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Posted (edited)

Here is a question for all you "it's a free country, if i want to stuff my face at half time i will" brigade. What would you prefer, Saints win, but no half time feast or Saints lose, but as much food and drink as you can stuff in your chubby little faces?

Edited by Turkish
Here is a question for all you "it's a free country, if i want to stuff my face at half time i will" brigade. What would you prefer, Saints win, but no half time feast or Saints lose, but as much food and drink as you can stuff in your chubby little faces?


I would prefer Saints to win and not be lectured by you about what I am or am not allowed to do before, during or after the win, thanks

I would prefer Saints to win and not be lectured by you about what I am or am not allowed to do before, during or after the win, thanks


I bet this quote was music to your ears from our super exchairman....


"Our academy has continued to flourish, our community and educational activities have made progress, our shop is doing well, our match-day and non-match-day catering is the envy of other clubs, our radio station has made great progress..."

Honestly, i think some people would buy a lump of dog sh*t if they painted it red and white.


straying off topic, have we sold Pulis yet?


The irony in this thread is that many of the 'hard core' 'old skool' fans aren't there for the football either. There are a large % of these who go either just to exchange abuse with away fans (not even bothering to look at the pitch) or go to games as an opportunity to have a drinking session with mates and often end up in no fit state to watch the match. These 'casuals' are of the, turn up to the game late as they have been in the pub,leave at 40 mins to get a pint, get back late for the second half and then leave the game early to get back to the pub.


It could be very easy to argue that the face painting, jester hat, replica shirt wearing fans has farmore interest in the actual game of football than the beered up 'casual'.

Where did i mention beer? It's people queuing up to stuff their face i have a problem with. Pure greed.


So, you're a "fan" if you are going down on 35 minutes to get a beer, but a "consumer" if you are going down on 35 minutes to get a hot dog and a KitKat?

The irony in this thread is that many of the 'hard core' 'old skool' fans aren't there for the football either. There are a large % of these who go either just to exchange abuse with away fans (not even bothering to look at the pitch) or go to games as an opportunity to have a drinking session with mates and often end up in no fit state to watch the match. These 'casuals' are of the, turn up to the game late as they have been in the pub,leave at 40 mins to get a pint, get back late for the second half and then leave the game early to get back to the pub.


It could be very easy to argue that the face painting, jester hat, replica shirt wearing fans has farmore interest in the actual game of football than the beered up 'casual'.



I bet this quote was music to your ears from our super exchairman....


"Our academy has continued to flourish, our community and educational activities have made progress, our shop is doing well, our match-day and non-match-day catering is the envy of other clubs, our radio station has made great progress..."


Rule 1 if you are advancing an argument without much merit and face some opposition which you cant answer: change the subject completely (but remembering to continue to be wholly presumptious about fellow fans).

Rule 1 if you are advancing an argument without much merit and face some opposition which you cant answer: change the subject completely (but remembering to continue to be wholly presumptious about fellow fans).


I thought rule 1 was something about tits being exposed?

So, you're a "fan" if you are going down on 35 minutes to get a beer, but a "consumer" if you are going down on 35 minutes to get a hot dog and a KitKat?


Neither is okay, but going down for food is worse. People dont stuff food in their faces at 3.45 or 8.30 on a normal day so why the need to do it as soon as they set foot in a football stadium?

Rule 1 if you are advancing an argument without much merit and face some opposition which you cant answer: change the subject completely (but remembering to continue to be wholly presumptious about fellow fans).


Do you eat every 45 minutes on a normal day then?

Looking around at SMS it struck me that most of the people there are not really football fans in the true sense of the word. ie people there for the football. The simple fact that are 3-0 up fans were streaming for the exits. At half time, many people were heading downstairs clad in their replica hat or shirt, going down to have their SFC branded pie, hot dog or beer. Football is becoming more americanized by the day, it wont long before it's called "soccer" at this rate.

