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Has this website sold its soul for 30 pieces of silver?

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Posted (edited)

At the end of the day this forum is nothing more than a glorifed and evoltusionised version of the original saintsforver forum. Back it is's day this was brilliant, the origianal mod KL admitting that he liked the laddish nature of the forum, hell there was even a skate bashing section which detailed the matches and violence between us and them over the years. As time moved on all the mongs and newbies joined when we opened SMS, seating plans and PC talk marginalised the original posters then to cap, KL made it clear we weren;t welcome with our laddish talk, and tightened the ship, Baj and co became mods and the whole place got the mainstream bland feel that it has today. KL sold out, fair enough, few can blame him for accepting a trip to Sweden as Wilde guest but afterwards the way anything anti SFC or WIlde was stamped out was embarassing. Today i think we face the same secnario, for what ever reason those with a voice againstt the club appear to be marginalised on here and quickly banned if they dont toe the line. IMO independant football forums should be there for people to spout the good and the bad, on here it seems only the good is alllowed. If you dont think this forum has sold out freedom of speech to pander to the propganda machine that is the modern SFC, then take a look to the top left of this forum, the official club badge, how many other websites have been forced to take this down? Watch yourselves, because big brother is......

Edited by Turkish

No, basically.

As for those who criticise the regime being banned - absolute rubbish. Hypo, Docker-p, CB Fry* have all had plenty to say against the club, and they're all still here. If you're thinking of Stu then he was banned for breaking the rules of the forum, simple as that.



*there are plenty more, I just can't be bothered to think of them by now. Hypo came up with a nice little list on another forum yesterday.

Having considered your proposal, i'm out.


I am simply pointing out that the original Saintsforver forum back in 1998 or whatever it was, was much more "laddy" and contained this. IN fact most of us used to meet in ther fitz for a beer in th old days and i've made some good mates from it which despite most of you faceless clowns used to enjoy the discussion, we didn't all agre but it was always a pleasure to meet posters, these days i can only think of a handul i would feel the same about.

Again, people over doing the importance of this intra-forum politics business.


In all fairness a football forum means f*ck all - until you start charging people to use it.

No, basically.

As for those who criticise the regime being banned - absolute rubbish. Hypo, Docker-p, CB Fry* have all had plenty to say against the club, and they're all still here. If you're thinking of Stu then he was banned for breaking the rules of the forum, simple as that.



*there are plenty more, I just can't be bothered to think of them by now. Hypo came up with a nice little list on another forum yesterday.


IMO NC has done some great things for this club and also some of the things he has done have been very petty. HOwever as a business man myself i appreciate people in that position are not there to be liked but to do what they feel is best for the company. However no one can deny that this forum has "links" to the club and therefore freedom of speech is frowned upon, unless it is pro SFC.

I am simply pointing out that the original Saintsforver forum back in 1998 or whatever it was, was much more "laddy" and contained this. IN fact most of us used to meet in ther fitz for a beer in th old days and i've made some good mates from it which despite most of you faceless clowns used to enjoy the discussion, we didn't all agre but it was always a pleasure to meet posters, these days i can only think of a handul i would feel the same about.


This sentiment I can agree with. I know very few of the people here mainly due to my exile-ness. There are very few posters I would hesitate in meeting regardless of opinion. Opinion is a joy to share in most cases and those that remain on this forum I would be happy to converse with. Those that have gone.... Not so sure about that.

In all fairness a football forum means f*ck all - until you start charging people to use it.


Well, I just wish people would pipe down with all this 'IT'S A CONSPIRACY BETWEEN THE CLUB AND FORUM FOR ULTIMATE CONTROL OF THE WORLD' crap.

This sentiment I can agree with. I know very few of the people here mainly due to my exile-ness. There are very few posters I would hesitate in meeting regardless of opinion. Opinion is a joy to share in most cases and those that remain on this forum I would be happy to converse with. Those that have gone.... Not so sure about that.


One guy sticks out amoungst others was a poster called "scarfer" it was a lads forum in those day but this guy was a class act and met us down the Fitz, we didn't always agree on SF but a better bloke to have a beer and a laugh with i've not met, if you are reading this scarfer you know know who you are, be lucky :-)

IMO NC has done some great things for this club and also some of the things he has done have been very petty. HOwever as a business man myself i appreciate people in that position are not there to be liked but to do what they feel is best for the company. However no one can deny that this forum has "links" to the club and therefore freedom of speech is frowned upon, unless it is pro SFC.


