paris Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 I would think if the current board were to be replaced a very large chunck of people would be more than happy.. Roy Keane has been bankrolled and unless there is someone with some serious money to throw about then SHEARER OR ANYBODY ELSE will not have a pot to **** in. A takeover just to replace the current board helps no one.
Window Cleaner Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 For every Roy Keane there are 20 disasters, Wigley , gray etc And then again it's not just Roy Keane is it. It's Niall Quinn AND Roy Keane. When you have a CEO who knows as much about football as Quinn,well then you avoid a lot of the pitfalls that are waiting at every turn in the track.
JohnnyFartPants Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 And then again it's not just Roy Keane is it. It's Niall Quinn AND Roy Keane. When you have a CEO who knows as much about football as Quinn,well then you avoid a lot of the pitfalls that are waiting at every turn in the track. I like Quinn and yes, he knows a lot about football. Let's also hope he knows a lot about business too and that he doesn't do a Francis Lee. Although Lee was a business man after he quit playing, he never really managed to make football as a business work for him.
Chin Strain Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 I know someone yesterday reported that 35,000 shares were purchased (yesterday). But I've just seen this: which shows that a further 36,800 were also purchased yesterday. Put together, that's fairly sizeable dealings. (Trousers - how come you haven't spotted this?) 36,800 shares = c. £10k. or 0.14% of the market capital. Somewhat short of the amount required to buy a controlling stake (or any kind of stake) in a CCC football club
Chin Strain Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 Roy Keane has been bankrolled and unless there is someone with some serious money to throw about then SHEARER OR ANYBODY ELSE will not have a pot to **** in. A takeover just to replace the current board helps no one. Good shout. Just because the guy speaks well on tv, has spent and absolute shed load of cash and has a glittering playing career behind him doesn't mean the jury's not out on his managerial career. Weirdly, the above could have been written about Bryan Robson.....(well, with the exception of speaking well on tv). He was a good manager too...:---):---)
bridge too far Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 36,800 shares = c. £10k. or 0.14% of the market capital. Somewhat short of the amount required to buy a controlling stake (or any kind of stake) in a CCC football club Oh absolutely I agree, in isolation. However, there have been a number of sales of this size in recent weeks. I know nothing - just a market watcher
INFLUENCED.COM Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 This quote from Nick is concerning: "those that say its our club and not lowes wont know what hit them, " My interpretation is of a Lowe consortium taking over
Gemmel Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 LSE Special Conditions = None So unless there is a loop hole around this, until we move into a bid situation. Tommorow is a not going to happen
Andy_Porter Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 What a load of absolute ********, I wish the takeover rumours would just dissapear. There is no mega wealthy knight in shining armour that's going to come along buy Southampton and lead us to the Premierleague. Not a chance.
Snowballs2 Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 My interpretation is of a Lowe consortium taking over if that happens he can say goodbye to a few thousand season ticket renewalls next year !
Polaroid Saint Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 I have written to Gordon Brown and explained that our club has been badly mis-managed by a self-serving board working under, variously, lax, non-existant or shadowy regulation over the last few years. Our share price has plummeted and we are looking at many years in the doldrums unless we can find a massive cash injection. I expect a couple of weeks of dithering before a rescue plan worth several billion pounds of tax payers money is put together to save Saints, Ipswich Town and Brentford. I expect Alistair Darling (or - as it says on his brass plaque) to thunder out: "These teams can not be allowed to go under, the government will do all it can to prevent a football recession at these historic clubs".
Fowllyd Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 LSE Special Conditions = None So unless there is a loop hole around this, until we move into a bid situation. Tommorow is a not going to happen LSE special conditions aren't really a guide here. If an individual or consortium had agreed behind the scenes to buy all shares belonging to Wilde plus Lowe and chums, that would give them about 42% of total shares and put them in effective control of the club. This could be done with no prior notification of the LSE. Once the shares were bought it would be a different matter, of course. I'm not writing this because I believe anything's going to happen tomorrow, by the way - I don't.
bridge too far Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 Interesting piece on BBC News Channel just now about football finances.
