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It,s no longer fun supporting saints


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It's nothing to do with Lowe and Wilde, unpopular as that may be.

We can't afford a better manager or better players until we shift from our books the theoretically better players that we have that don't contribute one iota to

our matchday performances.

Skacel+BWP+Thomas+John+Euell= £50000+ (and more) every week.

It needs 5000+ spectators in the ground every home match just to watch them err not performing. Lowe+Wilde have obviously tried to shift them but with no result. So you're paying your hard earned to watch them do err nothing whatsoever.That's not Lowe or Wilde's fault (well Wilde a bit)

Because of employment law we have to pay them until the end of their contract .If nobody else wants to take them off our hands we're stuck with the bustards, good attitude,bad attituden,play, don't play, it doesn't matter 5000 spectators pay them anyway.So when you're olny getting 16K anyway

28% of your revenue has disappeared up the chimney before you kick a ball.

The super stadium,much dreamed of for donkey's years gobbles up the hard earned of another 4000 spectators every game...

So you're left with the square root of f**k all to pay the team that actually step on to the field.


Very flippant of you, ofcourse Lowe & Wilde share some responsibility for the position we're in. They are the people who are actually at the top of the table and who make the decisions by which the club lives or dies.

At the present time they're visiting the chapel of rest for SFC, and they've only themselves to blame for that.

Edited by harvey
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My mates and i have been ST holders for 13 or 14 seasons now and we have now decided that this will be our last. It cost us around £2,000 a year (i know there are people that pay a lot more) and we have decided to spend that money on something that will not depress us, maybe a few overseas football trips to see some of the great stadiums/teams. We will still "support" Saints as they are our team but not with our money. It's just no fun anymore.

Fickle, fairweather or just plain fed up take your pick.

Very sad position to find ourselves.



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My mates and i have been ST holders for 13 or 14 seasons now and we have now decided that this will be our last. It cost us around £2,000 a year (i know there are people that pay a lot more) and we have decided to spend that money on something that will not depress us, maybe a few overseas football trips to see some of the great stadiums/teams. We will still "support" Saints as they are our team but not with our money. It's just no fun anymore.

Fickle, fairweather or just plain fed up take your pick.

Very sad position to find ourselves.




I totally understand why you feel like this.

There are ten ST holders in our group(a few members as well), and after yesterdays dire performance all ten of us said we have had enough of Lowe and the sad demise of SFC.So we had the idea of handing back our STs all at once.

I thought i might get up today and feel different,but the sad thing is i dont.After talking to most of our group this morning,we have decided to give it till Christmas and if things are still the same,then its bye bye STs and finding something else to do with our weekends.

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I totally understand why you feel like this.

There are ten ST holders in our group(a few members as well), and after yesterdays dire performance all ten of us said we have had enough of Lowe and the sad demise of SFC.So we had the idea of handing back our STs all at once.

I thought i might get up today and feel different,but the sad thing is i dont.After talking to most of our group this morning,we have decided to give it till Christmas and if things are still the same,then its bye bye STs and finding something else to do with our weekends.

Yep pretty much how we feel mate, though i think we will still see out this season as we have allready paid so to speak but if something else comes up we will be more inclined to do that than punish ourselves further.



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After 45 years together I really feel that Saints and myself are drifting apart. The excitement and passion has gone out of it for me although I still have a faint stirring there somewhere, despite the object of my affections appearing to be under the spell of some unsuitable people.


I'll probably pop in occasionally to see how Saints are getting along but lately I never seem to get a response to my offer of support.


Yesterday I found some solace at a beer festival. Is this the future for me or is there a chance of reconciliation?

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Yep pretty much how we feel mate, though i think we will still see out this season as we have allready paid so to speak but if something else comes up we will be more inclined to do that than punish ourselves further.




Bloody hell things are bad,I never thought I would see the day you guys gave up.


I was expecting a Saints flag on your coffin.

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Well said that man. Its becoming very ****ing tedious to hear the neverending reasons for people not attending as though its some badge of honour




It is no badge of honour, just the reactions/views of sensible people who no longer feel the need to be ripped of by RL et al and now seek their pleasure elsewhere. Many thousands of us cannnot all be wrong and after Sats comedy of errors, a few hundred more will have come to the same conclusion.

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