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OMG here we go again, the childish accusations of the being pro-Cortese if you don't agree with one of the vocal minority who seems to have a grudge and need to form themselves into school playground gangs, you're not in my gang you are in the pro-Cortese gang. 99% of SFC Supporters are neither pro or anti-Cortese, no one actually gives a flying **** about Cortese, he is just the current Chairman of the Football Club. There are 2 sides to this story, none of us know the full facts about both sides. Just because the other party to this dispute is an "untouchable" then everyone else has to be wrong. This stance against anything Cortese does is just so irrational, but of course GM knows better and I am sure will now label me as pro Cortese because it is the only way he can deal with life, pigeon-holing everyone and not understanding that there are shades of grey.

'Charging for car parking - get out into the real world, many companies do the same, or do not provide sufficient parking on site. Not nice, but reality. Mrs Cortese's manicures - who cares if they get paid for by the Club, it is Liebherr/Cortese that put the money in so if they agree, fine by me. If we were a plc and watching every penny I would have a different view but we are not so I don't give a toss. And as for the Liebherrs not caring, well maybe thats true, but if it was I suspect they would have pulled the plug by now, in any case there appear to be other backers potentially lined up.


GM - we don't really care about this, its a private spat between 2 people of Italian descent who seem to have fallen out over a private matter. Move on (bloody hell I wish there was game today so that we had something better to talk about).


The voice of reason.

Daily Mail stirs up another anti-Saints rumour - shock revelation.


What will be the next one?


Yep, and the same club bashers jump in with both feet, having not learnt one single lesson, from the previous Daily Hell articles.


My only comments are that I do not believe anything in the Daily Mail similar to many other millions of potential readers and I am happy to wait for the court transcript being reported.

My only comments are that I do not believe anything in the Daily Mail similar to many other millions of potential readers and I am happy to wait for the court transcript being reported.


Except that according to SFC there won't even be a day in court.

Who to believe, huh?

I don't see why Benali would just make something like that up, completely out of the blue, on live TV.


Maybe he WAS planning legal action, but decided against it. Or there was an out of court settlement.

If there is to be any legal action, I really doubt it will be against Cortese directly, the club possibly. As Franny had to move out of offices within Saints because of some issue, it would not surprise me for something going on here in relation to Franny and the club. He's had more than enough time to get this to court and if it's not got there by now, I doubt it will!


If any of the players were staying in his house, there is no way he would be directing anything personal at the player for recompense, but the club.

It does take time before proceedings are issued. There is a civil claims protocol to follow with proceedings being the last resort. The court case manage it from then onwards.


I suspect Cortese was not paying the "rent" himself. He is employed by the club (they are a limited company). If so the employers are vicariously liable for the actions of the employee. They will have a right of recovery from him if they consider his gross negligence was outside the terms of his contract.


So Cortese might be right that he is not aware of any action against himself. The action will be against the club.


There may have been a symbiotic relationship at the time. So if Benali had issues with Cortese actions in him home and asked him to leave the club may have considered that symbiotic relationship was at and end. I heard rumour that Benali business has since failed but I may be wrong. Maybe that smybiotic arrangement was used to prop up the business?


However the relationship and business failure are just conjecture on my part

Maybe, or he could be doing just as he said.


Well, just as you don't see why Benali would make something like that up, I don't see why the club would lie and said that there were no legal proceedings happening.


So as usual, the club bashers pick up on a non story, start throwing mud around, the few people that disagree with the OP are labelled 'Cortese lovers' and once again we have absolutely no real evidence to pick through.


Right ok then


I'll think i'll sit on the fence and let this one play out.

It's a private & domestic matter IMO. I love mlt & fb but think nc has done a good job so far.


I sit somewhere in the middle, I know for fact that cortese tried to build bridges with mlt and was told to get ****ed.


So clearly it's not just cortese being a tyrant


Bumping this post because it's gone ignored and could possibly be the most important piece of info on this thread.

Bumping this post because it's gone ignored and could possibly be the most important piece of info on this thread.


