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Posted (edited)

I work with a lesbian couple (one looks like a man, the other like barbara windsor) and I get on fine with them. We pull the feminie ones leg and she don#t mind talking filfthy, but the butch one is more interested in whether pot holes have been filled in or earwigging so she can pass stuff onto her son who is senior management.


Anyway like I say nice enough couple and unlike gay men they don't flaunt themselves and mince - that said Gay Phil looks and acts normal and that's even more disconcerting especially as at first he used to chat to me in the smoking shelter before i found out. I knw this sounds really bad, and it is, i simply couldn't carry on talking to him after that incase he started to become a work friend and the ****, or anyone else would get for that would be unbearable. e.g Trevor (he's a macken and very anti gay, racist ect) he once shared a lift home with Gay phil - he hasn't heard the end of it, but after saying that my work mate got called in for a disciplinary because one day Phil (he's the gay one) had an epileptic fit in the works canteen. I was there as were a few others and i'll admit it was a scary sight, but the worst bit was - and i'm not proud of this nobody rushed over to take charge. First aiders arrived soon after, but when i spke to my mate adie about it he was like me and thought wooooah - i can't do this. Anyway my best work mate was manning the switchboard and got the message that Phil was coming back but was completely right. The **** shouts over the radio to relevent person Phil is coming back but he still feels a bit queer.


Now all of that has nothing to do with the thread but i got rambling like you do and that's what happened. Going back to the Lesbians, or to callthem by their real names Lesbian Mo and Lesbian %%%%%%%% (ffs i'm having a blank moment an can't remember her name). Any both these women were married before they got together and they both had kids - eh? What am i missing ---- did they suddenly wake up one morning and fancy muching on a carpet burget?


Going off on a tangent, Not Lesbian Mo, the one I can't remember has a son called Carl. I hate him with a passion because he's lazy and has an attitude problem and because his mum is shacked up with a senior managers mum he has has every opportunity going and done every job and every job he's ever done he's been **** at it and bottled it. He is a knob, anyway now it's time to laugh at said nob, he's just had a tatoo done in a Red heart the words Mum and Mo. Ah bless - what a ****! That said his brother is cool - chalk and cheese.

Edited by dune
This post has made my day. It's like reading a rushed transcript of a conversation between Catherine Tate and her hairdresser.




Is that good or bad?



Is that good or bad?


Considering the general bad feeling in Teh Lounge these days, i'd say very good. But i'm sure it won't be long before someone feels upset or decides that they need to be offended before afternoon tea break and so will complain about.

Considering the general bad feeling in Teh Lounge these days, i'd say very good. But i'm sure it won't be long before someone feels upset or decides that they need to be offended before afternoon tea break and so will complain about.


Yeh that seems the norm now, but credit to the mods (apart from Boj locking my masterpiece) they are good now. I used to like Ponty because what you saw is what you got, and a few of the others were OK, but one of them (I won't name him but i'm with jillsaint) really was something else. Saint chalet seems decent, St clark and me may get on better now we've had a bit of banter, and i don't think there are any others. You get people moaning all the time, but i just think it's sad - it's only th internet.

Dune were you just rambling or was their a question/point to the story?


The point is. Let me start again the question is how can two women get married to men and have several kids each and then become Lesbians? Or it is bisexual? How does that work btw, it can't work can it?


Easy, I 'll take your first question:

Step 1 - Get married to blokes

Step 2 - Have kids

Step 3 - Leave blokes and shack up with another woman


Can it work? Possibly.

I can't talk to a gay because then I will catch the disease.


I was once told by an elderly chap in my local in Coventry that if you so much as stood in the same room as a homosexual you could 'catch' their sexual orientation.


I think he was trying to come on to me.

I was once told by an elderly chap in my local in Coventry that if you so much as stood in the same room as a homosexual you could 'catch' their sexual orientation.


I think he was trying to come on to me.


Ahem, sorry about that.

I did laugh quite a lot reading this. Dune, are you on LSD again????


On a serious note, this post is quite homophobic.


Give over, it is banter and when Sue comes on I think she'll see the funny side. I was out of order with a comment I made yesterday and she didn't make a big deal out of it so she seems far more chilled than those on here with dreams of becoming milk monitors and lickinh the cream off Bajs gold top.

Give over, it is banter and when Sue comes on I think she'll see the funny side. I was out of order with a comment I made yesterday and she didn't make a big deal out of it so she seems far more chilled than those on here with dreams of becoming milk monitors and lickinh the cream off Bajs gold top.


I was more talking about the not wanting to speak to gay people once you found out they were gay comments.


But whatever really... people are free to say what they want and I am free to object. Either way, are you high at the moment?