Gemmel Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 LSE special conditions aren't really a guide here. If an individual or consortium had agreed behind the scenes to buy all shares belonging to Wilde plus Lowe and chums, that would give them about 42% of total shares and put them in effective control of the club. This could be done with no prior notification of the LSE. Once the shares were bought it would be a different matter, of course. I'm not writing this because I believe anything's going to happen tomorrow, by the way - I don't. Thanks Fowllyd = A factual response on a takeover thread, i don't know what this forum is coming to
Saints67 Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 Gentlemen, Ladies and Trousers. I wish to point out one enormous flaw in this speculative thread, and can do so with great gravitas as I am for once completely and utterly ITK. WRONG. You see it is made up assumptions like this that start the whole TSW melting down yet again over nothing. Wednesday is NOT the new Friday in the Arab World. Thursday is and has always been Friday. For a long while however it is fair to state that in fact Thursday afternoon was Saturday, with Thursday morning taking on the role of Friday. Approximately 8 years ago, Thursday then became the new Wednesday, with Friday becoming the new Saturday. This was implemented for all schools and government offices. However due to the demands of multi-national corporations, at the same time, despite the best efforts of the legislators, a three tier new Friday developed. For local companies Thursday afternoon remained the new Saturday. For the Government & Schools, Wednesday was the new Friday, Thursday was the new Saturday and Friday became Sunday. For the MNC's Thursday remained the new Friday, Friday remained Saturday and Saturday became Sunday. Obviously this situation could not continue so legislation was passed 2 years ago that standardised Thursday as Friday, Friday as Saturday and Saturday as Sunday. Unfortunately for many still employed in local companies they remain with Thursday being both Friday and Saturday. I hope this now clarifies matters and brings an end to the debate. I also believe it does FINALLY lay the ghost to bed as to why nothing is ever quite as it seems. Oh, just to make things crystal clear, for MNC's Sunday is of course the new Monday. (so yes we work from Sunday to Thursday inclusive which is why you should NEVER believe a takeover story involving Arab money being announced on a Friday) HTH Hmmm this post is obviously a smokescreen to hide what is really going on! I worked for two years (well ok I technically didn't work the whole time) in Saudi and we always finished work for the weekend on a WEDNESDAY!!!! Dubai Phil is clearly trying to muddy the takeover waters with what can only be described as LIES!!!!
Fowllyd Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 Thanks Fowllyd = A factual response on a takeover thread, i don't know what this forum is coming to I know - I really should apologise to all forum members...
trousers Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 Interesting piece on BBC News Channel just now about football finances. Funny(ish) that you should say that....earlier in the day I caught the end of an interview the BBC News were doing with what looked like a West Ham fans rep of some sort....he was responding to questions about West Ham potentially going bust and quoted Leeds and Southampton as teams that had fallen on hard times. First time I've heard 'non-Saints supporting average Joe in the street' mention Saints' financial position before in that context. Fame at last.
dubai_phil Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 Hmmm this post is obviously a smokescreen to hide what is really going on! I worked for two years (well ok I technically didn't work the whole time) in Saudi and we always finished work for the weekend on a WEDNESDAY!!!! Dubai Phil is clearly trying to muddy the takeover waters with what can only be described as LIES!!!! Ah but the truth is out there. I could of course repeat the exercise as Saudi Phil, which would of course cover the variations from the Magic Kingdom, or maybe Peshawar Phil where the sort of Friday afternoon & Sunday thing works Or I could in fact be covering up the fact that it is really me that is buying the club using the leveraged buyout techniques that my Golf Buddy gave me enabling me to take my 36 Dirhams from the back of the sofa, a couple of old photocopies of a blokes mortgage bill I found in a dustbin in Miami and turn them into 30 mil of debt, or of course it could be that the whole Charlton thing was a smokescreen to get Rupert to drop his price. Or not as the case may or may not be. Don't you LOVE takeover threads
Amesbury Saint Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 A mate down the pub said something will happen tomorrow. I speculated whether it was a takeover, administration or collapse of another bank. He said it would have an impact on saints. mind you he has been wrong everytime with his Saints rumours.