Again, rubbish. If this were true then the mods would have been given instructions to clamp down on people slagging off the club, and we've been given nothing of the sort.

Besides you will find plenty of threads, if you head back through the main board, criticising the club and being left open.


I know Stu believes that SFC is running this forum, or we have a club PR man overseeing everything or some bullsh*t, but it's simply not true. The agreement for use of pictures and the club crest outside of copyright was from before Liebherr took over anyway.


get your fiver out then....


I've already paid. What point are you trying to make?


Well, I just wish people would pipe down with all this 'IT'S A CONSPIRACY BETWEEN THE CLUB AND FORUM FOR ULTIMATE CONTROL OF THE WORLD' crap.

Ah right, fair enough.

Again, rubbish. If this were true then the mods would have been given instructions to clamp down on people slagging off the club, and we've been given nothing of the sort.

Besides you will find plenty of threads, if you head back through the main board, criticising the club and being left open.


I know Stu believes that SFC is running this forum, or we have a club PR man overseeing everything or some bullsh*t, but it's simply not true. The agreement for use of pictures and the club crest outside of copyright was from before Liebherr took over anyway.




I've already paid. What point are you trying to make?



Ah right, fair enough.


you are denying any link between SFC and this forum whatsoever? Eeven though Steve Grant has admitted there is on another thread...

you are denying any link between SFC and this forum whatsoever? Eeven though Steve Grant has admitted there is on another thread...


I never said that. I said that the club has no say at all in the running of this forum.

The link Steve described and what Stu is suggesting on TUI are two completely different things.

Posted (edited)
I never said that. I said that the club has no say at all in the running of this forum.


So there is a link then. So this is the reason why TSW owners were sh*tting itself at the thought of it's name being linked to a charity game amoungst fans in honour of arguably our greatest ever legend?

Edited by Turkish
So there is a link then. So this is the reason why TSW owners were sh*tting itself at the thought of it's name being linked to a charity game amoungst fans in honour of arguably our greatest ever legend?


No-one was "sh*tting themselves". Steve just didn't want this place involved in what would be seen as a petty dig at the club.

You're adding 2 and 2 and getting the moon landing conspiracy.

No-one was "sh*tting themselves". Steve just didn't want this place involved in what would be seen as a petty dig at the club.

You're adding 2 and 2 and getting the moon landing conspiracy.


or the other view is that Steve didn't want this forum invlolved in a way of honouring our now dead legends in a way which the club appeared to be ignoring? I refer you to the response that TSW would wait to see what the club had officially planned for the memorial of TB's. So simple question is this forum still independant or is it now linked to SFC?

In all fairness a football forum means f*ck all - until you start charging people to use it.


In truth, this forum means f*ck all full stop. People like Dune and Turkish take it and people's opinions on here far too seriously. There's more to life than saints fans, get a ****ing life.

In truth, this forum means f*ck all full stop. People like Dune and Turkish take it and people's opinions on here far too seriously. There's more to life than saints fans, get a ****ing life.


Not when this website is the official mouthpiece of SFC. Which it appears to be, only the owners have not told us this....

Not when this website is the official mouthpiece of SFC. Which it appears to be, only the owners have not told us this....


Yes, an agreement allowing the use of photos and logos mean they own them and influence all outgoing official content.


It's a subtle form of indoctrination people. Fear for your children.

Yes, an agreement allowing the use of photos and logos mean they own them and influence all outgoing official content.


It's a subtle form of indoctrination people. Fear for your children.


not being funny colin but it was only a few monthe ago all non official photographers were banned......