Posted (edited)
Go on...


One of my uncles was on the wrong end of a divorce when his wife of 15 years ran off with a female colleague. Naturally it left him utterly devastated, but not quite as confused as my cousin Lee. (Sadly i've not heard from him for years, I hope he's doing well for himself.)


As I understand it my 'dear' aunty was adamant, absolutely adamant that she was simply following her heart. Claiming that she had found her soulmate and that gender was almost irrelevant.


It begs the question of whether love can cross all boundaries, even those of gender in people who up until that point in time had identified themselves as hetrosexual.


Either that or it could just be a whole 'trying to conform despite your own nature and not being able to repress it anymore' type deal.

Edited by Colinjb
It begs the question of whether love can cross all boundaries, even those of gender in people who up until that point in time had identified themselves as hetrosexual.


It just can't (but it does) but how can a woman go from enjoying sex with a man to being attracted to a woman?


You hear this word bisexual, but how can such a thing exist? You can't be sexually aroused by both sexes - it can't be possible. But maybe it is - i just don't get it.

You hear this word bisexual, but how can such a thing exist? You can't be sexually aroused by both sexes - it can't be possible. But maybe it is - i just don't get it.


I believe it is possible.


Hope it is anyway, my dream of a Kelly Brook, Sophie Dahl and me threesome will never be quite right if it's not.

I believe it is possible.


Hope it is anyway, my dream of a Kelly Brook, Sophie Dahl and me threesome will never be quite right if it's not.


But that not what i'm on about. I'm on about fancying women and men. I don't mean to sound flippant but it just doesn't register in my reasoning as being possible. it'd be like me also fancing a goat.

I can't think of anything pointless to contribute to this thread.


You just did, but yeh it was pointless. Deppo would e proud of you. Where is he? He's always on here normally.

I miss the good old days when this **** would have been banned six months ago.


Don't be like that. You used to be capable of a laugh and when you went off on one it was comedy gold. It made me laugh anyway, but i do have a warped sense of humour.


I remember when I first started using this forum and all of dunes threads were like the ones he's started today (where he's clearly smashed off his nut) then he went all normal for quite some time. Welcome back druggie dune.

But that not what i'm on about. I'm on about fancying women and men. I don't mean to sound flippant but it just doesn't register in my reasoning as being possible. it'd be like me also fancing a goat.


Goat........... human............. goat.............. human.


It may just be a sign of how diverse humanity can be when bisexuality can be seen as possible by some and not by (oh the temptation to spell it 'bi'...) others.


I had some bisexual friends at uni, they (both lads and ladies) engaged in relationships with people of both gender. some lasted, some didn't. It just seems that in this particular orientation gender is not a factor. Although, yes, species is still rather important.

I remember when I first started using this forum and all of dunes threads were like the ones he's started today (where he's clearly smashed off his nut) then he went all normal for quite some time. Welcome back druggie dune.


Ironic considering he hates 'wasters'.

I work with a lesbian couple (one looks like a man, the other like barbara windsor) and I get on fine with them. We pull the feminie ones leg and she don#t mind talking filfthy, but the butch one is more interested in whether pot holes have been filled in or earwigging so she can pass stuff onto her son who is senior management.


Anyway like I say nice enough couple and unlike gay men they don't flaunt themselves and mince - that said Gay Phil looks and acts normal and that's even more disconcerting especially as at first he used to chat to me in the smoking shelter before i found out. I knw this sounds really bad, and it is, i simply couldn't carry on talking to him after that incase he started to become a work friend and the ****, or anyone else would get for that would be unbearable. e.g Trevor (he's a macken and very anti gay, racist ect) he once shared a lift home with Gay phil - he hasn't heard the end of it, but after saying that my work mate got called in for a disciplinary because one day Phil (he's the gay one) had an epileptic fit in the works canteen. I was there as were a few others and i'll admit it was a scary sight, but the worst bit was - and i'm not proud of this nobody rushed over to take charge. First aiders arrived soon after, but when i spke to my mate adie about it he was like me and thought wooooah - i can't do this. Anyway my best work mate was manning the switchboard and got the message that Phil was coming back but was completely right. The **** shouts over the radio to relevent person Phil is coming back but he still feels a bit queer.


Now all of that has nothing to do with the thread but i got rambling like you do and that's what happened. Going back to the Lesbians, or to callthem by their real names Lesbian Mo and Lesbian %%%%%%%% (ffs i'm having a blank moment an can't remember her name). Any both these women were married before they got together and they both had kids - eh? What am i missing ---- did they suddenly wake up one morning and fancy muching on a carpet burget?


