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Is David Cameron really a bellend? Or are some posters on here total bellends?

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Dave was mocked by some for suggesting a no fly zone over Libya. There is now a no fly zone over Libya.


Dave was mocked with regards to UK aircraft patrolling and conducting air strikes. The RAF has been actively involved in both.


Is he really such a bellend or has he shown certain posters on here to be total bellends?



Dave was mocked by some for suggesting a no fly zone over Libya. There is now a no fly zone over Libya.


Dave was mocked with regards to UK aircraft patrolling and conducting air strikes. The RAF has been actively involved in both.


Is he really such a bellend or has he shown certain posters on here to be total bellends?






Any politician that was to step into the breach with the fallout of the past 15 years (which includes the worldwide meltdown not just Labours fiasco) was always going to have to make some tough tough decisions that were never going to please the masses, unfortunately they were ones that had to be made for the welbeing of good old England herself (and the lesser countries). I had absolutely zero faith that stumbling ol Gordon was ever going to do anything.


Personally, most of it is just the fact that Politics turns people into utter retards, unable to make a reasoned arguement unless it supports their chosen party.


Unfortunately big dave has also made himself look a bit of a pillock, mainly by trying to act 'cool' and 'hip' and 'down wid the kids'

Posted (edited)

You only have to look at the latest poll of the three main party leaders to see that most people prefer him, with the geeky Millibean being the least liked.


According to YouGov, those rating the opposition leader as doing “badly” have risen from 20 per cent to 47 per cent since October.

Edited by dune
Posted (edited)

So impressed am I with DC that i've put his head on Matt Le Tissiers body for my avatar.:smug:


If anyone wants to use this feel free...



Edited by dune
Dave was mocked by some for suggesting a no fly zone over Libya. There is now a no fly zone over Libya.


Dave was mocked with regards to UK aircraft patrolling and conducting air strikes. The RAF has been actively involved in both.


Is he really such a bellend or has he shown certain posters on here to be total bellends?




Cameron had better agree with his chief rival for crown of all bellends, Nicolas Sarkozy, who says he, not Cameron, was responsible for pushing through the no-fly deal.


In any case, let's watch how this one unfolds. A no-fly zone makes sense, so goes the consensus, but it requires political judgement to stop it sliding into a rerun of the Iraq no-fly zone. And, so far, Cameron hasn't exactly excelled at that - as his and Johnny English Hague's bellended diplomats-with-guns misadventure proved two weeks ago.


By 'certain posters' I take it you mean Sergei, who will be sweating bricks at the thought of all those bought-and-paid-for Saudi princes suddenly finding they have to fall in line with Arab solidarity and backing out of UK defence contracts, now that the Arab League have suddenly got cold feet. Or do you mean your spokesman-in-chief, dune? I wouldn't worry about him. His comically calamitous predictions about shares alone should tell you that whatever he says about Libya will always turn out to be the opposite of the truth. I can think of a few others you might have in mind, like VFTT or benjii, but I imagine you think they are just bit-part players, singing from the bellend party hymn sheet.

Posted (edited)
Cameron had better agree with his chief rival for crown of all bellends, Nicolas Sarkozy, who says he, not Cameron, was responsible for pushing through the no-fly deal.


In any case, let's watch how this one unfolds. A no-fly zone makes sense, so goes the consensus, but it requires political judgement to stop it sliding into a rerun of the Iraq no-fly zone. And, so far, Cameron hasn't exactly excelled at that - as his and Johnny English Hague's bellended diplomats-with-guns misadventure proved two weeks ago.


By 'certain posters' I take it you mean Sergei, who will be sweating bricks at the thought of all those bought-and-paid-for Saudi princes suddenly finding they have to fall in line with Arab solidarity and backing out of UK defence contracts, now that the Arab League have suddenly got cold feet. Or do you mean your spokesman-in-chief, dune? I wouldn't worry about him. His comically calamitous predictions about shares alone should tell you that whatever he says about Libya will always turn out to be the opposite of the truth. I can think of a few others you might have in mind, like VFTT or benjii, but I imagine you think they are just bit-part players, singing from the bellend party hymn sheet.


Upset are we. Such a shame. Why do you hate this country so much?

Edited by dune
dune, have you knocked your next door neighbour out yet for giving your old hoover to her pikey offspring?


No. I did enquire as to whether he'd brought it back yesterday and she changed the subject so i'll give it a bit longer.

That is one of the sexiest images I have ever seen.


Plenty of knockout mileage in that one.


Cheers Dune !!


I'm think of giving her a pearl necklace. It must be done.

Cameron had better agree with his chief rival for crown of all bellends, Nicolas Sarkozy, who says he, not Cameron, was responsible for pushing through the no-fly deal.


In any case, let's watch how this one unfolds. A no-fly zone makes sense, so goes the consensus, but it requires political judgement to stop it sliding into a rerun of the Iraq no-fly zone. And, so far, Cameron hasn't exactly excelled at that - as his and Johnny English Hague's bellended diplomats-with-guns misadventure proved two weeks ago.


By 'certain posters' I take it you mean Sergei, who will be sweating bricks at the thought of all those bought-and-paid-for Saudi princes suddenly finding they have to fall in line with Arab solidarity and backing out of UK defence contracts, now that the Arab League have suddenly got cold feet. Or do you mean your spokesman-in-chief, dune? I wouldn't worry about him. His comically calamitous predictions about shares alone should tell you that whatever he says about Libya will always turn out to be the opposite of the truth. I can think of a few others you might have in mind, like VFTT or benjii, but I imagine you think they are just bit-part players, singing from the bellend party hymn sheet.