At the end of the day this forum is nothing more than a glorifed and evoltusionised version of the original saintsforver forum. Back it is's day this was brilliant, the origianal mod KL admitting that he liked the laddish nature of the forum, hell there was even a skate bashing section which detailed the matches and violence between us and them over the years. As time moved on all the mongs and newbies joined when we opened SMS, seating plans and PC talk marginalised the original posters then to cap, KL made it clear we weren;t welcome with our laddish talk, and tightened the ship, Baj and co became mods and the whole place got the mainstream bland feel that it has today. KL sold out, fair enough, few can blame him for accepting a trip to Sweden as Wilde guest but afterwards the way anything anti SFC or WIlde was stamped out was embarassing. Today i think we face the same secnario, for what ever reason those with a voice againstt the club appear to be marginalised on here and quickly banned if they dont toe the line. IMO independant football forums should be there for people to spout the good and the bad, on here it seems only the good is alllowed. If you dont think this forum has sold out freedom of speech to pander to the propganda machine that is the modern SFC, then take a look to the top left of this forum, the official club badge, how many other websites have been forced to take this down? Watch yourselves, because big brother is......


For someone with so many criticisms, you are on here an awful lot, don't you think?

not being funny colin but it was only a few monthe ago all non official photographers were banned......


As no non-official photographers have been used, what's to fear? ;) I havn't felt any censors yet.


Turkish I do think you're getting a bit carried away mate, as much as it would be nice to have an event to honour Ted bates I think relying on an internet forum is the wrong thing to do. This website carries saints news and a message board, its not designed to be a collective fans organisation which organises and takes part in events, if it was your website you could do what you like, but you can't blame the owners of this for not wanting the hassle. Why don't you arrange a team containing people on here and put your name at the top as organiser cause I know I wouldn't want to do it.


I was there at the beginning of saints forever and that place quickly became mega popular.. It was simply a superb site..


It changed however when the MODS on there did not like the word "banter" and started clamping down on that forum.. Then the place sold it's soul to the club..


Although I like this place, you have to admit, its more bland than John major... No offence, when people like saint Clarke are MODs that is what you are going to get..


I believe that there are members who are employed by the club and if it was my forum I would actively discourage this.....any connection,however small is a slippery slope.


What doesn't sit right with me is that the club has put restrictions on the echo and nick illingsworth yet nothing has yet been fired at this forum when some of the stuff written on here is sometimes a bit close to the knuckle.

Is it because this forum is too insignificant to worry about?


For the record this forum is no way as good as it was years ago but that could be said for nearly everything on the www,the screws have been tightened on everything and the Internet is no longer the lawless place it once was,but I still come on here because there are still some good subjects discussed although I'm not as enthusiastic about it as I was and probably won't be renewing my subscription as I just don't use it enough anymore.

In truth, this forum means f*ck all full stop. People like Dune and Turkish take it and people's opinions on here far too seriously. There's more to life than saints fans, get a ****ing life.


Or they're two people with the balls to stand up and say something when they think the club does something wrong...

Or they're two people with the balls to stand up and say something when they think the club does something wrong...

I can see it as people are just plain tired of going on and on and on about what a chairman does or does not do....

for once, I can see an appetite to just support the first team and see what happens

I can see it as people are just plain tired of going on and on and on about what a chairman does or does not do....

for once, I can see an appetite to just support the first team and see what happens


True, the pitch is the most important place in any football club, but that doesn't mean people should stop asking questions of their club. That was how we got into a mess last time around...

True, the pitch is the most important place in any football club, but that doesn't mean people should stop asking questions of their club. That was how we got into a mess last time around...

and thats how we divide ourselves as fans...and to be fair, i can really see why so many would be so tired of it.....

At the end of the day this forum is nothing more than a glorifed and evoltusionised version of the original saintsforver forum. Back it is's day this was brilliant, the origianal mod KL admitting that he liked the laddish nature of the forum, hell there was even a skate bashing section which detailed the matches and violence between us and them over the years. As time moved on all the mongs and newbies joined when we opened SMS, seating plans and PC talk marginalised the original posters then to cap, KL made it clear we weren;t welcome with our laddish talk, and tightened the ship, Baj and co became mods and the whole place got the mainstream bland feel that it has today. KL sold out, fair enough, few can blame him for accepting a trip to Sweden as Wilde guest but afterwards the way anything anti SFC or WIlde was stamped out was embarassing. Today i think we face the same secnario, for what ever reason those with a voice againstt the club appear to be marginalised on here and quickly banned if they dont toe the line. IMO independant football forums should be there for people to spout the good and the bad, on here it seems only the good is alllowed. If you dont think this forum has sold out freedom of speech to pander to the propganda machine that is the modern SFC, then take a look to the top left of this forum, the official club badge, how many other websites have been forced to take this down? Watch yourselves, because big brother is......


