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Very much doubt it is radically different from running any other football fan forum.


yeah because the rest of them have had phone lines cut / police visits / attacks on loved ones etc etc.


Best thread ever.


Hypo, you say this forum is a distraction, from what? Seems like you spend your entire life on here, do you have a life to be distracted from?


you're way out of order with your comments, do you think its a coincidence there is noone here to back you up?


Thanks for the updates/efforts Steve and Baj, at least some of us appreciate it

TBH if they werent here then someone else would be running it. Grateful to Steve though, he always seems and even handed and fair chap.


That's a pretty sweeping assumption. There are other sites but they are nowhere near as good.

You don't know me and I did ask to leave it but you continued so don't talk to me about being dull. Seriously do you not think that a similar version of this forum would not spring up in the next few days if this was shut down permanently tonight? And do you not think there would be a queue of people willing to do the job that you do? Why do you think that is if it such a thankless and horrible task?


But somehow you don't seem able to.


Your online persona sir always have been and always will be arrogant, patronising, vindictive and aggressive and I mean that in both an insulting and an observational sense.



Have to agree with hypo on this one and that goes for Steve aswell. I reckon they both seem to think they should be on the executive committee in the sfc board room because they run this sh ite site


TBF if the forum was that much of a horrendous job to run, there wouldn't have been a load of people who wanted to be part of the running of it who were told to naff off. Baj & SG must get a certain amount of pleasure from it as they have since S4E got rid of everyone else who was involved in the running of it so they have complete control over it. Don't really care myself, but for all the comments about it taking up more time, money etc than its worth - they must get a gain out of it otherwise they simply wouldn't do it; particularly in the way that they do.


I 100% agree with Hyp that if this place went down the swanny somewhere else would quickly come along.


Thanks for the time and effort you do put into the place though guys - lets hope these changes will have sorted things out for good.

Same old faces getting personal. How insightful and enlightening.


I'm a new face and have read many of your posts and recently you really do come across as a pedant with nothing better to do




This is the first time I've come back to this thread since I started it. Bloody hell :uhoh: :facepalm:


In the meantime chaps have you tried memcached?

Memcached is installed, but not activated at this stage. I tried it on our dev site but I couldn't get it working (basically just output a blank page every time!) so put it on the back burner for a while. Once we've got the new DB up and running properly, I'll revisit that as it should provide a benefit for the site.


]Also, I've noticed that the avatar images are served every time somebody hits the page, and served from a php page as well which might be an issue, you might want to utilise browser caching to minimise this - something like:


ExpiresActive On

ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 3 hours"

ExpiresByType image/jpg "access plus 3 hours"

ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 3 hours"

ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 3 hours"

ExpiresByType application/x-javascript "access plus 8 hours"

ExpiresByType application/javascript "access plus 8 hours"

ExpiresByType text/javascript "access plus 8 hours"

ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 8 hours"


in whichever conf file you have might help. I say might as the fact that images are coming from image.php worries me, but as the browser will have cached it I would have thought it would work.

Very good point. I knew about the avatars being loaded via PHP rather than direct from the filesystem, but the thought hadn't crossed my mind that that could probably be made more efficient. It might be an absolute ballache to modify it, mind you, so I might just have a look at image.php itself and add a cache expires header (if there isn't already one - the dateline parameter would need to be removed, mind you)

Evening all


As I'm sure you're well aware, we've been experiencing unacceptable amounts of downtime during matches over the last 4-6 weeks. We did think we had solved the problem back in September when a number of system changes were implemented, but it seems as though they only had a temporary effect.


As a result, we have decided to change the way the infrastructure is set up. Rather than have the web server (i.e. the bit that handles everyone accessing it and sends the web page back to your browser) and the database on the same server, we are buying a second server whose sole responsibility will be to handle the database. This new server has more than double the power of the current one, and as we believe the main problem has been the resources taken up by the database, it's obviously hoped that lightening the load on the main server in this way will provide a long-term solution.


Naturally, while we migrate the database to the new server, the site will experience a further period of downtime, which is obviously regrettable but we'll do our best to limit this to off-peak times as much as possible. We aim to have the new server in place before Saturday's game at Colchester.