When i started going to football in the mid eighties as a kid you never saw a replica shirt, most young lads were casuals and this is how i grew up. For me it was having the right trainers and the right jeans and top, i wasn't interestd in having a replica shirt and no one i went with was or wore them. We used to get on the Milton road terrace as soon as they opened at 1.30 and stand there in all weathers, rain or shine, sometimes snow. Looking at the soft, pampered consumers in the stands these days, moaning about the standard of toilets and half time refreshements it makes me wonder if they'd do the same. Which brings me onto my point. Take away the comfortable seats, the replica shirts and merchanidise, the pies, beer and burgers which you can stuff down your face at half time, how many are there for the football and only the football? Is the 2011 football fan merely a football consumer, biproducts of a sky sports obesession or are they genuinely real fans? How many of the 20000 or so inside SMS would be there if the stands were uncovered, you had to p*ss where you stood and you could hardly see the game for the tooing and frowing of the crowd and the restricted view of where you stood?

What matters most to you, the football, the result or the match day experience?


I don't read this forum much and barely post, but I'm pretty certain just after Bournemouth at home your DP was a photo of you with the 10/11 home shirt on posing outside the Northam, bit ironic? You come across as an attention seeking moron; by the sounds of it you don't go for the football, you just go to find faults in other peoples enjoyment. Sad individual.

People dont stuff food in their faces at 3.45 or 8.30 on a normal day so why the need to do it as soon as they set foot in a football stadium?
They do if they played golf on a Saturday morning and rushed off the course to the ground without having a chance to eat - or they worked late before an evening match and went straight to the game - or they are cold and fancy a nice warm drink. Are you saying that a real football fan would sit and stare at the grass at halftime (or whatever purile entertainment is put on) rather than have a pint and a chat and, heaven forbid, something to eat? People have been doing this sort of thing at football stadiums for donkeys years - it is just that we can do it in more salubrious surroundings these days.
Posted (edited)
I don't read this forum much and barely post, but I'm pretty certain just after Bournemouth at home your DP was a photo of you with the 10/11 home shirt on posing outside the Northam, bit ironic? You come across as an attention seeking moron; by the sounds of it you don't go for the football, you just go to find faults in other peoples enjoyment. Sad individual.


I am glad you feel strong enough on the subject to post on it. However, read the posts above it wasn't me. I dont own a replia shirt and putting your internet user name on the back of it is mongtastic. You may not post on here very much but when you do at least check your facts first and read the whole thread, otherwise you look like you are trying to find fault in other peoples enjoyment.

Edited by Turkish
They do if they played golf on a Saturday morning and rushed off the course to the ground without having a chance to eat - or they worked late before an evening match and went straight to the game - or they are cold and fancy a nice warm drink. Are you saying that a real football fan would sit and stare at the grass at halftime (or whatever purile entertainment is put on) rather than have a pint and a chat and, heaven forbid, something to eat? People have been doing this sort of thing at football stadiums for donkeys years - it is just that we can do it in more salubrious surroundings these days.


How many people do this? I went straight to the game from work last night but didn't feel the need to get downstairs 30 minutes into it to fill my face with pies and burgers.

How many people do this? I went straight to the game from work last night but didn't feel the need to get downstairs 30 minutes into it to fill my face with pies and burgers.
Those that do it at 30 minutes into the game would be in the extreme minority I would say (how do you know what they are doing anyway, unless you follow them?) - but what do you do at halftime? Do you stick rigidly to your seat reading a programme and take in the halftime entertainment or do you go down to the concourse? The argument that people who eat food and drink beer at a football match are not real fans is plain daft. Some people go to the game in groups, and take in turns for one of them to queue up for refreshments just on or after 40 minutes. I like a beer at halftime, and sometimes I buy food on the way in or at halftime. I have been going since the 70's. I never wear a replica shirt, but when I was 15 I thought I looked great in my jean jacket covered with badges and my scarf tied around my wrist. Am I a real fan or a consumer?
Those that do it at 30 minutes into the game would be in the extreme minority I would say (how do you know what they are doing anyway, unless you follow them?) - but what do you do at halftime? Do you stick rigidly to your seat reading a programme and take in the halftime entertainment or do you go down to the concourse? The argument that people who eat food and drink beer at a football match are not real fans is plain daft. Some people go to the game in groups, and take in turns for one of them to queue up for refreshments just on or after 40 minutes. I like a beer at halftime, and sometimes I buy food on the way in or at halftime. I have been going since the 70's. I never wear a replica shirt, but when I was 15 I thought I looked great in my jean jacket covered with badges and my scarf tied around my wrist. Am I a real fan or a consumer?