There is a simple answer - start your own forum.

I can see it as people are just plain tired of going on and on and on about what a chairman does or does not do....

for once, I can see an appetite to just support the first team and see what happens


A good point which prompts the question What did we do in the old days, pre interweb? You only knew what was happening when the local rag (it was a newspaper in them there days!) printed it or, rarely, a whisper in the pub on an evening. So we didn't worry, at least not like we do now. Quite a few clubs then had chairmen/owners who were, allegedly, right villains. Ruling with a rod of iron, Doug Ellis at Villa springs to mind, but nobody knew whether he had cornflakes for breakfast or if he'd farted in the bath that morning.


Oh to be back in that era?

I was there at the beginning of saints forever and that place quickly became mega popular.. It was simply a superb site..


It changed however when the MODS on there did not like the word "banter" and started clamping down on that forum.. Then the place sold it's soul to the club..


Although I like this place, you have to admit, its more bland than John major... No offence, when people like saint Clarke are MODs that is what you are going to get..


I remember that, and then we went through that God foresaken "b-anter" phase. Circa 2003/2004 if my memory serves me correctly.


I think the forums been much better recently since things are taken less seriously. The day of banter are gone though - it was underestimated how important that part of the forum was IMO.

Today i think we face the same secnario, for what ever reason those with a voice againstt the club appear to be marginalised on here and quickly banned if they dont toe the line.

Can only assume you are reading a different forum to me. My view of this forum is that it is dominated by a few who are so anti the current regime and make it look as though the entire fan base are up in arms at the way the club is run. It has become a very depressing place because of these few people, and I spend less and less time reading it as a result. People in the anti camp think that if you support anything the Club has done you are a Cortese luvvy. What a load of absolute crap. The truth is that 99% of supporters couldn't give a rats arse about the Chairman or the club management. They are interested in the success on the pitch of the team. Most supporters that I talk to don't have a clue about any politics, don't know who NI is, and frankly don't care. But if you come on this forum you get this anti stuff rammed down your throats by the small bunch of so-called supporters who have nothing positive to say about the club ever and are never satisfied. Don't get me wrong I was as anti Lowe as anyone, the guy was a complete and utter ****, though even then I have to admit that on the odd occassion he did some good things. But in those days most of the pro-anti Lowe stuff was banter and good humoured. Not now, some of the stuff against the current Chairman is in the gutter. The ones who complain about the "pro" Cortese folks are the ones who cannot cope with the fact that 99% of the football club supporters are relatively happy with the way things are going and cannot cope with seeing themselves being the ones who are often made to look silly by making false accusations and being proved wrong time and time again.


Sadly one of the reasons things have gone wrong on this forum is because in the modern game of football clubbs do not let information out about what is happening due to the perceived need for commercial/sporting advantage and thus there is little to discuss on these boards - SFC is no different in this respect. The world has moved on, the good ole days of message boards has passed, they will live on but as the minority of negative moaners continue to hold sway their popularity will wane and their usefulness for finding out information about the Club will be minimal.

I was there at the beginning of saints forever and that place quickly became mega popular.. It was simply a superb site..


It changed however when the MODS on there did not like the word "banter" and started clamping down on that forum.. Then the place sold it's soul to the club..


Although I like this place, you have to admit, its more bland than John major... No offence, when people like saint Clarke are MODs that is what you are going to get..


This place was bland long before I was made a mod - and there are many posts/threads that i've left running that would have been shut by the previous ones. Deppo could have probably been banned 5 times over from what i've seen, but his posts can actually be quite funny. It's the people who report the "trolling" posts that make this place bland. They need to learn the difference between banter and just trying to be annoying.

i mean...why call something "the muppet show"..


ffs, this is a football forum not "kiddies corner" lol


That was actually suggested by users, if you remember back to when we left TSF and this place started up.