Why are you such an almighty bellend?

Why are you such an almighty bellend?


Goodness me, I didn't expect that. You are quite the raconteur benj. Any more ripping yarns?


Surprised that a UN resolution was achieved and kudos to Dave if he managed to push it through. Hope it works and that it achieves its stated aim of protecting civilians. Not too comfortable with the idea of killing a few hundred conscripts who in all likelihood didn't have much choice about what they were doing either... BUT, better them than random punters killed because of tribal loyalty/living in the wrong city/peacefully demo-ing about democracy.


Best hope is that Gaddafi is removed quickly by internal forces. Sadly I think most likely is long, protracted civil-mess requiring UN involvment for years to come. Is this better than leaving Gaddafi in place? Probably. Doesn't really feel like a great cause for celebration though - and it doesn't make DC 'not a bellend'. Maybe it makes him 'not a bellend on this occasion'. I suspect however that there is still plenty of time for him/Hague but probs Liam Fox to drag humiliating co.ck-up from the jaws of victory. Lets see.

Goodness me, I didn't expect that. You are quite the raconteur benj. Any more ripping yarns?


A straightforward question that you are unable to answer without providing ample further evidence of your bellendedness.


I would just like to know why you are a bellend? What has caused you to be such a pompous, bullying toad? Is it something in your childhood? Are you an insecure person? Have you been beset by bad luck? Or are you just a great big, shiny, bellend?


Cameron is taking the logical stance on Libya - we're a big player in the UN and as such must be at the forefront of decision-making and acting upon those decisions. Any other leader would do the same.


However, it doesn't change the fact that he is a total bellend.

A straightforward question that you are unable to answer without providing ample further evidence of your bellendedness.


I would just like to know why you are a bellend? What has caused you to be such a pompous, bullying toad? Is it something in your childhood? Are you an insecure person? Have you been beset by bad luck? Or are you just a great big, shiny, bellend?


He just likes playing the victim card. Everything about this country is against him. It's so unfair.


Watching the news just now, and the item on the debate in the HoC, I noticed that Comedy Dave's hair is whipping back at the crown and he's taken to doing a comb-over (or rather a comb-back).


I think I'll pop down the road tonight to his HQ and offer him a bottle of Regaine.

A straightforward question that you are unable to answer without providing ample further evidence of your bellendedness.


I would just like to know why you are a bellend? What has caused you to be such a pompous, bullying toad? Is it something in your childhood? Are you an insecure person? Have you been beset by bad luck? Or are you just a great big, shiny, bellend?


How odd. I'd expected gratitude from someone whom I regard as a kind of (operative phrase) intellectual among the swivel-eyed Right on here. (Which I know is damning with the faintest of praise - but take your complements wherever you can find them, benjiiii). And in answer to your question, no I had the happiest of childhoods which has clearly prepared me for seeing Cameron for the imbecile that he is rather more clearly than you and your swooning mates, in adoring thrall to every word of that absurd buttmunch.

How odd. I'd expected gratitude from someone whom I regard as a kind of (operative phrase) intellectual among the swivel-eyed Right on here. (Which I know is damning with the faintest of praise - but take your complements wherever you can find them, benjiiii). And in answer to your question, no I had the happiest of childhoods which has clearly prepared me for seeing Cameron for the imbecile that he is rather more clearly than you and your swooning mates, in adoring thrall to every word of that absurd buttmunch.


I had assumed Verbal you spent your childhood locked in your bedroom with a dictionary.

I had assumed Verbal you spent your childhood locked in your bedroom with a dictionary.


I doubt he enjoyed such luxuries.


What I find interesting about Verbal's proselytising is the inappropriateness of it. Why anyone would decide to designate a sub-forum of a football site as some sort of Blanquist oratorical proving ground is a mystery to me. Surely there are more fulfilling options available to a magniloquent rhetoric-savant?

I think I'll pop down the road tonight to his HQ and offer him a bottle of Regaine.


You see his "Big Society" is working already. Congratualtions BTF and welll done for embracing a Tory policy with such vigour.

What I find interesting about Verbal's proselytising is the inappropriateness of it. Why anyone would decide to designate a sub-forum of a football site as some sort of Blanquist oratorical proving ground is a mystery to me. Surely there are more fulfilling options available to a magniloquent rhetoric-savant?


Would you kindly translate this into words that a simpleton like me can understand, please? :)


Having googled magniloquent, I have only one thing to say:


Pot, kettle, black

Would you kindly translate this into words that a simpleton like me can understand, please? :)


Having googled magniloquent, I have only one thing to say:


Pot, kettle, black


I think BTF that was the point.

Not for me, it wasn't. I don't have any trouble understanding what Verbal has to say. I think his points are succinct and in no way magniloquent.


I find them pretentious, self righteous, intolerant, patronising and nasty.


Anyway MK Dons have scored!

Has anyone ever seen him post on the mainboard?


Under my previous nom de plume I ONLY posted on the main board. Then I changed my name and became a better person, selflessly dedicating my precious time to swatting the gitocracy on here with the sword of truth.

Would you kindly translate this into words that a simpleton like me can understand, please? :)


Having googled magniloquent, I have only one thing to say:


Pot, kettle, black


I know, I know. I was having a bit of fun with the ironing. It is a word that can never be used without making yourself look a bellend. ;)

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