What, someone who calls himself doggface, posts something he heard and it's suddenly important?

What, someone who calls himself doggface, posts something he heard and it's suddenly important?


You're right. His username on an internet forum is completely indicative of who he is in real life.

You're right. His username on an internet forum is completely indicative of who he is in real life.


My point is that anonymous postings from anyone on an internet forum don't mean anything. if he said who said what to who, and who his source was you could say it's meaningful.


From what I've heard Cortese has had a problem with le Tiss long before any of the stuff in the press, that's jsut what I've heard from a good source, doesn't make it fact though.

My point is that anonymous postings from anyone on an internet forum don't mean anything. if he said who said what to who, and who his source was you could say it's meaningful.


From what I've heard Cortese has had a problem with le Tiss long before any of the stuff in the press, that's jsut what I've heard from a good source, doesn't make it fact though.


His source is the horses mouth. You're not going to believe me or him anyway, so what does it matter if he names his source?

Bumping this post because it's gone ignored and could possibly be the most important piece of info on this thread.


Don't be so daft Saint_clark - its ignored because it just doesn't fit the overall agenda here.

His source is the horses mouth. You're not going to believe me or him anyway, so what does it matter if he names his source?


It is indeed a very interesting comment, and I think most balanced people can see that this petty and bitter dispute is a two way thing, with neither party covering themselves in any particular glory.


However, I do think you need to careful with regards individual's anonymity and assigning a greater importance to certain quotes over another. Similarly, unless you are releasing information not posted on here, then the poster does not indicate that it comes from the horses mouth.

His source is the horses mouth. You're not going to believe me or him anyway, so what does it matter if he names his source?


He did'nt say his source was Cortese or le Tiss, he could have just heard it down the pub for all you know.

I don't have to read the Daily Mail for information regarding this.


Still, due to the overwhelming pro-Cortese lobby on this site, I'll refrain from posting anymore of the information I have recently heard regarding this. I wouldn't want to upset any of you in case you stain your Go-Wilde tee shirts with your tears


The purchase of the Club by Marcus Liebherrr and the appointment of Nicola Cortese was widely welcomed across the fan base and throughout the Southampton community as the much longed-for release from all the partisan in-fighting that characterised the previous 5/20 years , with its mind-numbing deceitfulness, duplicity and sycophancy.


It's bloody obvious to anybody with half a brain that there would be a few winners and a lot of very bitter losers from this abrupt change - people, especially people with a vested interest just don't like sudden changes of this sort. I'll not hear anything negative about Mr Cortese unless it is established as fact.

He did'nt say his source was Cortese or le Tiss, he could have just heard it down the pub for all you know.


He didn't need too - another well respected poster on here did.

He did'nt say his source was Cortese or le Tiss, he could have just heard it down the pub for all you know.


why dont you believe it..?

if someone came on and slated cortese, you would have been all over it like a dirty whore

why dont you believe it..?

if someone came on and slated cortese, you would have been all over it like a dirty whore


Can you keep your problems with women out of this?

The purchase of the Club by Marcus Liebherrr and the appointment of Nicola Cortese was widely welcomed across the fan base and throughout the Southampton community as the much longed-for release from all the partisan in-fighting that characterised the previous 5/20 years , with its mind-numbing deceitfulness, duplicity and sycophancy.


It's bloody obvious to anybody with half a brain that there would be a few winners and a lot of very bitter losers from this abrupt change - people, especially people with a vested interest just don't like sudden changes of this sort. I'll not hear anything negative about Mr Cortese unless it is established as fact.


I think that is a very sensible view to take.

He didn't need too - another well respected poster on here did.


If you're referring to Weston Saint, then I'm afraid he said nothing of the sort. If you're not referring to Weston Saint, then just what are you saying??


Methinks you're treading on very dangerous ground here with your insiuations and references (something I would have thought was unwise for a moderator).

If you're referring to Weston Saint, then I'm afraid he said nothing of the sort. If you're not referring to Weston Saint, then just what are you saying??