I go down bang on the half time whistle, have a p*ss usually, sometimes i will have a beer if the queue is short enough to give me sufficent time to drink it before the second half. I drink it quick enough to enable to me to be in my seat for the second half kick off. However i wouldn't let my desire to have pint make me miss a quarter of the game as i am there to watch the football and specifically Saints, not to eat and drink.

I go down bang on the half time whistle, have a p*ss usually, sometimes i will have a beer if the queue is short enough to give me sufficent time to drink it before the second half. I drink it quick enough to enable to me to be in my seat for the second half kick off. However i wouldn't let my desire to have pint make me miss a quarter of the game as i am there to watch the football and specifically Saints, not to eat and drink.


Thanks for explaining the rules to the rest of us. I dont always last until half time before needing a p*ss, sorry I will try harder to comply

Well done, you are maintaining your presumptious inaccurate cra*p


It wasn't presumptious, it was a question, clearly. :rolleyes:


Quick, the work vending machines, it must be nearly snack time...

Thanks for explaining the rules to the rest of us. I dont always last until half time before needing a p*ss, sorry I will try harder to comply



The irony in this thread is that many of the 'hard core' 'old skool' fans aren't there for the football either. There are a large % of these who go either just to exchange abuse with away fans (not even bothering to look at the pitch) or go to games as an opportunity to have a drinking session with mates and often end up in no fit state to watch the match. These 'casuals' are of the, turn up to the game late as they have been in the pub,leave at 40 mins to get a pint, get back late for the second half and then leave the game early to get back to the pub.


It could be very easy to argue that the face painting, jester hat, replica shirt wearing fans has farmore interest in the actual game of football than the beered up 'casual'.


Nail on head - Oh what joy it was to be caged in like the local zoo animals - Football is a commercial product, personally I would like to see a total ban on the sale of alcohol at football grounds - we finally got rid of the cancer stick infesters who blow their crap over everyone - now it should be time to say the same to the excessive drinkers who often display aggressive attitudes in their silly baseball caps and oh so wonderful trainers that cost £1 to make in China and some mug pays £70 for - Commercially football should be focusing more on the hospitality - where the matchday experience can be undertaken without the silly need to be swearing , getting beered up and displaying aggressive behaviour - The same old chanting , songs it is becoming very boring and this can only be drowned out in the hospitality with decent Pinot Noir 2008 supplied by a decent chap to my table free of charge -


I'm somewhat confused that I'm labelled as a consumer rather than a fan because I wear a replica shirt to the match and sometimes to other places too. I must have been mistaken in believing the psycho-babble spouted by the experts in behavioural patterns who tell us that the wearing of the "tribal" colours and the singing of the "tribal" chants identifies those members of belonging to that "tribe".


If Turkish is correct, there is a separate "tribe" of true supporters of the club whose uniform is designer label gear such as Stone Island. Unfortunately, the problem with this uniform, is that it is apparently also worn by those from rival tribes, thus making it almost impossible to identify those of like pursuasion.


I don't leave early, don't go down to the concourse before half-time, so seemingly the wearing of the replica shirt is my only transgression. So how much of a fan or consumer am I ?

Load of b*****s I'm afraid. Every weekend with an Old Firm derby the domestic violence statistics in Glasgow go up. Maybe due to the drink, maybe being wound up and letting it spill over out of the ground. If your theory worked, fine, but unfortunately it doesn't. What is it about some people and drink; I suppose it reduces their inhibitions and you see their nasty sides?


70%....which is shocking!

It wasn't presumptious, it was a question, clearly. :rolleyes:


Quick, the work vending machines, it must be nearly snack time...


