and sent it back: Jordan Sibley tweeted on March the 17th 2011: "Have just had a sneak peak at next season's home shirt. Can't say anything about it, but reasons why will become obvious soon... #saintsfc"!/jordansibley/status/48431921662926848
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