That was actually suggested by users, if you remember back to when we left TSF and this place started up.


but dont you agree...its just plain daft and adds nothing to a football forum..

like when users suggest merging a couple of forums..it just gets ignored


is there any need for a Lounge AND Muppet Show..?


why not just have OFF TOPIC...or Banter forum..?


how many serious topics on there avoid silly postings..?....none I would suspect

but dont you agree...its just plain daft and adds nothing to a football forum..

like when users suggest merging a couple of forums..it just gets ignored


I actually did agree with that idea (although I think having sub-forums in the lounge would work better), but only Steve and Baj can mess about with that kinda stuff. Until they see that thread there's nothing to be done really.

A good point which prompts the question What did we do in the old days, pre interweb? You only knew what was happening when the local rag (it was a newspaper in them there days!) printed it or, rarely, a whisper in the pub on an evening. So we didn't worry, at least not like we do now. Quite a few clubs then had chairmen/owners who were, allegedly, right villains. Ruling with a rod of iron, Doug Ellis at Villa springs to mind, but nobody knew whether he had cornflakes for breakfast or if he'd farted in the bath that morning.


Oh to be back in that era?

Sums it up for me.


We just got on with supporting the club, I suppose big difference in those days was the Club was stable from top to bottom until Branfoot.

Yes Managers got stick but that was based purely on results on the pitch.


Lets face it few of the younger generation could have copied with the toilets and old tea bar at the Milton


Life has changed and Forums like this change but no one should believe that forums always reflect the wider fan base

At the end of the day this forum is nothing more than a glorifed and evoltusionised version of the original saintsforver forum. Back it is's day this was brilliant, the origianal mod KL admitting that he liked the laddish nature of the forum, hell there was even a skate bashing section which detailed the matches and violence between us and them over the years. As time moved on all the mongs and newbies joined when we opened SMS, seating plans and PC talk marginalised the original posters then to cap, KL made it clear we weren;t welcome with our laddish talk, and tightened the ship, Baj and co became mods and the whole place got the mainstream bland feel that it has today. KL sold out, fair enough, few can blame him for accepting a trip to Sweden as Wilde guest but afterwards the way anything anti SFC or WIlde was stamped out was embarassing. Today i think we face the same secnario, for what ever reason those with a voice againstt the club appear to be marginalised on here and quickly banned if they dont toe the line. IMO independant football forums should be there for people to spout the good and the bad, on here it seems only the good is alllowed. If you dont think this forum has sold out freedom of speech to pander to the propganda machine that is the modern SFC, then take a look to the top left of this forum, the official club badge, how many other websites have been forced to take this down? Watch yourselves, because big brother is......


I am not sure what you are on about and I put it down to being posted at 0138 hours after I hope a Friday night out but if you feel so strongly about his why don't you just go forth and disappear from the forum? :lol:

I am simply pointing out that the original Saintsforver forum back in 1998 or whatever it was, was much more "laddy" and contained this. IN fact most of us used to meet in ther fitz for a beer in th old days and i've made some good mates from it which despite most of you faceless clowns used to enjoy the discussion, we didn't all agre but it was always a pleasure to meet posters, these days i can only think of a handul i would feel the same about.


Bit of a drama queen post that resorts to insults by post three.


In my opinion.... and I only discovered forums when we were having all our admin problems and joined everything I could to glean information......there are plenty of forums that cater for what you purport to be missing so it's not like your needs aren't catered for.


Gradually I got sick of the others...ignorant skate posts seemed to be dominating one of them & the other was sporadic and a bit wet - again in my opinion - I occasionally still dip in to 606.


This one I drop by several days a week - it can have me laughing out loud, genuinely...at some of the wit & humour..yours too on occasion, sighing with frustration but mostly it's the nearest thing I get to working with Saints fans as my work is based 200 odd miles away - for this I don't need it to carry the official badge, I'm not looking for agendas real or imagined - I just want to dip in & out of the 'conversations' I choose to. That's what constitutes a forum in my eyes.


I don't really care about other forums..I've tried & rejected some others - I may go back and look and either stay or leave again. I'm not looking for one to suit my agenda - I don't have one but I'm sure thereare enough choices not to ask this one to change or accuse it of anything it doesn't set out to be.


I'm a Saints fan..have been for 52 years & a long time before such forums as these existed so I've learnt that being a Saints fan is what actually matters - it became a possibility that I might not be able to be a couple of years ago (nearly) so forums are just take it or leave it peripherals.


Can I suggest that maybe you should treat them as such as well?

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