Baj and I have been as frustrated as you have with the frankly ****-poor performance at crucial times, and hopefully this will correct that.


Any (sensible and on-topic) questions, let me know.





Thanks for the update - your efforts and communication are appreciated.


I paid £5 of my not particularly hard earned cash for access to this site, the least I expect for such a sum is a site that never ever crashes, and is always incredibly fast. If banks can manage it why can't you!

Best thread ever.


Hypo, you say this forum is a distraction, from what? Seems like you spend your entire life on here, do you have a life to be distracted from?


you're way out of order with your comments, do you think its a coincidence there is noone here to back you up?


Thanks for the updates/efforts Steve and Baj, at least some of us appreciate it


See above for someone backing me up...

TBF if the forum was that much of a horrendous job to run, there wouldn't have been a load of people who wanted to be part of the running of it who were told to naff off. Baj & SG must get a certain amount of pleasure from it as they have since S4E got rid of everyone else who was involved in the running of it so they have complete control over it. Don't really care myself, but for all the comments about it taking up more time, money etc than its worth - they must get a gain out of it otherwise they simply wouldn't do it; particularly in the way that they do.


I 100% agree with Hyp that if this place went down the swanny somewhere else would quickly come along.


Thanks for the time and effort you do put into the place though guys - lets hope these changes will have sorted things out for good.


Thanks mate and this is from someone on the 'inside' if you will as an ex moderator. It isn't about not giving gratitude, it's about being realistic and giving thanks certainly, whilst recognising that it is not always how baj wants to portray it.


Hypochondriac - What would you do if you were banned from this forum? You clearly have no life, as you spend all of your time talking to complete strangers on an internet messageboard. Even when you do something vaguely interesting (taking a fatty out a few weeks ago), I notice you feel the need to brag about it on here. I genuinely feel sorry for you. You say you use this forum as a distraction. A distraction from what exactly?! You are constantly on here! You’re an embarrassment to yourself. I bet I’d laugh if I saw what you looked like as well.


If I ran this forum, I’d have banned you for your own good. Your obsession with this place is unhealthy.


I don't get why everyone gets so ****ty about everything to do with this forum? Yes, the way it has worked in the last few weeks has been disappointing, but come on, it's VERY cheap and the service I get from it for a whole year is excellent. Thankyou Baj and Steve Grant.


Just as a prior warning, I will be testing various aspects of the new setup this afternoon and evening, so there may be intermittent periods of downtime, particularly of the "Database Error" message variety. Many connection failures will show up instantly (i.e. without the loading page hanging for ages and then deciding it can't connect), this will be where the database process isn't actually running, as when I make changes to the DB configuration, the whole DB needs stopping and restarting.


Summary: you will probably see occasional "Database Error" messages between now and midnight. It's not a fault. I'm testing stuff.

Just as a prior warning, I will be testing various aspects of the new setup this afternoon and evening, so there may be intermittent periods of downtime, particularly of the "Database Error" message variety. Many connection failures will show up instantly (i.e. without the loading page hanging for ages and then deciding it can't connect), this will be where the database process isn't actually running, as when I make changes to the DB configuration, the whole DB needs stopping and restarting.


Summary: you will probably see occasional "Database Error" messages between now and midnight. It's not a fault. I'm testing stuff.

How dare you tarnish this thread with something so completely off-topic?!

This may take longer than I'd originally hoped :facepalm:


So the SQL Dbase didn't just go marching in then?


Oh well we all know what will happen tomorrow then, better get my crash time in the sweepstake sorted out

So the SQL Dbase didn't just go marching in then?


Oh well we all know what will happen tomorrow then, better get my crash time in the sweepstake sorted out

I've done some further analysis on the database and the actual database is working fine. It's using the query caches quite well and seems to be relatively efficient. However, accessing it with 400-odd concurrent users still has an effect on the original server, so I can now conclude that the problem isn't with the database itself, but with the web server part of the system. As a result, I'm going to switch the codebase and web server across to the new server, and have the DB on the current one. I have no idea how long that will take, and certain aspects of it will require assistance from the hosts, and I don't know if they'll have anyone available for that sort of task this evening.