I said it was inaccurate cr*p so you have had the answer, clearly


I wear a replica shirt sometimes. I sit in the Kingsland centre and have got a great aisle ST seat. What I detest is the hoard of early leavers slowly making their way down the aisles with 10 minutes to play of the 2nd half - it should be f**king banned!!! I pay good money to watch the whole game but can't because some tosspot is blocking my view!


So while I empathise with Turkish, I have to say the issue has absolutely the square sum of f**k all to do with replica shirt wearing or the consumption of food/drink.

I said it was inaccurate cr*p so you have had the answer, clearly


Why would i ask the question if i knew the answer? DO you eat every 45 minutes at work and home on not?

I wear a replica shirt sometimes. I sit in the Kingsland centre and have got a great aisle ST seat. What I detest is the hoard of early leavers slowly making their way down the aisles with 10 minutes to play of the 2nd half - it should be f**king banned!!! I pay good money to watch the whole game but can't because some tosspot is blocking my view!


So while I empathise with Turkish, I have to say the issue has absolutely the square sum of f**k all to do with replica shirt wearing or the consumption of food/drink.


It does have something to do with it, because the people going downstairs 35 minutes into the game are more interested in filling their bellies at half time that watching the team they claim to support.


It’s actually many of the ‘lads’ that leave 5 minutes before half time to go an get a pint and a pie or whatever.


The answer to your returning question of which fan is a better fan then the other is neither. There are 20K plus people watching the game in what is a pretty well off area of the county, so you are, like Bertie Bassett going to have allsorts.


You will get some ‘lads’ who are made about the team and wouldn’t miss a second of the match. You will get other ‘lads’ who are just coming out to hang around with the others, have a couple of beers, watch the game and swear now and then. These will be the ones who go and get a pint on 40 minutes.


I used to know a season ticket holder that was an Arsenal fan but used to go and see saints because they were local. He was getting on a bit so he used to leave on 85 minutes. I expect there are a few people that attend games now in similar situations. What would you prefer, empty seats? Or just some recognition as being an ultra?


You’ll get older people who want to miss the traffic, crush whatever and leave before the end…. So what. I can’t believe it either and have never left early (other than once at the dell to get the last bus home) but it is a free country.


The club needs all money and people attending the game as it can. Uber fans like you should thank the not fussed fans as their attendance brings the club more money to enable it to pay people like Lallana. If they are having a pie as well then you can stick Lamberts goal bonus on there as well and who knows what we will be able to do if we can only persuade them to buy a programme before the game and a t-shirt on the way home.


I have used our company’s corporate ticket for Arsenal a few times, gone for the drinks and a hog roast, watched the game and talked with a mate about Saints all the way through it. I doubt Arsenal care as my boss paid a packet for the tickets and this enables them to keep players like Wiltshire.


In a nut shell, loads of people go to games for loads of different reasons. If you want to rough it and prove you are a super fan, go and stand in the rain at somewhere like Eastleigh or Totton.


I'd do away with half time, it annoys the hell out of me. Just play for a solid 90 minutes and cut the crap, only stopping to change ends like during extra time.

I'd do away with half time, it annoys the hell out of me. Just play for a solid 90 minutes and cut the crap, only stopping to change ends like during extra time.


Excellent idea - also please try and employ someone who knows the correct procedure to open and pour wine

I'd do away with half time, it annoys the hell out of me. Just play for a solid 90 minutes and cut the crap, only stopping to change ends like during extra time.


Good idea. Too much time is wasted with half time etc. I'd shorten the game to 70mins though, because sitting for 90mins can be a bit boring.

Good idea. Too much time is wasted with half time etc. I'd shorten the game to 70mins though, because sitting for 90mins can be a bit boring.


make games an hour, a lot of our fans struggle to sit down for any longer than 30 mins without eating. Or we could make them 2 hours with breaks every 25 minutes. That way people have three opportunities to eat and drink during the game.

make games an hour, a lot of our fans struggle to sit down for any longer than 30 mins without eating. Or we could make them 2 hours with breaks every 25 minutes. That way people have three opportunities to eat and drink during the game.


Hold the game in a restaurant?