Methinks you're treading on very dangerous ground here with your insiuations and references (something I would have thought was unwise for a moderator).

weston said the poster in question knew MLT...

weston said the poster in question knew MLT...


Indeed, but it's a big leap from suggesting that because he knows MLT (or knew him) that it came from the horses mouth as insinuated by the moderator above.

The purchase of the Club by Marcus Liebherrr and the appointment of Nicola Cortese was widely welcomed across the fan base and throughout the Southampton community as the much longed-for release from all the partisan in-fighting that characterised the previous 5/20 years , with its mind-numbing deceitfulness, duplicity and sycophancy.


It's bloody obvious to anybody with half a brain that there would be a few winners and a lot of very bitter losers from this abrupt change - people, especially people with a vested interest just don't like sudden changes of this sort. I'll not hear anything negative about Mr Cortese unless it is established as fact.


I cant believe I am saying this but for the first time ever I actually agre with Charlie Wayman !!

I cant believe I am saying this but for the first time ever I actually agre with Charlie Wayman !!


So do I. Without any ITK knowledge to offer, his view seems to make the most sense.


NC invited mlt to the jpt final as a guest of the club, which he declined and did not mince his words when replying. Matt attended the final as we know at work in the end.


I was not slagging Matt in anyway - if he wants to tell cortese to **** off that's his prerogative which we are all entitled to.


I do not know how their feud began but I do know Matt is a friendly guy & fiercely loyal to his friends as I'm sure many on here are.


But I like a balanced argument, though I have heard 2nd hand info which portrays nc as not the nicest person, on that occasion he at least made an effort and might not be as stubborn as some thought.

on that occasion he at least made an effort and might not be as stubborn as some thought.


I'm grasping at a positive from your post in that maybe there is a chance of a reconcilliation at some point in the future if Cortese was willing to extend an "olive branch" back then. I know some things have happened since and further words exchanged, but you never know, there may be a point when both are willing to sit down and talk to each other as IMHO this feud reflects poorly on all involved.

I'm grasping at a positive from your post in that maybe there is a chance of a reconcilliation at some point in the future if Cortese was willing to extend an "olive branch" back then. I know some things have happened since and further words exchanged, but you never know, there may be a point when both are willing to sit down and talk to each other as IMHO this feud reflects poorly on all involved.


If it wasn't for one half of the alleged feud constantly banging on about it then no one would even know or notice. It has no actual effect on anything that 99.9% of us care about.

If it wasn't for one half of the alleged feud constantly banging on about it then no one would even know or notice. It has no actual effect on anything that 99.9% of us care about.

You're absolutely right Benji. In fact I would go further, I don't actually see any evidence of a feud. A feud is "a long-running argument or fight between parties". So far I have only seen evidence of one "party" having a problem, ergo no feud exists.


But then of course I am a Cortese Luvvy so I would think that wouldn't I?


Then of course you have the thread "Is anybody worried about the fixture pile up??" NO!!! Im in a family of season ticket holders, and not one of us is slightly bothered about the "fixture pile up". :)

I'm grasping at a positive from your post in that maybe there is a chance of a reconcilliation at some point in the future if Cortese was willing to extend an "olive branch" back then. I know some things have happened since and further words exchanged, but you never know, there may be a point when both are willing to sit down and talk to each other as IMHO this feud reflects poorly on all involved.


Hi UP good to see you back.


I wouldn't want to take sides in this but it is clearly not doing a lot for the club's reputation. It's a pity Cortese can't host a dinner or something for the other parties so that they can talk it out between themselves.

So far I have only seen evidence of one "party" having a problem, ergo no feud exists.


I have to say that disappointingly I think there have been words, actions and "briefings" coming from both sides and it isn't just one way traffic.


Here's a few words from Cortese back in May(???) which could well be interpreted by some as a bit of an attack on certain individuals (whether warranted or not is up to you to decide, but the comments have definitely been made which would suggest the "banter" is two way).


"This speculation could be interpreted as a deliberate attempt to unsettle both the Club and Alan.......various figures with past associations to the Club have been quick to voice their opinions, ........one of whom was associated with a so-called consortium which delayed for an important few weeks last summer our plans to stabilise the Club.