Going off on a tangent, Not Lesbian Mo, the one I can't remember has a son called Carl. I hate him with a passion because he's lazy and has an attitude problem and because his mum is shacked up with a senior managers mum he has has every opportunity going and done every job and every job he's ever done he's been **** at it and bottled it. He is a knob, anyway now it's time to laugh at said nob, he's just had a tatoo done in a Red heart the words Mum and Mo. Ah bless - what a ****! That said his brother is cool - chalk and cheese.


I genuinely lol'd.


And as a reward dune, have a look at RRL - but be quick.


It's a good'un - buy & hold.

I genuinely lol'd.


And as a reward dune, have a look at RRL - but be quick.


It's a good'un - buy & hold.


**** it, i won't look i'll trust you and buy. brb.

**** it, i won't look i'll trust you and buy. brb.




Only bought 570 cos only had £100 to play with. Cheers for the tip.

But that not what i'm on about. I'm on about fancying women and men. I don't mean to sound flippant but it just doesn't register in my reasoning as being possible. it'd be like me also fancing a goat.


Sexuality isnt a case of one or the other, there are two extremes; those who couldnt face having sex with someone of the same sex if they were the two last people on earth, those who couldnt face having sex with someone of the opposite sex if they were the two last people on earth, and everyone else falls somewhere in between those extremes. If you fall roughly in the middle you would be bisexual. If you greatly prefer the opposite sex you are mainly heterosexual, but a surprising number of men that labelled themselves as exclusively heterosexual suddenly realise that they actually arent when they are put in a situation such as prison or an all-male school where there is no opportunity to have sex with women.

dune does not work..


he is on benefits...


I'm currently recovering from a major operation. After reading all your posts I decided I wanted to be like you and that meant getting a personality transplant. I only had the operation today and already i can feel the dullness wearing off and within a week I may be more interesting than you. That is my dream. It's everyone of TSF's dream. They all say i wanna be like Jamie and very few ever will, but I will. can i call you brother?


For some strange reason when I read the opening post I imagined it being something Shaun in Coronation Street would prattle on about. Did make me laugh.


I can't understand why a man would let his wife get a divorce and shack up with another bird. Much better to accept the fact that you are in the spare room and get the Mrs and her fellow rug muncher to shack up together under your roof. You might be lucky a get a show or a threesome.

dune does not work..


he is on benefits...


His favourite newspaper would put it this way:


Dune is trapped in a bubble of SaintsWeb dependency by our over-generous mods and their refusal to consider reforming their banning system. A typical product of Broken Britain, he is happy to sit at home all day enjoying his mod-subsidised access to the forum, rather than go out and engage in genuine social interaction.


He is no better than Socialist welfare scroungers, the thousands of feckless Somalians living in £100m Kensington mansions or overpaid public-sector mandarins with their gold-plated final-salary pension.

In this age of internet-traffic austerity, the SaintsWeb state cannot and should not support the criminal lifestyle choices of Dune and rest of the internet underclass any more. It is up to him and his ilk to turn off his computer and join the Big Society.

I can't understand why a man would let his wife get a divorce and shack up with another bird. Much better to accept the fact that you are in the spare room and get the Mrs and her fellow rug muncher to shack up together under your roof. You might be lucky a get a show or a threesome.


Did someone let the 1950s back in?

His favourite newspaper would put it this way:


Dune is trapped in a bubble of SaintsWeb dependency by our over-generous mods and their refusal to consider reforming their banning system. A typical product of Broken Britain, he is happy to sit at home all day enjoying his mod-subsidised access to the forum, rather than go out and engage in genuine social interaction.


He is no better than Socialist welfare scroungers, the thousands of feckless Somalians living in £100m Kensington mansions or overpaid public-sector mandarins with their gold-plated final-salary pension.

In this age of internet-traffic austerity, the SaintsWeb state cannot and should not support the criminal lifestyle choices of Dune and rest of the internet underclass any more. It is up to him and his ilk to turn off his computer and join the Big Society.


i'm not aure if you really don't like me or you're joking. Badgerx16 (or something like that) is a proper lefty even down to owning whippets but he's usually pretty cool and up for a laugh. I think you're joking. Put me out of my missery chairman Mao.

Just a joke, big man.


Parody of the Mail/Express style and themes, you know? Seeing as you like those newspapers and that.


Thanks. Appreciate that. Sometimes I feel the whole forum is against me. Not that that really bothers me, but when Delldays goes on the attack it's different matter. I so wanna be like him and he hates me. Try dealing with that.

In a world of over 6 billion people, wouldn't it be more strange if that had never happened?


Dunno, i'm bored with this topic now. What shall we talk about instead?

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