It does have something to do with it, because the people going downstairs 35 minutes into the game are more interested in filling their bellies at half time that watching the team they claim to support.


Blimey- you moan at others not reading the thread! To repeat, I don't care about half-time as most peeps stay in their seats until the whistle goes. It's before the full-time whistle that I get the freakin' hump.

make games an hour, a lot of our fans struggle to sit down for any longer than 30 mins without eating. Or we could make them 2 hours with breaks every 25 minutes. That way people have three opportunities to eat and drink during the game.


Hold the game in a restaurant?


Theres an opportunity here. Bigger stadium, ringside tables, table service......any takers?


If you wish to miss 5 minutes of a half to get your pies or get out before the rush, that's your choice. In doing so bloody well get on and go rather than having a mothers meeting blocking others view while you amble downstairs.

If you wish to miss 5 minutes of a half to get your pies or get out before the rush, that's your choice. In doing so bloody well get on and go rather than having a mothers meeting blocking others view while you amble downstairs.


Hear hear!!!

Here is a question for all you "it's a free country, if i want to stuff my face at half time i will" brigade. What would you prefer, Saints win, but no half time feast or Saints lose, but as much food and drink as you can stuff in your chubby little faces?


Or, would you prefer Saints win but you can't wear any of your 'look at me' clothes, or Saints lose but you have to wear replica shirts, that puts money into the club, thus enabling us to compete in the transfer market!!


When I go down early to beat the queue I continue watching the remainder of the first half on the TV's anyway so I miss no more football than the idiots who stayed glued to their chair until the half time whistle determined to queue for their pint as long as possible.

Or, would you prefer Saints win but you can't wear any of your 'look at me' clothes, or Saints lose but you have to wear replica shirts, that puts money into the club, thus enabling us to compete in the transfer market!!


'look at me' clothes? I think you are getting me confused with the jester hat wearing, face paint, fancy dress, "look at me all dressed up, i know how to have fun because im mad" type of unsavory element that is prevalent in our fan base that we seem to have picked up since the move to SMS..

When I go down early to beat the queue I continue watching the remainder of the first half on the TV's anyway so I miss no more football than the idiots who stayed glued to their chair until the half time whistle determined to queue for their pint as long as possible.


Didn't realise they still did this (that's how often I go onto the concourse during a game); Saints surely missing a major revenue stream here? Fiver for a ticket to come on the concourse, eat expensive fast food and drink expensive ****y beer; and if you've got time between eating, drinking, weeing and generally hanging-out you can watch a little bit of football on the telly.


Leave the terraces free for us uber fans who have to suffer all of the 90 minutes, win, lose or draw.

Didn't realise they still did this (that's how often I go onto the concourse during a game); Saints surely missing a major revenue stream here? Fiver for a ticket to come on the concourse, eat expensive fast food and drink expensive ****y beer; and if you've got time between eating, drinking, weeing and generally hanging-out you can watch a little bit of football on the telly.


Leave the terraces free for us uber fans who have to suffer all of the 90 minutes, win, lose or draw.


Another benifit of this is there would be no need to expand the stadium if and when we return to the premier league. You can have one of the 32k stadium tickets or one of the 10k concourse tickets. For many this is the ideal scenario, just show the game on the TV, ideally Sky when its on there and it'll be just like being at home or down the pub leaving people to eat, drink, talk about Eastenders, text or do whatever people do at football these days instead having to watch the game.

Another benifit of this is there would be no need to expand the stadium if and when we return to the premier league. You can have one of the 32k stadium tickets or one of the 10k concourse tickets. For many this is the ideal scenario, just show the game on the TV, ideally Sky when its on there and it'll be just like being at home or down the pub leaving people to eat, drink, talk about Eastenders, text or do whatever people do at football these days instead having to watch the game.


Just out of curiosity what is stopping people from eating, drinking, talking about Eastenders or texting from their seat?

Just out of curiosity what is stopping people from eating, drinking, talking about Eastenders or texting from their seat?


Nothing, there is plenty that do that anyway. Just means they wont have to miss 1/4 of the game by selling concourse tickets, they can watch the whole gam down there.

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