....I will not be influenced or driven by people who seek to harm the Club..."



I would venture that this feud does exist and that sadly it is a two way thing.

Hi UP good to see you back.


Thanks for the kind words. Glad to be back and hopefully the end of the season will go well, although I think it will go right to the wire!!!


I wouldn't want to take sides in this but it is clearly not doing a lot for the club's reputation. It's a pity Cortese can't host a dinner or something for the other parties so that they can talk it out between themselves.


I think it might be a bit harsh putting the emphasis on Cortese to start the process (after all two sides are involved here), and if what Doggface has said is true, then he might argue he attempted this last May. That said, he is probably best placed to bang some heads together.


Alternatively, I have posed as to whether there is an intermediary out there who could bring the two groups together and sort this out over a beer (or a wine) or seven.

Thanks for the kind words. Glad to be back and hopefully the end of the season will go well, although I think it will go right to the wire!!!




I think it might be a bit harsh putting the emphasis on Cortese to start the process (after all two sides are involved here), and if what Doggface has said is true, then he might argue he attempted this last May. That said, he is probably best placed to bang some heads together.


Alternatively, I have posed as to whether there is an intermediary out there who could bring the two groups together and sort this out over a beer (or a wine) or seven.


I'm certainly not pointing a finger at him. It's just that this all involves SFC and 'others' therefore it would make sense for SFC to try to host a reconciliation of some sort.


At the moment all concerned are looking petty. As well as damaging the club, I don't think it's doing a lot for the reputation LM or the ex-players involved either.


And they say posters on football forums are childish...

I'm certainly not pointing a finger at him. It's just that this all involves SFC and 'others' therefore it would make sense for SFC to try to host a reconciliation of some sort.


And I certainly wasn't suggesting you were, and in the same way I'm not solely pointing the finger at him either. But like you I think that maybe he and the Club are best placed to try and bring the various factions together and try and get some resolution on this.


At the moment all concerned are looking petty. As well as damaging the club, I don't think it's doing a lot for the reputation LM or the ex-players involved either.


And they say posters on football forums are childish...


Have to agree 100%.

It does take time before proceedings are issued. There is a civil claims protocol to follow with proceedings being the last resort. The court case manage it from then onwards.


I suspect Cortese was not paying the "rent" himself. He is employed by the club (they are a limited company). If so the employers are vicariously liable for the actions of the employee. They will have a right of recovery from him if they consider his gross negligence was outside the terms of his contract.


So Cortese might be right that he is not aware of any action against himself. The action will be against the club.


There may have been a symbiotic relationship at the time. So if Benali had issues with Cortese actions in him home and asked him to leave the club may have considered that symbiotic relationship was at and end. I heard rumour that Benali business has since failed but I may be wrong. Maybe that smybiotic arrangement was used to prop up the business?


However the relationship and business failure are just conjecture on my part


Ron, having heard the story from Benali's side you are well off the mark. Accept it is just from his perspective but I think you will find both sides are very aware of what is happening.


OK friends, the time for revolution is upon us, we must march on St Mary's and remove the evil tyrant. The evil dictator has only one purpose and that is to return our beloved team to the Premier league He is so single mindedlthat he removes whoever stands in his way from the kingdom be they former hero, the media, fans fraudulantly trying to obtain season tickets, or Premeirship clubs trying to turn our noble warriers to their own cause. We must occupy St Mary's in our hundreds of thousands until he is gone and we can install our true leader, the failed night club owner. Then we can bask in our former glorious (and at times not so glorious) past. All will be welcome. It doesn't matter what league we are in, if any the Southampton social club will be alive and well and we will always have '76 and the last goal at the Dell and we will be royally entertained for the rest of our days by Messrs Osmond and Davidson.

Now is not the time for doubts my fellow Saints fans now is the time for action.

Well I do have one small doubt, Nicola Cortese doesn't seem the type to me to go round trashing other people's property but hey rock & roll, what do I know.

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