I've done some further analysis on the database and the actual database is working fine. It's using the query caches quite well and seems to be relatively efficient. However, accessing it with 400-odd concurrent users still has an effect on the original server, so I can now conclude that the problem isn't with the database itself, but with the web server part of the system. As a result, I'm going to switch the codebase and web server across to the new server, and have the DB on the current one. I have no idea how long that will take, and certain aspects of it will require assistance from the hosts, and I don't know if they'll have anyone available for that sort of task this evening.


Lol - you have SUCH an easy task there....


One day you can try and migrate a whole Datacentre. Think that was the funniest It thingy I ever had the joy to watch, I'm sure one of the tekkies actually went gray in front of my eyes


But good luck, keep at it. The problem is slowly becoming more identified

Hypochondriac - What would you do if you were banned from this forum? You clearly have no life, as you spend all of your time talking to complete strangers on an internet messageboard. Even when you do something vaguely interesting (taking a fatty out a few weeks ago), I notice you feel the need to brag about it on here. I genuinely feel sorry for you. You say you use this forum as a distraction. A distraction from what exactly?! You are constantly on here! You’re an embarrassment to yourself. I bet I’d laugh if I saw what you looked like as well.

If I ran this forum, I’d have banned you for your own good. Your obsession with this place is unhealthy.





Memcached is installed, but not activated at this stage. I tried it on our dev site but I couldn't get it working (basically just output a blank page every time!) so put it on the back burner for a while. Once we've got the new DB up and running properly, I'll revisit that as it should provide a benefit for the site.


Very good point. I knew about the avatars being loaded via PHP rather than direct from the filesystem, but the thought hadn't crossed my mind that that could probably be made more efficient. It might be an absolute ballache to modify it, mind you, so I might just have a look at image.php itself and add a cache expires header (if there isn't already one - the dateline parameter would need to be removed, mind you)


I AM OLD!!!!!!!!!!!


This might as well be in Swahili!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other breaking news, Titanic has sunk ;)


Oi!!!!!! I'll have you round later to programme my video recorder (yes I still have a video recorder underneath that CD/DVD thingy).


PS I've just found Spotify. It is mental, you can make your own radio station (but you can't decide what ads to play) and Mini Me has given me some remote?? speakers which mean I can listen to it anywhere (although I have now found out they are not waterproof and odnt work in the shower).

So this is the best fans forum on the Internet? Controversial view methinks.

Are you being deliberately difficult? You know very well I was referring to Saints sites. I cannot judge other club fans sites since I rarely visit them.

Are you being deliberately difficult? You know very well I was referring to Saints sites. I cannot judge other club fans sites since I rarely visit them.


The reason this site is the best is because of it's popularity. If it shut down then another would be set up which over time would become just as popular. It was exactly the same when s4e was shut down.

The reason this site is the best is because of it's popularity. If it shut down then another would be set up which over time would become just as popular. It was exactly the same when s4e was shut down.


To follow that theory, if you left - would there be someone to replace your role here?

To follow that theory, if you left - would there be someone to replace your role here?


That doesn't fit the theory at all, but in answer to your question I'm doing my best to fill the absence of stu. I would hope that in my absence someone would step up to provide strong opinion that doesn't fit with the mainstream forum opinion. If nothing else it's amusing to watch the same old faces explode with anger and start the swearing and abuse.

If nothing else it's amusing to watch the same old faces explode with anger and start the swearing and abuse.

Is that an admission that you're intentionally winding people up?

Is that an admission that you're intentionally winding people up?


Nah I would never be foolish enough to admit to that. What I'm saying is that the loudest and most aggressive posters who disagree with me and pop up on every thread I post on are unable to argue in a reasonable way (like the likes of st chalet and oldnick) without getting personally abusive. It's quite amusing.

Nah I would never be foolish enough to admit to that. What I'm saying is that the loudest and most aggressive posters who disagree with me and pop up on every thread I post on are unable to argue in a reasonable way (like the likes of st chalet and oldnick) without getting personally abusive. It's quite amusing.


You're a real 'card' Hypochondriac..........a one off :lol:


LOL!! It turns out that Hypo was just joking about and role playing the part of "tw*t"! A brilliant performance, Hypo! You sure had us all fooled into thinking that you are genuinely a c*ck. What a great "internet persona" you have invented.


Wee Done!!

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