Roman Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 A mate down the pub said something will happen tomorrow. I speculated whether it was a takeover, administration or collapse of another bank. He said it would have an impact on saints. mind you he has been wrong everytime with his Saints rumours. So that just about sums it up really. This is not takeover thread - and the rumours of a takeover are so old and unreliable they're turned to dust. I've just spent a small fortune (which I could have invested in some desirable Southampton shares) on a dial-up from the wilds of Pakistan, only to discover that everyone here has been reading too much James Joyce. Thanks v. much.
St Marco Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 So if we don't get taken over tommorow then can we say it is official Nick Illingworth is a tit once and for all?
DT Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 A mate down the pub said something will happen tomorrow. I speculated whether it was a takeover, administration or collapse of another bank. He said it would have an impact on saints. mind you he has been wrong everytime with his Saints rumours. FlyBe collapse?
Delmary Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 Saints annual accounts will be published soon. A good time to announce new investment?
dubai_phil Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 Charlton jumped the gun with their announcement?
Andy_Porter Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 Charlton jumped the gun with their announcement? Didn't they go to West Ham instead?
trousers Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 A mate down the pub said something will happen tomorrow. He said it would have an impact on saints. A positive or negative impact? Ta
thorpie the sinner Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 Does anybody know just how many 'tomorrow's the day' days we have had!!? Just wanted to know what time to stop refreshing the screen!! 9am??? Being a Saints fan has made an old, romantic cancerian extremely cynical!!
dubai_phil Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 Didn't they go to West Ham instead? Charlton have taken over West Ham? Crikes I knew the Icelandic bloke was in trouble......
trousers Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 Does anybody know just how many 'tomorrow's the day' days we have had!!? 47.
Weston Super Saint Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 47. I think you missed the two Tuesdays and the Thursday. I make it 51 :shock:
NickG Posted 14 October, 2008 Posted 14 October, 2008 due to ALL ITKs being shown to be attention seeking liars I was sceptical, until I noticed that on 7 October, £3.73 was spent on 14 shares - surely significant?
Window Cleaner Posted 15 October, 2008 Posted 15 October, 2008 so, todays the day then is it ;-) Apparently, but so was last Wednesday, and the one before and the Friday before that.....
saint lard Posted 15 October, 2008 Posted 15 October, 2008 so, todays the day then is it ;-) I am moist with excitement in anticipation of the announcement that is due today.
Ponty Posted 15 October, 2008 Posted 15 October, 2008 I sense some cynicism. You'd have though this would excite people. Talk about fickle!
Scummer Posted 15 October, 2008 Posted 15 October, 2008 FlyBe collapse? Why are you so obsessed with Flybe going bust? As several of us told you last week, they only announced big profits recently.
Weston Super Saint Posted 15 October, 2008 Posted 15 October, 2008 I'm so excited I could crush a grape :shock:
dubai_phil Posted 15 October, 2008 Posted 15 October, 2008 So when is the pressconference? hahahahahahahahahahahha best one of the day
thorpie the sinner Posted 15 October, 2008 Posted 15 October, 2008 another day of hope and disappointment awaits!!!
Saint Billy Posted 15 October, 2008 Posted 15 October, 2008 I popped my anus grape if that counts. How much to do a British Bulldog?
krissyboy31 Posted 15 October, 2008 Posted 15 October, 2008 due to ALL ITKs being shown to be attention seeking liars I was sceptical, until I noticed that on 7 October, £3.73 was spent on 14 shares - surely significant? Exactly! 15 shares and they would have had to announce it to the LSE there and then.
Window Cleaner Posted 15 October, 2008 Posted 15 October, 2008 another day of hope and disappointment awaits!!! No-one will be disappointed, no-one believes these scams any more anyway. Surprise is the only possible outcome.
bridge too far Posted 15 October, 2008 Posted 15 October, 2008 Have you noticed how everyone is posting sarcastic / cynical comments? Are they the same people who are secretly sitting at their computers, constantly F5ing and with their fingers crossed? Like me
Mole Posted 15 October, 2008 Posted 15 October, 2008 FlyBe collapse? Couldn't give a **** what happens to Flybe, but if Monarch goes bust i'll be mightily ****ed off.
Weston Saint Posted 15 October, 2008 Posted 15 October, 2008 Not going to happen imo. Too many false dawns. Too much chatter from those who are involved. Too much like the "tommac" incident without the comic postings.
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